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EIGHT Copyright Š 2018 All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Edited by Danielle Alexandra Castillo and Bianca Ysabel Rabe Book design by Bianca Ysabel Rabe, Danielle Alexandra Castillo Sarah Johsnns Vinarao, Samantha Francine Ibe Kim Shane Fernandez, Cover design by Becca Rabe Text and Ilustrations by this amazing family.

Our Loves, The feedback that EIGHT received is utterly overwhelming! The number of people who volunteered, the amount of inquiries we’ve been getting, it is all so heartwarming. For all we know, this magazine wouldn’t be possible without all the helping hands. This is not only dedicated to the boys but also for those who were willing to support, treasure and always keep them in their hearts throughout the years. EIGHT was a brainchild of a drowsy mind in the middle of the night, wondering if there could be an album of some sort of Directioners’ works throughout the eight years of standing by five amazing boys. To be frank, there wasn’t that much of a glorious founding moment for this project - it was more of me tweeting if someone wanted to make this project with me, and my crazy best friend replying that hell yeah we should push for it! And who knew in two hours, while everybody in our households were asleep, we had already set the color palettes and preparing the account. After we finalized the things we wanted to do, we were amazed by the fans who immediately talked to us to help. We actually thought that we wouldn’t get this far. We knew to ourselves that we wanted to do this for the boys to show our appreciation for eight years of giving us music, happiness and love. When we saw that we got a lot of messages askinag how they’d be able to help, we were more than happy to see how much the fandom will be always willing to show their endless support for One Direction. Of course, which project wouldn’t want to be seen by the boys? If this magazine ends up in their timelines, then it’s already a thousand times better than how we imagined this project to be. But perhaps, mainly, EIGHT’s purpose is to be something made by the fans, for the fans. Where in after every page they flip, there’d be an edit they’d fawn at, or a paragraph they’d say ‘same,’ -- a bowl of feels, tears, and happiness we’ve experienced all together for the past years. This magazine serves as a timeline -- a remembrance of the past, present and perhaps, the future of our boys. Each page is a reminder of what they have given us not just through music but through their constant love for their fans. To everybody who showed initiative for this project, we send the warmest of our hugs and the best of our love to you. If anything, this project would have been nothing but an idea without you guys. It’s been one hell of a ride, these eight years with this family -- and we await for more memories with you all.

All the love.


Bea & Danny

for the boys that made these eight years feel like infinity.






Ltom O lUinsIon S

“But you only get half of the story,” Louis Tomlinson croons in his third single, “Just Like You”. Being a member of a globally successful boyband, it is inevitable for Louis to shoulder the brunt of negative media, the critical eye of the masses. But, the real damage here is that more often than not, he is only seen as “the guy from the one band” who has a kid, who was caught smoking illegal substances with a bandmate, or that guy who lashed on gay rumours and became homophobic. For the past seven years, he had to go through zigzags of headlines, hearsays, and backlash, which continuously undermine his musical identity. Up to this day, whenever I search his name on Google, the suggested searches and popular results are all about his relationships, or the crooks and crannies of his personal life. Nothing about his music, or his charity projects – only meager sources give way to positively shedding light on his career. It’s saddening how Louis’ words couldn’t ring any truer; the world deserves to recognize his prolific artistry and his altruistic spirit. In the first months of One Direction, Louis was oft pushed away from the spotlight. Attention was showered on three of his bandmates, with him and Niall left to being rudely perceived as “comic reliefs” in the band who apparently can’t sing. Whereas Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik were marketed as the vocal backbone of the group, Louis had to grapple for the acknowledgment of his talent. Fortunately, he found another avenue to do so: he, along with Liam, became the ingenious songwriter of the famed band. In one interview in 2017, Liam disclosed about his and Louis’ songwriting collaboration. He explained that he was more of a “melodies person”, and Louis was the “lyrics man”. Founding his persistence on the desire to vanquish his poorly concealed self-doubt, as he had admitted in his interview with The Observer, Louis eventually garnered the vigorous support of One Direction fans. Hence, everyone finally had fresh eyes on the band. One Direction wasn’t seen as a shallowly manufactured group anymore. Instead, they were then regarded as a group with lyrical and melodic strength thanks to him and Liam, who created worldwide hits full of substance and personality. When media channels fail to focus on Louis’ musicality as he was starting up his solo career, his fans made it their duty to make it visible as much as they can. But Louis didn’t just resort to being musically relevant. While acknowledging his rise to fame when he was in One Direction, Louis took this incredible opportunity to support meaningful charity causes both local and abroad. From small charities to renowned humanitarian groups, he never failed to make others’ needs visible as well. He was all too familiar with having to stay behind the spotlight and finally grasping a chance to prove himself, that’s why he always makes sure to pay it forward, especially to his fans who need his full support as well. Louis has helped children in impoverished communities and those who live in hospices with his fame. Raising funds through football matches and concerts enabled Louis to wholeheartedly give back the kindness he was fortunately bestowed upon. Just like everyone else that went before him, Louis Tomlinson perfectly knows he holds the unbelievable chance to have the “whole world on his right hand” – and he doesn’t let it go to waste. Regardless of trashy comments, crude headlines, and everything in between, he managed to stand his ground and establish a profound identity in the industry. He may still have numerous hurdles to overcome in the near future, but I can proudly say Louis has earned the prospective success he’s set foot on.



How pale the moonlight shines in my dark night is a contrast to how yellow your sun beams through my curtain of tears.

Dear Tiny Louis: Hi Mr. McTomo! I really love your voice. Your voice is so unique. Makes me want to listen to it for the rest of my life. My best friend’s mother, is a fan of you. We both love your songs and especially you. My friend always tells me about how her mother turn up the radio’s volume when you’re the one who’s about to sing. I don’t have a lot of experiences from you so I just shared my friend’s mom. I’m looking forward to see you soon on your tour. Actually, we’re both planning on going to your tour here in Manila. I hope I’ll go because I have an adult already who’s gonna be with me, the only problem is money and if ever my parents let me buy tickets or see you. Please take your time on creating your own kind of music. We’re not rushing you. We just want to hear more of you. It’s okay if you released it like next year (for more chances of buying tickets HAHAHA) take your time! We don’t want you to show us your rushed work of art. I want to hear more of your side. I will support you jo matter what. Thank you for the wonderful music you already showed us. Looking forward to hear more from you. I hope I meet you and go to your concert as well. I bet it will be lit as you are. I love you so much! We will always be by your side. With all the love and support, Khenzy xx



