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Scenario Planning

Scenario Planning for the Boston Metropolitan Region: Exploring Environmental and Social Implications of Alternative Futures

Ryan, Robert L.; Warren, Paige S.; Nicolson, Craig; Cheng, Chingwen; Danford, Rachel; and Strohbach, Michael (2013) "Scenario Planning for the Boston Metropolitan Region: Exploring Environmental and Social Implications of Alternative Futures," Proceedings of the Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning: Vol. 4 : Iss. 1 , Article 14.Available at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/fabos/vol4/iss1/14


The Boston Metropolitan Area Urban Long-Term Ecological Research Area (BMA-ULTRAEX) project is an interdisciplinary project that is studying how the ecosystem in Boston Metropolitan area causing influence in social, economic and environmental aspects. It is a research lead by University of Massachusetts, under the direction by the city planning authority. It tends to focus on scenario planning to examine whether the greenway planning fulfill the need for the community, target on some existing urban issues: disconnection on commercial area and developed area (social), low-income communities (economic) and local habitat lost (environmental). By estimation and assumption, provide a natural protect policy and focus on urban development to resolve the target issues.

(Ryan, Warren, Paige Nicolson, Craig, Cheng, Danford, Rachel, Strohbach, Michael, 2013)


Figure 37 : Stages in Scenario Development (Ryan, Warren, Paige Nicolson, Craig, Cheng, Danford, Rachel, Strohbach, Michael, 2013)

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