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I.I.1.1. S A L U T A C I Ó N………..………………….……....……………….......................................….…..página: 1. I.I.1.2. A L A B A N Z A S


I.I.1.3. A L A B A N Z A S,





H O R A S…………….…….………………..….….página: 2.

I.I.1.4. A L A B A N Z A

E U C A R Í S T I C A……………………………….……….………..................….página: 2.

I.I.1.5. S A L U D O




I.I.1.6. S A L U D O




I.I.1.7. O R A C I Ó N









I.II.1.2. M I S T E R I O S





I.II.1.1. O F R E C I M I E N T O




I.II.1. L

A L T Í S I M O…….…………………………………………….….página: 1.














Á N G E L U S…………...…………………..página: 4.



M A R Í A…………..………página: 7.

M A R Í A………………………….página: 7.




C O R O N A………….......................................página: 9.



I.II.1.2.1. P R I M E R



I………………………………………….página: 10.

I.II.1.2.2. S E G U N D O



II……..................................................página: 13.

I.II.1.2.3. T E R C E R



III……..……….……………………...…página: 14.

I.II.1.2.4. C U A R T O



IV……….………………………………página: 17.

I.II.1.2.5. Q U I N T O



V………………………………………..página: 19.

I.II.1.2.6. S E X T O



Parte: [Salmo VI]…………………….página: 21.

I.II.1.2.7. S E X T O



Parte: [Salmo VI]……………………página: 22.

I.II.1.2.8. S É P T I M O



Parte: [Salmo VII]……………………página: 24.

I.II.1.2.9. S É P T I M O



Parte: [Salmo IX]…………………….página: 27.



E S P E C I A L E S……………………..……..……………………página: 29.

F I N A L………………………………..………………………………página: 55.























II.I.1. I N I C I O……………………………………………………………....………………………………….……..página: 57.























III.I.1. I N T R O D U C C I Ó N III.I.1.1. L A




SERMONES DE SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA DOMINGO DE QUINCUAGÉSIMA:……….página: 70. III.I.2. R E P A R A C I Ó N………………………………………………...……………………….……….página: 78.





















IV.I.1. PROMESAS DEL SERÁFICO PRINCIPE SAN MIGUEL………………………...…………..……….…………página: 91. IV.I.2. S A L U T A C I O N E S










CORO ANGELICAL……….…..página: 93.





CORO ANGELICAL……….…..página: 94.





CORO ANGELICAL.................página: 94.





CORO ANGELICAL……….…..página: 94.





CORO ANGELICAL……….…..página: 96.




CORO ANGELICAL……….......página: 96.




CORO ANGELICAL……….…..página: 96.

IV.I.3. A


CORO ANGELICAL……….…..página: 93.

P R Í N C I P E S……………………….…………………………………………………….…página: 99.

IV.I.4. ORACIÓN A LA SANTÍSIMA VIRGEN MARÍA………………………………………………………....página: 99.





















V.I.1. R E S P O N S O R I O……...………………………..…………………..............................................página: 101.










V.II.1. ORACIÓN PARA LAS ALMAS DEL PURGATORIO…………………….……………….……………….página: 103.





















VI.I.1. ORACIÓN POR NUESTRA TIERRA [ PAPA FRANCISCO ]……………………….…………….……página: 105. VI.I.2. ORACIÓN CRISTIANA POR LA CREACIÓN [ PAPA FRANCISCO ]………………..…………...página: 106. VI.I.3. ORACIÓN POR LA FAMILIA [ PAPA FRANCISCO ]…………………………............................…página: 109. VI.I.4. ORACIÓN DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS………………………………………………………...…página: 110. VI.I.5. CÁNTICO


VI.I.6. ORACIÓN POR LAS VOCACIONES…………………………………………………………………….página: 115. VI.I.7. ORACIÓN PARA REUNIONES FRATERNAS…………………………………………………………….página: 115. VI.I.8. ORACIÓN TOTAL PULCHRA ES MARÍA……………………………………………………………….página: 117. VI.I.9. ORACION FINAL……………….………................................................................................................página: 118.













































ANTIGUA…………..página: 120.

P A Z……......................................página: 125.
















ALFARO……………..página: 126.




S E Ñ O R………………………………...….página: 131. HACEN

P E N I T E N C IA…………...página: 135.

M I N I S T R O..............................................................página: 139. QUE



P E N I T EN C I A…..página: 141.



PRAYERS, PRAISES, BEFORE THE HOLY CROWN GREETING V. We Love You. R. Most Holy, Lord Jesus Christ +, here, in our heart, and in all your Churches that are in the whole world, and we bless you, because by your Most Holy Cross you have redeemed the world, Amen. V. Hail, True Body. 9|Pรกgina

R. Born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Truly Tormented, Immolated in the Cross, by man, whose Pierced Side, flowed Water and Blood. You are savored by us, in the trance of death, Oh Jesus Sweet, Oh Jesus Pious, Oh Jesus Son + of Mary, Amen PRAYERS, PRAISES, ORACION – I, M NOT SURE - AND --FOLDERS BEFORE THE HOLY CROWN I. Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name. II. Blessed be Jesus Christ, True God and True Man. III. Blessed be the Name of Jesus, Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. IV. Blessed be your Most Precious Blood. V. Blessed be Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. SAW. Blessed be the Holy Spirit Comforter. VII. Blessed be the Great Mother of God, Most Holy Mary. VIII. Blessed be your Holy and Immaculate Conception. IX. Blessed be your Glorious Assumption. X. Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. XI. Blessed be Mary, Mother of the Church. XII. Blessed be St. Joseph, his Most Chaste Spouse. XIII. Blessed be God in his Angels and in his Saints, Amen. XIV. You are Holy, Lord God, the only one who does wonders (Ps. 76,15). XV. You are Strong, you are Great, you are Most High, you are Omnipotent King, XVI. You, Holy Father (Jn 17,11), King of Heaven and earth (cf. Mt 11,25). XVII. You are Triune and One, Lord God of Gods (cf. Ps 135,2), you are the Good, XVIII. All Good, the Highest Good, Lord God Alive and True (cf. 1 Thes 1,9). XIX. You are Love, you are Charity; You are Wisdom, you are Humility, XX. You are Patience (Ps 70,5), you are Beauty, you are Meekness, XXI. You are Security, you are Stillness, you are Gozo, XXII. You are our Hope and Joy, you are Justice, you are Temperance, XXIII. You are all our Wealth to Satisfaction. You are beauty XXIV. You are Meekness; You are Protector (Ps 30,5), you are Refreshment, XXV. You are our Custodian and defender; Thou art the strength (cf. Ps. 42: 2), XXVI. You are our Hope, you are our Faith, you are our Charity, XXVII. You are all Our sweetness, you are our eternal Life: COMMITMENTS TO BE TOLD AT ALL HOURS I.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Almighty God, who is, and who was, and who is to come (cf. Rev 4: 8): and let us praise him and exalt him for ever II. . II. You are worthy, O Lord God, to receive Praise, Glory, Honor and Blessing (cf. Rev 4:11): and let us praise it and exalt it for ever. III. III. Worthy is the Lamb, who has been beheaded, to receive Power, and Divinity, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honor, and Glory, and Blessing (Rev 5,12): and let us extol Him, and let us extol Him For centuries. IV. Let us bless the Father, and the Son +, with the Holy Spirit: and let us praise him, and exalt him for ever. V. All creatures of the Lord, Bless the Lord (Dan 3,57): and let us praise him and 10 | P á g i n a

exalt him for ever. SAW VI. Praise our God, all his servants, and those who fear God, small and great (cf. Rev 19: 5): and let us praise him and exalt him for ever. VII. The Heavens and the earth, praise Him who is Glorious (cf. Ps 68,35; Sal Rom): and let us praise Him, and exalt Him for ever VIII. And every creature which is in heaven and on earth, and that which is under the earth, and the sea, and that which is in it (Rev 5,13): and let us praise it, and exalt it for ever. IX. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit: and let us praise him, and exalt him for ever X. As it was in the Beginning, and Now, and Ever, and forever and ever, Amen. And let us praise him, and exalt him for evermore

EUARISTIC PRAISE V. Oh Sacred Feast. A. In which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion is renewed, the soul is filled with Grace and we are given a garment of the future Glory, Amen. V. You gave them bread from Heaven. R. That contains in itself, all delight. V. O God, that under this admirable Sacrament you have left us the memory of your Passion, we ask you to grant us so venerate the Sacred Mysteries of your Most Holy Body and your Most Holy Blood that we may constantly experience in you the fruits of your Redemption. You who live and reign for ever and ever. R. Amen. V. O CELSITUD????? zeal and loving condescension! R. O Sublime Humility! Oh HUMELITY Sublimity! May the Lord of the world, and of the Universe, God and Son of God, humble himself to the point of hiding, for our salvation under a little bread, Amen.

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GREETING TO THE VIRGIN MARIA ANGELUS V. The Angel of the Lord announced to Mary. R. And he conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. V. God save you, Mary ... R. Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Let it be in me, according to your Word. V. God save you, Mary ... R. Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. The Word became flesh. R. And he dwelt among us. V. God save you, Mary ... R. Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Pray for us, the Most Holy Mother of God. R. That we may be worthy to attain The Divine Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Pour out your Lord Grace in our hearts so that those who have known the Incarnation of your Son, through the Angel's announcement, may come, through His Passion and Cross, to the Glory of the Resurrection, through Christ our Lord, Amen. V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen.

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Hail, Lady, Holy Queen, Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary, made Church, and chosen by the Most Holy Father of Heaven, consecrated by HIM, with his Most Beloved Son, and Holy Spirit Defender, Fullness of Grace and All Good! Hail, Palace of God! Hail, Tabernacle of God! Hail, House of God! Hail, Garment of God! Hail, Slave of God! Hail, Mother of God! Hail, also all you Blessed Virtues who, through the Grace and Enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, are infused into the hearts of the faithful, to make them, unfaithful, faithful to God! Amen.


Blessed Virgin Mary, there is not born in the world among women no one like you, Daughter and Slave of the Most High King and Heavenly Father, Mother of our Most Holy Lord Jesus Christ, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for the conversion of absolutely all infidels , Pray for the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners.

Mother of our Most Holy Lord Jesus Christ, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray together with: "The Glorious Prince, the Seraphic Saint Michael, and the most faithful Saint Joseph, and with the holy martyr Abel, and the righteous Henoch, And with the Holy Prophet Elijah, and with all the Holy Martyrs Apostles, and with absolutely all the Holy Martyrs, and with the Seraphic Saints of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua, And with the Seraphic Holy Thérèse of Jesus, and with all the Holy Virtues of Heaven, and with absolutely all the Saints, "before your most beloved Son, eternally perfect, so that through his great mercy and infinite goodness Lead to Paradise, absolutely to all the souls of the generation of the human race, Amen.

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My children, are you here? Have you then been spectators of all my sufferings, In the hundreds of thousands of deaths I have suffered In all the Holy Martyrs, And in the innumerable deaths of all the Innocent Saints? Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy V. Omnipotent Eternal, Just and Merciful God.

R. Grant us for yourself miserable ones, do what we know you want and always want what pleases you, so that interiorly purged, and illuminated inwardly, and ignited by the fire of the Holy Spirit, we can follow in the footsteps of your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and to come, by Your grace alone, to You, Most High, who in Perfect Trinity and in Simple Unity, live and reign and are clothed with glory, Almighty God for ever and ever, Amen.

V. Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Omnipotent God of all Consolation, from the depths of our heart we beseech you: Receive this Holy Crown for Your Glory, Honor, Praise, Consolation and Blessing; And in Reparation, and in Eternal Adoration to the Most Holy, Most Divine and Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Forever Holy, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy receive this Holy Crown in eternal thanksgiving for all the generation of the human race , We implore you with humility, by the Most Holy Tears, of our martyred Most Holy Mother, who loved you on earth and who loves you, even more ardently in Heaven, Amen

R. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

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I. O God, I have discovered my life, / and you have before my eyes my tears ... Psalm 55, 8 -9). II. All my enemies were whispering against me: they all conspired to bring me evil (Psalm 40: 8), and, those who were stalking my life have gathered in counsel ........................ .. (Psalm 70: 10 ). III. They turned me evil for good, and paid me with hatred The Love that I had .......................................................... ... (Psalm 108, 5). IV. Instead of loving Me, they slandered me: more I prayed .... (Psalm 108, 4). V. O my Father, Holy One! (Jn 17:11), Lord of Heaven and earth (Matthew 11, 25), do not depart from me; For the tribulation is near, and there is no one to help me................... ( Psalm 21,12). VI. May my enemies retreat on the day I invoke you, / at whatever time I invoke you, I instantly know that you are my God ............................................................... .. ... (Psalm 55: 10). My friends and my kinsmen came near to me, and they betrothed me; And my friends stood in the distance ............... .. .... ....... ... (Psalm 37, 12) VII. You have removed my acquaintance from me, / they have looked upon me as the object of their abomination; I was betrayed and had no way out ... ... (Psalm 87, 9). VIII. My Holy Father (John 17:11), do not take away your help from me ... (Psalm 21:20); Oh God, do not stay away from me. Come, my God, to help me ... (Psalm 70, 12). IX. Come into my aid / Lord God of my Salvation ............... ........ (Psalm 37, 23). X. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in a Principle, Now and Ever, for ever and ever, Amen.