To Louis, For years now you have been the absolute sweetest and the most kind-hearted person i know. i want to thank you for being the person you are. Someone who has been the most sassiest, the absolute troublemaker, and just genuinely a great person to be around with. Or more like, to look up to, i guess. i want you to know that you make me the happiest when you smile and how much you make my heart flutter when you laugh. i want you to know how much i appreciate your hard work in all you do. How much you love the fans and actually show us you do. Spoken or unspoken. Hearing the way you sing is, no joke, absolute bliss. I could jam to “Miss You” all day, every day. You could do wonders with this voice of yours!! I also want you to know that whatever you do, whoever you are now and whoever you will be, we got you, love, with all our heart always. No words could ever amount my love for you and how much you make me happy. Even ‘i love you’ is an understatement. Somehow i think nothing could ever fully let you know how much you mean to me except for the warmest hug i wish i could give. For now, maybe this’ll do: i love you, Louis !!! Forever and always. xx Can’t wait for tour!!! Whenever you’re ready, King.

A little something for Louis, Enough can never be said about louis, about how he possesses a generous, strong and loving heart; about how he radiates love. about how brave he is and always stands up for the people he loves; about the ever so caring nature he has; about the lyrics and voice that touch the soul. about the genuine artistry of the man; about the beautiful crinkles he gets by his eyes whenever he smiles; about how he always makes sure people know how grateful he is; about how he’s played a big brother role to more than just his sisters.; about how he carries himself. and i can never speak enough about how grateful i am to have him as my idol; how grateful i am to be able to be blessed with his music; how grateful i am that my idol loves me just as much as i love him; how grateful i am that he always has the time for fans; how grateful i am that he thinks of us as his inspiration; how grateful i am to look up to such an honest person; I love you so much, louis. I wish i could hug you so tight right now. You can make me feel calm at any given moment. Thank you for doing what you do. I’m glad that you’re a big part of my everyday life. I hope you know that i will always support and love you. And when i say always, i mean always. it’s always you. Keep smiling. i wish you all the happiness and love in the world. You deserve so much good. you’re a gem, and don’t you ever forget that. from mannat (@sailthelarryship on ig & @stpkicking me out on twitter ;) ) to louis. ฅ’ω’ฅ

Dear Louis, You’re a ball of sunshine with a big heart. You helped and saved people. You taught everyone to just hold on if everything goes wrong and to be sassy too! You always remind us how much we mean to you and how thankful you are to have us. I’d like you to know that we feel the same way towards you, too. You said you won’t be nowhere without us, your incredible fans. But, little did you know that some of us wouldn’t be even here anymore if it wasn’t because of you and One Direction. Thank you for coming into our lives and inspiring us to do better. We can’t wait to hear more from you. Maybe we miss you. I love you, Mc Tomo. Love, Krystalline Angela Fernandez @LoveAngelaaaa

FOR LOUIS Hi Lou! Thank you thank you thank for being the sassy big brother I wish I have. Louis be strong and be brave. You are the most talented person ever. Too good to be here cause you are an angel. I totally love your song “Just Like you” and in the song you sang “yeah, I get sad to. And when I’m down. I NEED SOMEBODY TO TALK TOO.” Lou to let you know I’m here. Yes I may not be of help solving your problems and I might not understand a lot of it but I’ll be here to listen and be a friend to you. Tommo, Boo Bear, Lou I’m wishing when the perfect time comes you’ll shine as bright as the sun and have the courage to show the world real Louis Tomlinson. Thank you for being here. We love you and you are never alone because you have us. Loving you.

To our dear Tommo bear, Hey, Louis! How you’ve been doing? I miss you so much, Tommo the tease (all those music teasers). Hope you’re doing alright wherever you may be. Hope you’re drinking enough water and staying hydrated all the time!! If you have any problems or challenges that you have to face, JUST HOLD ON like we will on your comeback! On a serious note, please don’t feel rushed and pressured to release your music because the others are. Louies, like me, will always be here to support and love you even if you release music in 10 years’ time! But we’re also good if it’s less than that because sh** maybe we MISS YOU! That’s how much we love you, Lou, and we’re just giving back the love that you have shown us and made us feel. Thank you so much for everything, Louis! You may not know me personally but seeing you and your family happy and smiling is enough for me plus it also makes me happy! Hope you get to tour here in our country, The Philippines! We don’t disappoint hahaha especially me despite being just a face in the crowd! <3 We love you, Lou. I love you, Lou and I will always be here supporting you and in every choice that you make! Never forget that because JUST LIKE YOU we are grateful and we’ll always keep on coming BACK TO YOU! Sincerely, Nizi A. (OiOiLoueeeh)






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Your music held me captive; oh such luck. But don’t worry, I’m happy being stuck.


I would give the world to you, If you let me. I love you with all my heart, boo. Be yourself, you’re beautiful. @

Harry, Until now, I’ve never managed to fully understand what your actions mean. I can not tell if you’re being subtle or just weird. I love you either way. I’m extremely proud of you not just with your amazing songs or Dunkirk or your modelling campaign or your world tour. I’m proud that you’ve always been so kind no matter how horribly people treat you. You deserve so much more than what you’ve gone through. Promise all of us that you’ll only do what makes you happy and what makes you feel free. We will be here for you no matter what happens. Thank you Hazza. All the love. J.


had the honor of witnessing the one and only Harry Styles on stage. I just admired him every second without being able to believe what my eyes were telling me. There he was, having the time of his life and giving us ours. By the way, I made him smile with a stunned scream in the middle of a very short pause he made when he was about to continue telling us how fabulous we looked. He also made me smile many times when I was not drowned in tears of happiness with my hands on my chest to make sure that my heart wouldn’t go out.I will never forget any of this, especially the feeling of home I felt inside that crowd, who stared happily at the figure of love and kindness made man, singing, dancing, making dad jokes and waving his flags joyfully. I decided I want to dedicate this song to you, Harry. I’ve been listening to it for a long time and I can’t get out of my mind how much it reminds me of your pureness, because it feels like a poem being sung. Especially after being just a few meters away from you, I remember listening to it on my way home from the Arena and realizing how appropriate it was for that moment, because yes, I miss you (you will understand why I say this when you read the lyrics). I had to personalize it a bit since the original version is in Spanish, my mother language, and I want you to understand each verse as if your life depended on it. Some day I hope I get to see you again and ask you about this song, so I’ll know if you paid attention. Here you go, Styles. All my love. I remember that when I arrived you didn’t even look at me. I was just one more of hundreds. Nevertheless, they were there, and they were yours: my first palpitations. How couldn’t I noticew that there are forbidden elevators, that there are shared sins, and that you were so close to me. Then, I disguise myself as you, you disguise yourself as me and we play to be humans in this gray room. I bite water for you, you glide around me and we play pretend to be two cats that don’t want to go to sleep.

