Criticism And Self-Criticism: Telling The Truth To the Poor South Africans Is In Their Interest Telling It Like It Is... I hated and disliked Apartheid for its use of religious preachings and prattles that I stayed away from religious discourses or whatever, and kept my own beliefs limited to talking with my ancestors on my Mtundu. I have always thought that the Afrikaners were true hypocrites, because they invoked the scripture and Jesus Christ as their pacifier of the oppressed, and committed genocide on their colonized African subjects, and those that survived these killings, were relegated to slave labor camps and Concentration Camps called Townships with their curfews and inhuman living conditions and draconian laws implemented to control and oppress them. I have always thought that if then there's a God, he must be one unfair deity. He had chosen people(His Afrikaner children) and those that he acknowledged should be enslaved and murdered (the African children of Ham?!)... Myth..... This was very disconcerting because the very victims of this genocide, the African people, had by now bought hook-and-sink into this idea of Church, Religion and ministers, cabinet ministers, and the whole gaggle and garrison of Afrikaner followers and believers who were too hapless to even resist the wave of religious justifications and hankering they were receiving from all quarters: headed by the Broederbond. One needs to seriously study the operations of the Broederbond and who made up the pantheon of the leadership of fanatics in it, then this will help us talk about the ANC in the Same vein, today. The ANC is not the first government in power to invoke Jesus and speak in confusing religious parlances, uttering, paraded as new ideas that we begin to see the unravelling of the ANC, and the futility and lack of ideas that it has embraced as we approach the 2014 South African 'national' and supposedly "Democratic" elections. So much for the talking points, but beyond the veneer of selfrighteousness, and exploiting the blind faith of their polity, who are dissected by their religious faiths, from Europe, to the East, and every type of so-called religious faith, in between-the ANC has gone form revolutionary rhetoric to religious zealotry - What a paradigm shift.... Now that Mandela has passed, we are beginning to see the real 'opportunistic' and very 'vindictive' ANC come to the fore. I was of the mind that the Afrikaners were not fit to rule, and had no ideas, but their own selfish and ethnic narcissistic concept of themselves as a superior race and deserved it. I think that this is a kind of madness and being off the rails type of thing that happens to people marooned in some land(the Boers) and the Africans, never having ruled themselves since the Xhosa, Zulu, and other nations wars against the Afrikaners and the English.., has itself left us lacking in ideas of how to to build our own nation in our image, and how to use our culture to rule the African peoples of Mzantsi. We are now crazy unfree slaves of our own self-pity and wanting short-cuts to meet and fill this void. We are, most of us, pining to be in the seat, house, position, life and beingness of our Masters, and have hastily disappeared our culture, history and are living in a world of our own imagination, but not our own and original reality. This is also a conundrum that holds us back and we never seem to move forward. We are trapped in a no man's land existence, and we are like crabs in a barrel who when one of them tries to climb out, the rest pull it down. This is what is happening here with us where our leaders ensure we stay trapped in the barrel we now live and exist in.