[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ...

[Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. In Heaven and on earth be forever praised; R. The Loving Heart of the Blessed Sacrament, Amen.

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I. Lord God of my health, day and night I am crying in your Presence ...... ... ... .. .................. .................... .................. .. (Psalm 87, 2). II. Let my Prayer be received in your Presence, / incline your ear to my supplication ............... .. ....................................... ........ ...... ... (Psalm 87, 3) III. Look for my soul and rescue it: take me out of the hands of my enemies ............... .. ........................................ ...... (Psalm 68, 19) IV. Because you are the one who took me from the womb; And my hope, since I was hung from the breasts of my Mother (Psalm 21: 10); / From the bowels of my Mother I was thrown into your arms ... (Psalm 21: 11). V. From the womb I hold you for my God ......... .. (Psalm 21, 11) / dont go away from me .................................................... Psalm 21: 12). VI. You see the opprobriums that I suffer, and my confusion, and my ignominy. ....................................................................................... (Psalm 68, 20) VII. You have before your eyes all those who torment me: insults and miseries always awaits my Heart ...... .. (Psalm 68, 21). VIII. And I waited for some to be sorry for me, but nobody did; Or who would console me, and I did not find whoever did it ... .... ... (Psalm 68, 21). IX. O God, the wicked have conspired against me: and a gathering of the mighty has struck my life; Without paying attention to what you have been present ................ ......... .. (Psalm 85, 14). X. They already tell me among the dead: I have come to be like a man forsaken by all; / Manumitted from the dead ............. ........................ ... ... ... ............ ...... (Psalm 87,5-6). XI. You are my Most Holy Father, / My King and my God ... ... (Psalm 43, 5). XII. Come to my aid, / O Lord God my Savior ...... .. ...... (Psalm 37, 23).

[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. A. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. Be forever Blessed and Adored Christ, our Blessed Lord; R. Our King, for ever and ever, Amen.

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S a l m o III

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me; Since my soul has put your trust in you .... .......................................... .. .......... ....... (Psalm 56, 2). And I will wait for the shadow of your wings / until the iniquity passes. .............................................................................. ... ...... ... (Psalm 56, 2). I will cry to my Most Holy Father, Most High, / (see Ps 56, 3) to the Lord God who has done me so much good ... (Psalm 56: 3). He sent from Heaven his help and delivered me, and those who humbled me were ashamed. Psalm 56: 4. God sent his Mercy and Fidelity; / Plucked up my soul (Psalm 54: 4-5) from the hands of my mighty enemies and those who hated me, who had become strong against me .............................. .. (Psalm 17:18 ). Armed they had a snare to my feet / and they bent my soul. ................................................ ... .............................. .. ... (Psalm 56, 7). They opened before me a pit; But they fell on him. ...................... .. ................ (Psalm 56, 7). My Heart, O God, is ready; My heart is well: I will sing and sing psalms ......... .. ........................ .. ... .... (Psalm 56, 8). Arise, Glory of mine, hurry, O psalter and zither; I will get up at dawn (Psalm 56: 9). IX. I will praise you before the people, Lord, / I will sing psalms to you before the nations .................................. .............. .. ......... .... (Psalm 56,10). Because even the heavens have been exalted your mercy / and your faithfulness to the clouds ................................ ....... .... (Psalm 56, 11). Rise above Heaven, O God, / and over all the earth your Glory ......................... ...... ... .................................. .. (Psalm 56, 12).

[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. A. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. Let us praise and give thanks, in every moment and moment; R. To the Most Holy, and Most Blessed Sacrament, Amen.

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Have mercy on me, O my God, because the man is trampling me unworthily, / harassing me all day have tormented me ........................................................................ ............... ... (Psalm 55, 2).


All day I am trampled underfoot by my enemies; For there are many who strive against me ............................ ........................ (Psalm 55: 3). III. All my enemies were whispering against me: they all conspired to bring me evil, / they pronounced an unjust sentence against me .......................................................... ............ (Psalm 40: 8 -9). IV. And those who were stalking my life have gathered in council. ........ .................................................... .. ................ .......... (Psalm 70, 10). V. They went out / and conspired with the others ...................... (Psalm 40: 7-8). VI. All who look at me, mock me with words, and shake their heads ................................. ............. ...... ... (Psalm 21 , 8). VII. I am a worm, and not a man; The reproach of men and the waste of the common people ............................ ......... .. ............ (Psalm 21: 7). VIII. I have become the reproach of all my enemies, and especially of my neighbors; And an object of horror for my acquaintances ... (Psalm 30, 12). IX. Oh my Father, Holy One! (Cf. Jn 17, 11) do not turn your help from me, / attend my defense .................................. ..................... .. (Psalm 21, 20). X. Come to my aid, O Lord God, my Savior .................. (Psalm 37, 23).

[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. For you, Jesus, I live; For you, Jesus, I die


I am Jesus, in life and in death, Amen.

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I raised my voice to cry out to the Lord: to the Lord I directed the cries of my prayer ............................ .................................... .. (Psalm 141, 2). I pour out in my Presence my Prayer, and I represent the extreme tribulation of mine ............ .. ............. ... .. ................................. .. (Psalm 141, 3). It is already to faint my spirit; And you, Lord, know well the right course of mine ..................... ... .............................. (Psalm 141, 4) In this way, where I was walking, they laid hidden links to me .......... ......................... ......... (Psalm 141, 4). I was watching if anyone was placed on my right to defend me; But no one made it known that he knew me .... .......... ... .. (Psalm 141, 5). Strike me without being able to flee; And without anyone looking at my life. .................................................................. .. ......... .. ......... .. (Psalm 141, 5) For the love of you I have suffered the outrages, and the face of mine is covered with confusion ................................................ .................................... (Psalm 68, 8). My own brethren, the children of my own Mother, have known me and had it by stranger ..................... ... (Psalm 68: 9). O my Father, Holy One! (John 17:11), the zeal of your house devoured me, and the reproaches of those who afflicted you fell upon me ............................................................ ..................... .. ... .. (Psalm 68, 10) . But they made a feast, and they gathered themselves together against me; / Suddenly they struck upon me whips ............. ......... .... (Psalm 34, 15) . They have multiplied more than the hairs of my head, those who hate me unjustly .... .............................. (Psalm 68: 5). They have made my enemies strong, the unjust pursuers of mine: paid I, what I had not stolen ............. ............ .. (Psalm 68, 5). Raising false witnesses, they questioned me about things, which I did not know ............................................................ ... (Psalm 34:11) They brought back evils for my goods ...... (Psalm 34: 12). And they slandered me / those who returned evil for good murmured of me, because it followed The Virtue ................................ .............. .... ... (Psalm 37, 21). You are my Most Holy Father, / My King and my God (cf. Psalm 43, 5) come to my aid, / O Lord God my Savior of mine ......... .. ... (Psalm 37:23).

[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. For Your Clean Conception Oh! Sovereign Princess, a very great purity I beg you from the heart. R. May the souls not be lost or die without confession, Amen 27 | P รก g i n a

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I. Oh you who pass through this way, attend and consider if there is Pain, as My Pain ........................................ .......... (Lamentations chapter one, 12).

II. For I find myself surrounded by a multitude of rabid dogs: a mob of evildoers has besieged me ......... .. .................. .. (Psalm 21, 17).

III. And they looked at me slowly, and watched me; / They divided my garments among them, and they divided my tunic ... (Psalm 21: 18-19). IV. They have drilled My Hands and My Feet, and have counted My Bones one by one ... ... ... (Psalm 21, 17-18).

V. They opened their mouths against me like a rapacious and roaring lion ................... .......................................... (Psalm 21: 14). VI.I am like spilled water / and all my bones have been disengaged SIGNIFICA DESACOPLADO Y LA PALABRA ES DESENCAJADO ...... .. ... ... ...... (Psalm 21, 15).

VII. My heart is like a wax melting inside my gut SIGNIFICA TRIPA Y LA PALABRA ERA ENTRAร A (Psalm 21:15).

VIII. All my greenery has dried up, like a clay pot; My tongue has stuck to the palate .... (Psalm 21: 16).

IX. They presented me gall for my food, and in the midst of My Thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink ............ .............................. (Psalm 68, 22).

X. And they lead me to the dust of the grave (Psalm 21:16) / And they increased more, and more The Pain of My Sores ...... (Psalm 68, 27) 29 | P รก g i n a



[Psalm V I]

XI. I fell asleep, and I fell into a deep sleep; And I woke up because the Lord took me under His care (Psalm 3: 6) / And my Holy Father received me with Glory ... ... ... (Psalm 72, 24). XII. My Holy Father (John 17:11), you assist me on the right hand, and guide me according to your will, and you received me with Glory (Psalm 72, 24).

XIII. Because, what else is there for me in Heaven? / And besides you, what did I want on earth? ............................................... (Psalm 72, 25). XIV. Be calm, and consider that I am God: I shall be exalted among the nations, and exalted in all the earth ....................................... (Psalm 45, 11).

XV. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel (Luke 1:68), who redeemed the souls of his slaves (Psalm 33:23) with his Most Holy Blood (cf. Revelation 5: 9) / and those who hope in Him will not perish .......... ............ (Psalm 33, 23). XVI. And we know that he is coming (cf. Psalm 95: 13) / in the sight of the Lord, because he comes: he comes, yes, to rule the earth. He will rule the roundness of the earth with Justice: he will rule the peoples with his Truth ………………………………………………………..................... (Psalm 95, 13).

[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. Pray for us, the Most Holy Mother of God; R. That we may be worthy of the Divine Promises of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen 30 | P á g i n a

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[Psalm VII]

I.-All nations, clapping applause: shout joyfully to God with voices of joy ....................................................................................................... (Psalm 42, 2). II. For the Lord is Exalted, and Terrible, the Great King over all the earth .................................... (Psalm 46: 3). III. For the Most Holy Father of Heaven, our King before the ages (cf. Psalm 73, 12), sent from above to his Beloved Son (cf. 1 John 4, 9) and brought Salvation to earth ……... ........................................................ (Psalm 73, 12). IV. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth leap for joy, the sea reeks and all that fills it; / Enjoy the fields and all that is in them .................................................................................................(Psalm 95, 11-12).

V. Sing to the Lord a new song: the whole earth sing to the Lord ..................................................................................................... ... (Psalm 95, 1). VI. For Great is the Lord, and Worthy of Infinite Praise: Terrible above all the gods .................................................................... ... ......... (Psalm 95: 4). VII. O ye families of the nations, come and offer the Lord; Come to offer Him honor, and Glory / Tribute to the Lord, The Glory due to His Name, to bring offerings and to enter his Atriums: to worship the Lord, in His Holy Dwelling…………………………………………………………. ... (Psalm 95: 7-9). VIII. Take their bodies and carry their Holy Cross (cf. Luke 14:27, John 19:17); / And to follow to the end his Most Holy Precepts ... (1 Pet 2:21). IX. Let the whole earth tremble in His Presence; / Tell the people that the Lord Reigned, since HE Madero (see Ps 95, 9-10). X. And ascended to Heaven, and is seated to the Right of the Holy Father in Heaven; Rise above Heaven, O God, / and on all the earth your Glory ................................. .. (Psalm 56, 12). XI And we know that he is coming, and that he will come to judge with justice (cf. Psalm 95, 13). 32 | P á g i n a

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I. Sing a new song to the Lord, / for He has done Marvels............................................................................................................. (Psalm 97, 1). II. He has sacrificed to his Beloved Son his Right, / and his Holy Arm.................................................................................... (cf Psalm 97: 1). III. The Lord has made His Savior known: He has manifested His righteousness in the eyes of the nations …………………...... (Psalm 97: 2). IV. On that day the Lord sent His Mercy, and in the night his song.................................................................................... (Psalm 41: 9). V. This is the day the Lord made; / Let us leap for joy and rejoice in Him........................ (Psalm 117: 24). VI. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord; / The Lord is God, and He has made us Enlightened................................ (Psalm 117: 26-27). VII. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth leap for joy, the sea reeks and all that fills it; / Enjoy the fields and all that is in them.................................... (Psalm 95, 1112). VIII. O ye families of the nations, come to offer the Lord, come to offer Him Honor and Glory; / To pay to the Lord the glory due to his name. Bring offerings, and enter your Atriums: Worship the Lord in His Holy Dwelling …………………………………………………….......................... (Psalm 95, 7-9). IX. Kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, / sing psalms to the Lord....................................................................................... (Psalm 67, 33). X. Sing psalms to God, which was raised to the Highest of the Heavens, from the east........................... (Psalm 67, 33, 34). XI. Knowing that from there will make your Voice, be an All-Powerful Voice. Tribut, then, Glory to God for what he has done in Israel: his Magnificence and his Power are raised to the clouds ... (Psalm 67, 34, 35). XII. Admirable is God in his Saints; / The God of Israel, Himself, will give Virtue and Strength, to his people. Blessed be God............. [One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Seven] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son +, and to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now, and Forever and Ever, Amen. V. Sovereign Sanctuary. V. Pound Virgin of Hell. V. Powerful Empress.

