13 minute read

Put a Focal On Our Local


Since the beginning of Lockdown 1.0, 2.0 and most recently 3.0, we have found ourselves exploring the outdoor world right on our doorstep for entertainment.


Whether you are using your outdoor exercise time to explore your local attractions, or want to visit them once the lockdown

has eased, we think it is will worth your time checking out these 6 things to do.

Discover Hull’s Hidden Gems...






Disabled Access

Picture Opportunity

Been there? Get it ticked off!




The street art scene in Hull has been going from strength to strength over the last few years, with an increasing number of artists adorning walls across the city with an array of different styles. Hull Street Art is a free resource for people looking to discover new pieces, to find out more about the artists behind them and to immerse themselves in the Hull street art scene like never before.

This walk takes you from the village of Tickton to the Leven Canal, using public footpaths along the River Hull. The route links the two East Riding villages using flat, waterside paths with nice countryside views on the way. The walk starts just to the east of Tickton, and you will see sights like the aqueduct at Sandholme Farm, which carries the canal over a drainage ditch which was already in existence when the canal was built.



Tickton Bridge, Tickton, Beverley




The Alternative Heritage project was born from an idea that stemmed back to time writing a newspaper column on local culture and arts in the lead up to Hull being awarded the City of Culture status in 2017. This initial exploration of the strange, interesting and engaging stories that made up the city’s history was a starting point to a project which has turned into a city-wide trail.



North Landing, Flamborough

This small, picturesque beach of North Landing is flanked by stunning chalk cliffs, which are backed by grassy hills. It is situated in a natural cove on the north side of the Flamborough headland, about 7 miles south-east of Reighton. With a small cafe inside the lifeboat house (takeout only), it’s a perfect trip out nearby.






Boothferry Road, Hessle

A Moth for Amy was a mass engagement public art project, modeled on Hull’s highly successful ‘Larkin with Toads’ scheme. Following the auction and the sale of Moths to sponsors, many were relocated around Hull and East Riding, some into private homes or businesses but many are still on public view. You can see where all the Amy Moths (and Larkin Toads) have landed in our new map ‘Where are they now’, With hundreds of trees and thousands of herbs and shrubs, the 1km woodland trail circles the business park, providing a perfect place visitors to escape. There’s also plenty to look at as you wander, with an arts project run by All Saints pupils, with sets of spiral-inspired seating and a colourful spiral “mini-forest”, while Hessle High engineering students created woodpecker sculptures for the trees.

Shorelines Project Unviels its Second Mural


‘All is connected’

by Calvin Innes, in collaboration with Ocean

Conservationist Nicky ‘Nemo’ Smedley and Project Aware.

The second mural piece as part of The Shorelines Project, an art and activism project launched last October by social action group, Rights : Community : Action, was revealed today, having been completed in just 12 hours.

As part of the 18-month community engagement campaign, mural number two came to life with the

aim of empowering Hull’s residents to be better

informed, educated and prepared for climate change. A series of 10 murals will be

seen popping up over the city to act as a reminder of the

real risks the city faces, and a call to action.

Named ‘All is Connected’, the piece highlights the fragility of our world’s ecosystems and how climate change affects everything. The oceans play a vital role in cities like Hull, helping to regulate river flow. Globally the oceans also produce between 50 and 80% of the

world’s oxygen, meaning these fragile ecosystems need preserving.

Ocean Conservationist

Nicky ‘Nemo’ Smedley approached The Shorelines Project to offer her extensive knowledge in protecting the underwater environment

and brought to life just how important the sea is to a city like Hull; a city built on the edge of a tidal river and a city whose fortunes were transformed because of the

fishing industry.

Working in partnership with PADI, Project Aware, Bite Back and The Shark Trust, Nicky brought the vision to Calvin Innes, artist and creative director at Drunk

Animal, who used it to inspire his ‘All is Connected’ mural.

Nicky Smedley commented:

“I’ve been campaigning against climate change and ocean conservation for years so when The Shorelines

Project arrived in the city, I knew I had to get involved.

