Чи потрібно розуміти сучасне мистецтво?
of their expression. Modern art actively responds to the state of society by presenting visual images and installations. It conveys experiences, emotions, thoughts, and actions through performances, movements, images, and voices. Art in which there is a dialogue with the artist, the surrounding world and nature. Someone is still trying to understand it, and someone immediately criticizes it, because it is easiest if a person does not understand the basic principles on which art is based (modern), does not think about what the author wanted to show with his art. Perhaps we do not need to fully understand it. It is likely that these are just emotions, impressions. Such expressive and fast. The main thing here is not to jump to conclusions, because art is changing quite quickly, as well as modern technology. In our time, you will not be surprised by the classic and professional painting. You will be surprised by the novelty of the materials, the idea, concept and presentation (social). That’s why we often see a variety of abstractions, photos, graphics, multimedia novelties combined with music and video accompaniments. All this does not leave anyone indifferent, gives you the opportunity to think more deeply, to understand the basic principles of the search and understanding of modern art. Cultural heritage, modern thinking and innovation in art, in my opinion, are one of the important tasks here and now. Create and be creators
“Me vs Max” акрил, полотно, 50 х 50 (см) “Me vs Max” acrylic, canvas, 50 x 50 (cm)
“Me vs Oxana” змішана техніка: акрил, олія, акриловий маркер, полотно, 50 х 50 (см) “Me vs Oxana” mixed media: acrylic, oil, acrylic marker, canvas, 50 x 50 (cm)
“Oxana vs Me” змішана техніка: акрил, олія, акриловий маркер, полотно, 50 х 50 (см) “Oxana vs Me”mixed media: acrylic, oil, acrylic marker, canvas, 50 x 50 (cm)
“Valentina vs Me” акрил, полотно, 50 х 50 (см) “Valentina vs Me” acrylic, canvas, 50 x 50 (cm)
Буць Ольга головний редактор та дизайнер журналу Buts Olha editor-in-chief and designer of the magazine Калінічева Аліна переклад на англійську мову Kalinicheva Alina translation on English Бойко Юлія редактор журналу Boiko Yuliya magazine editor
Федак Дарина авторка статті: «Тобою керує колір!» Daryna Fedak
author of the article: «You are guided by color!»
E-mail: artmood2018.20@gmail.com +380984141432
Lviv Ukraine
Це молодіжна організація (Рух), яка об’єднує сотні молодих творчих та креативних людей, які діляться своїми вміннями та талантами у різних сферах діяльності. Для зростання, взаємної допомоги та інтелектуального й духовного розвитку молоді. ArtMove -це творчий розвиток духу, розуму, вмінь молодих людей, незалежно від національності, віку, мови чи здібностей. Організація є некомерційною, адже працює на благо молоді та їхнього розвитку. Це означає,що команда може збільшуватися, чим нас більше, тим більше людей зробить для суспільства щось корисне.
An Art Organization,which unites hundreds of creative people,who share their skills and talents in different fields of activity. Made for growth, mutual assistance, intellectual and spiritual development of youth. ArtMove - is a creative development of mind and skills, regardless of age,nationality, mother language or competence. Organization is non-profit,so works for the benefit of youth and its development. That means that our team can get bigger. The more of us, the more people can do something useful to society.