R. Tabernacle of the Eternal Word. R To those who pray this Holy Crown. R. Of mortal consolation.

V. Open to us the Virgin Heaven.

R. With a blessed death, Amen.

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Dios te Salve, María Santísima, Hija de Dios Padre, Virgen Purísima antes del Parto, en tus manos ponemos nuestra Fe, para que la ilumines, Llena eres de Gracia… Santa María, Madre de Dios... GOD SAVES YOU Holy Mary, Mother of God Son, Most Holy Virgin in Childbirth, in your hands we put our Hope for you to feed her, Fill you with Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... Hail Mary, Holy Wife of God Holy Spirit, Most Holy Virgin after Childbirth, into your hands we place our Charity to inflame you, Fill you with Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... Hail Mary, Holy Mary, Temple, and Holy Trinity, Conceived Virgin, without the original guilt. God save you, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Life, Tenderness and Hope of ours; God save you, we call you the exiled sons of Eve; To you we sigh, groaning and weeping, in this valley of tears, Ea, then, Lady, our Advocate, return to us those your merciful eyes; And after this exile show us Jesus, the Blessed Fruit of your Belly. Oh Most Clement, Oh Pious, Oh Sweet Ever Virgin Mary! Amen SPECIAL LETHANES

God the Father, who healeth brokenhearted hearts: ... Lord, have mercy. God the Redeemer Son of the world, let us wear our wounds: Christ, have mercy. God the Holy Spirit, who fill us with your love: .................... Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, Lamb without blemish, Sacrificed from the beginning of the world: .............................................................................. have mercy on us. Holy Blood Precious, infinite ....................................................................have mercy on us.



Holy Blood Precious, healthy bath always prepared for our sinful souls: ............................................. Have mercy on us. Holy Blood Precious, ever-flowing source of ....................................................... Have mercy on us.




From the spirit of lies, and of unbelief, for Thy Most Precious Blood: ..................................deliver us, Lord Jesus. From the unworthy reception of your Most Holy Body, and of Your Adorable Holy Blood, for Your Most Precious Blood: .......................................................................... deliver us, Lord Jesus. Of the eternal damnation, for your Most Precious Blood: ……deliver us, Lord Jesus 37 | P á g i n a

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Heart of Jesus, Son, of the Eternal Father: ……………………..have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, formed in the bosom of the Virgin Mother, by THE Holy Spirit: ................................................................................................ Have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, to the Word of God Substantially united: ................................................................................................... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, of Infinite Majesty: ................ ......... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, Holy Temple of God: ... ... have pity on us. Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High: ....................................................... .................................................................................................... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, House of God, and Heaven's Gate:…have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, fiery furnace of Charity: .............................. have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, Sanctuary of Justice and Love: ..................... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, full of Goodness and Love: ............................................................................................................... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, abyss of all Virtues: .............................................................................. ... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, worthy of all Praise: ... ... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts: ............................................................................................... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, in which are hidden all the Treasures of Wisdom and Science: ... ................................................................................................ have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, in which dwells all the Fullness of Divinity: .................................................................................. Have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, in which, the Father is pleased: ................................................................................................ have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness, we have all received: ............................................................................... ... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, desire of the Eternal Collados UN SINONIMO O SIGNIFICADO DE COLLADOS POR FAVOR: ............................................................................... ... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, patient and very merciful: .............................................................................have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, liberal with all who call on you: ..............................................................Have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus,---- Source---- LA PALABRA REAL ES FUENTE EN ESPAÑOL Y EN INGLES LITERAL SERÍA ----FOUNTAIN---- EN TANTO QUE SOURCE SE ENTIENDE EN EL TEXTO COMO ----RECURSO--- TU DECIDES LO ADECUADO OK of Life and Holiness: .............................................................................. ..... have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, Victim for our sins: .............................................................................. have mercy on us.

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Heart of Jesus, Hope of those who die in you....................................................................... Have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, reconciliation and our peace: .............. Have mercy on us Heart of Jesus, Salvation of those who wait for you:..................... Have mercy on us Heart of Jesus, Resurrection and our Life: .................................... Have mercy on us. Around the Solio, twenty-four chairs, and twenty-four old men seated, clothed in white robes, with Gold Crowns on their heads: ...................... Intercede for all of us Seven Lamps were burning before the Solius NO SE QUE SIGNIFICA ALGUN SINONIMO QUE PUEDAS DARME O SE DEJA TAL CUAL, The Seven Spirits of God: ……………………………………………………………………………….. for us all. Casa Gloriosa EN INGLES LITERAL SERÍA ---Glorious house-PERO SE REFIERE A UNA CASA EN SENTIDO ESTRICTO--- PODRÍAS DARME ALGÚN SINONIMO TU ME DICES OK--- which sits on the Seraphim: ……..... Have mercy on us Lord. Glorious Throne, from which sits on the Seraphim:….. Have mercy on us Lord. Immaculate Wedding Hall: ....... we pray to you Lord. Faith of those who request The Silence: ............ we pray to you Lord. Heavenly Scale, by which God has descended: ... we pray to you Lord. Bridge, leading to Heaven, a, that are on the earth: .... we pray Lord. Blossoming of the Paradise that feeds us: ... ... we pray to you Lord. . Pleasant censer of prayers: ............ we pray to you Lord. . Storm, invisible enemies: .................................... we pray Lord. Access to the gates of Paradise: .................. We pray Lord. The invincible firmness of the confessors: ................................. we pray to you Lord. You who put out the bonfire of seduction: ........................... we pray Lord. You who destroy the dominion of the inhuman tormentor: ..... we pray Lord. You who calm the fire of the passions: ............................... we pray Lord. You who have destroyed the demons: .......... ........................... we pray Lord. You that break the seducing power: ................................ We pray Lord. You who have broken the deception of the idols: ... we pray to you Lord. Lord. Flower of Incorruption: ............................................. We pray Lord. Crown of Chastity: ......................................... ........... we pray to you Lord. Fortress garmentfor ----SIGNIFICA PRENDA DE FORTALEZA -----PARA VESTIDURA SERÍA dress of--------- tú decides--------- us nudes: ........... . Love Victor of all desires: ...... we pray to you Lord.

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Confusion of the infidels: ............................... we pray Lord You who unite what was opposite: .................... we pray Lord. You who unite, Virginity, and Maternity: ............... we pray Lord. You who untie the ligatures of the fault................. we pray Lord. Yahweh, of the Kingdom of Christ: ............................................ we pray to you Lord. Column of the Virginity: ........................................we pray Lord. You who turn away the corrupter from the thoughts: ....................... we pray to you Lord. Union of the faithful to the Lord: .................................... we pray Lord Patience mirror: ........................ we pray Lord Rock of constancy: ...................................................... we pray Lord Trust anchor: ......................... We pray Lord. Shelter of the homeless: .......... …….We pray to you Lord. Shield of the oppressed: .............................. .............................. we pray Lord Victor of unbeliever: ........................................... we pray to you Lord. Consolation of us miserable ones: ............................. we pray Lord. Remedy of the sick: ............................. we pray to you Lord. Holy Mother of God ................ ... pray for absolutely every child. Santa Maria: ............ ............................... pray for absolutely every child. Holy Virgin of the Virgin: ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Lady of Chastity for the faithful: pray, for absolutely all the children. Mother Crucified: ...... .. .................. ... pray, for absolutely all children. Mother distressed: ............ ... ................... Pray, for absolutely all children. Mother desolate: .......... ............pray, for absolutely all children. Mother pierced by the sword: ...... pray, for absolutely all children. Pearl of the virgins: ...... ....................... please pray for absolutely all children. Queen of all Los Angeles: ................ Pray for absolutely every child. Grand Prince St. Michael the Archangel: ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Gabriel the Archangel: pray for absolutely all the children. Saint Raphael Archangel: ......................... Pray for absolutely every child. Saint Jehudiel Archangel: ..................... ... pray for absolutely every child. San Baraquiel Archangel: ... pray for absolutely every child. St. Salatiel Archangel: ........................ Pray for absolutely all children.

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San Uriel Archangel: ....................................... Pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the Great Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels and Thrones: ............................................................................ pray, for absolutely all children. The Celestial Choirs of the Thrones, Powers, Dominations, Virtues and Principalities: ............................................................................. pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the Holy Angels Custodians of God: .......................................................................pray, for absolutely all the children. Absolutely all the Holy Angels of God: ..........................................................pray, for absolutely all the children. Noble Princes of Heaven: ..........................................pray, for absolutely all children. Holy Angel of my guard, my sweet companion, Blessed Archangel, that the Most Holy Lord, by his sole infinite goodness entrusted to you my person, my protection, and my care, Holy Angel my guardian, my sweet companions, sorry for my pride, Forgiveness for my misdeeds, forgiveness for my disobedience, forgiveness for my very great misery, pray, I beg you for, absolutely all children, and for my very miserable sinner, Amen…………………………………………………………………… ....... Saint Adam, our first ancestor: pray, for absolutely all children. Santa Eva: .......................................... pray for absolutely all children. Saint Abel, pastor and martyr, that God always looked upon you with pleasure: ................................................... Pray for absolutely every child. Saint Henoch, who walked always with God, and God took you: ................................................... pray for absolutely all children. Saint Noah, Holy Man, friend of God, and select model of Holiness: .............................................. pray for absolutely all the children. Saint Abraham, friend of God: ... pray for absolutely all children. Santa Sara: ....... ................................. pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Lot: ....................................... ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Melchisedech King of Salem: ... pray, for absolutely all children. Santa Agar: ................................... Pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Ismael: ............. ........................ pray for absolutely all children. Saint Isaac: ............................... pray, for absolutely all children. Santa Rebeca: .................................. Pray for absolutely all children. Saint Jacob: ........................... ............ pray, for absolutely a children. Saint Joseph, son of Jacob, holy male and select model of Holiness: ...... .......................................... pray for absolutely all children Holy Job, holy man and patient, select model of Holiness: ....................................... .... pray, for absolutely all the children.

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Santa Dina, daughter of Lia: ……………. Pray for all the children. Holy Judah: ...................................... pray for absolutely every child. Holy Moses, holy man and high Prophet of the Lord, very brave leader, great for your obedience, faithfulness and friendship with God: …………………................................ pray for absolutely all children. Saint Aaron: ........................................ pray for absolutely every child. Saint Mary sister of Saint Aaron: pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Elizabeth: ........................................ pray, for absolutely all the children. Santo Hur: pray for absolutely everyone children. Saint Beseleél son of Uri, grandson of Hur: pray, for absolutely all the children. St. Ooliab, the son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan: ................... ...................................Pray for absolutely every child. Santo Eldad: ...................................... Pray for absolutely every child. Holy Medad: .................................. Pray for absolutely every child. Holy Joshua, minister of Moses: ....... ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Caleb, the son of Jephunneh: ... pray, for all the children. Saint Phinees, son of Eleazar: ... pray for absolutely all the children. Santa Naomi: ………………………………. pray for all the children. Santa Ruth: .................................. pray for absolutely every child. Saint Samson: ....... ........................... pray for absolutely every child. Santa Anna mother of the Prophet Samuel: pray, for absolutely all the children. Holy Samuel, Judge, Most Faithful and High Prophet of the Lord: .................................................. pray for absolutely all children. Holy King David, you found grace before God and you were anointed with the Holy Oil by the Prophet Samuel to rule the people of Israel, who overcame the giant Goliath, and brought the city of Jerusalem to the Ark of the Lord:………. pray for absolutely every child. Holy King Solomon, true Prophet of the Lord: ................................................. pray for absolutely all children. Holy Esdras, true Prophet of the Lord: .................................................................... .................. Pray, for absolutely all children. Holy Nehemiah, true Prophet of the Lord: ....................................................Pray for absolutely every child…………………………. Saint Tobias, holy male and select model of Holiness: .............................................. pray for absolutely all children.