My anchors didn’t stop your instincts, nor yours my moans. I let myself loosen up and tingle with excitement. I don’t want you to stop squeezing me without me having to tell you so I want your fingerprints to be crustings attached to all my vertices. I disguise myself as you. You disguise yourself as me. And we play to be humans in this gray room. I bite water for you, you glide around me and we play pretend to be two cats that don’t want to go to sleep. I don’t know what ended up happening, I only felt darts inside me. Our awkard situation was expanded in space. The pain sinks into my side the corners become blurry I am thirsty and I’m swallowing. I don’t want to not be by your side. I disguise myself as you. You disguise yourself as me. And we play to be humans in this gray room. I try to help you with your problems, you glide around me and we play pretend to be two cats that don’t want to go to sleep. I will die of desire to tell you that I’m going to miss you. My words go away, they gut me. I pretend that I don’t know, that I never knew. I pretend that I don’t like being with you. And as I get lost inside myself Effortlessly, I remember you. I’m dying of desire to tell you that I’m already missing you, Harry. Aurora.


Al Hombre Que Amo You’re like a sun that glows up the earth, You’re like a glitter that shines behind the dirt. A stranger that turned up the table Makes me shaky, nervous, fumble and stumble. All of them loves you very much, Like they can treat you as their king, icon and such. Seeing you enjoying yourself and showing what you are, Must be a great reason why they stan you with all of their hearts. Curly hair turned to short neated cut Long haired turned into Old fashion gent. The apperance may change but your standpoint stay still, That we should treat people with kindness even they’re good or ill. This lines were not too good yet not too sweet either, But my heart belongs to you until the time it will wither. Harry, Harold, Harreh, Hazza, Haz, Baby Cakes, or so whatever, Your still the one, my home my sweet creature and my forever. -mika

“to start off, i am pretty sure that you’re an angel who is disguised as a human cause you have the biggest heart i know. i love you harry and i’ll forever be proud of all of your achievements. you have inspired me so much to accept and be confident about myself and i thank you for that! I hope you’re happy harold cause you deserve it and if i could give the world to you, i would.” love, darren (@njhbaymax)”

My Hearts Treasure

Oh love How precious can it be? The reason why i always wake up With joy and a smile on my face The reason why my dreams are as sweet as chocolates The reason behind my good sleeps No matter how stressful the days Isn’t it awful waking up with nothing to feel? But now that love came into my way My heart beats fast Isn’t it great waking up to something worth remembering? Love does not have a limited meaning In fact, it has a wide collection of definitions They ask, is it really love? But supporting someone do what they love the most The tears in your eyes are full of sweetness Harry, I’ve always believed in you Thank you for teaching me to love myself Thank you for everything, my love You will always be part Of my heart’s treasure - pau (@embracedhes)


You deserve the whole world. You really do. But the world doesn’t deserve you. Please continue to spread love and kindness around the world. You are the embodiment of love. Please take care always. All the love, Samantha Ibe

DEAR H, This was a short essay, written by my younger self. I was never good at writing. The Brown-Haired Boy Start. Who wouldn’t be in love with the way his brown hair just falls above his shoulder when he walks. The way chuckles and laughs escape those pink lips, and the way it creates such a wonderful sound to be heard. Who wouldn’t fall for that sZmile that covers his beautiful face, the smile that could turn your bad day, into a good one. Who wouldn’t love the way he tells the corniest jokes but you end up laughing with him anyway. Love the way he acts so strong despite the problems that he carries in his luggage. Love the way he tries to fight his way through all the struggles. The way the brown-haired boy overcomes everything with just a simple smile. Who wouldn’t love the brown-haired who cares for everyone, that, undoubtedly, all he wants is for them to have happiness and safety. Who wouldn’t love to pay attention to every little thing he does that makes him himself, that makes him, special. You can never go off with just a glance, as time goes by, it becomes difficult to take your eyes off of the brownhaired boy. Lucky are those who get to spend time with the brown-haired boy. I hope for, that one day, I’ll get to meet him also, to know him more. This brown-haired boy isn’t just any other brownhaired,this boy, this man, is the one and only Harry Styles. Fin. Oh boy, you do not know how much I admire you.

It isn’t just about the looks, it’s more of who you are as a person. I just love how you radiate positivity in everything you do, you never let people bring you down, you do everything to get your message through, not minding the negativity people may give. You’re like a ball of sunshine that doesn’t give a f*ck about what people say about him. I love how your music brings me waves of emotions, whether it be a bundle of joy and happiness, or a roll of sorrow and pain. Every song is a different experience, and every song gives you a certain emotion. From The Dining Table and Sweet Creature are my personal favorites. I hope you enjoy every bit of your life, and hope that you never forget to carry happiness with you. Know that you are appreciated, and that you are loved by many. Never lose that big heart of yours Harry (and please never lose the jokes too). I will always be here to support you in everything you do. Know that you hold a special place in my heart, as cheesy as it sounds. I love you to bits Hazza. “Treat People With Kindness” that, I’ll always remember. All the Love, F.

Dear Harry, Long hair, skinny jeans, boots and Gucci suits. These are not the ones that make you special but the things you do and have been spreading. You help us become the better versions of ourselves and remind us to always treat people with kindness no matter what race, religion, and sexuality. You taught us to always choose love and to value others’ lives because everyone matters. You changed our outlook on life for the better and inspired us to be the best that we can be. Thank you so much for everything. You’re so kind and true. You have a big heart and this is what makes you the sweetest creature. You make us happy and we can’t imagine the world without you. P.S We also miss your long hair All my love, Krystalline Angela Fernandez @LoveAngelaaaa

