Every movement on a chair.
Riding Chair 2016 2nd semester
張家毓 / Chang, Chia Yu
家具設計/ Furniture Design
看到從小到大在街頭巷口販賣冰淇淋的阿姨,十幾年來始終推著 同一台攤車,沿著小學放學的路線走來,一路上「吧噗--吧噗!」的 聲音就象徵著我的童年—尤其是放學後最愉快的片段。 因此,此款吧噗推車針對多種使用模式進行冰淇淋推車的改良, 重新思考使用者與買家的視角,加入不同的色彩計畫。希望能將小時 候對於冰淇淋車所乘載的童年、美好記憶、冰淇淋的印象加以描繪在 此款吧噗推車之上。 Since I was a primary school student, there has a woman who selling traditional ice cream along the alleys. She has used the same mobile vendor for about ten years. “Baa-Bu” is the sound ice cream vendors made to attract people. It symbolizes the best part of my childhood memory. Therefore, this project, BAA-BU, is a redesign project for the better function and user experience. I try to rethink how the sellers and buyers interact with the vendors, and make it easier to use for each other. Use color planning and modeling, trying to catch the memory of baa-bu. 設計草圖/ Form Sketch
Riding Chair
行為考古/ Behavior Archeology Behavioral archaeology is an emerging branch of anthropology emphasizing the study of relationships between human behavior and artifacts in all times and places. As such, it aspires to make contributions beyond the confines of archaeology to other behavioral sciences and to society in general. Through behavior archeology, I outlined the form of body movement and draw the frame of riding chair. Stainless steel elbows were chosen because they are high plasticity, easy to obtain and more cheap to product.
Riding Chair
Riding Chair
Placed hand tools as artworks.
Porcelain Screws 手工具設計/ Tools
家用的手工具總是給人粗糙剛強的形象,人們總是把手工具收到 工具箱、儲藏室裡。好像手工具在大眾的印象中,是無法被放入廳堂 的器物。這個設計是為手工具公司所設計的一款可以 當作該公司與客 戶接洽時所送的禮物。 Household hand tools always give p image. People always receive handle tools in toolbox. As if the tools are not pretty enough to be put in public. The purpose of this design is to make the hand tools into a work of art. These tools are designed for KING TONY Campany. These hand tools not only pursuit the beauty but also practical use.
設計草圖/ Form Sketch
Porcelain Screws
資料收集/ Data Search
設計流程/ Design Process
Porcelain Screws
Porcelain Screwsu
Porcelain Screwsu
I used four seasons as theme to design the patterns which be painted on porcelain handle. The patterns showed below are Lotus and Orchid.
Porcelain Screwsu
Porcelain Screwsu
Storage Box
Storage screws, nuts, accessories
Porcelain Screwsu
The ice cream vendor that selling the dream.
張家毓 / Chang, Chia Yu
移動工具設計/ Mobile Machine Design
看到從小到大在街頭巷口販賣冰淇淋的阿姨,十幾年來始終推著 同一台攤車,沿著小學放學的路線走來,一路上「吧噗--吧噗!」的 聲音就象徵著我的童年—尤其是放學後最愉快的片段。 因此,此款吧噗推車針對多種使用模式進行冰淇淋推車的改良, 重新思考使用者與買家的視角,加入不同的色彩計畫。希望能將小時 候對於冰淇淋車所乘載的童年、美好記憶、冰淇淋的印象加以描繪在 此款吧噗推車之上。 Since I was a primary school student, there has a woman who selling traditional ice cream along the alleys. She has used the same mobile vendor for about ten years. “Baa-Bu” is the sound ice cream vendors made to attract people. It symbolizes the best part of my childhood memory. Therefore, this project, BAA-BU, is a redesign project for the better function and user experience. I try to rethink how the sellers and buyers interact with the vendors, and make it easier to use for each other. Use color planning and modeling, trying to catch the memory of baa-bu. 設計草圖/ Form Sketch
資料收集/ Data Search 收集台灣的傳統小吃攤販類型,比較 不同食物的販售、展示方式,觀察所需具 備功能,以及各種工作檯在攤販推車上的 配置。為因應不同的場合,如夜市、觀光 地區、市場旁邊...等等,台灣的攤販推車 通常會依照使用者的習慣做非常多個人化 的改裝。招牌、價目表、遮陽傘等也是充 滿了賣家的風格。 收集國外冰淇淋攤 販推車類型,比較 多樣化的攤車材質使用,以及顏色搭配。 異國風情的冰淇淋帶給人們不同的印象, 製作方法跟所需空間也不盡相同。 設計流程/ Design Process
sketch process
a. b.
mockup process c.
