46 minute read
These published works have been authored by SOPH staff and associated researchers including post-doctoral fellows. The work of SOPH Honorary and Extraordinary Professors is included only where the publication is undertaken in relation to the School.
From theses to articles: Publishing from the Master and doctoral programmes
Eight MPH graduates have converted their mini-theses into articles which have been published in accredited research journals. This attests to the quality of research conducted by these Master-level students, and is a significant marker of effective research capacity development in SOPH. The burgeoning doctoral programme gives opportunities for early engagement in research through completing the PhD by publications or publishing research articles following completion of the PhD by monograph. In 2019 and 2020, 28 PhD students/graduates in Public Health produced 44 peer-reviewed publications in accredited health research journals. These are included in the publications list on these page – all student publications being marked with an *.
Shung-King M, Lake L, Sanders D & Hendricks M (eds). (2019). South African Child Gauge 2019. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town.
Chapters in books
Sanders D, Hendricks M, Kroll F, Puoane T, Ramokolo V, Swart R & Tsolekile L (eds). (2019). The triple burden of malnutrition in childhood: Causes, policy implementation and recommendations. In ShungKing M, Lake L, Sanders D & Hendricks, M (eds). South African Child Gauge 2019. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, pp 145-160. Schneider H, Daviaud E, Besada D, Rhode S & Sanders D. (2020). Ward-based primary health care outreach teams in South Africa. In Perry HB(ed). Health for the people: National Community Health Worker Programs from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Washington DC: USAID, pp.363-380.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
*Adebiyi BO, Mukumbang FC, Cloete LG & Beytell AM. (2019). Policy makers’ perspectives towards developing a guideline to inform policy on foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), p.945. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16060945 *Adebiyi BO, Mukumbang FC & Erasmus C. (2019). The distribution of available prevention and management interventions for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (2007 to 2017): Implications for collaborative actions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(12), p.2244. doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph16122244 *Adebiyi BO, Mukumbang FC & Beytell AM.(2019). To what extent is Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder considered in policy-related documents in South Africa? A document review. Health Research Policy and Systems, 17. doi.org/10.1186/s12961-019-0447-9 Absetz P, Van Olmen J, Guwatudde D, Puoane T, Alvesson HM, Delobelle P, Mayega R, Kasujja F, Naggayi G, Timm L & Hassen M. (2020). SMART2D— development and contextualization of community strategies to support self-management in prevention and control of type 2 diabetes in Uganda, South Africa, and Sweden. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), pp.25-34. doi.org/10.1093/tbm/ibz188 *Adom T, Kengne AP, De Villiers A & Puoane T. (2019). Association between school-level attributes and weight status of Ghanaian primary school children. BMC Public Health, 19. doi.org/10.1186/s12889-0196937-4 *Adom T, De Villiers A, Puoane T & Kengne AP. (2019). Prevalence and correlates of overweight and obesity among school children in an urban district in Ghana. BMC Obesity, 6(1), p.14. doi.org/10.1186/ s40608-019-0234-8 *Adom T, Kengne AP, De Villiers A, Boatin R & Puoane T. (2020). Diagnostic accuracy of body mass index in defining childhood obesity: Analysis of crosssectional data from Ghanaian children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), p.36. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17010036 Agyapong NAF, Annan RA, Apprey C, Aduku LN & Swart EC. (2020). The association between dietary consumption, anthropometric measures and body composition of rural and urban Ghanaian adults: A comparative cross-sectional study. BMC Nutrition, 6, pp.1-12. doi.org/10.1186/s40795-020-00339-6 Al-Murani F, Aweko J, Nordin I, Delobelle P, Kasujja FX, Östenson CG, Peterson SS, Daivadanam M & Alvesson HM. (2019). Community and stakeholders’
