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Becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable
Life as we knew it has changed signifi cantly. It has been 18 months since the Covid-19 pandemic hit and we have been forced to relook and rethink our actions and perspective on life.
We have seen how through adversity, we have learnt to become comfortable with the uncomfortable – the ‘new normal’ has now become the norm. Challenges will always be there, however, by equipping ourselves with the relevant knowledge and skills, we prepare to deal with the unforeseeable. The job search journey has never been easy and with remote learning we were forced to give up regular engagements with students and recruiters. This did not deter us. We continued online with eagerness and put together our fi rst in-house virtual career fair with great success.
In 2020, our Career Update was launched in a new format. It was well received and we trust this edition continues to enthuse our readers. We share students’ experiences using their award winning Career Xplora portal to remain connected with UWC Careers Service and informed about recruitment events and we give you a glimpse of the cool changes coming to the system. We share stories of student and alumni endeavours into entrepreneurship and how they navigated the pandemic. For current students and graduates entering the world of work, we share articles on how to prepare for, navigate and participate in the job search of this virtual world.
We remind you not to disengage with the labour market nor lose hope of fi nding your fi rst job. Remain connected, take time to read about all the new innovations happening around you and you might just stumble across the next chapter of your journey.
From the Ed Team Nazrana Parker, Natalie Thomas and Amber Williams.