“Here at One Direction, we like to celebrate love in all forms. And we believe that love is something that should be celebrated with open arms.” Harry Styles uttered these words in One Direction’s Boston show, for their On the Road Again Tour in 2015. It was part of the simple chitchats the boys do in between performing songs: a window of opportunity for interacting with fans, for pointlessly messing about with the other lads, and, with Harry surprisingly taking the lead, for becoming vocal with what the boys collectively support. At the time, I was already a fan of 3 years. I knew that discourse of homosexuality involving One Direction, or even the slightest hint on supporting the LGBTQA+ community, was a bad storm brewing. Hence, it was natural that when Harry bravely stated those words of solidarity, I was caught at a standstill. As a queer fan myself, I was deeply impressed – and very much enamored – with this minute-long moment from their show, that it left an indelible mark for me for years to come. As Harry became more outspoken on this certain solidarity in the group’s succeeding shows, my adulation for him blossomed, and it grew even more when he finally took center stage on his own. Fans have always claimed that Harry is the pure embodiment of love. Cheesy as it may be, the idea

never fell short when he ventured the music industry with his own devices. In fact, Harry even created a special mantra, a unique defining statement for his career: Treat People with Kindness. Retrospectively, it can be said that Harry’s image revamping is borne of years of nitpicking, judging, and even outright shaming in show business. For so long, Harry has been regarded as a “womanizer”, a “flirt”, a “sex symbol” – a face many would only counter with shallow labels. Despite the overwhelming effect this long-standing offense brought him, he refused to let his story be a single narrative. With a budding career, Harry effectively utilizes his platform in spreading compassion, positivity, and love, which are glaringly lacking in the culture we have grown up in. Amidst the inherent toxicity in the music industry, Harry Styles has managed to build a newfound pedestal not for his own gloating, but for the essence of using influence as a vehicle in creating safer spaces for everyone. In his shows, Harry never fails to remind the audience: “Feel free to be whoever you are, to be whoever you wanna be in this room.” “When

Harry’s show comes to an end each night, his fans pocket a sense of duty to fulfill his words of love as they proceed with their day-to-day lives.” Additionally, he boldly waves flags representing the various spectra of LGBTQA+ on stage, offended conservatives be damned. He waves flags of Black Lives Matter, of Make America Gay Again, and many other powerful political statements. These actions, which simply start within the bounds of a concert arena, hold an incredible impact for his fans once the stage lights go out. When Harry’s show comes to an end each night, his fans pocket a sense of duty to fulfill his words of love as they proceed with their day-to-day lives. Thus, Harry’s fans have become catalysts themselves in staying true to the words Treat People with Kindness. t’s all too easy to take celebrities’ stances on social concerns with a grain of salt. It’s all too easy to discredit celebrities, just because they’re entertainers. But Harry Styles, as he establishes a name for his own, adamantly goes against that. At the end of the day, Harry has indeed become a household name not just because of the music, or the whole glitz and glamour of fame. Instead, he has become an icon of a progressive world we, the youth of his time, are fortunate to take part of. -@mellowflicker


E e


the sunshine in our darkness the strength in our weakness the reason for our happiness

they took my heart and i never want it back -z

HARRYlouis liaMniallzayn, My 5 boys. There are not enough words to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I’m so proud of how far the 5 of you have come as a band and as solo artists. I have no idea if you’ll all see this but I wrote some individual letters/poems for all of you and even though they suck I hope you appreciate them. The 5 of you are like angels to me. I could not thank you enough for all the smiles you’ve put on my face and all the endless laughs you’ve given me. You all better come back to manila!!! Individual or as a band, I don’t care (but as a band would be very appreciated just saying). Keep you, you guys. I can’t wait to hear all your new music. I’ll always be here to support you no matter what. I love you with all my heart! @franfontanilla

History History

Eight years together, times got better. They say they’re just a band, they don’t always understand. They fill our hearts with love and laughter, Twitter and Tumblr, full of banter. Fans become friends, and bond to no end. This is just a rest, this is not the end. So don’t let them go, we can make some more, We can live forever more.

Dearest Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry and Zayn Hello, my loves, my heroes, my life. I don’t happiness. Thank you for being accepting. really know what to say here but I will just go Thank you so much. Thank you for being my home. with what my guts will say. Let me first say, thank you. I have always been grateful to have you guys in my life. I will forever to know such amazing human beings like you. When I first saw you guys, I really thought that I will just become that normal fan who will just stan the music you make and nothing more. But, it became deeper than that. You lads save me. You saved my life. It happened back on 2012 when I was having a breakdown. I was self harming. I cut and cut until I get addicted to it. But, your voices. Hearing your voice calmed me down. It made me put the razor down. I was crying and I just couldn’t take it but YOU saved me. You put light in my dark world. And every single day, you are saving me from the demons in my mind. The ones who are killing me. Thank you for accepting me for who I really was. You make me the happiest in the world. Nowadays, I’ve been worse. I just recently came out to my parents, by force. It was the hardest and painful decision. It didn’t end well, they were disappointed and thought I was selfish. It pains me. But, you made me alot better. You calmed me down. You guys really are my strength.

Niall, thank you. You are one amazing person. Thank you for the countless laughs and smiles you gave me. Thank you for always being there and understanding me and all of us. Thank you for being the carefree lad who spreads positivity in this world. Thank you for the endless support. Thank you so much. Thank you for being my flicker of hope. Liam, thank you. You are one of the most humble and loving person I know. You taught me to be loving and to ignore the shit people give me. You taught me to never give up on life. You are my inspiration and I love you. Thank you so much. Thank you for stripping me down to be the real me. Harry, thank you. You made me feel confident with my sexuality. I hope you are proud of me for coming out. It was hard for me and it pained me. But, seeing you being all supportive with the rainbos community makes me really happy. I felt overwhelmed and warm all over. Thank you for being you. You make me the happiest in the world. Thank you so much. You bring me home.

Boys, whenever I hear your voice on radios amd televisions, it was like music in my ears. I will never regret stanning a boyband with amazing people that has huge hearts of gold. You are too pure for this world. I am so I didn’t really know until someone asked me, proud of what you become. I wish nothing but “What does love supposed to feel like?” And happiness and love for you. the first thing that came on my mind is you. You made me feel loved and valid. Because You are my rock, my light, my star, my moon, of you, I found my sisters and brothers in this my sun, my strength. You are the reason for fandom. People who will love me for the real my bravery and strength. I love you so much. Thank you for everything. I hope you are me. You changed me for the better. proud of me. Louis, thank you. Thank you for making me feel confident for my body. You showed I love you and thank you so much for me that being the real me is the best thing everything. You are my home. My family. ever. Fuck whatever they say! Your bravery Love, and strength kept me going with life and Lyka Athena Gutierrez motivated me to be stronger and braver. I @rainbowbiou admire you for that. Your voice made me calm everytime. You kept saving me and I am grateful. You are my light, my sun, my You are my rock, my source of strength and happiness. You made me a better person. Because of you, I found my family that will accept me for who I really am.