engagement in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study in socioeconomically disadvantaged suburbs in region Stockholm. Global Health Action, 12(1), p.1609313. *Amde WK, Marchal B, Sanders D & Lehmann U. (2019). Determinants of effective organisational capacity training: lessons from a training programme on health workforce development with participants from three African countries. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.1557. doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7883-x *Amde WK, Sanders D, Sidat M, Nzayirambaho M, Haile-Mariam D & Lehmann U. (2020). The politics and practice of initiating a public health postgraduate programme in three universities in sub-Saharan Africa: The challenges of alignment and coherence. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(52), pp.114. doi.org/10.1186/s12939-020-01163-x Arku RE, Brauer M, Ahmed SH, AlHabib KF, Avezum Á, Bo J, Choudhury T, Dans AM, Gupta R, Iqbal R, Ismail N & Puoane T. (2020). Long-term exposure to outdoor and household air pollution and blood pressure in the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study. Environmental Pollution, 262, p.114197. doi. org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114197 Ashigbie PG, Laing RO, Wirtz VJ, Nkrumah N, Kemboi A & Nwokike J. (2020). Registration timelines of antiretroviral medicines in Ghana and Kenya. Aids, 34(7), pp.1093-1095. doi: 10.1097/ QAD.0000000000002514 Ashish KC, Gurung R,*Kinney MV, Sunny AK, Moinuddin M, Basnet O, Paudel P, Bhattarai P, Subedi K, Shrestha MP & Lawn JE. (2020). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal: A prospective observational study. The Lancet Global Health, 8(10), pp.e1273-e1281. *Assegaai T & Schneider H. (2019). National guidance and district-level practices in the supervision of community health workers in South Africa: A qualitative study. Human Resources for Health, 17. doi. org/10.1080/16549716.2019.1609313 *Assegaai T & Schneider H. (2019). The supervisory relationships of community health workers in primary health care: Social network analysis of ward-based outreach teams in Ngaka Modiri Molema District, South Africa. BMJ Global Health, 4(6). doi.org/10.1136/ bmjgh-2019-001839 Beran D, Laing RO, Kaplan W, Knox R, Sharma A, Wirtz V.J, Frye J, Ewen M. (2019). A perspective on global access to insulin: A descriptive study of the market, trade flows and prices. Diabetic Medicine, 36(6), pp.726-733. doi.org/10.1111/dme.13947 Bhavadharini B, Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Sheridan P, Mohan V, Iqbal R, Gupta R, Lear S, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Avezum A & Tsolekile L. (2020). Association of dairy consumption with metabolic syndrome, hypertension and diabetes in 147 812 individuals from 21 countries. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 8(1), p.e000826. doi.org/10.1136/ bmjdrc-2019-000826j Bigdeli M, Rouffy B, Lane BD, Schmets G, Soucat A, The Bellagio Group. (2020). Health systems governance: The missing links. BMJ Global Health, 5, e002533. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002533 *Birungi FM, Graham SM, Uwimana J, Musabimana A & Van Wyk B. (2019). Adherence to isoniazid preventive therapy among child contactsin Rwanda: A mixed-methods study. PLOS ONE, 14(2): e0211934. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0211934 Bodini C, Baum F, Labonté R, Legge D, Sanders D, Sengupta A. (2019). Methodological challenges in researching activism in action: civil society engagement towards health for all. Critical Public Health, 19:1. doi. org/10.1080/09581596.2019.1650892 Boulle A, Davies M.A, Hussey H, Ismail M, Morden E, Vundle Z, Zweigenthal V, Mahomed H, Paleker M, Pienaar D, Tembo Y, … Schneider H, et al. (2020). Risk factors for COVID-19 death in a population cohort study from the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Clinical infectious diseases, ciaa1198. https:// academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ cid/ciaa1198/5899044 Boydell V, Schaaf M, George A, Brinkerhoff DW, Van Belle S & Khosla R. (2019). Building a transformative agenda for accountability in SRHR: Lessons learned from SRHR and accountability literatures. