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The University of the Western Cape (UWC) acknowledged top-achieving fi rst-year applicants when the Student Enrolment Management Unit (SEMU) hosted an event to welcome them and their parents. A total of 21 students – the top three from each of UWC’s seven faculties –were recognised at the inaugural function in February.

For 18-year-old Tatum Titus from George, a student in the Faculty of Education, choosing UWC was not a difficult decision. “I heard a lot of good things about UWC and that motivated my decision. I really enjoy it here, especially the people, who are so social and friendly. I really want my stay at UWC to broaden my outlook on life and my studies,” she said. Tatum is following in the footsteps of her aunt and guardian, Claudette Stanley, a UWC alumna who attended the event. “I was a graduate here in 2009 and it’s been a long time, but we are glad she chose UWC and whatever she does we will support her. There is so much she can learn here,” said Stanley.

For dentistry first-year student Geriant Segelaar, being accepted by his firstchoice university was a proud moment. “I am enjoying it. The course itself is not too challenging at the moment but it’s still early days. I am very happy to be here,” he said. Segelaar’s father, Reginald Greef, was pleased with his son’s choice because he also studied at UWC. “It’s been an amazing journey for us as parents and it gives us great joy to see our son attending my alma mater,” he said.

UWC’s rector and vice-chancellor, Professor Tyrone Pretorius, applauded the group for their achievements and for choosing the university as their academic home for the next few years.


“You have been selected from 170,000 prospective students that applied to us. That tells you how special you are. I commend you on your outstanding achievements and you have proven yourselves as the brightest minds among your peers,” he said.

This is the start of your journey with UWC but not the start of your life journey. I want to encourage you that you are as much a part of this institution as anybody else.

The director of SEMU, Laurence Corner, closed the event with words of motivation. “This is the start of your journey with UWC but not the start of your life journey. I want to encourage you that you are as much a part of this institution as anybody else. Take part in everything that UWC has to offer. In three years’ time, we hope that as you walk across the stage at graduation we hear the joyful sounds of parents, guardians, friends and family celebrating you.”

The Association for Savings and Investment South Africa says the country has one of the lowest savings rates, a trend that has persisted for several years. And StatsSA says household saving rates dropped to 0% by the end of 2022.

But a University of the Western Cape (UWC) law graduate, master’s student and graduate tutor coordinator, Ivyn Sambo, is looking to change this culture on campus. Known as the “student investor guy”, Sambo’s passion for financial literacy has made him an influencer in the space, on and off campus. He has one of the highestrated podcasts in the country.

His inherent love for investment, budgeting and money matters dates back to his high school years when he lived in Mpumalanga with his grandmother. She worked as a messenger and driver for the Human

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