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GREETINGS TO THE UWC SPORTS COMMUNITY and the campus at large. Compliments of the new year and a warm welcome to all first-year students. I hope the journey you are beginning at UWC is full of nothing but positive energy and success in all aspects of your university life. And a big welcome back to all returning students. The UWC Sports Council is quite excited about the year ahead of us. The year 2022 was filled with many lows that we believe were countered by greater highs. We faced many difficulties and challenges but managed to finish the year in a way that surely reflects the perseverance, dedication, determination and fighting spirit of the Sports Council.
THE SPORTS COUNCIL LEADERSHIP accomplished quite a few firsts that are set to reignite the great name and spirit of the UWC Sports Council
and the culture of campus sports and return it to what it once was. The committee accomplished quite extraordinary sports projects on campus in 2022, such as a revival of res league football and netball which ended in an awards ceremony where players received medals and team trophies. There are plans to potentially expand into more sports.
THE MR AND MISS UWC SPORTS COMPETITION saw us crown the athletes who will be the face of UWC Sports during their reigning year. We hosted a first-ever exam preparation event for our student athletes where athletes received words of encouragement from the Director of Sport, Mr Gagayi, and were also given study packs with stationery and notepads to aid them in their exam preparation.
AS WE ENTERED the 2023 academic year, the UWC Sports Council assisted student athletes to get registered and find accommodation, with the assistance of our Director and healthy collaboration with our SRC and CHC.
THE COUNCIL IS QUITE EXCITED about the plans it’s set to launch and achieve in the year to come. Despite a rocky 2022, we foresee a bright 2023. Please check all UWC Sports platforms or follow UWC Sports Council platforms for updates.
MAY THIS BE A YEAR of nothing but excellence in our sports, but also in our lives.