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 27(2), pp.64-75. https:// www.tandfonline.com/loi/zrhm21 Boyes ME, Cluver LD, Meinck F, Casale M & Newnham E. (2019). Mental health in South African adolescents living with HIV: Correlates of internalising and externalising symptoms. AIDS Care, 31(1), pp.95104. doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2018.1524121 Boyes ME, Pantelic M, Casale M, Toska E, Newnham E & Cluver LD. (2020). Prospective associations between bullying victimisation, internalised stigma, and mental health in South African adolescents living with HIV. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276(1), pp.418423. doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.101 Brady L, De Vries S, Gallow R, George A, Gilson L, Louw M, Martin AW, Shamis, Stuart T. (2019). Paramedics, poetry, and film: health policy and systems research at the intersection of theory, art, and practice. Human Resources for Health, 17(1), p.64. Brown A, Harries J, Cooper D & Morroni C. (2019). Perspectives on contraceptive implant use in women living with HIV in Cape Town, South Africa: A qualitative study among primary healthcare providers and stakeholders. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.1003. doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7312-1 *Cailhol J, Gilson L & Lehmann U. (2019). A decade of aid co-ordination in post-conflict Burundi’s health sector. Globalization and Health, 15(1), p.25. doi. org/10.1186/s12992-019-0464-z Campbell L, Masquillier C, Thunnissen E, Ariyo E, Tabana H, *Sematlane N, *Delport A, *Dube LT, Knight L, Flechner TK & Wouters E. (2020). Social and structural determinants of household support for ART adherence in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), p.3808.
Carbone N.B, Njala J, Jackson DJ, Eliya M.T, Chilangwa C, Tseka J, Zulu T, Chinkonde J.R, Sherman J, Zimba C and Mofolo IA. (2019). “I would love if there was a young woman to encourage us, to ease our anxiety which we would have if we were alone”: Adapting the Mothers2Mothers Mentor Mother Model for adolescent mothers living with HIV in Malawi. PLOS ONE, 14(6). doi.org/10.1371/journal Casale M, Boyes M, Pantelic M, Toska E & Cluver L. (2019). Suicidal thoughts and behaviour among South African adolescents living with HIV: Can social support buffer the impact of stigma? Journal of Affective Disorders, 245, pp.82-90. doi.org/10.1016/j. jad.2018.10.102 Casale M, Carlqvist A & Cluver L. (2019). Recent Interventions to improve retention in HIV care and adherence to antiretroviral treatment among adolescents and youth: A systematic review. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 33(6), pp.237-252. doi: 10.1089/ apc.2018.0320 Casale M. (2020). COVID-19: Can this crisis be transformative for global health? Global Public Health, 15(11), pp.1740-1752. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1811366 Catley D, Puoane T, Goggin K, Tsolekile LP, Resnicow K, Fleming K, Smyth J.M, Hurley E.A, Schlachter S, Vitolins M.Z, Lambert E.V, Hassen M, Muhali K & Schoor R. (2020). Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low-and middle-income countries: preliminary implementation findings from lifestyle Africa. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), pp.46–54. doi.org/10.1093/tbm/ibz187 Catley D, Puoane T, Tsolekile L, Resnicow K, Fleming K, Hurley EA, Smyth JM, Vitolins MZ, Lambert EV, Levitt N & Goggin K. (2019). Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low- and middle-income countries: Protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate ‘Lifestyle Africa’. BMJ Open, 9(11). doi. org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031400 Cleary S, Orangi S, Garman E, Tabani H, Schneider M & Lund C. (2020). Economic burden of maternal depression among women with a low income in Cape Town, South Africa. BJPsych Open, 6(3). doi. org/10.1192/bjo.2020.15 Cooper D, Green G, Tembo D, *Christie S. (2019). Levels of resilience and delivery of HIV care in response to urban violence and crime. