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1. accident [`8ks6d6nt]



n. 意外 • There are more car accidents on dark and rainy days. 在陰天跟雨天,比較會發生車禍。

• Grace met her old classmate in the shopping mall by accident. Grace 在購物中心與她的老同學不期而遇。



2. acceptable [6k`sEpt6bL]

adj. 偶然的

• The detective suspects that the man’s death was not accidental. 這個偵探懷疑他的死亡並非偶然。

adj. 可接受的 • Some teachers consider eating in class acceptable, but many teachers do not. 有些老師認為課堂上吃東西是可以接受的,但許多老師並不這麼認為。

acceptance [6k`sEpt6ns]

n. 接受

• The famous writer gave a touching acceptance speech at the awards ceremony. 這位知名作家在頒獎典禮上發表了一段動人的得獎演說。

3. behave [bI`hev]

vi. 表現 • Mother expects us to behave well when we visit our grandparents.


n. 行為;舉止


4. calculate


• Talking loudly on the MRT is considered rude behavior. 在捷運上大聲喧嘩是不禮貌的行為。


vt. 計算;推算 • Nowadays, we can use computers to calculate large numbers.


n. 計算機





• You may not bring a calculator with you to the examination. 你不能帶計算機進場考試。

n. 計算

• Whenever I take math tests, I always try hard to avoid mistakes in my calculations. 每當我考數學時,我總是努力避免計算錯誤。




5. celebrate [`sEl6'bret]

vt. 慶祝 • We will celebrate our grandfather’s 95th birthday next week.


n. 慶祝


6. defend [dI`fEnd]

下禮拜我們將會慶祝我們祖父 95 歲的生日。

• Mr. Watson’s colleagues threw a big party in celebration of his retirement. 先生的同事們舉辦了大型的派對慶祝他退休。

vt. 防守;防禦 • Ever y woman should learn how to defend herself against sexual harassment. 每位女性都應該學習如何防衛自己對抗性騷擾。


n. 防守


• Offense is the best defense. 進攻是最好的防守。l


adj. 可防禦的;合乎情理的


defensive [dI`fEnsIv]

7. define [dI`fAn]


• A military base is built on that hill because the location is easily defensible. 軍事基地蓋在這個山丘上,因為這個位置防守容易。 • His action was quite defensible. Anyone would make the same choice. 他的行動是很合乎情理的。任何人都會作出一樣的選擇。 adj. 防禦性的

• He was named the winner of the NBA’s Defensive Player of the Year Award this year. 他被選為今年 NBA 年度最佳防守球員。

vt. 定義 • A dictionary writer once said “god" is the most difficult word to define. 一位字典的編寫者曾經說過,「神」是最難以定義的字。 n. 定義


• There is usually more than one definition for a par ticular word. 通常一個字詞不會只有一個定義。


adj. 明確的;確定的


• The Simpsons have not yet made a definite plan for their honeymoon trip. Simpsons 夫婦對於他們的蜜月旅行還沒有一個明確的計畫。

8. economy [I`kan6mI]

economic ['ik6`namIk]

economical ['ik6`namIkL]

n. 經濟 • Experts predict the global economy will grow in the next five years. 專家預測全球經濟在接下來的五年將會成長。 adj. 經濟的

• Economic issues are often the core debate in elections. 經濟議題通常是選舉時的討論核心。 adj. 經濟的;省錢的

• In order to save money, many people buy fuel efficient cars, which are much more economical. 為了省錢,許多人會購買比較經濟實惠的省油車。


economist [I`kan6mIst]

n. 經濟學家

• Many economists around the world are trying to think of ways to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.




9. fantasy [`f8nt6sI]

n. 想像;幻想 • Phoenixes and dragons are not real animals; they are just fantasy creatures. 鳳凰與龍並不是真實的動物,牠們只是幻想生物。



adj. 幻想的;很棒的


• Your new house looks fantastic ! You must have spent a fortune building it. 你的新房子看起來棒極了!你一定花了很多錢建造這棟房子。

10. gang [g89]

n. 一群 • Police arrested a gang of robbers and recovered more than twenty stolen automobiles. 警方抓住了一群強盜,並找回了二十多輛失竊的汽車。

gangster [`g89stR]

11. harm [harm]

n. 歹徒;匪徒

• The Godfather is a ver y famous movie about gangsters in America. 《教父》是美國非常有名的黑幫電影。

n. vt. 傷害;危害 • “I will not let any harm come to you," the father said to his daughter. 這位父親對女兒說:「我不會讓你受到任何傷害。」