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PRODRIAMOS PONER LA ABREVIATURA St. PARA REFERIR A SANTO/A PERO TU DECIDES O BIEN SAINT o HOLY. Tobias, son of the holy man Tobias: ..................................... .....................................................................pray for absolutely all children. Saint Judith: ....................................... please pray for absolutely all children. Saint Esther: ................................. ... pray for absolutely all children. Saint Elias, holy man, and select model of Holiness, true, and great Prophet of the Lord: ......................................................... pray, for absolutely all children. Holy Elysee, true and high Prophet of the Lord: .................................................................... pray for absolutely all children. Saint Jeremiah, with wonderful zeal and patience, True Prophet of the Lord: ......................................................... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Baruch, true Prophet of the Lord: .................................................................................. pray for absolutely all children. Saint Ezechiel, Martyr of Justice, true Prophet of the Lord: ........................................................ pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Ananias: ................................... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Misael: .................................. ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Azarias: ..................................pray for absolutely all the children. Saint Jonah, the true Prophet of the Lord: ........................................................................... ... pray for absolutely all children. Saint Oséas, true Prophet of the Lord: ................................................................................... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Amos, true Prophet of the Lord: pray for absolutely every child. Saint Micheas, true Prophet of the Lord: …………pray for absolutely all children Holy Nahum, true Prophet of the Lord: .................................................................................. ... pray for absolutely all children. Holy Sophonias, true Prophet of the Lord: ..................................................... pray, for absolutely all children. Holy Joel, True Prophet of the Lord: ...................................................... ... pray for absolutely all children. Holy Habakkuk, true Prophet of the Lord: ...................................................... ... pray for absolutely all children. Holy Obadiah, true Prophet of the Lord: ...................................................... ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Aggéo, true Prophet of the Lord: ...................................................... ... pray, for absolutely all the children


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Saint Zachary, true Prophet of the Lord: ...................................................... ... pray for absolutely every child SIGNIFICA RUEGA POR ABSOLUTAMENTE CADA NIÑO O BIEN PODEMOS ESRIBIR pray, for absolutely all children QUE SIGNIFICA RUEGA POR ABSOLUTAMENTE TODOS LOS NIÑOS TU DECIDES AMBAS SON CORRECTAS Y USADAS POR IGUAL . Saint Malachias, true Prophet of the Lord: ........................................................................................... pray for absolutely every child. Saint Daniel, a holy man, a scholar in the knowledge of the Lord, "the man of pleasure", of great value and justice, whom the Most Holy Lord saved you from the pit of the lions, select model of Holiness: .................. Pray for absolutely every child. Holy Isaiah, true, great and lofty Prophet of the Lord: ................................................ …………………………………………………….. pray, for absolutely all children. Saints Seven Brothers Martyrs, together with their Holy Mother Martyr who were martyred by the cruel King Antiochus Epiphanes: .................................................... Pray, for absolutely all children. Saint John the Baptist, holy man, of noble value and justice, select model of Holiness, true and great Prophet of the Lord: ........................................................................ ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Joseph, Fidelissimo PODEMOS REFERIR COMO FAITHFUL QUE SIGNIFICA FIEL O LEAL OBIEN COMO DEVOTED QUE SIGNIFICA DEVOTO CONSAGRADO TÚ DEIDE OK , Most Holy Virgin and Most Holy Husband of the Ever Virgin Mary: ...................................................... ... pray for absolutely all the children. Santa Ana and Santo Joaquín: ................... pray, for absolutely all the children. Holy Magi of the East: ......... ………pray, for absolutely all the children. Holy and Righteous Simeon: ...... ........................ pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Stephen: …………….pray for absolutely every child . Saint Peter: ................................. ..... pray for absolutely all the children. Saint Paul: ........................ .. ............ pray, for absolutely all children. Santo Andrés: ............ .. ..................... ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint John: .................. ... ................ ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint Mary Magdalene: ............ ... ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Santo Tomas: ................... ............... .... pray for absolutely all the children. Santo Santiago: ............. ..................... pray, for absolutely all the children. Santo Felipe: ............... .. ..................... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Bartholomew: .......... ....... ............... pray for absolutely every child. Santo Mateo: ........................ .. ......... .. pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Simon: ........................... .. ...... pray, for absolutely all children. Santo Tadeo: ........................... .. ...... pray, for absolutely all the children. Santo Matias: .............................. ... ... .. pray, for absolutely all the children.

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Saint Barnabas: ....................................... pray for absolutely every child. Santo Lucas: ............................................. pray for absolutely every child. Saint Mark: ............... .............................. pray for absolutely every child. Saint James the Greater: ……………… pray for absolutely every child. Saint James the Less: .................................pray, for absolutely every child. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the first persecution, under the reign of Nero, around the year 64 AD: .......................................................................................... pray, for absolutely all the children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the second persecution, under the reign of Domitian, around AD 95,……………………………......................................................, pray for absolutely all the children. Absolutely all 10,000 Holy Martyrs of the third persecution, under the reign of Trajan, and under the reign of his successor Adrian, around AD 108……………………………………. pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the fourth persecution, under the reign of Marcus Aurelius, around the year AD 162: ......................................................., pray for absolutely all the children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the fifth persecution, under the reign of Severus, around 192 AD: ...................................................................................pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the sixth persecution, under the reign of Maximino, around AD 235: ....................pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the seventh persecution, under the reign of Decius, around the year 249 AD: .................................... pray, for absolutely all children. The 40 Holy Maiden Martyrs of Antioch, under the reign of Decius, around 251 AD: ........................................... Pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the eighth persecution, under the reign of Valerian, around 257 AD: .................................................. pray, for absolutely all children. The Many Thousands of Holy Martyrs in Africa, under the reign of Valerian, around 258 AD: ......................................................, pray for absolutely all children. The 153 Holy Martyrs in Utica, Africa, under the reign of Valerian:................................................ pray, for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the ninth persecution, under the reign of Aurelian, around the year 274 d.C .: ................................................... .. pray, for absolutely all the children

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All 6,666 Holy Martyrs, executed on 22 September 286 AD, under the reign of Maximian: ... ...... pray, for absolutely all the children. Absolutely all the innumerable Holy Martyrs of the tenth persecution, under the reign of Diocletian, around the year 303 AD: .............................. ... ..................... pray, for absolutely all children All the Countless Families of Holy Martyrs, under the persecution of Diocletian and Galerius, which began on February 23rd, 303 AD, until its end, 10 years later: pray for absolutely all the children. All the Holy Martyrs of the whole City of Phrygia, under the persecution of Diocletian and Galerius: ............. ... pray, for absolutely all the children. All the innumerable Holy Martyrs, of the persecutions under the command of the Aryan Heretics, which had its beginning in 318 AD, the year 386 d, C .: ................................................ ... .. pray, for absolutely all children. All the innumerable Holy Martyrs, from the persecution in Palestine, ordered, at the end of AD 363, by Julian the apostate: ................................................... .. children. All the innumerable Holy Martyrs, from the persecution at Alexandria, ordered, at the end of AD 363, by Julian the apostate: ...................................................... children. All the innumerable Holy Martyrs, from the persecution at Arethusa, ordered, at the end of AD 363, by Julian the apostate: .................................................... children. Absolutely all the Holy Martyrs included in the MARTIROLOGIOROMANO,----NO SÉ QUE ÉS?  reformed by mandate of the Sacred Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, and promulgated by the Holy Pope John Paul II: ..................................................... pray for absolutely all children. Absolutely all the Holy Martyrs, of the generation of the human race: ............................................. .. ...... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Timothy, deacon of Mauritania, pray for absolutely all the children. Santo Quirino: ............. ..................... ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Basil: ................................. ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Athanasius: ............ ...... ...... .. ....... ...... .pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Ignatius of Antioch: ... ... ... ... ... ... pray for absolutely all the children. Saint Polycarp: .... ....... ... ... ... ... pray for absolutely every child. Santa Barbara: ................................. ... please, for absolutely every child. Saint Lucia of Syracuse: ............ ... ... ... ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Patrick: .......... ......... ........................ pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Valentine: ......... .. ........................ ... pray, for absolutely all children

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Santo Antonio Abad:……........................ruega, por absolutamente todos los niños. Santo Nicolás de Barí:…………………..…ruega, por absolutamente todos los niños. San Julián Mártir:……….…........................ruega, por absolutamente todos los niños. San Juan Crisóstomo:….………………….ruega, por absolutamente todos los niños. San Benito Abad:……….………………….ruega, por absolutamente todos los niños.

Saint. John Damascene: ... .................. ... pray for absolutely all children. Saint Isidro Labrador: ...... pray for all the children. Santo Domingo de Guzmán: ............... pray for all the children. Seraphic, suffering man, of great value and justice, select and great model of the Holiness of the Lord, Saint Francis of Assis………………... pray, for absolutely all the children.

Seraphic Doctor of the Church, most wise in the science of God, a most suffering man, of great value and justice, select, true and great model of the Holiness of the Lord, San Antonio de Padua: ............ .............................................................................pray, for absolutely all children. Seraphic Doctor of the Church, most wise in the science of God, a most suffering man, of great value and justice, select, true and great model of the Holiness of the Lord, St. Bonaventure: ....................................... ...... ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint. Pio of Pietrelcina: ................... ... pray, for absolutely all the children All the Franciscan saints: ...... pray, for absolutely all children. All the Franciscan St: ... ... pray, for absolutely Saint Clare of Assisi: ... pray, for absolutely all the children.




All the Poor Clares: ................ Pray, for absolutely all the children. Santa Brigida: .................................... pray, for absolutely all the children Santo Ignacio de Loyola: .................. ... pray for absolutely all the children. San Juan de Dios: .................. ............... pray, for absolutely all the children 56 | P á g i n a

San Pascual Bailón: ......... ....................... pray, for absolutely all the children.. San Lorenzo: .................. ........................ pray, for absolutely all the children San Francisco de Sales: ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Seraphic reformer, Great Mystic and Doctor of the Church, Holy Virgin Glorious, of great value and justice, selects, true and great model of the Holiness of the Lord, St. Teresa of Jesus: ............. ..... .. ... pray, for absolutely all the children Saint. John of the Cross: .... ... ... pray for absolutely every child. All Carmelite Saints: ............ pray for absolutely every child. All the Holy Carmelites: ...... .. ... pray, for absolutely all the children. Saint Thomas Aquinas: ............... ... ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Teresa of Calcutta: ............... ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint John pablo II: ........................... ... pray, for absolutely all children. Apostle of the Mercy of God St. Mary Faustina Kowalska: ...................................................... ... pray for absolutely every child. Humble San Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin full of The Virtues of God: ...................................................... ... pray for absolutely every child. St. Philip Neri, Apostle of Joy, full of The Virtues of God: .............................. ......................... Pray, for absolutely all children. St. Vincent: ............. ......................... Pray for absolutely every child. Saint Fabián and Santo Sebastián: ......... prays, for absolutely all the children. Saint Cosme and San Damián: ............... prays for absolutely every child. Saint Gervasio and San Protasio: ............ prays, for absolutely all children. Saint Silvestre: ................................. ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Gregory: .................................... pray for absolutely every child. Saint Ambrose: ................................. pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Augustine: pray for absolutely all the children. Saint Rita of Casia: ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Jerome: ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Nicholas: ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Bernard: ................................. ... pray for absolutely every child. Saint Margarita Alacoque: ............... .. please, for absolutely all children. Saint Blas: ........................ ........................ pray for absolutely every child. Saint Águeda: .................................. Pray for absolutely every child. Saint Inés: ....................................... .. please, for absolutely all children. Saint Cecilia: .................................... pray for absolutely every child. Saint Catalina: .................................. Pray for absolutely every child. Saint. Anastasia: .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for all the children. Saint. Theresa of the Child Jesus: ............... pray for absolutely every child. Saint Martín of Porres: .... ..................... ... pray, for absolutely all children. Saint Helena: .................................... ... pray for absolutely every child

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Santa Eduwiges: ................................................. pray, for absolutely all children. Santo Toribio Romo: ......................................... pray, for absolutely all children. St. Lazarus: .......................................................... pray, for absolutely all children. San Chárbel: ..................................................... pray, for absolutely all children. San Cristóbal: ....................................................... pray, for absolutely all the children. San Martin Caballero: ………………………..... pray for absolutely every child. San Ramón Nonato: .......................................... pray, for absolutely all children. Santa Gertrudis La Grande: ……………………..…..pray, for absolutely all the children. Santo Anacleto González: ............... .... pray, for absolutely all the children. All Holy Innocents: ............. Pray, for absolutely all children. All the Choirs of the Righteous: .........pray, for absolutely all the children. Lamb of God, who takes away .........................................................................

the sins forgive


the us,

world: Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world :................................................ ................................................................................................ listen to us, Lord. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:…........................... .......................... have mercy on us Lord.