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(8), pp.1723-1731. doi.org/10.1111/jan.14022 Corbin JH, Mweemba O, Ottemöller FG, Pederson A, Leitch S, Boston-Fisher N, Matenga TFL, Delobelle P, Ayele C & Wicker J. (2020). Deconstructing hegemonic epistemologies: An urgent call for antiracist scholarship for health promotion and Black lives. Editorial. Health Promotion International, 35, pp 889-891. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa108 Coutsoudis A, Sanders D, Dhansay M.A, Van Stuijvenberg ME & Benn CS. (2019). Is it time for South Africa to end the routine high-dose vitamin A supplementation programme? SAMJ: South African Medical Journal, 109(12), pp.907-910. doi.org/10.7196/ samj.2019.v109i12.14203 *De Jong M, Collins A & Plüg S. (2019). “To be healthy to me is to be free”: How discourses of freedom are used to construct healthiness among young South African adults. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 14(1), p.1603518. doi. org/10.1080/17482631.2019.1603518 De Man J, Aweko J, Daivadanam M, Alvesson HM, Delobelle P, Mayega RW, Östenson CG, Kirunda B, Kasujja FX, Guwattude D, Puoane T, Sanders D, Peterson S, Tomson G, Sundberg CJ, Absetz P, Van Olmen J. (2019). Diabetes self-management in three different income settings: Cross-learning of barriers and opportunities. PLOS ONE, 14(3), p.e0213530. doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213530 De Man J, Wouters E, Delobelle P, Puoane T, Daivadanam M, Absetz P, Remmen R & Van Olmen J. (2020). Testing a self-determination theory model of healthy eating in a South African township. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, p.2181. Delobelle P. (2019). Big tobacco, alcohol, and food and NCDs in LMICs: An inconvenient truth and call to action; Comment on “Addressing NCDs: Challenges from industry market promotion and interferences”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 8(12), pp.727–731. Doherty T, Horwood C, Haskins L, Magasana V, Goga A, Feucht U, Sanders D, Tylleskar T, Kauchali S, Dhansay MA & Rollins N. (2020). Breastfeeding advice for reality: Women’s perspectives on primary care support in South Africa. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 16(1), p.e12877. Doherty T & *Kinney M. (2019). Low birthweight: Will new estimates accelerate progress?. The Lancet Global Health, 7(7), pp.e809-e810. https://www.thelancet. com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(19)30041-5/ fulltext#back-bib1 Duong M, Islam S, Rangarajan S, Leong D, Kurmi O, Teo K, Killian K, Dagenais G, Lear S, Wielgosz A, Nair, S & Igumbor EU. (2019). Mortality and cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity in individuals with impaired FEV1 (PURE): An international, communitybased cohort study. The Lancet Global Health, 7(5), pp.e613-e623. doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30070-1 *Dutton J & Knight L. (2020). Reproducing neglect in the place of care: Normalised violence within Cape Town midwifery obstetric units. Agenda, 34:1, pp.1422. doi.org/10.1080/10130950.2019.1704481 *Dzomeku V, Van Wyk B & Lori J. (2019). An integrative literature review of interventions addressing knowledge, attitudes, and skills of health team to achieve best maternal outcomes. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, 7(4), pp.1971-1980. http://jmrh.mums.ac.ir/article_13477.html Egbe CO, London L, Kalideen S, Delobelle P & Datay I.(2020). The need to regulate electronic cigarettes amidst health concerns: Let’s follow the evidence. South African Medical Journal, 110(3), pp.178-179. doi. org/10.7196/SAMJ.2020.v110i3.14568
