The Watchdog

Page 1

Vol. 1, June 2013


An online magazine for the Soldiers and Families of the 8th Military Police Brigade




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Commanding Officer Col. Mark A. Jackson Command Sergeant Major Command Sgt. Maj. Richard A. Woodring Managing Editor Staff Sgt. Richard D. Sherba


In accordance with AR 360-1 and the regulations set forth by the U.S. Army Public Affairs Center, The Watchdog is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of The Watchdog are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, the 8th Theater Sustainment Command or the 8th Military Police Brigade. All editorial content of The Watchdog is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the 8th Military Police Brigade Public Affairs Office. The 8th Military Police Brigade Public Affairs Office is located in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

8th MPs fle certify 71

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Story and Photos by Staff. Sgt. Richard D. Sherba


loud bang disrupts a tranquil sunny morning in a training field located on Schofield Barracks. “Help! Hurry! They went that way! I’m sick! There’s another bomb,” simultaneously screamed over 60 role-playing victims running from the explosion; while others fell down succumbing to their fake injuries. Chaos right? Not for the Soldiers of the 8th Military Police Brigade, 8th Theater Sustainment Command. In a display like none other, the 8th MP Bde. mobilized its diverse array of elements and assets in a Consequence Management Exercise held April 24 -25. MPs from the 728th Military Police Battalion, 8th MP Bde., were first on scene assessing the situation, securing the area and calling for additional assets. Within minutes help was en route. Soldiers from the Special Reaction Team, 8th MP Bde. to search for and capture the role-playing suspects; EOD Soldiers from the 303rd Ordnance Battalion, 8th MP Bde., to diffuse a second bomb; firefighters from the Federal Fire Department to evacuate, triage, and identify hazardous materials; and Soldiers from the 71st Chemical Company, 8th MP Bde. to decontaminate the

role-playing victims and area as well as conduct limited reconnaissance of the suspected contaminated sites and package evidence for law enforcement investigations. Brig. Gen. Peggy C. Combs, 27th Chief of Chemical and Commandant of the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School spent several days visiting with the 71st Chem. Co. and witnessed the fast paced and intense training exercise first hand. “Well done by the exercise planners, well done by everyone here operating in an all hazards approach. We’re thrilled to see the all hazards approach, that’s where we’re going with our CBRN forces. The partnership between MP, EOD and Chemical is going to be an enduring partnership and any time we can exercise that interoperability makes us better as an Army,” said Combs. The two-day training event allowed for the diverse units involved to train and be evaluated on their unique skill sets; but its end result was the recertification of the 71st Chem. Co. on unit equipment and the ability of 71st Chem. Co. to perform its mission. “The last two days of training is considered certification for our company, its basically certifying us to be

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Spc. Ashley Vigil, 3rd Platoon, 71st Chemical Company, 8th Military Police Brigade verifies Sgt. Angel Tejada, 3rd Plt., 71st Chem. Co., 8th MP Bde. can breathe prior to rolling out on a reconnaissance mission during a mass casualty decontamination portion of a Consequence Management Exercise April 24.

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – The Federal Fire Department uses a fire truck to conduct a hasty mass casualty decontamination on over 60 role-playing victims during joint training with the 8th Military Police Brigade. FFD was amongst the first responders on scene during a mass casualty decontamination portion of a two-day exercise put on by the 8th MP Bde. April 25.

readily available for deployment,” said Sgt. Nichelle Bishop, 71st Chem. Co., 8th MP Bde. Bishop then commented on Combs’ presence during the week. “She [Combs] got me fired up, she said we’re [Chemical Soldiers] not just an elite group by name but because of what we do, how we train, and what we’re trained on,” said Bishop. “She also motivated us by letting us know we’re doing something that people may not think is important, but it’s so important given the world we live in. We are very needed at this time.” Combs spoke about the 71st Chem. Co. certification exercise. “I think the exercise was set up very well to test their capabilities to their limits of operational capacity, and the Soldiers are performing brilliantly. In this kind of environment, this kind of mission, we’re going to have capacity limitations and I like the fact that the exercise was set up to allow us to truly get an assessment of what that operational capacity really is,” said Combs. As diverse and demanding as the training was, so

