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Symply the ‘Best

HAVE YOU ‘EXPLORED’ YOUR CAMPUS ONLINE CAREER XPLORA PORTAL? Do you know that you have access 24/7/365? This is a comprehensive, web-based career service management solution for careers service staff , students and recruiters.

What do students say about Career Xplora?

“I value Career Xplora especially the job board because I always get notifi cation via emails and I got an internship through this site and I know most people went to the interview through this site. I also did my CV and used the mock interview tool where I learn basic things about the interview which helped me and enhance my knowledge about the job search”.

“Career Xplora is amazing because it is everything you need in one system and it is very easy to navigate. It gives me notifi cations of jobs which I am interested in and I get to choose from those rather than having to search through countless job ads which I have no interest in.”

Launched in 2017, Career Xplora enhances our University’s brand, the effi ciency and quality of our services, and increased student confi dence in their job search. The consequence was winning the award for the ‘Best Work Readiness Initiative’ at the South African Graduate Employers Association Awards in November 2019.

Check out the job search skill services and prospective employers. Log onto Career Xplora by visiting https://uwc-csm.symplicity.com/ select the STUDENT tab and sign in with your Ikamva details. CU



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