Different kinds of vendors are collected to compare the function and form. I found out that sellers often add some attachment on their vendors, for example, stool, umbrella, speaker, signboard and many more.
3D-redering process
The use of process
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
the ability to stretch the parasol funny game to play easy to chang the ice cream boxes the ability to pull the handles
baa-bu is light enough and easy to push consumer can see the products easy to dig and chang ice cream the ability to take a rest
把光切成一片片的,品嚐 Cutting the light into piece
a slice of light
燈具設計/ Light Design
從教堂建築的長廊經過,看到光線斜打在廊上地板,被長柱的影子 切成一格一格的樣子,光隨著經過長廊產生的視角的變化而產生各種 動態,藉此開始了一連串切割光線的奇想。 A Slice of Light was inspired of the experience of walking through the loggia. Seeing the sunlight sprinkle on the ground, the shadow looks like being cut in piece. The light changing its shape while people use different way to see it. This project is designed to simulate the experience of walking through the loggia and provide another point of view about light. 切片模型 模擬影片 video of 3D mockup
a slice of light
資料收集/ Data Search
a slice of light
透過不透光片材的堆疊, 讓點光源在移動的過程中,為片材阻隔、反 射、漫射,而達到邊緣發光的動態效果。嘗試使用不同型態的切片方 式搭配LED光源,結合旋轉與滑軸軌道來變更光源動態。此模型為圓 形切片所組成的半球型燈具,下方承具可供90度的旋轉,並在旋轉過 程中看到光打在圓緣的變化。 By stacking opaque sheets, the point light source in the process of moving A Slice of Light can perform a dynamic light effect. I try to usd different types of way to pile the opaque sheets. This model is composed of a circular slice dome lamp, a bottom bearing for rotation of 90 degrees, and see the light hit the edge of the circle change during rotation.
a slice of light
An Information Visualization and Collaborative Design Workshop
III Projector 3P-Package of Phone Projetor
張家毓 / 陳佳琪 / 李博勛 / 陳竑霖 /
Chia Yu Chang Chia Chi Chen Johnny Lee Henry Chen
包裝設計/ Package Design
鑒於手機包裝盒在購買完拆封之後就成為無用之物,本設計重新定義包裝 的功能,讓手機包裝也能成為有用的手機配件。在拆封之後,經過簡單的 組裝,就能使手機的畫面經過鏡片投射,放大到牆面上,成為輕便的投影 機裝備。
People throw away the paper box of smartphone after taking out the cellphone. In view of that, we reconsider of the package of cellphone.The package becomes one of the phone accessories. After unpacking, through some simple steps, the screenshots can be zoom and projected on the wall.It becomes more convenience to watch movie on smartphone with ''ppp''. Enjoy your movie time and not alone anymore.
III Projector
How to use Step 1 Open the package of smarphone.
Step 2 Compose the lens to the cover of the package,then put into the smartphone .
Step 3 Find a wall and put it on, it becomes the projector.
III Projector
IIIP是一個專門為手機盒所設計的應用包裝,它的特點在於所 有的手機零件都能完整地被收納,並且在零件取出之後,剩下 的包裝材料還能做其他運用。投影鏡片的外框同時也是耳機的 集線器,內包裝除了保護作用也在投影機型態中達到固定手機 的效果。所有的零件說明書以片裝堆疊,最外層的切口設計讓 所有內容物能輕易的取出。
IIIP comes with a specially-designed package case, the pink little component that holds the earpieces — with a detachable projector lens at the middle, which fits into a perforated hole at the front of the box. Once you've inserted the lens into the side of the package case, you'll then use your new smartphon.
