Tony Sanchez Yoga, Level I

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Tony Sanchez Yoga Challenge I 速

Practice Manual

TONY SANCHEZ Yoga Challenge®I Practice Manual

~ Preview 4th Edition ©2009

New Photo Art: Beata Prio lo & Daw n Bourque Design & Edit : Sandy Wong-Sanchez Original Photos: Kurt Anderson

Tony Sanchez Academia de Yoga

TONY SANCHEZ Yoga Challenge I 速


Nine Series Breathing Half-Moon Awkward Transition Cobra Half Tortoise Stretching Abdominal Double-Sided

“ Man m ay exist som e tim e without eating;

a shorter tim e without drinking; but without breathing his existence m ay be m easured b y a fewm inutes.”

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Yog i R am ach arak a

Breathing Series

Standing Deep Breathing

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Inhale through the nose, dow n the back of the throat to warm and filt er the air before it enters the body

“ Yoga is of very little use, if studied theoreticall y.”

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

P ancham Sinh, t ran sl at o r, TheH ath a Yog aP rad ipik a, 1915

Half-Moon Series

Lateral Half-Moon ◦ Back Bend Hands-to-Feet ◦ Triangle, Standing Separate-Leg Head-to-Knee

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Stretch up & out from waist to fingertips, Straight dow n from w aist to feet.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: place hands on lower back.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: stretch forward and down, knees slightly bent.

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Modify: place elbow on knee.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Concentrate on compressio n of abdominal muscles.

“ The prim ary objective of Hatha Yoga is to control

the life force – for health and m ental clarity.” Yog aE ncycloped i a

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Awkward Series

Aw kward ◦ Eagle Standing Head-to-Knee, Standing Bow ◦ Balancing Stick, Splits-in-the-Air, Standing Separate-Leg-Stretching, Tree

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Concentrate on one point in front.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Knees together.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Spine & head straight. Hips paralle l.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Firm the muscles in the standing le g. Do not lo ck the knee.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Hips paralle l to flo or. Arch spine, stretch forward.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Stretch in opposit e directions w it h equal effort. Do not lo ck the knee.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Stretch lifted leg up.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Shift weight to heels and pull.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: place sole of foot on inner thigh. Align knees.

“ . . . whether young, old or too old, sick or lean,

one who discards laziness, gets success if he practices.” Y og a.” H ath aYo g aP rad ipik a

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Transition Series

Finger-stand ◦ Lotus Warm-up Shoulder Roll Pelvic Lift ◦ Savasana Wind-Removing Pose Sit-up

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Lift hips straight up, then back. Lift feet.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Rotate foot clock-w ise.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Keep spine and head straight, weight evenly distributed.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Lift shoulders, Inhaling deeply .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Push shoulders back and dow n, ex haling

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Inhale deeply.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Ex hale completely .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Lifting torso, inhale deeply .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Sink into the floor. Be aware of your breathing.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: pull knee gently with slow , steady pressure

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Flatten neck, spine straight.

“ Faith in the practice of Yoga and in one’s own

po wers to accom plish what others have done before, is of great im portance to insure speedy success.” P anch am Sinh

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Cobra Series

Cobra Locust Full-Locust Bow

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

As back muscles develop, decrease weight on hands.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Palms dow n, or fists with palms up.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Breathe normally .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Bring shoulder blades together.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Push legs up to lift upper body.

“ Postures strengthen and develop will and body –

physical and m ental developm ent are intertwined.” Bi shnu Gho sh

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Half-Tortoise Series

Yoga Challenge® I Half-Tortoise Camel Rabbit

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Concentrate on the ex tension of the spine.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: place hands on lower back.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Prevent injury: place minimum weight on head.

“ . . . “ the faithful student will find that the yoga exercises invariabl y and consciousl y devel op his will po wer al ong with his b odil y strength.” Bishn u Gho sh

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Stretching Series

Yoga Challenge® I

Head-to-Knee Stretching Separate-Leg-Stretching Upw ard Gas-Removing Upw ard Stretching

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: Bend the knee.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: Bend knees to grab toes.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Stretch forward and out.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Stretch forward. Breathe deeply .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Stretch up to straighten the spine.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Balance on tailbone.

“ When posture and form are perfect, the m ovem ent that follows is perfect as well.” Taisen D eshim aru

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Abdominal Series

Yoga Challenge® I

Abdominal: Extended Arms Abdominal: Fingers Interlaced Abdominal: Arms Crossed Abdominal: Arms-to-Floor

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga ChallengeÂŽ I

Modify: Bend knees, feet flat, 6� apart.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Torso and le g muscles firm.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Round the spine.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: Lift one leg at a time.

“ Gravity is the guru.

By aligning our b ones with gravity, we discover the natural wisdom of the body.” A. Thu siu s & J . Couch

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Double-Sided Series

Yoga Challenge® I

Happy Cow Face Spinal Twist Spinal Twist Head-to-Knee Abdominal Twist

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Modify: Extend lower le g forward.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Both sit-bones on the floor, weight evenly distributed.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Breathe normally .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Shoulder blades, knees and lower leg on the floor.

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Press upper knee to flo or.

“ Yoga invol ves regul ation of breath which im plies control of the m ind. The Two are intim atel y connected.” Y og aE ncycloped ia

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge® I

Breathing Series II

Yoga Challenge® I


Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Relax abdominal muscles completely .

Tony Sanchez ~Yoga Challenge速 I

Contract abdominal muscles fully .

Tony Sanchez

Thank you, Beata, for the original artwork and books.

Yoga Challenge速 I Tony Sanchez Academia de Yoga

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