Hi One Direction! Happy 8th Anniversary! You know, we always wanted for you guys to comeback as soon as possible and that’s probably one of our wishes for you guys this anniversary. Thank you so much for all the things you’ve done to us. Thank you for motivating us, for showing us your love, for letting us love you, even saving money! Thank you for teaching us to know our limits in spending money. We learned how to save money just so we can see you and hear you live even if you’re really tiny from some of your fans’ places in your tours, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is we saw 1D, we heard you sing live, we felt you, we felt mixed emotions. I didn’t get the chance to hear you live because I’m not that fan yet when you guys toured here in Manila. You made us feel loved with some of your songs. You guys are everything. Our love for you is better than words. I can’t explain everything you made us feel because it’s too many to mention. You guys are home. When we’re sad, we listen to your songs. When we’re happy, we listen to your songs. When we’re angry, we listen to your songs. Everything related to you will always makes us happy. When someone says “the best boy band in the world” we all thought about you. We’re sorry for all the things you’ve felt sad, for all the people who underestimated you, who bashed you, who made you feel like nothing. Remember, we are always here for you. You have your family, your friends, your loved ones. You have us. You have your fans who waited for you guys and always be waiting for you to come back. You have your fans who supports you no matter what. If you’re just tricking us that you’ll be back, I’m fine with that, but you promised though. And promises are not meant to be broken. But whatever path you take, we’re here, accepting the fact that 1D will never come back, that you will just be friends and not a group anymore, we will still support you. With your solo careers right now, you can see that every one of us is still here for you, we’re still supporting you until the end. Also, thank you for letting us meet our friends or mutuals right now. Some of us wouldn’t have friends without 1D. You guys, 1D, will always be remembered. You made us strong. We live for you, we long for you. You lifted up our hearts and saved our lives. You stole our hearts. It’s everything about you. Even if the spaces between us is deeper than anything else, we can always feel you through your songs and voices. We’re in love with you and all your little things. You guys are giving us heart attacks whenever you’re around. Those people who didn’t know your existence and who never tried to listen to your songs, they missed one of the best childhoods you could ever have. They don’t know about the things you guys do. Nothing can come between 1D and directioners. We will find a way through the dark. Our love for you is better than words. We’re half a heart without 1D. Where do broken hearts go? We will just sit in our room watching your fetus videos, listening to your songs which even makes our heart broken into pieces and scattered all around the floor, unless you picked it up and put it together because you already came back as a group? Nobody loves 1D the way we do. You should probably stay, probably stay couple more years. How many nights does it take to count the stars? That’s the time it would take to fix our hearts. That’s what we felt when you guys announced that you’ll be in a hiatus. If we could fly, we’ll be coming right where you are. We’ll find the words to say before you leave us today. This is not the end. It’s not the end, we’ll see your faces again. With all the love and support, One of your fans, and some fans who might actually say this too, Khenzy xx (:

Time flies so fast ! It’s been 8 years since Simon Cowell put Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn as one that we called One Direction. I never knew that these five lads will play a huge role in my life.I first saw them in our telly singing What Makes You Beautiful. Their voice catches my soul and since then I started to love them. We have Louis who taught us to live our life to the fullest. Liam who taught us to be strong. Harry who taught us to choose love. Niall who taught us to be free and just have a good bubbly laugh. And Zayn who taught us to be real. Together as one, they created a beautiful harmony that is incredibly pleasing to our soul. To these five lads, I just wanna thank you for being my inspiration, and for giving me the family that accepted me as I am whole heartedly. I am proud to say that I grew up with One Direction and I never regret staying with them inside those 8 years not even a split second. Thank you for giving me a couple of reasons to smile and laugh, and for being there with me through the dark. They will always be here inside my heart and I will endlessly support and love our precious boys. -fatima (@enliveningnjh)

The Dancing Lady in the Dark

Forever and always, I wanted to keep my promise. T hey were my armour, As I fought my battles.

My demon inside kept silent, As she heard t he voices of young men who kept her sane. My angel was awoken, She was dancing to t heir melody alt hough she was broken. Her tears fell down when she never had a choice, She wished to see t hem and somehow hear t heir voice. She was los t in t he light, But t hey guided her t hrough t he dark. T hey were her moon on t he darkes t night, Oh she wish to be a par t of t he s tars t hat crowded t hem as t hey shined.

Kristine Nicole Cruz,

You were my flicker of hope The one who made me strong You told me to have the time of my life And to hold on You taught me to just get it grooving The I will should just keep on moving You assured me that you will always listen You made me secure, you are my haven Smiles is just one thing that I love about you because when you do, I smile too I can’t wait for the day that I can finally hug you. To say thank you To say how much I love you.



The One About One Direction Bianca @flowerkidhoran They are the reason I am still alive Under multiple situations, I still survive These five boys, who made me believe Never give up, and you can achieve

wa iti ng .

They all had one dream in mind, To sing on stage and get signed, They sang their hearts and souls out loud, They won the crowd Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry Their pictures filled our phone libraries We all had our favorite guy, How funny how time flies by Five years together, almost three years apart They still made a multiple works of art Whether solo or as a group they achieved the dream We became the greatest team (can be read from top to bottom or bottom to top)

To my dearest angels, Harold, Neil, Mc Tomo, Mc Pano and Zack, Cheers to 8 years lads! I’ve been with you since 2013 and now I realized that it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life so far. I’ll be forever grateful to my best friend for introducing One Direction to me, you guys completely changed my life and helped me deal with all the problems I had and I’m having right now. My journey on being a directioner is not that special nor unique. The first thing I did was to listen to your songs and then I’ve watched your videos on YouTube, like non-stop. After that I started to collect pictures, thousands of pictures I might say. The first song I heard was “What Makes You Beautiful”, that time it was so popular (up until now though) and I didn’t even know who were the artists who sang and wrote this song, I just loved to listen to it and, to One Thing, and Live While We’re Young. When I subscribed on your YouTube channel and watched your music videos, I fell in love with little things. That song always makes me so emotional, your harmony is purely magical. Up until now it’s still my favorite song xx. I just want to thank you guys for being there for me whenever I needed someone. You honestly made me feel loved, worth it, special, and happy through your songs. It’s like I have a perfect One Direction song to match my mood every day. I’ve been through a lot before. I’ve become stressed, I felt so sad and alone and you guys were there for me. Thank you so much, I can’t put into words how grateful I am for having you in my life. I’ll always support you in every decision you’ll make. I’ll always be here for my lads, my angels! I’ll always be a directioner, I will never ever leave you:)) I stayed in this fandom because it’s not just a fandom to me anymore, this is now my second family. You’re now my family, my home. I also want to tell you that I am so proud of all of you. I think the word “proud” is an understatement, I’m just so happy for all the blessings God had given to every single one of you. I wish you all the happiness and goodness in this world. You guys are like diamonds, too precious and beautiful. You made me believe that there’s still kindness in this unjust and brutal world we’re living. Grazie e Ti Amo. You will always be in my heart. I love you all so much! Thank you for everything.