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FINAL PRAYER Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Name, of your most beloved eternal Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives with you and reigns eternally; For infinite ages, Amen. Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Name, of God Holy Spirit, Eternally Merciful, Most Holy and Perfect, Who with You, Live, and Reign Eternally; For infinite ages, Amen. Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Name, of Your Favorite Daughter, The Most Holy and Ever Fidelisima-----PUEDE USARSE FAITHFUL QUE SIGNIFICA FIEL, O BIEN—DEDICATED, QUE ES DEDICADA O BIEN- DEVOTE- QUE ES DEVOTA O BIEN LOYAL QUE ÉS LEAL TU DECIDES LA MEJOR OPCIÓN Holy Virgin Mary; Who lives with you and reigns eternally; For infinite ages, Amen. Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, The Intercession of the Great Merits of absolutely all the Hundreds of Thousands of Holy Martyrs of the generation of the human race; And by the intercession of absolutely all innumerable Innocent Saints of the generation of the human race, Amen. Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Names, of absolutely all your Holy Family, who with you, live Loving You Eternally for infinite centuries, Amen.

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Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, From the depths of our heart, let us pity ourselves and deeply adore the Terrible Torments and Infinite Sacrifices of the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Divine and Most Precious Heart of Your Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternally Perfect, Our Lord Jesus Christ +; And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing, absolutely all the Infinite Merits of the Terrible Torments and Infinite Sacrifice of the Most Holy, Most Holy, Most Sacred and Most Precious Heart of Your Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Lord our Jesus Christ in Thanks giving everlasting by The Universe, and by all the generation of the human race, and: I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. By absolutely all the Dead; VI. By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. " V. Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal. R. Have Mercy and Mercy on us and on the whole world

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Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods,

From the depths of our heart, let us condemn ourselves, and we deeply adore all the Scourging Strikes, which were received in the Most Holy Body, in the Most Holy Soul and in His Most Holy Spirit, of Thy Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternally Perfect, Lord our Jesus Christ +; And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing absolutely all the Infinite Merits of all The Scourging Strikes, which were received in the Most Holy Body, in the Most Holy Soul and in His Most Holy Spirit, of Your Most Holy, Most Holy, Eternal Perfect, Our Lord Jesus Christ + in Thanksgiving everlasting by The Universe, and by all the generation of the human race, and: I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. By absolutely all the Dead; VI. By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. " V. Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal. R. Have Mercy and Mercy on us and on the whole world.

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Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods,

From the depths of our heart, let us pamper ourselves and deeply adore all the Holy Wounds, Most Holy Sorrows, and Most Precious Blood of the Head, Sanctuary of Divine Wisdom, Abode, of the Powers of Your Most Holy, and Most Beloved Son , Eternally Perfect, Lord our Jesus Christ +, then, from The Coronation of Thorns; And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing, absolutely all the Infinite Merits of all the Blessed Wounds, most Sacred Sorrows, most Holy and Precious Blood of the Head, Shrine of Divine Wisdom, Of the Powers of your Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternally Perfect, Our Lord Jesus Christ +, then, of The Coronation of Thorns in Thanksgiving Everlasting by The Universe, And for all the generation of the human race, and: I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. By absolutely all the Dead; VI. By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. " V. Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal. R. Have Mercy and Mercy on us and on the whole world.

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Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, From the depths of our heart, let us condemn ourselves, and we deeply adore all the Blessed Shed Tears, The Blessed Shedding of Blood, The Holy Drops of Blood Shed, The Cruel and Sudden Whips, The Deep Thorns, The Deep Wounds, The Very Wise Dolores, especially the terrible deep pain caused by the Deep Sore of his Most Holy Shoulder, unknown to all ungrateful human beings; The Inner Sorrows, the Extreme Agonies and the Cruel Torments suffered in the Most Holy Body, in the Most Holy Mind, in the Most Holy Soul and in the Holy Spirit of your Most Holy and Beloved Only, Eternal Perfect Son, our Lord Jesus Christ +;

And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing, absolutely all the Infinite Merits of all the Blessed Shed tears, the Blessed Tears of Blood shed, the Holy Drops of Blood spilled, the Cruel and Sudden Whips, The Deep Thorns, The Deep Wounds, The Most Painful Sorrows, especially the Infinite Merits of the terrible pain caused by the Deep Sore of His Most Holy Shoulder, unknown to all ungrateful human beings; The Infinite Merits of the Inner Sorrows, and the Extreme Agonies, and The Cruel Torments suffered in the Most Holy Body, in the Most Holy Mind, in the Most Holy Soul and in the Most Holy Spirit of Thy Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternally Perfect, Lord Our Jesus Christ + in Thanksgiving Everlasting for the Universe, and for all the generation of the human race, and:

I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. by absolutely all the Dead; VI. By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. " V. Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal. R. Have Mercy and Mercy on us and on the whole world.

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Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods,

From the depths of our heart, let us pity ourselves and deeply adore all the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Divine and Most Precious Sins, of Your Most Holy, and Most Beloved Son, Eternal Perfect, Our Lord Jesus Christ +;

And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing, absolutely all the Infinite Merits of all the Most Holy, Most Sacred, most Divine and Most Precious Sins, of Your Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternally Perfect, Lord Jesus Christ + In Thanksgiving everlasting by the Universe, and by all the generation of the human race, and:

I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. By absolutely all the Dead; VI By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. " V. Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal. R. Have Mercy and Mercy on us and on the whole world.

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Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, Eternal Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, From the depths of our heart, let us pity ourselves and deeply adore the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Divine and Most Precious Blood of Your Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternal Perfect, our Lord Jesus Christ +;

And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing, absolutely all the Infinite Merits of the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Divine and Most Precious Blood of Your Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, Eternal Perfect, Our Lord Jesus Christ in Thanksgiving Sempiternas for EL Universo, and for all The Generation of the Human Race, and:

I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. By absolutely all the Dead; VI. By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. "

V. Holy God, Holy Fort, Holy Immortal. R. Have Mercy and Mercy on us and on the whole world.

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Eternal Father of Goodness, Eternal Father of The Great Mercy, From the depths of our heart, let us pamper ourselves, and we deeply adore absolutely all the Infinite Merits of Thy Most Holy and Most Beloved Son, 75 | P รก g i n a

Eternally Perfect, Lord Jesus Christ, in The Most Holy Cross +, when they nailed Him, and raised Him, Blaze of his Five Suns, his Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Divine and Precious Blood and Water that we pour there, for us, the Extreme Tortures of his Most Holy and Most Precious Body, the Extreme Tortures, in its Most Holy, Most Holy, Most Divine and Most Precious Soul and its Most Precious Death +; And we offer you with great humility, for your Majesty, Glory, Honor, Consolation and Blessing, absolutely all the Infinite Merits of your Most Holy, and Most Beloved Son, Eternally Perfect, Lord our Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Cross +, when they nailed Him, and The Blessed ---FULGURAR ALGÚN SINONIMO QUE PODAMOS USAR------ of His Five Soles, His Most Holy, Most Divine and Precious Blood and Water, which we pour out for us the Extreme Tortures of His Most Holy and Most Precious Body, The Extremely Tortures, in his Most Holy, Most Holy, Most Divine and Most Precious Soul and his Most Precious Death in Thanksgiving SEMPITERNAS ALGUN SINONIMO POR EL MOMENTO ESCRIBI -- Everlasting --- QUE SIGNIFICA ETERNO PERO TÚ DECIDES----- by The Universe, and by all the generation of the human race, and: I. "By absolutely all the necessities, aid and protection in favor of absolutely all the boys and girls of the generation of the human race; II. By the conversion of absolutely all infidels; III. By the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners; IV. By absolutely all the souls of purgatory; V. By absolutely all the Dead; VI. By absolutely all the souls of the generation of the human race, to be established with you, in Paradise. "

We pray to you, the Holy Father, for the Infinite Merits of the Most Holy Passion of your Most Beloved Son +, Eternally Perfect, Lord Our Jesus Christ; And by the great merits of Our Blessed Mother Immaculate, and the great merits of absolutely all the Hundreds of Thousands of Holy Martyrs of the generation of the human race; We can reach you from the Most Holy Father: your Most Holy Goodness, your Most Holy Mercy and your Blessed Blessing, to reach to contemplate you with Seraphic love in the company of the Great Seraphim, in your Seraphic Paradise, Amen.


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OF THE SERMONS OF SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA SUNDAY FIFTEEN II THE PASSION OF CHRIST He was betrayed by his disciple. Judas asked, "What do you want to give me, and I will give them to you?" (Mt 26:15). Oh pain! You try to put a price on what is invaluable! Woe is me! Woe is me! God is delivered and sold for a few coins! "What do you want to give me?" Oh Judas, you want to sell to God, since you do not question your will, but the buyers.

"What do you want to give me?" And what can they give you? If they gave you Jerusalem, Galilee and Samaria, could they possibly buy Jesus? If Heaven and the Angels, the earth and men, the sea and everything in it, could they possibly buy the Son of God, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Science? (Col 2, 3). Certainly not! Can the Creator possibly be bought or sold by his creature? And you say, "What do you want to give me, and I will give it to you?" He reasoned with me, "How did he offend you and what did you do wrong, so that you say," And, will I give them to you? " Where is the Incomparable Humility of the Son of God and his Volunteer Poverty? Where are your sweetness and your affability? Where is His Humanity Preaching and where are the Miracles He performed? Where are your Tears of ----CONMISERACIÓN ALGÚN SINONIMO  ---- for Jerusalem and for the Death of Lazarus? Where is the Privilege for which he chose you by Apostle and made you his friend and family? These facts and many others should not soften your heart, arouse in you the Piety and prevent you say, "I will give them"? Unfortunately, how many Judas Iscariot [that is interpreted --------"merced" ALGUN SINONIMO-------] exist today that by the "mercy" of some temporary advantage they sell, in fact, they betray the neighbor with the kiss of adulation, and in the end, they hang from the bow Of Eternal Damnation! He was mocked by Herod. It is read in Luke: "Herod despised him with his army; And to mock him he made him clothed in a white garment "(23:11). The Son of God is despised by Herod's fox "Go and tell that fox," said Jesus one day, and for his army, while to Him, The Army of Los Angeles sings in a ceaseless voice:

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"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of hosts!" And Daniel adds: "A thousand Millares serve Him and Hundreds of Thousands of Millares attend" (7, 10). "And to mock him, he made him wear a white garment." The Father clothed his Son Jesus with a white garment, that is, "with the flesh cleansed from all stain of sin, God the Father glorified the Son, whom Herod despised. Oh, what a pain! So it is today! Herod interprets "glory of the skin" and symbolizes the hypocrite who boasts of his outer appearance as of a skin; On the other hand, "all the glory of the king's daughter," that is, of the soul, who is the daughter of the King of Heaven, "comes from within." The hypocrite despises and mocks the Lord: he despises him, when he preaches to the Crucified, but he does not carry The Sores of the Crucified; And mocks him, when he hides under the glory of the skin (appearance), in order to deceive the members of Christ. "The hunter plays the flute sweetly, while he deceives the bird" (Cato). How many are deceived today the glory of the skin (hypocrisy)! He was also flogged by Pontius Pilate. It is read in John: "Then Pilate took Jesus and beaten him" (19: 1). Isaiah says: "When the plague of the scourge passes, they will be trampled underfoot; And every time he passes, he will snatch them "(28, 18 ~ 19). So that this scourge, in which eternal death and the power of the devil are indicated, will not strike us, the God of all, the Son of God, was bound to the spine as an evildoer and cruelly scourged, so much so that blood Every part of the body. O sweetness of Divine Mercy, O Patience of the Fatherly Goodness, O Profound and Inscrutable Mystery of the Eternal Counsel! You, O Father, saw your Only Begotten Son, who is equal to you, being tied to the pillar as an evildoer and torn as a homicide by the scourges! And how could you contain yourself? We thank you, O Holy Father, that by the chains and scourges of your Beloved Son you have delivered us from the chains of sins and the scourges of the devil. But, alas! Pontius Pilate whips back Jesus Christ. Pontius interprets himself as "misguided," and Pilate "a hammer," or "the one who strikes with his mouth," and symbolizes one who deviates from good intentions and, despite the promise, returns to vomit. That man with his mouth blasphemes and with the hammer of the tongue strikes and lashes Christ in its members. Having departed with Satan from the presence of the Lord, he dishonors the Religious Order.

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He is proud, and to appear himself innocent, he judges the other guilty. Thus with infamy he disguises his evil.