*Erasmus MO, Knight L & Dutton J. (2020). Barriers to accessing maternal health care amongst pregnant adolescents in South Africa: A qualitative study. International Journal of Public Health, 65, pp. 469–476. doi.org/10.1007/s00038-020-01374-7 Essack Z, Ngcobo N, Van der Pol N, Knight L, Rochat T, Mkhize M & Van Rooyen H. (2019). Refining interventions through formative research: A focus on ethical considerations in a family-based homebased counselling and testing (FBCT) intervention in KwaZulu-Natal. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 15(3), p. 153-162. doi. org/10.1177%2F1556264619885214 Falconer NS, Casale M, Kuo C, Nyberg BJ, Hillis SD & Cluver LD.(2020). Factors that protect children from community violence: Applying the INSPIRE model to a sample of South African children. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi.org/10.1177%2F0886260519898425 Fuhr DC, Weobong B, Lazarus A, Vanobberghen F, Weiss HA, Singla DR, Tabana H, Afonso E, De Sa A, D’Souza E, Joshi A, Korgaonkar P, Krishna R, Price LN, Rahman A & Patel V. (2019). Delivering the Thinking Healthy Programme for perinatal depression through peers: An individually randomised controlled trial in India. Lancet Psychiatry, 6(2), pp.115-127. doi. org/10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30466-8 George AS, Amin A, GarcÍa-Moreno C & Sen G. ( 2019). Gender equality and health: Laying the foundations for change. The Lancet, 393(10189), pp.2369-2371. doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30987-0 George A, LeFevre AE, *Jacobs T, *Kinney M, Buse K, Chopra M, Daelmans B, Haakenstad A, Huicho L, Khosla R, Rasanathan K, Sanders D, Singh NS, Tiffin N, Ved R, Zaidi SA & Schneider H. (2019). Lenses and levels: The why, what and how of measuring health system drivers of women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health with a governance focus. BMJ Global Health, 4(Suppl 4), p.e001316. doi.org/10.1136/ bmjgh-2018-001316 George A, McConville F, De Vries S, Nigenda G, Sarfraz S & McIsaac M. (2020) Violence against women health workers: The tip of the iceberg of gender power relations in global health. BMJ, 371:m354. doi. org/10.1136/bmj.m3546 George A, Olivier J, Glandon D, Kapilashrami A & Gilson L. (2019). Health systems for all in the SDG era: Key reflections based on the Liverpool statement for the fifth global symposium on health systems research. Health Policy and Planning, 34(Supplement_2), pp.ii135-ii138. doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czz115 George AS, Amin A, De Abreu Lopes CM & Ravindran TS. (2020). Structural determinants of gender inequality: Why they matter for adolescent girls’ sexual and reproductive health. BMJ, 368. doi. org/10.1136/bmj.l6985 Gilson L, Ellokor S, Lehmann U & Brady L. (2020). Organizational change and everyday health system resilience: Lessons from Cape Town, South Africa. Social Science & Medicine, 266, p.113407. doi. org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113407 Gilson L, Marchal B, Ayepong I, Barasa E, Dossou J, George A, Guinaran R, Maceira D, Molyneux S, Prashanth NS, Schneider H, Shawar Y, Shiffman JR, Sheikh K, Spicer N, Van Belle S & Whyle E. (2020). What role can health policy and systems research play in supporting responses to COVID-19 that strengthen socially just health systems? Health Policy and Planning, 35(9) pp.1231–1236. doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czaa112 Glandon D, Mondal S, *Okeyo I, Zaidi S, Khan M.S, Dar O & Bennett S. (2019). Methodological gaps and opportunities for studying multisectoral collaboration for health in low-and middle-income countries. Health Policy and Planning, 34(Supplement_2), pp.ii7-ii17. doi. org/10.1093/heapol/czz116 Goga A, Singh Y, Jackson D, Mukungunugwa S, Wafula R, Eliya M, Ng’ambi W.F, Nabitaka L, Chirinda W, Bhardwaj S & Essajee S. (2019). How are countries in sub-Saharan African monitoring the impact of programmes to prevent vertical transmission of HIV?. BMJ, 364, p.l660. doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l660 Goga A, Singh Y, Jackson D, Pillay Y, Bhardwaj S, Chirinda W, Hayashi C, Essajee S & Idele, P. (2019). Is elimination of vertical transmission of HIV in high prevalence settings achievable?. BMJ, 364, p.l687. doi. org/10.1136/bmj.l687 Goga AE, Dinh TH, Essajee S, Chirinda W, Larsen A, Mogashoa M, Jackson D, Cheyip M, Ngandu N, Modi S & Bhardwaj S. (2019). What will it take for the Global Plan priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV? BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1), p.783. doi.org/10.1186/s12879019-4393-5 Goga A, Doherty T, Manda S, Nkwenika T, Haskins L, John V, Ingunn M S, Engebretsen IMS., Feucht U, Dhansay A, Rollins N, Kroon M, Sanders D, Kauchali S, Tylleskär T & Horwood, C. (2020). Translating new evidence into clinical practice: A quasi-experimental controlled before–after study evaluating the effect of a novel outreach mentoring approach on knowledge, attitudes and confidence of health workers providing HIV and infant feeding counselling in South Africa. BMJ Open; 10:e034770. 