Tons of Love, Alirette xx

To be honest, I really don’t like writing letters to the people I like, ‘cause every time I look back on them, I just cringe, reminiscing all the stupid and cringeworthy stuff I let myself write. Believe me, I really don’t trust my sixteen-year-old self with writing this letter, but I’ll still do it anyway. This is about to get cheesy lads, know that you’ve been warned. You guys have never failed to make me smile, laugh, feel giddy and all that, but you’ve also never failed to make me cry, and feel sad. Thank you for making me feel emotions. Look what you’ve done to me, look what you’ve done now, basically ruined my life :D in a good way though, if that makes sense. Kidding aside, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me if, back in 2012, I wasn’t in the classroom when (almost all of) my classmates sang lyrics from One Thing during that one break time, or if my 11-year-old self hadn’t found One Direction on a page in a tween magazine later that year, maybe my life would have been pretty boring. Yep, I wasn’t here from the beginning, I wasn’t there when Simon put all of you together to form a boyband (which is his best decision ever) in the X-Factor, I wasn’t really into those stuff back then, I was nine for flop’s sake, and shows like that weren’t my thing, but know that even if I wasn’t here from the beginning, I’d always be here, we will always be here, until the end. The mess I’ve gotten myself into, isn’t just any other fandom, “Directioners” isn’t just a name to call, this fandom is so much bigger than that, we’ve formed a family after all these years, and I can say that, although being here may have ups and downs (the rumors, the fights and all that), I’m very proud to be a part of this team, this family. We really are the greatest team, aren’t we? (I don’t know how much more lyrics I’m gonna quote in this, I’m sorry) Always being there for each other along the way. Know that we will always be here for you as you are here for us (I’m sorry though, for not being there to take the pain away when you need it, as you are there when I need it). You have given me a second home where I could feel safe, and be myself, where I could be accepted for who I am and not get judged, you have given me a family, and I’m very thankful f o r that. You’ve always been the ones that I look up to, because never let fame change who you really are, you’ve been funny, down to earth, and all the other adjectives that describe a good person. I really admire how always try and show that you’re strong, despite all of the hurtful things that have been thrown to you, and that you always keep going on, and move forward, to continue what you really love. I admire that you never let those people bring you down and stop you from doing what you want. One thing though, I really don’t like how others treat you guys, as separate artists, now. You’ve started creating your own music, which is great and so amazing, how different your individual sounds are to the ones you’ve created together, but it’s kind of upsetting how people discredit you as artists because you were in a boyband, the boyband who sang What Makes You Beautiful (which is a bop) back in 2011. It’s funny how people can be so close-minded that they judge you off of that one song and disregard all the amazing songs made after that, and don’t want to admit that you guys have improved as artists. It’s been years, and One Direction’s music has definitely changed. The improvement from Up All

you’ve always you

Night, to Made In The AM, is evident, you started off good and got even better along the way, you grew up. I’m so thankful that as I grow up, you’re also with me in the journey. You don’t know how proud I am of you lads, and how proud I am of your journey. You started off as strangers and now you’re the biggest boyband, doing amazing jobs as solo artists as well. I’m proud of all the things you are able to create. Thank you for the amazing songs you’ve given us. Thank you for giving us a variety of such wonderful songs where we could listen to when we feel different emotions, songs that are there when we’re down, and songs that are there when we’re happy. I’m a fan from the Philippines by the way, you had your concert here for OTRAT, I wasn’t able to come, concert tickets are expensive as heck, and I wasn’t really able to save that much money that time, but even if I did, it would be hard to get tickets because they sold out really fast, so I was at home that time, feeling really down, on the 21st and 22nd of March 2015. It was also the first concert you had as a fourpiece-band, though Zayn leaving the band wasn’t out yet. It’s kind of sad that the Philippines never had the chance to see you as a five-piece-band. It’s stupid how heartbroken I still am with Zayn leaving, after all these years, but I still am proud of what he’s achieved going solo. If you ever feel like you have to go on separate ways, I’ll always be here, it’s also confusing how I want you to go and make your own music but also having a part of me that wants 1D to come back already. I just want to say, take your time lads, we’ll never get tired of being here, you deserve this hiatus, how ever long it may be, we’ll stay. Nothing has changed, we’re still here, never getting tired of showing and giving you support that you truly deserve. I

genuinely am finally get

excited for what’s to come. I cannot wait for the time where you to perform History in front of your fans all around the world. As silly as it sounds, I’m already starting to save up for the MITAM tour though the comeback is still uncertain. I just can’t wait to see and hear you guys perform the songs in the album, live. It would be a one-of-a-kind experience to be there and witness that. You guys don’t know how much happiness you’ve brought into my life, and I hope I’ve done the same to you. Words cannot describe how proud I am of all your achievements. I cannot put into words all of what I really want to say to you guys, I can’t put them all in this letter. Simply, thank you for everything, you are part of the people who shaped me as a person and made me who I am today. I don’t know who I would be if I hadn’t found you. Thank you for the laughs and tears, and all the little things. I’ll always be here, always holding on, and though my taste in music is changing as I grow up, I would never stop listening to you, I’ll never let go. Cannot wait for what’s ahead. I miss you guys. All the love, Faye.