was the weather. Day one brought heavy down pours, while day two brought high temperatures, humidity and the sun. “It [weather] didn’t matter. Our [71st Chem. Co.] set up time from yesterday in the pouring rain, with mud everywhere, was identical to the set up time today in nice sunny weather with no mud,” said Sgt. 1st Class Hans Drupiewski, Platoon Sergeant, 2nd Platoon, 71st Chem. Co., 8th MP Bde. “They [Soldiers] did great as a team, they were motivated, they came together and they accomplished the mission no matter the elements.” After the last simulated patient had been treated and Soldiers were allotted the opportunity to pause and catch their breath, Bishop took the time to reflect on the past two days of training and all the different elements involved working together during the exercise. “It was a good collaboration. That’s what the Army does, and that’s what we [Army] do best. Having everyone and everything come together, it was awesome. I could do this again and again and again, I love my job” said Bishop.

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Soldiers from the 71st Chemical Company, 8th Military Police Brigade load role-playing patients onto litters to be treated in a mass casualty decontamination shelter during a Consequence Management Exercise April 25.

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Sgt. Jerald Harrell, 3rd Platoon, 71st Chemical Company, 8th Military Police Brigade assists Spc. Barron Demons, 3rd Plt., 71st Chem. Co., 8th MP Bde. in the donning of a self contained breathing apparatus. Demons, a member of a perimeter monitoring team, prepares to conduct a reconnaissance mission during a Consequence Management Exercise exercise April 24.

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71st Chemical Company’s Inaugural Pa

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728th MP Bn. i upholds Arm

inducts NCOs; my tradition Story and Photos by Staff. Sgt. Richard D. Sherba


he military is steeped in history and has many traditions honoring that history; perhaps no tradition is as vital to the force as military ceremonies. The 728th Military Police Battalion, 8th Military Police Brigade, 8th Theater Sustainment Command held a Noncommissioned Officer Induction Ceremony at Sgt. Smith Theatre, here May 14. Twenty-seven Soldiers were inducted into the Noncommissioned Officer Corps during a ceremony that not only honored the newly promoted Sergeants but also upheld Army tradition. In the back of the ceremony’s program guide was an excerpt from The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide containing a quote by Command Sgt. Maj. (retired) Joshua Perry, Regimental Command Sergeant Major, Military Police Corps. “Some of the old Soldiers out there, who have perhaps grown a bit cynical and too sophisticated for ceremonies, think you have the option to decline a ceremony for yourself,” as quoted by Perry. “A military ceremony is not yours, even if you are the sole reason for the ceremony. It belongs to all the Soldiers.” Command Sgt. Maj. Bradley Cross, battalion command sergeant major, 728th MP Bn., didn’t just come across Perry’s words and have them placed in the program guide as a reminder to his Soldiers; he witnessed Perry’s words first-hand as a young private, 23 years ago, and has lived those words ever since. “I remember being in basic training and a big statured man [Perry] standing out front [of the formation] saying just that, those same words,” said Cross. The big statured man of course was Command Sgt. Maj. (retired) Joshua Perry. “The most selfless part of being a leader is supporting

these types of events,” said Cross. He then added, “the goal of the tradition of having an induction ceremony like this is you’ve got to let them [inductees] know there is a clear line that has been marked in the sand and you [newly promoted sergeants] just stepped over that line. Now you’re a noncommissioned officer. There are expectations, you have to lead and you’re expected to lead.” Sgt. Nichelle Bishop, 71st Chem. Co., 8th MP Bde. was one of the 27 sergeants inducted into the Noncommissioned Officer Corps during the ceremony. “I am a part of something bigger than myself. Being a part of that ceremony, that’s one of the reasons I joined the Army, it ran real deep in my soul. I wasn’t just pinned a sergeant; I am a part of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps. I am a part of something that has been there before me and will continue on through me,” said Bishop. Bishop then spoke about the impact that ceremonies like this have on her Soldiers and all Soldiers. “When you sit there as a private, specialist, or whatever your rank and you see people go through these ceremonies you say to yourself ‘I can do that too’ it’s very motivational,” said Bishop. Command Sgt. Maj. Richard Woodring, brigade command sergeant major, 8th MP Bde., was in attendance. “Events like these are important because it takes us back to the basics of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps, reliving our history, our roots and traditions,” said Woodring. “We have ceremonies like these because it instills the importance of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps, and it shows Soldiers that this is an important milestone. This is something they need to strive for; it’s what they should come into the military wanting to do, to be a leader.”