Now that we are all frying in the crucible, lacking in ideas because our structures of government and civil service are dysfunctional and very inept and incompetent to be the rulers in power, we come to a cull de sac, mentally, physically, intellectually or whichever way one wants to frame this social malaise and existential miasma. This is so when one now begins to see coming out of the woodwork, a government, embracing religious exhortations, and are taking half a page out of their Masters(Apartheidizers) playbook to rule South Africa. This is abhorrent and very dangerous indeed. From revolutionary talk to religious mealy-mouthed mutterings/stuttering and utterings, this should tell us that we are now really in trouble with the handkerchief-heads that lord over us. A miasma of archaic ideas and ethical/ideological bankruptcy of the soul/intellect and decrepit morals hangs like a pall over our our entire lived realities and coping existence. We are now listening to our leaders, who kow-tow to International capital and ideological influence, now prattling condemnations of 'Satanism amongst the people', 'We will rule Till Jesus comes', 'It's cold outside the ANC', the ANC is 100+ years, so is more in control and knows all that should and will benefit its 'people'. They also say that prayer will fix all'.. Balderdash... This is a con game of people who do not know how to rule, but are very efficient in being corrupt and destroying their own base. This is a very big con job, and we are being dumbed-down and made slaves-in a word, genocide is being carried out in plain sight. I do not write these articles thinking I am important or something. No, I do what many people in other ethnic groups do: write about themselves, their history and everything that goes with and within it. Our problem in South Africa in the 21st century is the ANC/its handlers and their shenanigans are hurting us big time. If one reads the article posted below, then it is becoming clear that we are entering a very Dark period. Meaning, Apartheid, The ANC Way. I really do not care who says what, but we are being put under lock-down of a different type. And so long as we do not raise and demand that these pertinent issues be fully and seriously addressed, we are going to be living in a virtual and physical prison of which there will be no escape-and this is/and has been engineered by our elected leaders, on us-their electoral base. Right now the ANC is assailing the constitution, by clamping down on non-existent rights/which are supposed to be enshrined in the constitution) of its citizens in many ways. Memos are running all over the place announcing draconian measures taken on Africans of Mzantsi, who are, in any case, last considered and never heard/totally ignored. The whole thing about it is that none of this is in the media here in Mzantsi, and those who dare raise such issues, especially in the media and in the general public, are threatened of being sued billions by the government ministers and their cabals; or the nonentities are intimated, if not killed. Today in Mzantsi it like being corralled into a some big church and being preached to until one is forcibly converted to these religious appeals and exhortations from the government and its cronies/cabals. Church and State Are Being Merged into one thing here in Mzantsi-I suppose that's a Good and New Idea?!.... Wrong.... It would be interesting to read-up on the Constitution as to what it has to say about "Church and State" being one'.... Sipho Kings Wrote: Satanic Panic: God Votes ANC - The Rest Can Go To Hell.. "President Jacob Zuma has gone biblical in his forecasts of power for the ANC, in a semantic shift in the way the party speaks of itself and opposers.
"Empires throughout history have set impressive time periods for their planned longevity, and the ANC has gone biblical with its own forecast, saying that it will rule until Jesus comes back. This is part of a semantic shift in the way the party talks about itself and those who oppose it. "Even God expects us to rule this country because we are the only organisation which was blessed by pastors when it was formed," said President Jacob Zuma at a rally in January. "This is why we will rule until Jesus comes back." "Previously, he said that by voting for the party, people would secure their place in heaven. "ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe has likened the tripartite alliance to the Holy Trinity. "Last week Sports Minister Fikile Mbalula said those who oppose his party or its leader are forces for evil. In this case, it was football fans at the FNB Stadium who had booed Zuma following Bafana Bafana's 5-0 drubbing by Brazil. Evil plans "An agitated Mbalula, speaking the next day, said: "All of their plans, infused by Satanism at best, will never succeed in the future because their plans are nothing else but filled with evil." "This type of language has started appearing in communiquĂŠs from the ANC, a party that once prided itself on being secular. In a response to the alleged racism at the North-West University campus in Potchefstroom, the party this week sent out an email titled "Racism is Satanism". "Last year, Nono Maloyi, the MEC for human settlements and public safety in North West, blamed the devil for violence in the province. "Satanism is the only wicked force that leads wives to kill their husbands and their children, and for men to rape their own children." "Angie Motshekga, minister of basic education, asked for prayers for matric students in Mpumalanga last year. "We believe nothing can defeat prayer," she said. "We will make sure that the kids are delivered from evil spirits and believe we will get the best results this year." Thanks be to God "Mcebisi Skwatsha, a member of the ANC's national executive committee, told delegates at a list conference in the Northern Cape last year that, thanks to God, the party would win the elections: "We will not fear any weapons formed against us ahead of the 2014 general elections because God is with us." "At the same conference, Sindiso Mfenya, a provincial ANC member, went further and said former leader OR Tambo had told him that "the ANC had its own God" - that was why those who attack the party would be destroyed. "Piet NaudĂŠ, professor of ethics at the Nelson Mandela University, said politicians using God to gain political credibility was as old as humanity itself.