He was also spat on by the Jews. Matthew says: "Then they spit in his face, and punched him, and others slapped him" (26, 67).

O Father, The Head of your Son Jesus, who inflicts trembling on the Archangels, is struck with a reed.

The Face, which the angels wish to contemplate, is defiled by the spittle of the Jews and slapped.












And you, O Most Holy Lord, Callas and you prefer that your One be spit upon and slapped so that all the people perish.

Praise to you, the Glory, for from the spittle, the blows and the punches of your Son Jesus you have drawn for us an antidote, to expel the poison of our souls! He was crucified. John says: "The soldiers crucified him and seized his garments" (19, 23). "O you all, who pass by the way", stop, "consider and observe if there is pain like my pain" (Lam 1, 12). The disciples flee, acquaintances and friends turn away, Peter denies, the synagogue crowns with thorns, soldiers crucify, Jews blaspheme and mock, is given to drink gall and vinegar. Is there pain similar to my pain? As the wife says in the Song of Songs: "Her hands were turned, golden, and set with hyacinths" (5, 14), were pierced by Nails. The feet, to which the same sea offered as a road, were nailed to La Cruz. The face, which is like the sun when it shines with all its strength, covered itself with the pallor of death. The beloved eyes, for which everything is visible, are closed in death. And can there be pain like my pain? Among so many sorrows, only the Father lent his help, when Jesus begged him: "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!" And after he had said this, "bowed The Head," who had no place to lay it, and gave up his spirit "(Jn 19:30).

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Oh my! Oh my! The whole Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, is again Crucified and killed! In this body some are The Head, others the hands, others the body. The Heads are the Contemplatives, the Hands are those of active life, the Feet are the Holy Preachers,

The Body are all True Christians.

All this body of Christ, every day, the soldiers, that is, the demons, crucify him with his instigations, which are like nails.

The Jews, the pagans, the heretics ... blaspheme him and make him drink the gall and vinegar of pain and persecution. No wonder!

"All who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Tim 3: 12). It is rightly said: "He will be delivered, mocked, scourged, spat upon, and crucified." With these five words, as with five precious medicinal herbs, make yourself an eye-drop, O angel of The Odyssey, and anoint the eyes of your soul, to recover the light. And you will deserve to hear: "Look! Your faith saved you! " Oh dearest ones, let us pray and insistently ask with the devotion of the mind that the Lord Jesus Christ deign to enlighten the eyes of our soul with faith in his incarnation, with the gall and eye-drop of his Passion, Who enlightened the blind man by birth, To Tobias and to the angel of The Odyssey. And so we will deserve to contemplate in the Splendor of the Saints and in the Glory of the Angels the same Son of God, who is Light of Light. May the Lord grant us this, that with the Father and the Holy Spirit He lives and reigns for ever and ever! Amen! So be it!

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Almighty God of all consolation, deeply repentant and from the depths of our heart, we pity and we mourn, and with great humility, and right intention we want to comfort you and to repair for: all offenses, faults, guilts and sins with their pains of absolutely The whole generation of the human race: Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy.

Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

1. By absolutely all offenses to your most holy name Almighty Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

2. For all profanations to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence.

Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

3. For the Eucharistic outrages and sacrileges. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

4. For the Profanations of your Holy Sacraments. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

5. For Profanations to your Holy Temples. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

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6. For Abuses of the Sacraments. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 7. For the profanations, scorns and abandonment of the Sagrares. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 8. For all the coldness and indifference against your Redeemer Love. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 9. For absolutely all offenses, faults, guilts and sins with their sorrows, against your most Holy Redeemer Love, because of our prejudices, negligence, foolishness, pride and our miseries. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 10. For Great Crimes and Great Crimes. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 11. For the Profanations of Holy Days.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy.

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12.-For the persecutions against your Holy Church, and of Pope Francis, and of the Holy Cardinals, and of the Holy Bishops, and of the Holy Confessors, and of the Holy Priests, and of the Holy Saints and of the Sacred Virgins .

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 13.- For abandonment: "to the Holy Order, to Holy Penance, to Prayer and to Praise".

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 14.- For the violation to: "Chastity (of body and soul), to fasting, to abstinence, and to continence."

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 15.-By absolutely all Infidelities and Idolatries, contempt of the Sacred Objects, laziness and irreverence within your Holy Church.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy.

Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 16. By absolutely all atheism, heresies and blasphemies.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 17. By absolutely all the false doctrines, philosophies, ideologies, literature and false beliefs of the world, which go against the Holy Gospel.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

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18. By absolutely all traditions, customs, memories, events, feasts: "solemn, patron and traditional" THAT GO AGAINST THE HOLY GOSPEL

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 19. By absolutely all laws, regulations, legal provisions, regulations and all legal orders of the world, which go against the Holy Gospel.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 20. Because of the obstinacy of human beings in not believing in you Lord Almighty God.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy.

Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 21. By absolutely all sins committed by ignorance, or by disobedience, or by folly.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 22. By absolutely all offenses, faults, guilts and sins with their pains, committed against our neighbors because of our prejudices, negligence and pride.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

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23. By the noise of the world. Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 24. For many times lose patience and deny itself, to Pray and to, Praise God, and not want to attend Holy Mass.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 25. By absolutely all crimes, offenses, offenses, faults, guilts and sins with their pains of those who for their cause have infested houses, and places throughout the entire world.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 26.- By absolutely all the sins of simony and vanity committed by absolutely all your people.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 27.-. By absolutely all the great crimes, great crimes and serious and terrible injustices that are commented on all over the world every day.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 28.-. For absolutely all the evils and injustices that are commented on all over the world every day.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

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29. By the infinite debt of love of absolutely all the worldly sleepers who belonged to the whole generation of the human race.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 30. For the infinite debt of love of absolutely all the sleeping sleepers, lovers of all the vanities that belonged to the entire generation of the human race.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety. 31. For absolutely all offenses, faults, guilts and sins with their punishments that are daily commented around the world by: Abuse, Vanity, Greed, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Concupiscence all, Envy, Anger, Anger, Infidelity, Sloth, Revenge, Hate, Reward, Resentment, Revenge, Injustice, Homicide, Suicide, Quarrel, Discord, , Fights, frauds, thefts, dishonesty, outrages, Ingratitudes, foolishness, irresponsibilities, pride and self-exaltation, for the devastation of the virtues that worldly greed does for worldly life, bad habits, sinful activity, bad habits, Whims, delights, excesses, insults, indifferences, blackmail, acts of violence, murmurings, slander, secret or public defamation, scandals, gossip, gossip, jokes, idle talk, mockery, lies, pretexts, complaints, bad looks Bad intentions, bad actions, presumptions, non-reflection, prohibited practices, violation of privacy and privacy, for not knowing how to keep silence in His heart, disrespect, ingratitude, postponements and negligence, medical negligence, persecution, impurities, sins against nature, waste of time, distractions, follies, frivolities, relaxation, unbridled, uncontrolled, adulteries, fornications, forbidden carnal unions, harassment, Abuses, by the impious, blasphemous and immoral means of communication, by those who ignore, abhor, hurt and exert violence: "psychological, psychic, physical or moral" on their neighbors, by absolutely all who do us evil.

Sorry, my God. Forgiveness, and Indulgence. Forgiveness, and Mercy. Forgiveness, and Piety. Forgiveness, and Piety.

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mío. Perdón,

Perdón, y



Indulgencia. Perdón,






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That one day, he told the famous Carmelite nun of the Italian monastery of vetralla in Santa Antonia de Astonac, who wished to be honored by the Prayer of Nine Salutations, which correspond to the Nine Choirs of the Holy Angels. THE GLORIOUS PRINCE SERAPHIC SAINT MIHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, promised, that whoever honors him in this way, before Holy Communion, would be accompanied to The Sacred Table by an Angel of each one of the Nine Choirs. And those who invoke these Nine Salutations every day, promised them, besides their attendance, and that of the Holy Angels during their life, and that after death, would deliver them from Purgatory, and their relatives.

On 8 August 1851, Pope Pius Nine, Granted indulgences to the practice of this pious exercise.

V. Lord, open my lips. R. And my mouth shall proclaim your praise. V. Oh God, come to my aid. R. Make haste, O Lord, to help me. V. Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son +, and Glory to the Holy Spirit. R. As it was in The Beginning, Now and Ever, for ever and ever, Amen 98 | P รก g i n a

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Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Celestial Choir of the Great and Exalted Seraphim, may our Lord God make us worthy to receive in our hearts the Fire of Perfect Charity, Amen.

SECOND SALUTATION, IN HONOR OF THE SECOND ANGELIC CHOIR [One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Celestial Choir of the Great Cherubim, May God our Lord grant us The Grace of abandoning the ways of sin, and of following The Path of Christian Perfection, Amen.










[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ... Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael, and of the Celestial Choir of the Thrones, may our Lord God pour out in our hearts, He Spirit of true, and sincere, Humility, Amen.

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[One] Most Holy Father of ours who are in HEAVEN, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Heavenly Choir of Dominations, may our Lord God grant us the grace of being able to control our senses, and thus dominate our passions, Amen.


[One] Most Holy Father of ours who are in HEAVEN, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Heavenly Choir of the Powers, May God our Lord protect all our souls from the snares and temptations of the Devil, Amen.


[One] Most Holy Father of ours who are in HEAVEN, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Celestial Choir of the Most Holy Virtues, May God our Lord deliver us from all men, and, no, let us fall into temptation, Amen.

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[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Celestial Choir of the Principalities, May God our Lord deign to fill our souls with the spirit of true and sincere obedience, Amen.


[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael and of the Celestial Choir of the Archangels, may God our Lord grant us the Grace of final perseverance in Faith and in good works, and thus, lead us to, The Glory of the Paradise, Amen.


[One] Our Most Holy Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name ... [Three] Hail Mary, Mary, full of Grace ... Holy Mary, Mother of God ...

Through the intercession of the Exalted Seraphic Prince Michael, and of the Heavenly Choir of Los Angeles, may God our Lord grant us the Grace of being protected by them during this mortal life, and lead us to, The Eternal Glory, Amen.

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[One] Our Most Holy Father.


[One] Our Most Holy Father.


[One] Our Most Holy Father.


Blessed Virgin Mary, there is not born in the world among women no one like you, Daughter and Slave of the Most High King and Heavenly Father, Mother of our Most Holy Lord Jesus Christ, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for the conversion of absolutely all infidels , Pray for the continual conversion of absolutely all of us sinners.

Mother of our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray together with: “The Glorious Prince, the Seraphic Saint Michael”, and the most faithful Saint Joseph, and with the holy martyr Abel, and the righteous Henoch, And with the Holy Prophet Elijah, and with all the Holy Martyrs Apostles, and with absolutely all the Holy Martyrs, and with the Seraphic Saints of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua, And with the Seraphic Holy Thérèse of Jesus, and with all the Holy Virtues of Heaven, and with absolutely all the Saints, "before your most beloved Son, eternally perfect, so that through his great mercy and infinite goodness Lead to Paradise, absolutely to all the souls of the generation of the generation of the human race, Amen.

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V. Do not remember, Most Holy Most Holy Lord, my sins. R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most High Lord God Omnipotent, for your Infinite Goodness and for Your Great Mercy, pound free, at the same time,

1. to the ancients who lie and / or exist from the beginning of the world; 2. those who lie and / or exist from protohistory, to those who lie and / or exist to the present century; 3. and, to absolutely all the dead of the generation of the human race, completely forget all their faults, guilts and sins with their sorrows, so that they may be established with you, in your Eternal Glory.

R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most Holy Lord, enlighten your eyes with the Light of your Glory: R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most Holy, remember absolutely all your former faithful. R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most Holy Lord, remember your children that in the baptism were buried in the death of your Divine Most Beloved Son, to be resurrected with Him: R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most Holy Lord, remember your children who in confirmation were anointed by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Risen: R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy 108 | P รก g i n a

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V. Most Holy, remember your children that in the Eucharist, Memorial of the Easter of your Most Holy Son Beloved, Eternally Perfect, were fed with the Bread of Eternal Life: R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most Holy Lord, remember your children that dying to sin by Penance were returned to Life in Christ Jesus: R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Most Holy Lord, remember your children that Anointed with the Oil of the sick received the germ of Eternal Health: R. When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. V. Blessed Lord God, who raised Lazarus from the tomb, who called the life of the son of the widow of Nain, who awakened from the dream of death the daughter of Jairus, who rose from the grave, and you are, Pain of death, and that you are The Resurrection and the Life: R. Most Holy, remember all the dead, When you come to Judge the world by fire. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

V. Liberate, Most Holy Lord, their souls. R. Of the pains of Hell, Amen.


That our Lord Jesus Christ, one day, told the famous Saint Gertrudis, The big one, that this prayer can deliver 1 0 0 0 souls from purgatory:

"Eternal Father, I offer you the Most Precious Blood of your Divine Son, in union with all the Holy Masses celebrated today all over the world, for all the Souls of Purgatory, Amen."