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Sgt. Kevin Dahlby, 558th Military Police Company, 728th Military Police Battalion, crosses through an arch created by two noncommissioned officer swords and becomes inducted into the Noncommissioned Officer Corps during a ceremony held May 14 at Sgt. Smith Theatre.

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Sgt. Graham Kimeu, 552nd Military Police Company, 728th Military Police Battalion, 8th Military Police Brigade signs his name into the ledger and joins the Noncommissioned Officer Corps during a noncommissioned officer induction ceremony held May 14 at Sgt. Smith Theatre.

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in Army ! Story and Photos by Staff. Sgt. Richard D. Sherba


n a ceremony held May 2, 2013 at Schofield Barracks, the 58th Military Police Company, 728th MP Battalion, 8th MP Brigade, 8th Theater Sustainment Command was recognized as the best Military Police Company in the entire United States Army for fiscal year 2012. The 58th MP Co. earned the prestigious Brig. Gen. J.P. Holland Award 2012; which is the award given to the best MP Company out of 188 MP Companies in the United States Army. The award honors the most outstanding MP unit in the Army each fiscal year. MP units are evaluated in the areas of training assessment; weapons qualifications; physical fitness; noncommissioned officer education; military education; civilian education; reenlistment; unit awards; individual awards; unit discipline; foundations of excellence and external evaluations. “Absolutely incredible, you just don’t get this award for doing one thing well, you get this award for doing everything well,” said Maj. Gen. David E. Quantock, the Provost Marshal General of the Army Commanding General, US Army Criminal Investigation Command and Army Corrections Command during his remarks in a congratulatory video teleconference call with the Soldiers of the 58th MP Co. “My congratulations to all of you for what you do, downrange [Afghanistan] and law enforcement there [Hawaii] every single day.” Maj. Gen Stephen R. Lyons, Commanding General, 8th Theater Sustainment Command and Command Sgt. Maj. Nathan J. Hunt III, Command Sergeant Major, 8th TSC presented the Brig. Gen. J.P. Holland Award to the 58th MP Co. Maj. Gen. Lyons addressed those in attendance and the Soldiers of the 58th MP Co. “This team [58th MP Co.] has accomplished a lot. When you talk about excellence you have to recognize units like the 58th. As I read the history of your [58th MP Co.] tour in Afghanistan it was really impressive,” said Lyons. “What dawned on me, for you to have accomplished that mission so well, was that your children and grandchildren will pick up that dossier one day and will read it just like we read about our WWII heroes today.” Lyons continued, “It’s huge what you have accomplished, each one of you through your partnership, in your shoulder to shoulder commitment [with Afghans] have made a difference in the lives of one police patrol officer [Afghan], one citizen [Afghan] at a time, and you made a difference in the progress of Afghanistan,

that is pretty awesome, I hope you are proud.” Lyons concluded his remarks by congratulating the Soldiers of the 58th MP Co. and expressed his admiration for Military Police Soldiers when saying, “you walk the walk, you enforce the laws, and you set the example for all of us and in all of our communities.” Days after the many handshakes and pats on the back, photo ops and celebration Soldiers from the 58th MP Co. took time to reflect on the significance of being recognized as the best MP Co. in the Army. “I think its pretty great, especially with all the work we did down range. We did a lot of stuff that most people wouldn’t have thought we did. I was actually in a group that created the training database for the Afghan National Police. We trained a couple thousand ANP and over 37 checkpoint commanders,” said Spc. Daniel Looney, driver, 3rd Plt., 58th MP Co. “It’s pretty awesome how you can be in a company with that sort of honor.” Sgt. David Williams, Team Leader, 3rd Plt., 58th MP Co. spoke about the impact the award has had on his Soldiers. “It has a given them a distinguished persona about themselves. They know they have the J.P. Holland behind them to help fuel their future endeavors. They earned this so they want to keep up the persona of being the best MP unit. So I think it helps a lot with the professionalism and the way they carry themselves in their career,” said Williams. 1st Sgt. Anthony Doucet, First Sergeant, 58th MP Co. also reflected on the impact of the award. “Having the 8th TSC Commanding General, Maj. Gen. Lyons, present us with this award kind of puts a huge weight on our shoulders, a weight that this unit is willing to carry,” said Doucet. “We have some of the best Soldiers, not just in the battalion, but also in the United States Army. A military police Soldier in today’s Army can deploy for a year, train [Afghan Uninformed Police] and come back and still work the road and enforce the laws here or anywhere.” The first sergeant also spoke about the team effort that makes up the award winning 58th MP Co. “It takes a team to get this machine going. It takes a big team,” said Doucet in referring to the different sections and diverse Soldiers that make up the 58th MP Co. and are crucial in completing their mission such as supply Soldiers, mechanics, communications Soldiers and PAC clerks (human resources specialist) to name a few.