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034770 Gutreuter S, Igumbor E, Wabiri N, Desai M & Durand L. (2019). Improving estimates of district HIV prevalence and burden in South Africa using small area estimation techniques. PLOS ONE, 14(2): e0212445. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212445 Hanson K, Rasanathan K & George A. (2019). The state of health policy and systems research: reflections from the 2018 5th Global Symposium. Health Policy and Planning, 34(Supp 2), p.ii1-ii3. doi.org/10.1093/heapol/ czz113 *Hill J, Mchiza Z, Puoane T & Steyn NP. (2019). The development of an evidence-based street food vending model within a socioecological framework: A guide for African countries. PLOS ONE, 14(10), p.e0223535. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/ journal.pone.0223535
*Hill J, Mchiza Z, Puoane T & Steyn NP.( 2019). Food sold by street-food vendors in Cape Town and surrounding areas: A focus on food and nutrition knowledge as well as practices related to food preparation of street-food vendors. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 14(3), pp.401-415. doi.org/1 0.1080/19320248.2018.1434104 Horwood C, Haskins L, Goga A, Doherty T, John V, Engebretsen I.M, Feucht U, Rollins N, Kroon M, Sanders D & Tylleskar T. (2020). An educational intervention to update health workers about HIV and infant feeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition, (16(2), p.e12922. doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12922 Humphries H, Osman F, Knight L & Karim QA. (2019). Who is sexually active? Using a multi-component sexual activity profile (MSAP) to explore, identify and describe sexually-active high-school students in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.317. doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-6602-y Hunt GM, Ledwaba J, Salimo A, Kalimashe M, Dinh TH, Jackson D, Sherman G, Puren A, Ngandu, NK, Lombard C & Morris L. (2019). Prevalence of HIV-1 drug resistance amongst newly diagnosed HIVinfected infants age 4–8 weeks, enrolled in three nationally representative PMTCT effectiveness surveys, South Africa: 2010, 2011–12 and 2012–13. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1), p.787. doi.org/10.1186/ s12879-019-4339-y Hystad P, Duong M, Brauer M, Larkin A, Arku R, Kurmi O.P, Fan W.Q, Avezum A, Azam I, Chifamba J,Dans A, Du Plessis JL, Gupta R, Kumar R, Lanas F, Liu Z, Lu Y, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mony P, Mohan V, Mohan D, Nair S, Puoane T, Rahman O, Lap A.T, Wang Y, Wei L, Yeates K, Rangarajan S, Teo K & Yusuf S [on behalf of Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) Study investigators]. (2019). Health effects of household solid fuel use: Findings from 11 countries within the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology Study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 127(5), p.057003. doi.org/10.1289/EHP3915. Jackson DJ, Dinh TH, Lombard CJ, Sherman GG & Goga AE. (2019). An approach for evaluating early and long term mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) in low- and middle-income countries: A South African experience. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1), pp.1-8. doi.org/10.1186/s12879-019-4336-1 Jennings L, George AS, *Jacobs T, Blanchet K & Singh NS. (2019). A forgotten group during humanitarian crises: A systematic review of sexual and reproductive health interventions for young people including adolescents in humanitarian settings. Conflict and Health, 13(1), p.57. doi.org/10.1186/s13031-019-0240-y Kabongo EM, Mukumbang FC, Delobelle P & Nicol E. (2019). Understanding the influence of the MomConnect programme on antenatal and postnatal care service utilisation in two South African provinces: A realist evaluation protocol. 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Newspaper articles/blogs/podcasts – and policy briefs