"We should not be surprised or even shocked when ANC leaders resort to Christian imagery to promote their cause." "But people should be wary of this kind of association, he said. "As a rule of thumb, one should rarely trust a politicians using God for election purposes. It is a transgression of the second commandment." [What does the Constitution have to say about this issue?] National Party flavour The language and iconography used is not unlike that of the National Party. Apartheid was the will of God - a narrative reinforced by the Dutch Reformed Church. Afrikaners were chosen by God to bring light to what was they saw as the "dark continent". "When the apartheid regime came under pressure, the association was cranked up. In its darkest hours of the 1980s, the apartheid government used its favourite bogeyman, the communist rooi gevaar (red danger), [and Swaart Gevaar, to us the Africans here in Mzantsi] as the embodiment of the devil. "The ultimate expression of evil became a pervasive image in white culture, said Nicky Falkof. A lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, she has written extensively about South Africa's "satanic panic" and the race element that underpins it. "The belief in satanic conspiracy maintained apartheid's work of racial separation and kept black and white youth in their place," she said. The devil was seen as a "legitimate and real threat to white South Africa", she said. "The fearmongering also led to the foundation of the police's occult crimes unit. Its founder, Kobus Jonker, gained a fearful reputation. Known as "Donker Jonker", he is a hard man to track down these days but, in a 2010 interview with the American magazine Vice, he said the devil was often used as an easy excuse by people. 'Devil behind every bush' "People jump on bandwagons and see the devil behind every bush," he said. "It can be very dangerous." "But, he said, he had encountered many cases of "people being possessed" by the devil. He gave an example of a "girl who had ants crawling out of her breasts".
"The police say there has been a steady increase in the number of crimes related to satanic rituals in recent times. "But South African courts try people according to the crimes committed and do not accept evidence based on the supernatural: claiming that your opponents are possessed by a satanic force holds no sway, except in the court of public or political opinion." The Religious Struggles Of Africans and Colonizers in Mzatnsi Many people should be made aware that they should now begin to study, read, understand and know the constitution because a lot is going on, and majority of the people know nothing about. It is clear that, after 20 years of ANC rule, there is more confusion, apprehension and uncertainty as to what's coming next. The passing of Tata has exposed the lack of ideas and know-how of governance on the part of our present government. Yes, there are those who defend the government, as did some motley crew of preachers who attacked Madonsela, but refused to name/divulge their denominations-along with the new rich tycoons and potentates within the African enclave, who like their status quo for now-and they really defend it in many ways. Well, I have seen this picture before, but it was under Apartheid, where the church ministers were in lockstep with the parliamentarians and even belonging to the Borederbond created civic association in order to validate and propagate their religious zealotry and firmly keep the 'darkie in his place'. Also, an Apartheid African petty bourgeoisie was created during this time. Yes, this movie we are now seeing and reading about and noting and living it above, is nothing but a poor trailer and weak/shoddy rehash of the glory days of apartheid and religion, and their designing their draconic laws to enslave us-but this time, by our elected and soon to re-elected leaders. Well, the one that is now in their place, our African elected officials, are only too keen and rushing pell-mell to impress the master that they can do it much better and please their masters and investors. This is Mzantsi realpolitik. Many people recall(this includes Africans in the Diaspora and those Africans that have been colonized elsewhere), that in situation of white cops and African cops accosting an African or colonized victim, it is also worth noting how the African cop will beat the living daylights out of victim, so's to be recognized and accepted by their masters as being one with their masters-carrying out "law and order'.. The present gendarme government ruling us, is working assiduously hard to impress its investor friends and foreign capital and governments that they are good slave-drivers, and assure them of business as usual here in South Africa. Meanwhile, on the home front(The Poor and dumbed-down masses) things are becoming hopeless and regrettably degraded. The reality is that there is a breakdown of the African family and society, and this is taking place in many ways. We are told not to see this apparent reality-for the ANC is the best thing that has ever happened for us and to us; they are up to speed in service delivery, yadiyada; blah-blah. And that's all what it is-hot air; and meanwhile we are expected to vote for a 'Stricken Household' as captured by Dumile below. And by voting for such an existence and reality, we will be better of under the present government, as if the past 20 years have been anything, but, as we shall see, after the elections of 2014, back to the vinegar bottle for all the poor people-business is going to be the same as usual, without their consent in the land of birth.