an open letter to the lads who became a huge part of our lives

Don’t you just ever think how funny the world works? There are people destined to be with one another, people who are born to do this and that, and people, who will truly and always be part of someone else’s life. Eight years ago, on the 23rd of July 2010, to be exact. Five lads were grouped together to form a team, a boyband, or whatever you call it. A team, that was meant to stand out from the crowd. A team that was able to physically and emotionally grow. A team that truly felt home and became a family. And a team, that supported one another’s desires and dreams in life. This was the story of how One Direction changed our lives. As years had passed, there would always be new albums, music videos, promotions, tours and such. And as each year progresses, the more we were able to learn more about them. From staying up all night for live updates on their whereabouts, up to their last performance before their hiatus, we are forever grateful and thankful to you, Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. Thank you so much for the memories, for constantly making us feel happy, loved and supported all the time. I know each one of you do not personally know us, or know that we existed. But above all, thank you. Thank you for being there when no one else was. Thank you for believing in us. Through your music, we are able to see more than what life has to offer. And so, as another year approaches, I wish good health and success for each one of you. Always take care, and always remember that we will always be here until the end. Thank you so so much for everything. You will always be part of the blessing given to our lives. Here’s to more years and Mahal ko kayo! Love, Your 1D Family (Paula [@embracedhes])

Thank You, 1D I am not good at words and I feel like I would not be able to fully express my thankfulness and love to each

and every one of you and the boys. I can’t believe it’s been eight years – Eight years of music, eight years of love, and friendship. One Direction is more than just a band. It’s more than the artist really. I’ve created long time friendships, created memories that I will cherish forever. From queuing for hours, camping out, singing at the top of my lungs, dancing around with the crowd, and getting my voice hoarse, it’s everything to me. It makes me happy that we unite because we all love music and the energy, love, and kindness that Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis possesses. To the people that I met at every show, without even getting your names, I feel like we’ve been friends for a long time in such a short moment in an hour or two concert. Thank you for making the night better and being all sweet. I hope we meet sometime. It really feels like family. To 1D, you guys don’t understand how much I am proud of each and every one of you. You’ve inspired me so much in so many ways I could think of, you made me better, and you made me happy. Continue doing you, do what makes you happy, boys. I love you, I love you. Thank you for your passion. I always got your back. We always do :) All the love, Jelsey. xx

A is for All the good times we never wanted to end. B is for the Band the five best friends. C is for Carrots, and we won Louis’ heart, E is his Eyes: Niall’s are so blue. F is for the Fans, the old and the new, G is for the Girls Almighty, their mighty crew. H is for Harry and his cheeky grin. I is for Individuals, coming together as one. J is for Judge’s house, where it all began. K is for Kids in America, their performance was grand! L is for LiLo, two-fifths of the band. M is for Mania, the one we’re all in, N is for Niall, in his Supras, singing. O is for Obsession, our amazayn dedication! P is for Perfection, all those standing ovations. Q is for Quiff, so don’t touch Zayn’s hair. R is for Rapping, Fresh Prince of Bel Air. S is for the Singles that went number one, T is for Tomlinson, who likes having fun. U is for Urchin that stung Louis in the sea. V is for Video diaries and the spilling cups of Tea. W is for What Makes You Beautiful, the first song they released. X is for X-factor, we watched as their talent increased. Y is for Years to come and they tours, they’d do. Z is for Zayn, and the One Direction Crew.

frozen memories from a-z khushi bhoj

For the five I love the most, the ones who saved my life a few hundred million times. I couldn’t have done it without you, thank you for believing in me and helping me never give up without a fight. You mean the absolute world to me. This song is for you. for the five I love the most, the ones who saved my life a few hundred million times my heart is shattered and broken into a million parts and sometimes I stay up all night crying about everything in sight

you taught me to face my fears to never give up my dreams and though I’m scared I know you’ll support me all the way

but I hope you know and without you here my hearts wide open I couldn’t have made it clear and you helped put back the parts that I’m here to rock the world and I hope you realise to be who you are to me to that without you here by my side everyone else I wouldn’t feel so damn alive but I hope you know my hearts wide open you taught me that I’m beautiful and you helped put back the parts that I belong to the world and I hope you realise that I can love anyone that without you here by my side as long as I’m myself I wouldn’t feel so damn alive but I hope you know so thank you for everything you’ve my hearts wide open done and you helped put back the parts thank you for waving those flags and I hope you realise for me that without you here by my side though we’re worlds apart I wouldn’t feel so damn alive you still mean everything to me

I couldn’t breathe There was something stuck in my heart And now you’re here I’m finally free for once you helped me learn what happiness is really like I couldn’t have done it without you I’ll never give up without a fight but I hope you know my hearts wide open and you helped put back the parts and I hope you realise that without you here by my side I wouldn’t feel so damn alive it’s been a long time but I’ve made it out alive and without you five I couldn’t have felt this brave

WONt YOU STAY TILL THE AM The band One Direction helped me find myself. The summer before sixth grade, I was told that I needed to view middle school as practice for what was to come in high school. I interpreted this as needing to be the most well-behaved, hard working student there had ever been. I became this shy, quiet girl who wouldn’t talk, smile, or laugh because I thought I would get in trouble. The girl who was constantly laughing or being silly. I had completely changed into someone different. I wasn’t me anymore. I didn’t have any true friends. I was home reading or watching tv while other students were at the mall, playing manhunt, or just hanging out together. I felt very alone. / During the summer of 2011, the most recent British invasion in the United States began. One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful” not only hit and stayed at the top of every chart, but it also spoke to me and my insecurities. I instantly loved the boys in the group. I began reading fan fiction, joining social media like Twitter, listening to their music, and watching YouTube videos that were about them, made by them, or created for them. Even though they didn’t know of my existence, I wanted to make them proud, so I tried to just be me. I laughed whenever I felt like laughing. I didn’t stop the corners of my mouth from lifting anymore. I didn’t feel dumb when I raised my hand to ask for help. I was able to stick up for not only myself but for others too. I also began speaking to other One Direction fans online and in school. At that time, I didn’t realize the people I was talking to online were going to become my best friends./Before 2012, I never had any close friends. I was too nervous to just walk up to someone and start talking. Being able to communicate with people online who also loved One Direction helped bring out my real personality. When I first began talking to two girls named Susan Chen and Miranda Revoir, it was only about One Direction and fan fiction. As time passed, I started to trust them, and they trusted me. Our conversations went from talking about boys and One Direction to school, family, and the difficulties life was throwing at us. We gave each other advice, helped each other with homework, and were overall just there for each other. We even had nicknames for each other. They were the type of friends I had always wanted but never had. Susan and Miranda became my best friends and to this day we still talk almost every day. After growing close to them, I tried speaking to people who were on social media for other reasons besides One Direction. A few months later, I was texting people from different states, time zones, countries, and even continents. I was learning about different cultures from my new friends. I became extremely close to a girl named Destiny Beebe who lives in Canada. Our friendship is similar to the ones I have with Miranda and Susan. We write letters to each other and send each other different types of snacks that the other has never had. Even though I haven’t “officially” met Miranda, Destiny, or Susan, they’re still my best friends. They’ve been there for me since 2012 and they still are./I used to think of One Direction as the first band I adored. Everyone thought they were just going to be a phase for me; that I would be over them after the first year. Part of me believed them. Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn weren’t just five boys that I thought were talented and, of course, cute. I went from being a super fan to a devoted fan who has realized what the band means to me now They’re not just a band that I like listening to anymore. They are the five boys who have changed my life. I tried new things that I never thought I would do. I went to the mall with my new friends from school, had a party, participated in conversations during lunch, stayed up late talking to friends, and broadened my world. Many people just see five pretty boys who can sing. I see five sources of inspiration that helped me believe in myself and to be happy with who I am. That’s what makes me beautiful./(I wrote this essay back in 2016 for one of the colleges I was applying to. The college asked me to pick a type of art, book, or music that I liked as a child and explain how my views of said art, music, or book has changed. My immediate thought was to write about One Direction. Everyone told me that I was crazy and should choose something else. I wrote the essay anyway. A few months pass, and I receive an email from the school I applied to. I was part of the 10% of people who were accepted early action to that college. I’m now a rising sophomore at Worcester Polytechnic Institute studying electrical computer engineering and physics and minoring in music. As I reread over this essay, I smile because it’s still all true. In my opinion, people have that one artist or one band that was never and will never be just a “phase” for them; One Direction is mine. As I get older, I will never forget what those five boys had done for me and still are doing for me. After seven years of being part of the Directioner family, I will finally get to say ‘thank you’ to Niall Horan face to face. I’ll never be able to fully explain just how much the boys, especially Niall, have done for me but at least this is a start.