The ocean is the largest habitat on the planet, it is the most exploited, yet the least protected. People don’t realise the huge role it plays in our lives, and particularly those in Hull; it has literally fuelled the city’s prosperity since the 1800s. This mural

connects the land to the

sea, and will help to educate people on the vulnerability of our environment, oceans and planet as a whole.”

Thanks to Transpennine Express, the mural sits proudly in a free commercial unit at Hull Paragon Interchange. The piece is in stark contrast to the first,

darker mural piece, 'The Girl', which can be seen on the Hull College building adjacent to George Street. Painting directly onto the window of the unit, Calvin worked on the inside so

the mural can be seen by passers-by. It also had to be installed back to front, creating an added challenge to the installation.

The piece was completed in just under 12 hours and will remain in place for the

new few months.“Seeing the completed piece in Hull Paragon Station and knowing that I could contribute even slightly feels like a huge honour,” said Nicky. “I’m hoping it’s going to send out a strong message that protecting our oceans for the sake of our future is


Rights : Community : Action is now calling on the city’s residents to help create the next mural. Naomi Luhde-

Thompson, Chief Executive at Rights: Community: Action said:

“Climate change is happening; it’s now an inevitable part of our future; but as a city, we are not prepared for its long term impacts. More needs to be done to safeguard the city and its communities for the future. We want The

Shorelines Project to act as a lasting reminder to the people of Hull that its future can be re-written if we work

together to demand change.

“Art has the power to transport people to imagine futures where we have

responded to the challenge of climate change. By using art, and delivering it through a community-led engagement programme, we hope we’ll be able to empower the Hull community and build the confidence to know that they have the collective power to tackle it head on.”

“We want Hull to lead

the debate in tackling the impacts of climate change. The city has the potential to become the leader in flood

prevention, but only if the community raises the issue to the highest levels. Through our art project, we want to empower communities and ensure their voice is heard,

it’s essential in the fight against global warming.”

To find out more about the

project, its murals and how you can get involved, visit theshorelinesproject.com.

You can also see the great work Nicky ‘Nemo’ Smedley does by following her across Facebook and Instagram: @NickySmedley and @nickynoodles70.

“I’ve been campaigning against climate change and ocean conservation for years so when The Shorelines Project arrived in the city, I knew I had to get involved.”

- Nick 'Nemo' Smedley

The Beverley Sleepover Company


The Beverley Sleepover Company provides the ultimate sleepover parties and events for both children and adults across Beverley, Hull and East Riding. From birthday parties and pamper nights, to family camp outs, baby showers, kids sleepovers and girls weekends, it’s safe to say the Beverley Sleepover Company helped many people through their ‘lockdown celebrations’ last year.

We caught up with owner, Amy, and spoke about the best ‘Instagrammable moments’ that her Bell Tent and Teepee Parties can provide.

88 Magazine: So Amy, tell us about how The Beverley Company came to be?

Amy: I started planning the business in June after recognising a gap in the market for safe but super fun parties. Due to lockdown, everyone had to cancel their plans and my sister was so disappointed when she had to cancel her 21st birthday plans. That’s when I thought, what else could we arrange to ensure this special birthday could still be one to remember?

88 Magazine: I think this was the case for a lot of creative people like yourself who wanted to utilise their creativity in unique ways during such a tough period. How did the business kick off in the midst of the pandemic? Was it difficult?

Amy: Well, with everything going on, I expected the

company to make a slow start but actually ended up being completely overwhelmed with the number of people wanting to book!

I launched with bell tent sleepovers and day parties, but soon expanded to offer not only boho chic themes, but woodlands too, creating a fun family adventure camp out! Amy: We decorate them with fairy lights, rose garlands, faux rugs, lanterns and more! The results are so beautiful, it hardly feels like you’re actually camping - more glamping. Maybe even

a more luxurious version of glamping too. We pay great attention to detail and add more accessories depending on each chosen theme. Bedding, decorative cushions and cosy blankets are also included. Even offering a special couples package for those looking for romantic nights under the stars. more flexible in order to accommodate the changing seasons. That’s when Teepee sleepovers and luxe picnics were born!