Brady L, Notywala A, Ryklief A, Swartbooi N, Van Ryneveld M & Whyle E. (2020). The power of people caring for those affected by Covid-19. Daily Maverick, 13 April 2020. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/ article/2020-04-13-the-power-of-people-caring-forthose-affected-by-covid-19/ CAN Activists (2020). Cape Town Together: Organising in a city of islands. Daily Maverick, 30 June 2020. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/202006-30-cape-town-together-organising-in-a-city-ofislands/ Casale, M. (2020). A stronger and more united Africa? Africa in Fact, Issue 55, October 2020. https://gga.org/ author/marisa-casale/ Doherty T, George A & Tomlinson M. (2020). We need to act now for the sake of our children. The Journalist, 25 August 2020. http://www.thejournalist.org.za/ spotlight/we-need-to-act-now-for-the-sake-of-ourchildren/ Doherty T, Lake L, Kroon M, Witten C, Rhoda N & Sanders D. (2019). Conflict of interest and the infant formula industry - a call to action. thebmjopinio,3 October 2019. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2019/10/03/ conflict-of-interest-and-the-infant-formula-industrya-call-to-action/ George A, LeFevre A & Ved R. (2019). Taming the Wild West of digital health innovation. Project Syndicate, 11 June 2019. https://www.project-syndicate.org/ commentary/global-health-digital-innovationaccountability-by-asha-george-et-al-2019-06 George A, Ved R & Lefevre A. (2019). Digital tech can boost health. Mail & Guardian, 28 June 2019. https:// mg.co.za/article/2019-06-28-00-digital-tech-canboost-health?fbclid=IwAR2pD6RlKIiTfSUZuw2yC_ Q6LuWeLJw8_nLHDtgaU2j3ThoJEw3H9n1Z9KA#. XWYeUjT8uUB.facebook George A. (2019). When gender bias creates unequal health systems. Player FM. Opinion has it, 12 August 2019. https://player.fm/series/opinion-has-it/whengender-bias-creates-unequal-health-systems-ashageorge Gilson L. & Lehmann U. (2020). Reflections on COVID-19 from health systems perspectives: Digest 1&2&3. Collaboration for Health Systems Analysis and Innovation (CHESAI), 21 April 2020. http://chesai.org/ index.php/about-us/blog/116-reflections-on-covid-19from-a-health-systems-perspective-digest-1-2-3 Kalideen S, London L, Egbe C, Delobelle P & Datay I. 2019. A fit of the vapers. The case against e-cigarretes.Daily Maverick, 28 May 2019. https://www. dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-05-28-a-fit-of-thevapers-the-case-against-e-cigarettes *Kinney M. (2020). Collaboration for health systems analysis and innovation (CHESAI). Evaluating women’s voice in the politics of new born health, Tweet, 3 March 2020, viewed 05 March 2020, http://www. chesai.org/index.php/about-us/blog/114-elevatingwomen-s-voice-in-the-politics-of-newborn-health London L, Delobelle P, Egbe C & Kalideen S. (2019). Claims and evidence: How safe is vaping? University of the Western Cape School of Public Health – Latest News, 11 November 2019. http://www.uwcsoph.co.za/ index.php/about/news-and-announcements/latestnews/282-claims-and-evidence-how-safe-is-vaping Olamijuwon, E, Dake, FAA, Somefun, OD. (2020). Flaws in the collection of African population statistics block COVID-19 insights. August 3, 2020, The Conversation. Reynolds, L & Sanders D. (2019). To have or not to have an NHI. Daily Maverick, 22 August 2019. https:// www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-08-22-to-haveor-not-to-have-an-nhi Schneider H. (2019). Assessing community health worker programme governanace: A guiding Framework. CHW Central, August 2019.https://www. chwcentral.org/blog/assessing-community-healthworker-programme-governance-guiding-framework Somefun OD. and Adebay K. (2020). Africa’s research ecosystem needs a culture of mentoring. The Conversation, 4 August 2020. https://theconversation. com/africas-research-ecosystem-needs-a-culture-ofmentoring-143030 Somefun, AD & Casale, M. (2020). How to keep adolescents’ social networks strong in a disrupted world. The Conversation, 15 October 2020. https:// theconversation.com/how-to-keep-adolescents-socialnetworks-strong-in-a-disrupted-world-147688 Somefun, O. (2020). Weathering the Storm: COVID-19 and the case for Universal Basic Income in Nigeria. June 12, 2020, The Republic. June/July 2020, Special Focus: Covid-19.