III Projector
將IIIP組裝好,並把手機放到包裝盒的正中央,投影機透鏡將會 調整好焦距,讓手機螢幕的畫面得以投影在牆壁上。IIIP在的任 何場合,手機裡的畫面不再是一個人的低頭電影,將看電影的 喜悅分享給朋友以及家人。 After you place your smartphone in the center of the package case, the lens will magnify your smartphone's display and project it onto the wall. Have a good movie time with your friends and family.
Water Spuoy
Water spuoy
Water Spuoy
Before / After Before
Before / After Before
1 Safe more people After
Shooting it directly and fast to people in the sea.
2 Safe people from hypothermia.
Water spuoy
Comparing to the conventional rescuing approach, the extraordinary approach, ‘’Water Spuoy’’ we offer, has three main characters. First, ‘’Water Spuoy’’ is a new kind of buoy which can be launched by water cannon on the boats of coastguard. This could enhance the ability of rescue coastguards by increasing the range of lifesaving equipment. Second, ‘’Water Spuoy’’ designed into dual-hexagonal shape which could not only increase the surface tension to precisely slide to the right target, but could also make it loaded with 6 adults.
Top view of expanding process
Water Spuoy
Water spuoy
Before / After Before
Shooting it directly and fast to people in the sea.
Third, “Water Spuoy “is equipped with two pieces of hexagonal converse with zipper in two holes on the middle part of hexagonal-shaped body; people in the water can zip it up to make ‘’Water Spuoy’’ become a small lifeboat to keep themselves up from sea water; in fact, it is an important part to prevent drowning people to seriously lose their body temperature.
Take a romantic Mediterranean vacation.
Container Houser Design Mediterranean style Chang, Chia Yu Tien, Ying Peng Yeh Chen, Cong Hao
設計構想/ Design concept This is a bed and breakfast settlement with container houses. The customer wants to design the house in a Mediterranean style. We use blue and white as the main colors, and add many elements of the ocean. We try to arrange all the objects we need in a limited space, and consider the water and electricity line. We designed it like we were designed a place we would like to spend our time in it.
設計草圖/ Form Sketch
living room
containing a bathtub or a shower in which to sit and relax and also a sink and a toilet containing a TV and sofa
where we can prepare easy food
containing a double bed and a table
Porcelain Screws
資料收集/ Data Search
設計流程/ Design Process
Porcelain Screws
Porcelain Screwsu
2015新一代 東海大學展場設計
Design of 2015 THU YODEX Exhibition
重拾 regain
張家毓 / Chia Yu Chang 陳琮澔 / Johnny Chen 陳嘉襄 / Chia Shun Chen 李穎宣 / Ni Shuan Lee
展場設計/ Design of exhibition
重拾-形象影片 exhinition concept
隨著現代科技進步, 人們隨波逐流, 已漸漸遺忘了最原始的感動、 設計的根本, 跟著東海工設, 一起重新拾回一切吧 design of visual space exhibition planning and execution design of product display
新一代設計展/ About Yodex Yodex is the largest student-oriented design exhibition in the world, and is held every May in Taipei, Taiwan. Established in 1982, the Young Designers' Exhibition (YODEX) has grown to become one of the most prominent design fairs in the world, featuring fresh design talent and many works of excellence by graduates from design colleges around the world.
Design of 2015 THU YODEX Exhibition
Planar configuration
Display-stage Floor
a slice light Exhibition Design of 2015 THUofYODEX
透過不透光片材的堆疊, 讓點光源在移動的過程中,為片材阻隔、反 射、漫射,而達到邊緣發光的動態效果。嘗試使用不同型態的切片方 式搭配LED光源,結合旋轉與滑軸軌道來變更光源動態。此模型為圓 形切片所組成的半球型燈具,下方承具可供90度的旋轉,並在旋轉過 程中看到光打在圓緣的變化。 By stacking opaque sheets, the point light source in the process of moving A Slice of Light can perform a dynamic light effect. I try to usd different types of way to pile the opaque sheets. This model is composed of a circular slice dome lamp, a bottom bearing for rotation of 90 degrees, and see the light hit the edge 整體場布構成為三片牆面、一間暗房、兩區矮台以及櫃台。 of the circle change during rotation. 以主視覺做延伸,以圓形、線條為元素。 以清晰簡單藍綠色調。 This program incoulding three visial walls, two product display stages and a counter. It’s the first time I learn how to set wires and electricity. My partners and I discuessed with the field design company again and again to make sure our concept of this exhibition can be delivered clearly.