Military and Famil

Mr. Rex Powell is the 8th MP BDE’s Military and Family Life Consultant (MFLC) Military and Family Life

Consultants provide solution-oriented consultations to Soldiers, couples, families, and groups. The 8th MP BDE

ly Life Consultant Military & Family Life Consultant is located in Building 768 (on the first floor in room 111) at 245 Reilly Ave. (across from 8th MP BDE Headquarters) 8th MP BDE’s MFLC office phone number: (808) 226-2849.

Examples of Issues Include: *Adjustment/ Transition *Stress *Marital/couples

*Anxiety/Sadness *Deployment Cycle Issues *Communication *Aggression *Work *Parenting *Grief/loss

MFLC Solutions: *Flexible appointment times *Flexible meeting locations *Confidential *No Records Kept *FREE!


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nyone familiar with military life knows Soldiers and their families are busy to say the least; and with the many day-to-day obligations that military families incur they may not have the time to take advantage of the opportunities available to them that come with living in a military community. The 8th Military Police Brigade, 8th Theater Sustainment Command, held their inaugural “Make a Difference Day,” May 3 to change that; not only for one day but for years to come. “With this event we [8th MP Bde.] wanted to make sure that we brought out agencies who would help our Soldiers and family members become empowered about making a difference in their lives and in the lives of their family members,” said Staff Sgt. Yvonne Brooks, chaplain’s assistant, 8th MP Bde. More than 20 agencies were brought together in one central location on Hamilton Field at Schofield Barracks to make it easier for Soldiers and their families to register, learn, volunteer and be better informed. “It was a community effort,” said Brooks, the brainchild behind the 8th MP Bde.’s event. “Many people were involved in getting these agencies out here. Some [agencies] were my contacts over the years of working here as a chaplain’s assistant and some were agencies that showed an interest in helping Soldiers and were actively looking for opportunities to come to our Soldiers.” One such agency was Army Community Service. “The more families know about what is in their community, the more we can help them and assist them in a positive way,” said Stacy Timmins, a social services specialist at ACS. “This is a great event

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get some of the services that are available here on st to the families, because sometimes Soldiers get busy during the day that they forget to bring home at information. This is a great way for us to reach t to the families and let them know what is availle here on post.” Soldiers and their families spent the morning not ly becoming better informed on resiliency, healthy ving, volunteerism, and services available to them t also enjoyed being with their co-workers in a fun re-free atmosphere that was filled with balloons, ce painting, music, games, and a children’s inflatle bounce house. Katie Chapman, spouse of Staff Sgt. Steve Chapan, 552 Military Police Co., 728th MP Bn., 8th MP de. spoke about the opportunity for her children to end the morning with their father at work. Time with daddy, in his environment, with other oldiers, they love it,” she said. “Especially when e’re out doing activities, getting their faces painted, d having fun. They are so proud of their Dad. It was great day.” As the day came to an end, the chaplain’s assistant ok a moment to reflect on the morning’s event. I wanted people to be able to walk ten steps and nd exactly what they were looking for,” said Brooks. f there was anything they were wondering about or estioning, that agency was right there to answer eir questions, and if they weren’t, that agency will here next year. I think that as long as we get people volved in their community they will take ownership it. They will become community leaders, and that’s hat the goal is. We want to make a difference.”

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I am an American Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American Soldier.

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