• The huge scandal harmed the actress’s reputation, and she has trouble finding new roles now. 這個巨大的醜聞傷害了這位女演員的名聲,她現在很難找到新的角色。



adj. 有害的

• Studies have shown that the blue light coming from digital devices is harmful to our eyes. 研究已證實數位裝置的藍光對眼睛有害。

12. identity


n. 身分 • Identity theft is a growing problem in the Internet age. 在網路世代,身分盜用是一個日益嚴重的問題。

identification n. 身分證明 [A'dEnt6f6`keS6n] • When you are abroad, you can use your passport as your means of identification. 當你在國外時,你可以使用你的護照做為身分證明。






vt. 確認;分辨

• That man has been identified as a wanted criminal. 那個男人已被確認為通緝罪犯。

• 待補

13. ignorance [`Ign6r6ns]

n. 無知 • It’s not easy to admit one’s own ignorance. Most people want to be smart and knowledgeable. 承認自己的無知並不容易。大部分的人都想要自己聰明並且博學多聞。



adj. 無知的

• Scholars are surprised to find many students are ignorant of Taiwan’s history. 學者們很驚訝地發現許多學生不知道臺灣的歷史。

14. jealous [`d3El6s]

adj. 善嫉妒的 • A person who gets jealous easily is seldom happy.


n. 嫉妒;吃醋



• Luke ’ s coworkers were consumed by jealousy when they learned that he’d gotten a pay raise. Luke 加薪的消息,讓他的同事們感到十分的嫉妒。

15. lecture [`lEktSR]

n. 講課;演講;講座 • Ever y Wednesday morning, I attend a lecture on American history in the lecture hall. 每個星期三早上,我都會去聽美國歷史的講課。



n. 演講者;講師

• The lecturer has both a strong research background and solid teaching experience. 這個講者有強大的研究背景與紮實的教學經驗。

16. major


adj. 較多的;主要的;主修的 • Most adults spend the major part of their time at work. 大部分的成年人花許多的時間在工作上。

• Underground water is a major source of water for the people in this village. 地下水是這個村莊人們用水主要的來源。

• Many college students choose their major subject based on their interests. 許多大學生是根據自己的興趣選擇主修科目。




n. 大多數;大部分

• For the majority of people in Taiwan, scooters are convenient and time-saving. 對大多數的臺灣人來說,機車很方便而且省時。

17. nerve [n2v]

n. 膽量;神經 • It takes a lot of nerve to give a speech in front of the entire school. 在全校面前演講需要很大的膽量。 • Steve injured his spinal nerve in the accident, and he may not be able to walk again.



Steve 在這場意外中傷到了脊椎神經。他可能沒辦法再行走了。

nervous [`n2v6s]

18. obedient [6`bidI6nt]

adj. 緊張的;膽怯的

• When Sam gets nervous, he talks to himself. 當 Sam 感到緊張時,他會自言自語。

adj. 服從的;聽話的 • My pet Fuzzy is an obedient dog. He never climbs up onto my bed without my permission. 我的寵物 Fuzzy 是隻聽話的狗。沒有我的允許,牠不敢爬到我的床上。

obedience [6`bidI6ns]

19. participate [par`tIs6'pet]

n. 服從

• Students should learn the impor tance of obedience and respect for laws. 學生應該要學習服從與尊重法律的重要。

vi. 參加 • Diane is a kind and caring person. She often participates in volunteer work. Diane 是個善良並有愛心的人。她經常參與志工活動。

participation [pR'tIs6`peS6n]

n. 參加

• Part of our final grade is based on class participation, so we must join in the discussions. 課堂參與占我們期末成績的一部分,所以我們必須參與討論。

20. percent [pR`sEnt]

n. 百分之…… • Seventy percent of the students in my school live in Taipei. The rest live in other cities. 我的學校百分之七十的同學住在臺北。其餘的同學住在其他縣市。

percentage [pR`sEntId3]

n. 百分比

• There is a large percentage of immigrant families in this neighborhood. 這區有很高比例的移民家庭。


UNIT 1 一、文意字彙與詞類變化 ____________ 1. Parents usually expect o e from their kids, but teenagers may disagree. ____________ 2. Many companies like to locate their headquarters in Taipei, the e c center of Taiwan. ____________ 3. Researchers have announced a m r breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS. ____________ 4. We will have dinner in a fancy restaurant in (celebrate) of my father’s 50th birthday. ____________ 5. The scientist has devoted himself to studying the (behave) of dogs for several years.