The perfect wintery, ‘Instagrammable moments’ can be made with these options, whatever your age. With the luxe picnics we provide quirky decorative plates with gold cutlery, glasses, table decorations and LOTS of cushions. Teepee Sleepovers include everything from fairy lights to cosy lanterns, breakfast tables, buntings and even a personalised message board.

88 Magazine: That sounds great! That would have been exactly what families needed to entertain their children (and keep themselves busy as well, let’s be honest). What else makes The Beverley Sleepover Club so unique?

88 Magazine: That sounds amazing, I don’t know why I haven’t tried these already. I might have to wait for it to get a bit warmer though before I jump on the bandwagon!

thing about The Beverley Sleepover Company because I started looking at other unique party ideas once last summer was booked. I wanted to be able to be

88 Magazine: When can we book?

Amy: Our bell tent season is from March to October, but other than that, The Beverley Sleepover Company is open all year round!

What’s more, with all of our services, we will arrange the full set up as well as the collection the following morning - leaving no mess or stress for the parents.

Little Creations by Doodledo


88 Magazine loves discovering the real-life stories behind businesses, especially those that have been born from a pretty dark time in the world last year. How Doodledo Creations came to be is no exception.

Born and bred in Olney, Milton Keynes, Lucy Goodwin was a hairdresser all of her life. After she got married and had four beautiful children, she continued to work, loving what she did for a living. Fast forward to 2018 and things took a dramatic turn.

Cancer. It’s a horrible word isn’t it? Initiating such fear into anyone who hears it. Imagine how Lucy felt when at only 41 years old, she sat down in front of her consultant explaining her diagnosis. Stage 4 Breast Cancer. She didn’t even have time to process it before he continued to tell her it had spread to her hip bone. And just like that, she was placed on the palliative care unit.

Refused surgery and IV Chemotherapy, Lucy agreed to take oral chemo which was meant to give her a better quality of life whilst she was fighting for just that. That didn’t suffice; her ovaries were removed and as a result of the surgery she hit menopause the very next day.

One of the hardest things she ever had to do was break the news to her children, who were 13, 10, 8 and 5 at the time. Seeing the devastation

on their faces and knowing her husband was struggling to cope, she knew she had to remain hopeful and refused to let Cancer defeat her. That’s when she started researching alternative options and discovered a variety of natural treatments and therapies that meant things started to change very quickly, this time for the better.

She was able to stop all pharmaceutical drugs and replaced them with Cannabis Oil (THC) mixed with CBD to help slow down the spread of her Cancer. Amongst a variety of other more natural therapies such as Rife, Ozone, Blood cleanse, Bio resonates, Ketogenic diets, Apricot kernels and juices. Changing her lifestyle and trying new remedies, Lucy began to live again. Come February 3rd 2020, Lucy was able to ring the infamous bell. She did it. Lucy beat it.

Just as she was starting to get her life back on track after a tumultuous twoyear battle, Coronavirus hit and the world was sent into lockdown. On top of this,

Lucy’s husband then became extremely ill, meaning they had no income tthroughout the first lockdown the pandemic brought upon the country. That’s when Lucy took the plunge and decided to do something about it. She has always enjoyed making things and so Doodledo Creations was born. Setting up her own business has been something Lucy has always thought about but never done - it’s always a case of “I’ll do it tomorrow” and then something else comes up to prevent it from coming to fruition. This seems to be a common theme for a lot of the creative individuals we have spoken to here at 88 Magazine to bring you our ‘Lockdown Creations’ pages. It’s amazing to hear how people have taken a negative situation and turned it into an opportunity to bring passions to life to help with their own mental health; whether that be by distracting themselves to keep anxieties about the uncertainty of the world at bay, or even just to make people smile in a time of need.

Doodledo Creations launched on October 1st 2020 across Facebook and Instagram. Already the responses and support have been so overwhelming. Lucy has found her happy place.

Lucy creates made to order personalised gifts such as wreaths, picture frames and decorative items with festive themes. Take a look for yourself!

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