S OMEFUN , OD. (2021). Sexual and reproductive health interventions to build resilience in youth. February 9, 2021, The African Academy of Sciences Tomlinson M, George AS & Doherty T. (2020). Drastic action is needed to ensure a better future for South Africa’s children. The Conversation, 3 March 2020. https://theconversation.com/drastic-action-isneeded-to-ensure-a-better-future-for-south-africaschildren-132291 Van Ryneveld M, Lehmann U & Schneider H. (2020). Stronger governance is at the heart of addressing the health workforce crisis. Spotlight, 7 September 2020. https://www.spotlightnsp.co.za/2020/09/07/strongergovernance-is-at-the-heart-of-addressing-the-healthworkforce-crisis/ Van Ryneveld, M. (2019). PHASA 2019 Reflections: The right to health after 25 years of democracy. Health-E News, 01 October 2019. https://health-e.org. za/2019/10/01/phasa-2019-reflections-the-right-tohealth-25-years-into-our-constitutional-democracy/ Whyle E, Van Ryneveld M, Brady L & Radebe B. (2020). Sparks, flames and blazes: Epidemiological and social firefighting for Covid-19. Daily Maverick, 24 April 2020. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-04-24sparks-flames-and-blazes-epidemiological-and-socialfirefighting-for-covid-19/ Whyle E, Van Ryneveld, M & Brady L. (2019). Ten Questions about Sizani Universal Healthcare -the DA’s answer to NHI. Health-E News, 16 September 2019. https://health-e.org.za/2019/09/16/10-questions-aboutsizani-universal-healthcare-the-das-answer-to-nhi/
Technical reports
Barasa E, *Mothupi MC, Guleid F, Nwosu C, Kabia E, Araba D, Orangi S, Muraya K, Gitaka J & Marsh K. (2020). Health and socio-economic impacts of physical distancing for COVID-19 in Africa. Nairobi: Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). Barasa E, *Mothupi MC, Guleid F, Nwosu C, Kabia E, Araba D, Orangi S, Muraya K, Gitaka J and Marsh K. (2020). What are the health and socio-economic impacts of physical distancing in African countries and how can they be mitigated? Policy Brief. Health and socio-economic impacts of physical distancing for COVID-19 in Africa. Nairobi: Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). *Okeyo I, Lehmann U & Schneider H. (2020). The First Thousand Days within the Western Cape Whole of Society Approach: Lessons for the collaborative governance of intersectoral action for health. Technical Report. Cape Town: School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape. Schneider H with the Chaminuka Collective. (2019). Lenses, metaphors and research priorities on community health systems. Workshop Report. Chaminuka Lodge, Lusaka, Zambia, 10-14 June 2019. UNICEF (Casale M). (2020). Beyond Masks: Societal impacts of COVID-19 and accelerated solutions for children and adolescents.
Written by staff of the School of Public Health Conceptualised by Uta Lehmann and Penny Morrell Compiled and co-ordinated by Uta Lehmann, Penny Morrell, Carnita Ernest and Tamlin Petersen Edited by Penny Morrell Design by www.themediachilli.co.za
School of Public Health University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville, 7535 South Africa
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