二、選擇題 ( ( ( ( (

) 6. It is quite difficult to the concept of success; the answer varies from person to person. (A) calculate (B) harm (C) identify (D) define ) 7. Many predict that the average income will increase in the following year. (A) accidents (B) economists (C) lecturers (D) percentages ) 8. Jessica broke the game’s rules out of , not on purpose. (A) ignorance (B) acceptance (C) calculation (D) majority ) 9. The passport is an important document because it serves as one’s when traveling abroad. (A) fantasy (B) definition (C) identification (D) participation ) 10. If there were no soldiers, it would be hard for us to our country by ourselves. (A) lecture (B) defend (C) behave (D) participate

三、配合題 (A) lecture

(B) fantastic

(C) defensive

(D) participate

(E) accident

(F) nervous

11. I broke my mother’s favorite cup by ; I am in big trouble. 12. Shawn has the best job that anybody can dream of. He is paid well, and has good benefits and coworkers. 13. The police officer found the woman especially , so he decided to search her belongings. 14. If you don’t in the planning of the trip, you shouldn’t complain about our travel plan. 15. The professor’s was so boring that most of the students fell asleep. (A) calculation (B) jealousy

(C) gangster

(D) acceptable

(E) behave

(F) harmful

16. Mr. Shaw thinks Lisa’s essay merely ; there is definitely room for improvement. 17. After the earthquake, the victims made a rough of the likely loss. 18. The reasons behind feelings of are often insecurity, low self-confidence, and greed. 19. We should not use chemicals that are to the environment. 20. The children were told to themselves when their parents were not at home.




Unit 1

一、文意字彙(每題 4 分,20 分) gang

1. Many crimes in the city were linked to g

g violence.


2. The manager wants a d have to make up your mind.


3. Pregnant women should not drink coffee or wine as these may be h l to the baby.


4. The test was so hard that the m


e answer by tomorrow afternoon. You

y of the students failed.

5. C rs are a must-have for accountants, who deal with numbers all the time.

二、選擇題(每題 4 分,共 20 分) ( A ) 6. The man broke his wife’s favorite vase by , and now he is looking online for a replacement. (A) accident (B) behavior (C) celebration (D) definition ( D ) 7. Can you lend me the notes of this morning’s ? I missed the class because I was ill. (A) identity (B) majority (C) percentage (D) lecture ( C ) 8. People hope that the new president will bring peace and country. (A) acceptable (B) fantastic (C) economic ( B ) 9. Instead of getting (A) ignorant

growth to the

(D) defensible

, a true friend will feel happy for your success. (B) jealous (C) nervous (D) accidental

( B ) 10. The attacker is yet to be , but the police are determined to find him. (A) defended (B) identified (C) harmed (D) participated 回次 Unit 1 範圍


Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8








回次 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 範圍










Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 U7




每 3 回一個複習回, 以此類推……共 67 回

三、配合題(每題 4 分,共 60 分) (A) celebrate (B) obedient (C) gangster (D) fantasy (E) nervous (F) economists 11. Phillip enjoys reading D novels. They help him escape the stressful reality. 12. Many F months.

have predicted that the rate of unemployment would fall over the next few

13. I was

on the first day of school, but I got used to the new environment soon.


14. Diana is a good child who is always


to her parents.

15. Lucy got her first paycheck today and she is going to


with her friends after work.

(A) jealousy (B) calculation (C) behave (D) participate (E) ignorant (F) defensible 16. Though your report lacks supporting details, your main argument is F . 17. According to the experts’

B , the ship will sink within a few hours.

18. When traveling in a foreign country, being trouble. 19. People say that distrust and 20. The more people who become.




about local culture might get you into

can destroy a marriage quicker than anything.

in group discussions, the more creative their ideas may

(A) acceptance (B) major (C) harm (D) percent (E) obedient (F) identify 21. Forty D of the students are female, so there are usually more boys than girls in each class. 22. Paul was very excited when he received a letter of


from his dream university.

23. Even though Ms. Hammer had to leave the classroom for a while, she expected her students to remain E . 24. Electrical machinery is Taiwan’s


export product. It takes up 44% of total exports.

25. Looking at a computer monitor for too long will faster.



your eyes and maymake you age

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