LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
Briefing on the African Union Heads of State Summit Addis Ababa, 21st – 31st January 2014
Background th
2014 has been declared the “Year of Agriculture and Food Security”. In their 50 Anniversary’s Declaration in May 2013, African Heads of State and Governments made a commitment to “preserve our arable land for current and future generations, develop our rural economies, our agricultural production and ag ro-processing to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, as well as achieve food security and self-sufficiency”. In addition, “Agricultural production and the development of the agro-processing to ensure food security” is one of the 8 priorities of the new African Union Commission Strategic Plan approved in May 2013. The precise theme of the year is formulated as follows: “Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for Shared Prosperity, through harnessing opportunities for inclusive growth and sustainable development”. Sub-themes for the year 2014: Increased agriculture production, productivity and value addition Functioning agricultural markets (country and regional markets& trade) Increased investment financing (public & private) along the agriculture value chains Towards ending hunger in Africa by 2025: Building resilience to address vulnerability to risks th
During the January 2014 Summit, AU Heads of State will officially launch the ‘Year of Agriculture and Food Security, marking the 10 Anniversary of the adoption of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme – CAADP'' but no in-depth policy discussion/decision is expected on this topic. The AU has commissioned a number of studies related to the theme of the year. A special Ministerial Meeting (Agriculture, Rural Development, Fishing, Finance etc...) will be organized in the course of the year to review the reports of those studies. The Ministerial report will be tabled for the July 2014 Summit.
LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
So, what are the issues likely to dominate this January Summit? Given the on-going conflict situation in CAR, South Sudan and the new developments in DRC: Conflicts and Peace and Security in Africa: will surely dominate the summit, mainly CAR, South Sudan, DRC, Somalia. The Summit is also expected to deliberate inter alia on the items below:
Assessment of the African Standby Force and the operationalization of the African capacity for immediate Response (ACRIC) Appointment of 10 new members of the Peace and Security Council for 2 years Appointment a New Chairperson of the African Union (Likely from North Africa) to take from Ethiopian Prime Minister Proposal to extend AUHIP’s mandate to the Horn of Africa HLP Report on fragile states Climate change negotiations (COP 19): President Jakaya Kikwete African Trade Committee Report: President Idriss Deby NEPAD: President Macky Sall African Common Position on Post 2015 Development Agenda: President Ellen Sirleaf Johnson Africa and the ICC Alternative Sources of Financing the AU/ Obasanjo Report: Ministers of Finance and Economic Planning were charged to explore additional proposals by Member States and to report to the Assembly Protocol on the African Court of Justice and Human Rights and Decision to grant criminal jurisdiction to the court to deal with international crimes. Assessment of recommendations on the establishment of an international constitutional court AU Agenda 2063 framework
The Key Dates of the Summit are: 21-23 January 2014: Permanent Representative Committee of Ambassadors (PRC); 24 – 26 Jan 2014: Ministerial Retreat, 27-28 January th nd 2014: 24 Ordinary Session of the Executive Council (MoFA); 30-31 January 2014: 22 Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government
LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
UNOFFICIAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS Last update: 10 January 2014 See AU Official Calendars on: Date th
17 2014
Event January,
Launch of the AU Compendium 2 English version)
edition (French and
Nature of event: open/closed
Contact for more information
Rinret Dabeng Mobile: +251 92 209 9597
Electronic Launch and distribution of hard copies
Open, Registration required
Jeggan Grey-Johnson Advocacy & Communications Officer AfriMAP Email: tel: +27 (0) 11 587 5000 Cell: +27 (0) 83 620 0578 web:
Organizers: Oxfam International
19 January, 2014 TBC
Civil Society Consultation and strategy meeting on key pending issues: AU-ABC, ECOSOCC, Pan Africa Parliament etc. Organizers/ partner : AfriMap, Open Society, CCPAU, PALU, Oxfam, Sudan Consortium
LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
20, 21 and 22 January 2014.
CSO Forum on Sudan and South Sudan -Third Session
Invitation only
Brenda Prempeh
Programme Director - Advocacy Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre Email: Tel: +41 22 747 00 89 Cell +41 77 510 17 40
1. Map-out the obstacles to full enjoyment of human rights and the realisation of durable peace in Sudan, 2. Elaborate advocacy options to strengthen links and collaboration with intergovernmental organisations (African Union, United Nations, Arab League, and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) 3. Harmonise advocacy activities of Sudan-focused civil society groups and present their collective vision and position on the on-going situation.
