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According to the UWC Statute (2018), the University may, by resolution of the Council passed on the recommendation of the Senate, award a UWC Gold Medal to any person who has rendered distinguished services in the advancement of any branch of learning or who the Council may deem worthy of such a medal, provided that such a person exemplifi es the values and purposes of the University.
The decision to award a UWC Gold Medal by either the Council or the Senate requires that two-thirds of the members present (in person or electronically) at the meeting vote in favour of the proposal. The focus in awarding a UWC Gold Medal is to ensure alignment with the core values of the University and demonstrated service to the community. The Gold Medal is awarded to individuals in the community who have made a signifi cant and extraordinary contribution to the upliftment of the community through exceptional leadership, community involvement and related activities. In considering a nomination for the award of a Gold Medal, nominees are required to refl ect:
• Meritorious or outstanding contributions to public life or of signifi cant benefi t to society; • Contributions that are innovative, exceptional, self-initiated and/or self-directed.
A UWC Gold Medal cannot be bestowed on persons currently holding public offi ce, in the current employ of the University or involved in a body directly affi liated with the University.