The 5 most important items of clothing for men and women We all want to look good when we step out of the house every day. We all want our closets to be overflowing with clothes from brands like Chanel, Prada, Dior and Armani. Many claim they know nothing about fashion, fashion brands and the impact they have on our lives. Fashion lifts our mood. When we dress well in the morning, it lifts our mood and helps us get through the day. Haute couture is the French term for high fashion. The term is derived from haute couture, where the dress is designed and made for a customer. The dresses are made to order and only the highest quality fabrics are used. The fabric is sewn by seamstresses who have years of experience. The term haute couture is used today to describe fashion houses that produce high quality garments. In France, the term haute couture can only be used by certain houses that meet certain standards and requirements. Wholesale Mens Joggers Supplier UK Not all of us can afford haute couture. But you don't have to spend it all to look good. Here are a few essentials to have in your closet if you want to look good. 1. T-shirts - Whether you're a guy or a girl, T-shirts are a must-have in your closet. The difference is that T-shirts for guys have a crew neck, while for gals they have a V-neck. Tshirts are made of lightweight material and wear out and fade easily, so you'll have to keep buying new ones. Black and white are two colors you must have. The other colors depend on your skin tone and stature. Don't buy t-shirts that cut into your flesh. The t-shirt needs to be loose fitting so your skin can breathe. 2. jeans/jeans: you can't go wrong with a pair of dark blue jeans. There are many types of jeans, and you don't have to follow the latest trends. Choose pants that fit your figure and body type. You can find tips on how to choose a pair of jeans for your figure on numerous websites. Even if it costs a little more, it's worth it in the long run. A pair of jeans can be worn on many occasions, such as dinner with friends or a visit to your parents. 3. the little black dress: when in doubt, wear the black dress. The black dress is versatile and can be worn on a variety of occasions. Whether it's a funeral or a cocktail party, the black dress always fits. A simple black dress with the right accessories is all you need. 4. The formal suit: a suit is usually worn for special occasions and is one of the things that every man should have in his closet. It is important to find a suit that fits you well. An ill-fitting suit will make you look cheap. Choose a suit that fits you really well or get a suit tailored. 5. Shoes: Shoes complete the look and are therefore an essential part of your wardrobe. Heels, flats, sweatpants and a pair of flip-flops are a must for a woman's wardrobe, while a pair of formal shoes, sweatpants and loafers complete a man's wardrobe. These are the wardrobe basics that you need to build upon to complete your wardrobe and dress better. Remember, dress better, feel better! Also Visit: Wholesale Clothing Supplier in UK