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Omnipotent God, who is present in all the Universe and in the smallest of your creatures.

You who surround us with your tenderness all that exists, pour out in us the strength of your love, so that we take care of life and beauty.

InĂşndanos de Paz, so that we can live as brothers and sisters without harming anyone.

God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this land that are worth so much in your eyes.

Heal our lives, that we may be protectors of the world and not predators, that we may sow beauty and not pollution and destruction.

It touches the hearts of those who seek only benefits at the expense of the poor of the earth.

Teach us to discover the value of each thing, to contemplate in admiration, to recognize that we are deeply united with all creatures on our way to your Infinite Light. Thank you because you are with us every day. Encourage us, please, in our daily struggle for justice, love and peace, Amen.

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We praise You, Father, with all your creatures, who came out of Your Mighty Hand. They are yours, and they are full of your Presence and your Tenderness. Praise you!

Son of God, Jesus, all things were created by you. You formed in the maternal womb of Mary, you became part of this earth, and you looked at this world with human eyes. Today you are alive in every creature with your Glory of Risen. Praise be to you.

Holy Spirit, who with your light orient this world towards the Love of the Father and accompany the groan of Creation, you also live in our hearts to impel us to the good. Praise you!

Lord One and Trine, Precious Community of Infinite Love, teach us to behold you in the beauty of the Universe, where everything tells us about you.

Awaken our Praise and our gratitude for every being you have created. Give us the grace to feel intimately united with all that exists.

God of love, show us our place in this world as instruments of your love for all the beings of this earth, because none of them is forgotten before you.

It enlightens the owners of power and money to guard against the sin of indifference, to love the common good, to promote the weak, and to take care of this world we inhabit.

The poor and the earth are crying: Lord, take us with your Power and your Light, to protect all life, to prepare a better future, so that your Kingdom of Justice, Peace, Love and Beauty may come. Praise you! Amen

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"Jesus, Mary and Joseph to you, the Holy Family of Nazareth"

Today we look with admiration and confidence, in you we contemplate the beauty of communion in true love; We entrust to you all our families, to be renewed in the wonders of grace.

Holy Family of Nazareth. Attractive school of the Holy Gospel: Teach us to imitate his virtues, with a wise spiritual discipline, give us a clean look that recognizes the action of Providence in the everyday realities of life.

Holy Family of Nazareth. Faithful Custody of the Ministry of Salvation: Make us grow in esteem for silence, make our families prayer circles and turn them into small domestic churches. Renew the desire for holiness, and help us to sustain the noble fatigue of work, education, listening, understanding and forgiveness.

Holy Family of Nazareth. It awakens in our society the awareness of the sacred and inviolable character of the family, invaluable and irreplaceable. May each family be a welcoming abode of God and of peace for children, the elderly, the sick and alone, for those who are poor and needy. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph; To you with confidence we pray, to you with joy we trust

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Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

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THE CANTICLE OF THE CREATURES BY ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Most High, all-powerful, good Lord.Yours are the praises, the glory, and the honor, and all blessing, To You alone, Most High, do they belong, and no human is worthy to mention Your name. Praised be You, my Lord, with all Your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun, Who is the day and through whom You give us light. And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendor; and bears a likeness of You, Most High One. Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars, in heaven You formed them clear and precious and beautiful. Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air, cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather, through whom You give sustenance to Your creatures. Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Water, who is very useful and humble and precious and chaste. Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom You light the night, and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong. Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with colored flowers and herbs. Praised be You, my Lord, through those who give pardon for Your love, and bear infirmity and tribulation. Blessed are those who endure in peace for by You, Most High, shall they be crowned. Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, from whom no one living can escape. Woe to those who die in mortal sin. Blessed are those whom death will find in Your most holy will, for the second death shall do them no harm. Praise and bless my Lord and give Him thanks and serve Him with great humility. 120 | P รก g i n a

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Oh Mary Immaculate, Patroness of the Americas and Queen of the Seraphic Order, who erected a throne of mercy in Guadalupe of Mexico, the center of this hemisphere. Guide us and tell us, so that we may know your name and mercy, for all the nations and peoples of the Americas. Bless our efforts to know your divine Son, King of the Universe. Dignify, Mother to call many noble and chosen souls from the youth of these Continents to live the life of Christ and the glorious examples of the Seraphic Saints St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Philip Neri and the Seraphic St. Teresa of Jesus. It nourishes form and encourages with tender love of mother many vocations for your Franciscan Order, and for your Order of the Carmen, so that the love of seraphic work and sacrifice, always flourish in these lands of your loves, Amen.


Lord Jesus, we have gathered in your name and we have experienced by faith that you are among us to teach us as Master, to heal us as a doctor, to guide us as Pastor, to love us as brothers, to rejoice as a source of joy of hope and life. Make us sensitive to the action of the Holy Spirit so that we are the first to set a good example. We give the courage to face our own truth. Let us not fall into the temptation to confuse peace with evasion, fidelity with rigidity, frankness with aggressiveness. Dialogue with word of mouth, mutual acceptance with sterile complacency, understanding with flight from problems, benevolence with lack of radicality. Pray, Lord, that our meeting be fruitful in loving you in our brothers and sisters every day and that we owe nothing other than mutual love. May our fraternity continue to grow until we have one heart and one soul until we love one another as you have loved us. May we be a witness of your union with the Father and with the Holy Spirit so that the world may create and fulfill the supreme yearning that gave you life for us, Amen.

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V. All beauty, Mary. R. You are all beauty, Mary.

V. And the original stain is not in you. R. And the original stain is not on you.

V. You are the glory of Jerusalem. R. You, the joy of Israel.

V. You are the honor of our people. R. You are the advocate of sinners.

V. Oh, Mary. R. Oh, Mary.

V.Your most prudent Virgin. R. Clementís mother.

V. Pray for us. R. Intercede for us before Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

V. In your conception you were immaculate. R. Pray for us the Father whose Son you have shed.

V. Lady, protect my prayer. R. And my cry come to you, Amen.

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Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Name, of your most beloved eternal Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives with you and reigns eternally; For infinite ages, Amen.

Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Name, of God Holy Spirit, Eternally Merciful, Most Holy and Perfect, Who with You, Live, and Reign Eternally; For infinite ages, Amen. Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Name, of Your Favorite Daughter, The Most Holy and Ever Fidelisima Holy Virgin Mary; Who lives with you and reigns eternally; For infinite ages, Amen.

Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, The Intercession of the Great Merits of absolutely all the Hundreds of Thousands of Holy Martyrs of the generation of the human race; And by the intercession of absolutely all innumerable Innocent Saints of the generation of the human race, Amen.

Father of Goodness, Holy Father, King of Heaven and earth, Triune and One, Lord God of Gods, Almighty God of all Consolation, may your Infinite Love and your Great Mercy, make absolutely all that we pray for you, Intercession, Invocation and Names, of absolutely all your Holy Family, who with you, live Loving you Eternally for infinite centuries, Amen.

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"What is happening today?" A great silence envelops the earth, a great silence because the King sleeps "The earth feared in horror" because God fell asleep in the flesh and awakened those who slept from old. Flesh has died and the abyss has awakened.

He is going to look for our first ancestor as if he were the lost sheep. He wants to visit, absolutely "all who live in darkness and in the shadow of death." He, who is at the same time Son of God, Son of Eve, is going to rid Adam and Eve of their prison and their pains.

The Lord, holding in His hands The Victory Weapons of the Cross, approaches them. Seeing our first ancestor Adam, astonished by such a Great Event, exclaims and says to all: my Lord be with all. And Christ, answering, says, to Adam: And with thy spirit.

And taking him by the hand he adds: "wake up you who sleep, arise from the dead and Christ will be your Light". I am your God, that for you, and for all that are to be born of you, I have become your son; And now I tell you: I have the Power to announce to those who are chained: to leave; And to them that are in darkness: let them be enlightened; And to them that sleep: arise. To you I say, "Awake you who sleep", for I did not believe you to remain captive in the abyss; "Arise from the dead," for I am the life of the dead. Arise, the work of my hands; Arise, my image, created after my likeness.

Get up, let's get out of here because you in me, and I in you, we form a single indivisible person. For you, I, your God, have become your son; For you, I, your Lord, have clothed your servile condition; For you, I, who am above the Heavens, I have come to the earth and I have come down to the abyss; For you I have become a man, "like an invalid who has his bed among the dead"; For you who were expelled from the Garden, I have been delivered to the Jews in the garden, and in the garden I have been crucified.

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Contemplate, the spittle of my face that I have endured to give you back your first breath of life. Contemplate, the blows of my cheeks that I have endured to reform according to my image, your deformed image.

Behold, the scourges on my backs that I have accepted to relieve you of the weight of the sins that had been carried on your back. Behold, the nails that have held me firmly to the tree; For you I have accepted them, that you maliciously spread a hand to the tree. I slept on the Cross, and the spear pierced my side for you, that in Paradise you slept and from your side you gave birth to Eve. My side has healed the side pain. My dream takes you out of the dream of the abyss. My spear removed that sword that threatened you in Paradise. Get up, let's get out of here. The enemy brought you out of Paradise; I, I place you no longer, in Paradise, but in The Celestial Throne.

I forbade you to eat of the tree of Life, which was but the image of the True Tree; I am the True Tree, I, that I am the Life, and that I am united to you. I placed a Cherubim who will faithfully watch over you; I now grant that the Cherubim, recognizing your dignity, may serve you.

The Throne of the Cherubim is prepared, The Carriers attentive and prepared, The Built Thalam, fast food, have been embellished The Everlasting Tabernacles, and The Abodes, The Open Treasures, and The Kingdom of Heaven that exists before the ages is prepared.

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From the homilies of St. Amadeus of Lausanne, Bishop (Homily 7: SC 72, 188, 190, 192, 200) Notice how properly the whole of the land shone before the Assumption, the admirable name of Mary, and its illustrious fame spread before its Majesty on the Heavens was exalted. It was fitting, indeed, that the Virgin Mother, for the Honor due to her Son, should first reign on earth and, thus, Gloriously penetrate into Heaven; It was fitting that it should be enlarged here below, to penetrate then, full of Holiness, in the Heavenly Mansions, going from virtue, in virtue and glory, to glory by the Spirit of the Lord. Thus, during his mortal life, he enjoyed the firstfruits of the Future Kingdom, either by rising to God with ineffable sublimity, or descending to his fellows with indescribable charity. The Angels served her, men paid her veneration. Gabriel, and Los Angeles assisted her with her services; Also the Apostles took care of her, especially St. John, rejoicing that the Lord, on the Cross, had entrusted to her Virgin Mother, him, also Virgin. They were glad to behold their Queen, these were their Lady, and each and every one endeavored to please her with feelings of piety and devotion. And she, in the highest summit of her virtues, flooded as she was by the inexhaustible sea of the Divine Charisms, poured out in abundance upon the believing, thirsty people, the abyss of their graces, surpassing those of any other creature. It gave health to bodies and remedy for souls, endowed as it was with the power to rise from bodily and spiritual death. No one ever departed sad or depressed from his side, or ignorant of The Celestial Mysteries. All returned home happy, having reached by the Mother of the Lord what they wanted. Full of all the Great Goods, the Spouse, Mother of the One Spouse, soft and pleasant, full of delights, like a fountain of spiritual gardens, like a well of living and life-giving water, flowing with force from Divine Lebanon, Mount Zion to the foreign nations, made rivers of peace and torrents of Celestial Grace. Therefore, when the Virgin of the Virgins was taken to Heaven by Him who was their God, and His Son, King of Kings, in the midst of the joy and exultation of the Angels and Archangels and the acclamation of all the Blessed, Then was fulfilled the prophecy of the psalmist, who said to the Lord: standing to your right is The Queen jeweled with gold of Ophir – NO SÉ QUE SIGNIFICA ORO DE OFIR ASÍ QUE LO ESRIBI LITERAL. LA TRADUCCIÓN TU DEIDES

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OF THE VENERABLE MYSTIC LOUIS PHILIPPE NERI OF ALFARO Lord Jesus Christ, who prayed inwardly to your Eternal Father, from The Cross, before The Seven Words: My Father, and Eternal God. I confess you from this Cross, and I praise you with my Passion and Death, because you have raised my humanity, to the Dignity of being Christ, God, and Man, anointed with your own Divinity, confessing you for the fullness of gifts of Grace, And Glory which thou gavest me, for thou hast made me Lord of Heaven, and of all creatures, thou hast given me Power above all to my will, thou hast made me Head of Angels, and Men, to rule them, and reward the good and punish To the wicked, giving me the Keys of the Abysses; You have made me a justifier, a Redeemer, and a Glorifier of the whole human race. Lord of Death, and Life, the Church, and its Treasures, Scriptures, Mysteries and Sacraments, you put everything in my hands, and therefore I Glorify you. Now, my Father, I am returning from the world to your Kingdom, and I have fulfilled the Redemption that you have entrusted to me. I want it to be the Cross in which I am, The Court of Justice, and Judge the same for whom I give Life, and dispose of Treasures of my Passion, and Death, I have sought all and called my friendship, I have suffered discomfort, fatigue, scourges, thorns, and I suffer death on the cross, I have begged your Piety to grant to all Happiness within Of the Holy of the Holy Church, but knowing that not all because of their malice want our Eternal Health, nor use the Path that I have opened to them In my life, and death, for thou hast made me a Judge of the living and the dead, that I may reward the good and the bad, and punish thee in thy name and mine. Eternal Father, I want my Mother who gave me the human being to be my One, and Universal Heir of all goods, of Grace and Glory, to be the Lady of all Angels, men and all creatures. I choose all the predestined ones, who by my grace and imitation are to be saved, I name them after my Mother by heirs of all the Promises, Treasures and Sacraments, of all my Virtues and Most Holy Operations, and all my Passion which is Proof of My Love, and of my Friendship, I offer you all my Protection and Defense according to your disposition, and Love, and that I will show myself as your Father, Brother and Friend, and I will look at you as my children and elect.

