Annual report of All-Ukrainian non-governmental organization ÂŤCommittee of voters of UkraineÂť (NGO) 2018
Foreword 2018 was a period of active reforms, social and political changes for Ukraine. Committee of voters of Ukraine is grateful and proud to share the results of work in promoting democratic reforms. These results were achieved due to the joint work of many people and organizations - employees and volunteers of CVU in all regions of Ukraine as well as partner non-governmental and governmental organizations, law enforcement agencies, the Central Election Commission and international organizations. On behalf of Committee of voters of Ukraine let me express our sincere gratitude for your trust and support. I am pleased to note that Ukrainians became more active in matters of self-government and lawmaking. There are a lot of aims achieved - a number of amendments to laws and regulatory acts that reinforce democracy and human rights were developed and implemented; more citizens have received educational and legal information or consultations; training sessions for thousands of election commission members, observers, and non-governmental organizations representatives were provided; more citizens were involved in the processes of public monitoring. There are more new challenges ahead. Committee of voters of Ukraine invites all concerned and active citizens to cooperation. Oleksiy Koshel Director General
Our mission is to create conditions for implementation of human rights and real democracy by: education and activating of a specific citizen, civil society institutions; participation in policy formation and implementation in priority for CVU fields; public monitoring and control of policy implementation in the relevant field; interaction with stakeholders. Our values: Serving for society Independence Recognition of democratic values Respect for human rights Equality Transparency Accountability Responsibility Virtue Collaboration with all stakeholders Non-profit activities Voluntary involvement
Our activities in 2017 Project activities There were held Focus group studies. (from November 13 to 20, 2017, the CVU performed activities on in-depth study of the positions of expert “Raising Public Awareness on the Status and Progress of the Judicial groups on a number of issues related to citizens' awareness of judicial Reform at Local and National Levels” reform issues). Awareness raising activities within the framework of the project (public 3.11.2017 –30.09.2018 discussions, meetings with judges…); held Round Table “Judicial reform by the eyes of the public” on September 20 Joint project of CVU and USAID programme “ New justice”
Joint project of CVU and EU-UNDP "Council for Europe" UNDP Ukraine “Effective Mechanisms for the Evaluation of the Work of People's Deputies for Voters” 01.11.2017 – 30.04.2018 Project «Doslivno» (Implemented within the institutional tasks of All-Ukrainian NGO CVU)
Joint conference of CVU and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Office in Ukraine An international conference: «MONEY IN POLITICS: how political parties are preparing for the election» October 8, 2018
For the implementation of the Action Plan of the Initiative "Open Parliament" CVU conducted workshops with MPs; CVU developed Guide "Instruments for monitoring Parliament and involving citizens in the legislative process"
A number of studies on monitoring of the promises given by MPs and analysis of statements of politicians were conducted. We have prepared and published four studies within the project «Literally» (ref. the «Conducting research» Section). Within the framework of the conference the participants discussed activities of political parties before the elections, transparency of party finance, the state and prospects of reforming the legislation on political parties and electoral reform on the eve of the elections, how to create equal conditions for parliamentary and extra-parliamentary parties, and about false start of election camping. The results of the research were presented
Conducting research CVU analysed the MPs attendance of parliament sessions and committees. Also, the experts of the CVU analysed how the MPs voted the Analytical report “The Verkhovna Rada: failures and achivemen of 8 (including those who voted for the bills forwarded by the president and session” the government), who was the initiator of the bills. The ratings of the MPs who ignored the voting and those who worked hard and voted (within the project «Doslivno») thoroughly, also CVU made the individual rating of the leaders of the factions. Report of the All-Ukrainian NGO CVU
Research of the All-Ukrainian NGO CVU Analysis of financial statements of parties
Report available here There was presented the following news on it: Parliamentary parties massively bought advertising on TV for public funds;
(within the project «Literally»)
Report of CVU “Verkhovna Rada: results of the year” (within the project «Literally»)
A quarter of funds from the State Budget was spent on advertisement; In July-September parliamentary parties spent more than 200 million UAH; Batkivshchyna party spent 100 million UAH on the advertisement of the "New Course" The research is conducted within the project «Literally». Registered draft laws were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative indicators; Adopted laws were analysed using quantitative and qualitative indicators;
CVU assessed the activity of the MPs who are potential candidates for the post of President of Ukraine
And there was analysed voting of factions for draft laws in all topical units. Monthly has been issued assessment of work of MPs who are potential candidates for the post of President of Ukraine
To support CVU If you share our values and our vision for implementation of human rights and real democracy you are welcome to support the Committee of voters of Ukraine as a volunteer or to provide financial support. To join us as a volunteer - election observer or program participant - please contact the head office of CVU or directly the regional offices. If you wish to provide CVU with financial support, please use the following information: Bank account details Recipient: NGO «COMMITTEE OF VOTERS OF UKRAINE» Current account 2600435766101 PJSC «Bank Petrocommerce-Ukraine» MFO (sort code) 300120 Code 00012003 Payment reference – donation without VAT