Design of 2015 THU YODEX Exhibition
An Information Visualization and Collaborative Design Workshop
羞恥感的敘事結構 The Structure of Shame
張家毓 / Lydia Chang 李博勛 / Johnny Lee 陳竑霖 / Henry Chen What is the perfect attack?
丟臉 (shameful)和無恥 (shameless)故事的描述 在此工作坊中,參與者將共同陳述、研究與分析事件,在文件化事件的過 程中,參與者不只列出各種丟臉和無恥事件,同時也必須找出事件(敘事)之 間關係鍊。有些事件直接來自於知名文學作品,例如俄國作家杜斯妥也夫 斯基(Fyodor Dostoyevsky)的作品。 此外,工作坊將介紹一套事件分析的視覺化技術,產生視覺性的「羞恥感 」敘事。此技術將反映出事件的片段與發展過程,並呈現整體故事的模態 (pattern)。這層表達練習的傳統來自美國「新概念藝術家」(neo-conceptual artist)─Marc Lombardi(1951-2000),Lombardi曾經研究「貪腐」視覺 架構,同時產製許多圖表,並以「敘事結構」(Narrative Structures)形容此 類型圖表。除此之外,關於故事模態,學生將創造一反映出「羞恥感領域 」的視覺圖,此圖也將運用芬蘭科學家Teuvo Kohonen的「自我組織認知 圖」(Self Organizing Map, SOM)運算規則來表達羞恥感所產生情緒叢結地 圖。結合這些視覺化技術,可以幫助我們從不同面向來理解「羞恥感」的 社會和心理機制。
The Structure of Shame
敘事結構圖表/ Narrative Structures
工作坊將介紹一套事件分析的視覺化技術,產生視覺性的「羞恥感」敘事。此技術 將反映 出事件的片段與發展過程,並呈現整體故事的模態(pattern)。這層表達練習 的傳 統來自美 國「新概念藝術家」(neo-conceptual artist)─Marc Lombardi(19512000)2,Lombardi曾經 研究「貪腐」視覺架構,同時產製許多圖表,並以「敘事結 構」(Narrative Structures)形 容此類型圖表。除此之外,關於故事模態,學生將創造 一反映出「羞恥感領域」的視覺圖 ,此圖也將運用芬蘭科學家 Teuvo Kohonen的 「自我組織認知圖」(Self Organizing Map, SOM)運算規則來表達羞恥感所產生情緒 叢結地圖。結合這些視覺化技術,可以幫助我們 從不同面向來理解「羞恥感」的社會和心理 。
Korea Daegu Subway Fire
Moscow Theater Hostage Attack
Ankara Bombings
Kogalymavia Airlines Attack
In Amenas Hostage Crisis Madrid Train Bombings Boko Haram Baga Attact
Nairobi Westgate Attack London Bombings IS Paris Attack
U.S.A Columbine High School Massacre U.S.A September 11 Attack
Tokyo Subway Sarin Attact
Charlie Hebdo Shooting
Al-Shabaab Garissa University College Attack
Peshawar School Massacre
Boko Haram Female Students kidnapping
The Structure of Shame
此工作坊主旨在於透過系統化的視覺圖像來記錄相關事件和活動,藉此檢視「羞恥 感」的複雜結構。 此文件化(documentation)將使用兩種形態以上的訊息設計與視覺 化技術, 運用流程圖或 SOMap 來找出不同事件單元之間的共通性與差異性, 並預期最終能建立「羞恥感」文件特殊的圖型模態。
The Structure of Shame