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I want from my Most Holy Church and the Sacraments to enjoy, and if they lose my Grace, return to my Friendship washed with my Blood, that the Intercession of my Mother and of my Saints, and I recognize them for children, that my Angels defend them and Guide, and bring in the palms so that they do not stumble, and if they fall, please them to get up. I want my children to be separated from the reprobates, and from the demons, and that they fear and be subject to my enemies, that all creatures serve them as my children, and be their Blessing, in the sprinkling of Heaven, and Of the earth. I want to have with them my delights and live with them in The Church under the Species of Bread and Wine, in Infallible Arras of Glory that I promise you, and make heirs so that they enjoy it with me in Eternal Possession. To the reprobates, although they were created for a higher purpose, I signify by inheritance in this life concupiscence with all its effects and that they be satiated of all the lust of the earth that are its riches, and of the smoke, and corruption of the flesh , And their delights, of vanity and presumption, because by acquiring they have worked, and employed their life and all their senses, abhorring the Doctrine that I teach them, and renouncing that which Inspire my Grace to them, despising my Love, and benefits, They admitted to deceit, they loved vanity, they acted iniquity, they continued in their wickedness, they persecuted the poor, and humbled the righteous, desiring their own exaltation. And because they rebelled against the Goodness of Our Divinity, and remaining obstinate in their malice by renouncing the Right of children that I have acquired to them, I disown them from my Friendship, and Glory, and condemn them to the Eternal Prisons of Hell in the company of Lucifer , And their demons, whom they served willingly. This is, my Father. The Judgment, which I pronounce as Judge, and Lord of men, and of Los Angeles, the Testament, which I have for my Death, and effect of the human remission, will reward the good and the bad, which in Justice Belongs to him, according to his works, and The Wisdom of Majesty and Divine Disposition.

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1. The Lord Jesus says to his disciples: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; No one goes to the Father except through me ...................................................................

2. If they knew me, they would certainly know my Father also; And from now on know and have seen it ................................................... 3. Philip says to him: Lord, show us the Father and we are enough ..............................

4. Jesus says to him: how long have I been with you, and have you not known me? Philip, the one who sees me, sees my Father ............................................................ (Jn 14, 6-9). 5. The Father dwells in an Inaccessible Light (cf. 1 Tim 6:16), and God is Spirit (Jn 4:24), and no one has ever seen God ..................................... (Jn 1:18). 6. That is why it can not be seen, but in the Spirit, because the Spirit gives life; The meat does not profit at all .................. (Jn 6, 64).

7. But neither the Son, in what is equal to the Father, is seen by anyone other than the Father, other than the Holy Spirit .........

8. Whence all those who saw the Lord Jesus according to mankind, and did not see and believed according to the Spirit, and the Divinity that He was The True Son of God, were condemned .................................... ....

9. So also now all who see The Sacrament, which is consecrated by the words of 138 | P รก g i n a

the Lord on the Altar, by the hand of the priest in the form of bread and wine, and do not see and believe, according to Spirit and Divinity, that Is truly the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, are condemned, as the Most High himself testifies, which says: This is My Body and My Blood of the New Testament, [which shall be shed for many] (Mark 14:22). 24); And whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has Eternal Life (cf. Jn 6:55).

10. Where the Spirit of the Lord, who dwells in his faithful, is the one who receives the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord .........................

11. All others who do not partake of the same Spirit and dare to receive it, eat and drink their condemnation .................................... 1 Cor 11:29).

12. Wherefore, sons of men, how long shall they be of a foolish heart? ................................................................................................ (Ps 4: 3).

13. Why do not you recognize the Truth and believe in the Son of God? .......................................................................................... (cf. Jn 9:35).

14. See that he humbles himself every day (see Phil 2: 8), as when from the Throne of the Real (Sab 18, 15) he came to the womb of Our Lady; Daily comes to us Himself appearing humble; Daily descends from the Father's bosom (cf. Jn 1,18) on The Altar in the hands of the priest ...

15. And as it was shown to the Holy Apostles in True Flesh, so also now it is shown to us in The Sacred Bread ................................. ..

16. And as they, with the eyes of his flesh, saw only the flesh of Him, but, beholding Him with spiritual eyes, they believed that He was God, even so we, seeing bread and wine with our bodily eyes, We firmly believe that it is his most holy and living and true Blood and Body ..........................................................................................

17. And in this way the Lord is always with his faithful, as He Himself says: to see that I am with you until the end of the age (cf. Mt 28:20), Amen .............................. ..................................... 139 | P รก g i n a

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OF THOSE WHO MAKE PENANCE 1. All who love the Lord with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their mind, with all their strength, and love their neighbors as themselves (Mt 22: 37-39, Mk 12: 30), and hate their bodies with their vices and sins, and receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and bear fruit worthy of Penance: O how blessed and blessed are they and them, while doing such things and Such things persevere! For the Spirit of the Lord (cf. Is 11: 2) will rest upon them, and he will make in them a room and a dwelling (cf. Jn 14:23), and they are sons of the Heavenly Father (cf. Mt 5:45), whose works , And are husbands, brothers and mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ .................................................................................... .. (cf Mt 12:50) . 2. We are husbands when, through the Holy Spirit, the faithful soul joins our Lord Jesus Christ, we are for Him, brothers and sisters when we do the will of the Father who is in Heaven (Mt 12, 50); Mothers, when we carry it in our hearts and in our bodies (1 Cor 6:20), by Divine Love and by a pure and sincere conscience; And we bring it to light by holy works, which should enlighten others as an example .................................................... (Mt 5:16). 3. Oh how Glorious, Holy and Great is to have a Father in Heaven!

4. O how Holy, Comforter, Beautiful and Wonderful, to have such a Bridegroom!

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5. O how Holy and How Beloved, Pleasing, Humble, Peaceful, Sweet, Kind and above all desirable, to have such a Brother and such a Son: our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Life for His sheep (cf. Jn 10,15) and prayed to the Father, saying, "Holy Father, keep in your name those whom you have given me in the world; Yours were and you have given them to me ....................................................................................... (Jn 17,11 and 6).

6. And the words which thou gavest me, have I given them, and they have received them, and have believed in Truth that I came forth from thee, and have known that thou hast sent me .............................. ....................................... (Jn 17: 8).

7. I pray for them and not for the world ............................... ...... .. (cf Jn 17, 9).

8. Bless them and sanctify them, for which He sanctified me to myself (John 17:17, 19).

9. I pray not only for them, but also for those who, through their word, will believe in me (Jn 17:20), so that they may be sanctified in Unity (cf. Jn 17:23), as we ...................................................................... (Jn 17,11). 10. And I want, Father, that, where I am, may they also be with me, that they may see My Glory (Jn 17:24) in Your Kingdom (Mt 20, 21), Amen.

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IN THE NAME OF THE LORD FROM THE WRITINGS OF St. FRANCIS OF ASSISI LETTER TO A MINISTER 1. To Brother N., Minister: The Lord bless you .................. (cf. Num 6, 24). 2. Concerning the case of your soul, I tell you, as I can, that everything that prevents you from loving the Lord God, and whoever you may be an impediment, be friars or others, even when they beat you, you must have everything By grace ............................................................ ... 3. And so you want it and nothing else ................................................................ 4. And I have this for true obedience to the Lord God and to me, because I know firmly that this is true obedience ............... ... 5. And love those who do this to you ................................. ................ ... 6. And do not want anything else from them, but as long as the Lord gives you ..................... .. 7. And love them in this; And do not want them to be better Christians ............... .. 8. And may this be for you more than the hermitage .................................. 9. And in this I will know whether you love the Lord and me, his servant, and if you do this, namely, that there be no brother in the world who has sinned all that he may have sinned, Eyes, never leave without your mercy, if you ask for mercy .......................................................... 10. And if he asked not for mercy, let him ask him if he would have mercy. 11. And if a thousand times sin afterward before your eyes, love me more than me for this, that you may lure him to the Lord; And always have mercy on such brothers ....................................... .. 12. And when you can, let the guardians know that you, for your part, are determined to do so .............................................. 13. If any of the brethren, at the instigation of the enemy, commit mortal sin, he is bound by obedience to his guardian ........................................................................... 14. And all the brethren who know that he has sinned, do not shame him or defame him, but have great mercy upon him, and keep the sin of his brother very hidden; Because they do not need a doctor the healthy ones but those who are bad (Mt 9,12) ................................................ .. 15. And if it falls into a venial sin, confess it to a brother of his priest ....................................................................................... .... 16. And if there were no priest there, confess it to a brother of his, until he has a priest who canonically absolve him, as has been said. 17. And these have no authority to impose another penance, but this one: go, and do not want to sin any more .................................... (cf. Jn 8:11 146 | P รก g i n a

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OF THOSE WHO DO NOT MAKE PENANCE 1. But all those who do not live in penance, and do not receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and are engaged in vices and sins, and who walk after evil lust and evil desires of his flesh, and They do not keep what they promised to the Lord, and they serve the world bodily with the carnal desires and worries of the age and the cares of this life: seized by the Devil, whose children are and whose works do (cf. Jn 8:41) They are blind, because they do not see The True Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ .............................................

2. They do not have Spiritual Wisdom, because they do not have the Son of God, which is the True Wisdom of the Father; Of them it is said: his wisdom has been devoured (Ps 106: 27), and: cursed are those who depart from thy commandments ............ .. (Ps 118, 21).

3. Come and know, know and do evil, and they knowingly lose their souls ......................................................... ..

4. To see, blind, deceived by their enemies, by the flesh, the world and the Devil, that it is sweet for the body to do sin and it is bitter to make it serve God; Because all vices and sins come forth and come from the hearts of men, as the Lord says in the Gospel .................................... (Mark 7:21).

5. And they have nothing in this world, nor in the future ............................................. ..

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6. And they think to possess for a long time the vanities of this world, but they are deceived, for the day and the hour will come in which they do not think, they do not know and they ignore; Sick body, death is approaching and thus dies, bitter death .....................

7. Wherever he wishes, when he wishes, that man dies in mortal sin without penance, or satisfaction, if he can satisfy, and does not satisfy, the Devil snatches his soul from his body with so much anguish and tribulation that no one can Knowing it but the one who suffers it.

8. And all the talents and power, and knowledge and wisdom (2 Par 1,12) that they thought to have, will be taken away ........................ (Luke 8:18, Mark 4:25).

9. And leave it to relatives and friends; And they take and divide their property, and then say: damn his soul, because he could give us more and acquire more than he acquired ...................................................... 10. The worms eat the body, and thus they lost body and soul in this short century, and they will go to Hell, where they will be tormented without end ...................................................... ......................

11. To all those to whom these letters come, we ask you, in Charity, which is God (cf. 1 Jn 4:16), to receive the aforementioned, odoriferous words of Our Lord Jesus Christ ......... ...................................................... .. 12. And those who can not read, have them read many times; 21 and hold them together with Holy Works to the end, because they are Spirit and Life .......................................................... (Jn 6, 64).

13. And those who do not do this, will have to give account in the day of the Judgment (cf. Matt 12, 36), before the Court of our Lord Jesus Christ ................................................ ..................... .. ... (Rom 14:10), Amen.


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