21 – 23 January
AU Gender Pre-Summit
Invitation only
21-23 January
27 Permanent Representatives Committee Session (PRC) – Ambassador representing all member States will discuss key issues on the Summit agenda and prepare the work of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
Lobby, Networking and advocacy opportunity for CSOs for observers
AUC Women Development and Gender Directorate (WGGD): Rahel Fantaye <> AU Commission
1/Solomon A. Dersso, PhD Institute for Security Studies/ Tel +251 11 372 11/54/5/6 Cell +251 910 426 974 Email:
ISS Office, Ababa: 9-13
Medium Conference Hall (NCC
Organizers/Partners: AU Commission st
21 January 2014
Public pre-AU Summit Seminar: Features of the 22 Summit
Organizers/Partners: ISS, OSI, CCP-AU, International Alert/ Oxfam
Open, Registration required
LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
23 January 2014
23-24 January
From Non-Interference to Non-Indifference: Reflecting on the Implementation of the Article 4(h) Agenda on the African Union Organizers/Partners: The Pan African Lawyers Union, the Stanley Foundation, and the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP), rd 23 Gender Is My Agenda Pre-Summit Consultative Meeting On Gender Mainstreaming In The African Union
Registration Required
Ms. Megan Schmidt at
Hilton Hotel 11:00 – 16:00
Lonnie Buchanan" <>
By invitation only
Victoria Luyima Advocacy Officer, Addis Ababa Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) C/o UNECA P.O. Box 3001 Addis Ababa Email : Website :
The United Nations Conference Centre (UNECA) in Addis Ababa.
Ministerial Retreat: Discussions will include Alternative Source of funding of the AU Organiers: AUC Luncheon offered by Oxfam Liaison Office with the AU: Briefing and Orientation to the Summit for Non-State Actors.
By invitation only
Bahr Dar, Ethiopia
Registration Required
12 :00 – 14 :00 ; Ambassador Hotel TBC
26 January
BRICS Seminar (Closed small session) half day in afternoon
by invitation only
26th January
Inter-Agency CSOs Press Conference on the AU Summit: Various CSO will express their views and recommendations on the issues to be discussed by the Summit
Rinret Dabeng: Oxfam’s Capacity Development Coordinator: Tel.: +251 11 661 1601 | Mobile: +251 92 209 9597 | CSVR and CCP-AU: Ms. Carnita Ernest <> Idriss Ali Nassah Tel: + 251 11 661 1601
The GIMAC will review the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa while reflecting on the theme of the AU Summit Organizers: Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) /GIMAC 24 26 January
25 January
Organizers/Partners: Consortium, FIDH
TBC Afternoon TBC
LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
26th January
27-28 January
Launch of the PRC booklet and Poster
Open to observers
Organizers: AUC - DIC /Oxfam th Twenty fourth (24 ) Ordinary Session of the Executive Council (Ministers of Foreign Affairs): Ministers of Foreign Affairs of all AU Member States will meet and take most of the decisions of the Summit.
Lobby, Networking and advocacy opportunity for CSOs
Rinret Dabeng Mobile: +251 922 099597 AU Commission
AU Commission
Multi-Purpose (NCC)
Large Conference Hall (NCC)
Organizers/Partners: AU Commission
27 January
27 January
Lunch offered by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, chairperson of the African Union Commission (Launch of the AU Handbook)
By Invitation only
AU Commission
Reception hosted by H.E. Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Minister Of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.
By Invite only
AU Commission
13.00 – 15.00 hrs Sheraton Hotel 19.00 – 21.00 hrs.
27-31 January
Meetings of the organization of African first ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA)
By Invite only
AU Commission
TBD 15.00 to 19.00 hrs
28 January
28/29 January
29 January
Meeting of High level committee on African trade
From Subsistence to Success: Year of Agriculture High Level Dialogue Organizer: ONE International th 29 Summit of the NEPAD Heads of state and government orientation committee (HSGOC)
By Invite only Lobby, Networking advocacy opportunity
By invite only
By Invite only Lobby, Networking advocacy opportunity
AU Commission
Nachilala Nkombo,
AU Commission
TBD 18.00 – 20.00 hrs
Medium Conférences Hall (NCC 10:00 – 12:00 hrs
Lobby, Networking and advocacy
LAST UPDATED: January 10th 2014
30 January
WORKING LUNCHEON (Intergenerational Youth Forum organized with the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation)
By invitation only
AU Commission
30 January
Banquet hosted by H.E. Ato Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister Of The Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia
By invitation only
AU Commission
Multi-Purpose (NCC)
13.00 – 15.00 hrs. Sheraton Hotel
30 – 31 January
Twenty second Summit of Heads of State to discuss and approve all decisions of the Summit and elected the new President of the AU for 2014.
Lobby, Networking and advocacy opportunity for CSOs
AU Commission
19.30 – 21.30 hrs Large Conference Centre (NCC)
31 January
Working luncheon for the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) (Organized with The Ministry Of Art and culture of South Africa)
By invite only
AU Commission
Multi-Purpose (NCC
31 January
1 February
Inter-Agency CSOs Press Release on the AU Summit outcome Organizers/Partners Oxfam, FIDH, IRRI, Sudan Consortium, Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre, International Alert, SOWAR African Solidarity Conference for mobilization of support for countries emerging from conflict in Africa Joint Photo Exhibition on Somalia by Oxfam and AUC
Idriss Ali Nassah Tel: + 251 11 661 1601
By invite only
AU Commission
13.00 – 15.00 hrs At the closure of the Summit
Exhibition open
Pleading Conference on Central Africa Republic