3 minute read

D Tips to Top the Market

calves are well received. The calves sell very well. When our nephews Matt, Wyatt and Cole and our nieces Michelle, Larissa and Rebecca where younger, they spent a lot of time here at the farm. They all rode and showed horses through our small local fairs and through the Manitoba 4-H horse programs. Matt and Michelle also showed home-grown steers and heifers in the Manitoba 4-H Beef Program. As a family we also showed our own steers in the Jackpot classes. Our home-grown Limousin Cattle placed and showed very well. Over the years, the kids have had some Grand Champions and carcass class winners. We are very proud of our nephews and nieces, and our cattle. We have many, many happy memories of all of us playing and working together. Over the years, we try to keep 15 to 20 heifers to turn into up placements for our herd. Our cattle are quiet and easy calving and we find the cows are great mothers. And this is why we have chosen the Limousin genetics for over 45 years. Dianne Riding and Gary Wilkinson

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Three Way Limousin

Three Way Limousin entries 2017 MB Summer Pen Show Portage la Prairie


When it comes to getting top dollar at the market place there are several things to take into consideration. #1 market conditions: many factors play into the daily trade ie: currency, commodity prices, futures, truck availability and weather to name a few. I encourage sellers of cattle to watch sales across the country to get a feel of things a few weeks before bringing calves to market. Keep in mind and be honest with yourself that you compare your weight class, breed and quality of cattle to other sales. #2 Condition of cattle: as the market place changes some producers look at pre-weaning to reduce stress or feed calves till mid winter or spring. Individual farms are each in a different situation. Some farms can produce their own feed while others buy in feed which can be a calculated cost difference to either farm. Some farms are limited to pen space. If you are selling calves directly off the cow do so the day of shipping and avoid pulling calves off a few days before hand. Clean up the rough calves. De-horn, castrate, watch for bad eyes or feet. Frozen ears or tails will get discounted. Vaccinated calves give the buyer ease of mind when the purchase is in play! 3: communication: the sooner your market of choice knows that you are thinking of shipping the better job they can do for you! Work with your market rep! We can’t control the price level but the more we know the more we can advertise your cattle to maximize your profits 4: Auction Mart: choose a market place that handles your cattle appropriately. The local sale barn is often a better option vs trucking. Calves need less stress to avoid shrink so intern the shorter the ride the less shrink and stress will be realized. We offer low stress handling and a show list method of marketing your calves which can reduce stress and shrink of cattle it might cost a few dollars but having your calves put on feed and water for night will drastically reduce the shrink and put dollars in your jeans! Brad Kehler Grunthal Livestock Auction Mart

MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2021 7

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