We are in a bad shape, and the sooner we seriously work at rebuilding and anchoring the African rule into and through the poor masses, there is no change that is in the foreseeable future.. But steady/rapid genocide... Our leaders have brought into the idea that oppressing and denying all human rights to one's subject is a sure way into the graces of deeper capital pockets and large capital infusion from the West. Now they are waxing Religious.. Duh! Articles such as this one only trying to curb a perspective out of the monotonous media tone that is the staple feed for the poor and those who do not own the media or control its content. The government today is assisted by these Madison Avenue and Wall Street Public Relations (types) people, and we are now ruled and controlled like a mini-pseudo Americana clientele semi-liberated African puny state. Bantu Biko long ago addressed this issue of religion in his book, "I write What I Like": "I am aware that today I am addressing myself to a group of people with whom I differ in two respects: "Firstly, I am a layman talking to a group of religious ministers. Secondly, I am a young man talking to fairly elderly people. "These are perhaps the two aspects that brought me here. An attempt to close the generation gap is always fundamental in the re-examination of any hitherto orthodox situation which seems to fast becoming obsolete in the minds of young people. Also important, is the need to make common the concept of religion, especially Christianity, understanding of which is fast becoming the monopoly of so-called theologians. "For this reason I am going to deal with the topic in lay fashion. "To my mind, religion can be defined as an attempt by man to relate to a supreme being or force to which he ascribes all creation. Our particular model at this moment is Christianity. It is not quite clear just how important it is for the various regions that exist in this world to be uniform. One thing is certain though, that all regions have got similar characteristics. ... "... Each religion is highly ritualistic. Through years of experience, the religion develops a certain pattern and procedure that in later years become inseparable from the central message of that religion. "If one takes religion as nothing else but what it is - i.e., a social institution attempting to explain what cannot be scientifically known about the origin and destiny of man, then from the beginning we can see the necessity of religion. All societies and indeed all individuals, ancient or modern, young or old, identify themselves with a particular religion and when none is existent, they develop one. "On most cases religion is intricately intertwined with the rest of cultural traits of society. In a sense, this makes the religion part and parcel of the behavioral pattern of that society and makes the people bound by the limits of that religion through a strong identification with it. "Where people are subjected to a religion that is removed from their cultural make-up, then elements of disgruntlement begin to be noted and sometimes open is soon displayed. Hence, one can make the claim that most religions are specific and where they fail to observe the requirements of
specificity, then they must be sufficiently adaptable to convey relevant messages to different people in different situations. For indeed, each religion has a message for the people amongst whom it is operative." "Whereas Christianity had gone through rigorous cultural adaptation from ancient Judea through Rome, Through London, through Brussels and Lisbon, somehow when it landed on the Cape, it was made to look fairly rigid. Christianity was made the central point of a culture which brought with it new styles of clothing, new customs, new forms of etiquette, new medical approaches, and perhaps new armaments. The people amongst whom Christianity was spread had to cast away their indigenous clothing, their customs, their beliefs which were all described as being pagan and barbaric." I could go on citing Biko, but suffice for now, because, his last observation is what I am scrutinizing about the article and the ANC's religious talking points to get the vote. There are many points that Bantu makes, but will save that for another article in time. But above, it means then we are perfect appendages and poor copies of our masters when we try our hardest to ape his norms and values. It should then be noted that the splurge about religion becoming talking points priorities for the ANC, we are seeing a change which does not bode well for the indigenous. They are trumpeting religious homilies and jabberwocky as if there are a chosen few(literally) and that God is on their side-that they will rule till Jesus comes.. This are egregious, erroneous and dangerous prattles of an immature phase of being ruled, 20 years later-the Gravy keeps on dripping.... In order to get our House(Nation) in Order, we shall have to interrogate these religious Ideas and see if knowing our history and culture/customs/traditions just as well, and how our culture conforms or has been rebelling against these beliefs and religiosity imposed/foisted on us, and whether these religious ideas respect and conform to our culture. What Zuma and his ilk are doing, is nothing more than adding confusion to this dysfunctional and decrepit state that we exist in. There's so much to be done,, and we have barely started... I still hold on to the belief and idea that we are far much more better than this...