The band helped me find myself.

Gwyneth Zelmanow @music_girl_99)

i wont let these little things


Loving people whom society considers to be “out of the ordinary” often stems down to the question: “What makes them so special that you chose to love them?” Well, truth be told, the answer to that comes in the form of a multitude of reasons. It is them, with their rose gold souls, who show the world that it is possible to be made out of gold alloys and bits of copper - submerged into a life of fame and luxury whilst retaining the warmth of humility and softness within. It is them, with their lifeline roles, who pull me back to the shore when I am suddenly thrown into the ocean with no floaters on. They have saved me from the raging currents when my mind forgets what it’s like to swim. It is them, I tell you, who render the San Francisco skyline, for they are the tall buildings of splendor, but they are also the city lights and streetlamps that allow me to take in the beauty of everything while leading me through the dark of the night. It is them, whom I deem as the orchestra in my chest. They are each and every instrument grasping my heart, hauling it up and down the musical scale like a crazy piece with notes in prestissimo…yet they, too, are the sounds led by violins who bring tranquility to the rapid heartbeat. It is them, who play rebellion in a masquerade, often choosing to rip off their masks and wear their hearts out on their sleeve as they pick up that pen and paper or when they step up that stage. And finally, it is them, who stand as the ancient cities of this contemporary time, because there are undoubtedly ups and downs, and the sad truth is that soon, everything will become nothing but rubble… but I know that they will have a special place in history books and hearts because of how they changed the world with just their existence. It is them, it is always them, who I will choose to love, simply because they are special. I know that I just turned the question around, and there could be a couple of metaphors and allusions – 28, 99, a hundred, a thousand, a million, or so – I have pitched in to form my answer, but none of them would ever amount to the intensity of how much I feel for them. There is nothing but undying love, support, loyalty, dedication, pride, happiness, you name it. Them – the lads who have sold over 50 million records and multiple shows, the lads who I’ve grown up with through screens and a stage, the lads who established the greatest team eight years ago (which I am a proud part of), the lads who are still going strong despite the current circumstances, the lads whom I will hold onto until the end, and the lads whom I found home in after all this time. It is them.

Them Five Boys

made my heart make some noise, A beautiful sound it created, A sound that made me feel defended. It’s amazing how it feels, Whenever they sing, amazing chills. Makes me go cloud nine, Isn’t it divine? Seeing them happy, Powerful that’s what they are, Making me feel loved even if they’re from afar. They told me what made me beautiful, But can I tell them why they are wonderful? Handsome they say, Kind and Humble I debate. Their music made me safe, Like a haven from the hate. How can I repay? For everything they say? I’ll always be by your side, Whatever you do, I’ll always abide. Them five boys, you have a special place in my heart. You’ll never be apart. I’ll always take you with me. Boys, I will forever love you dearly. Be happy my boys, go and do it. As long as you’re happy, we’re not going to lose it. My five boys Everything they do I will support in exchange for their joy. They did everything to make me happy, How can I be so lucky? They don’t even know me, Yet they love me wholeheartedly. That’s the true meaning of love is blind, It occurs in the most unpredictable kind. I can consider myself beautiful, And it’s all because of five boys that made life blissful. They made me feel things, most likely affection. I’m lucky to call them, ONE DIRECTION.

EDITORS Bea @urbanhood_ and Danny @savorstyles ART EDITORS Kim @kmshnfrnndz | Rhian @homovodkas | Sam @otralets PUBLIC RELATIONS Jazzmin @allsaints1D | NiĂąa @MlTAMNlALL | Relaine @gayvodkapride | Nicole @flouisfeast | Gaby @tomlinstvles | Krisha @1dsflicker | Meg @gucciharrryy | Gracey @krisannemitch | Irene @ayethevirgin | Athena @rainbowblou | Ana @ana_artistiq | Sarah @OfficiallySerah | Danica @hairy_hes | Gwyneth @music_girl_99 | Angel @angeldquintas | Arcadia @archadiashmid | Grecia @grecy14 | Emely @cutesyhs | Kayla @tomlindone28 | Shana @Eurharry | Julia @niallsmighty

LI Jaquelin Salgado, @harryxjaqueli | @phbstyls | Mahan Lagadia, @sparowbutterfly | @bersiyaaaaa1D | Aleah, @MyForeverLove1D | Paulyn Roldan, @narryftsundaes | Trisha Ann, @harryismyremedy | Faye Soliven, @vxvienne | Aya Krista Bunao, @ AyaKrista_13 | Francheska Blancaflor, @coronharry | Arielle Delos Reyes, @knobIouis Chelsea Hailey Cruz, @chelseashell3 | Angelica Faye I. Racoma, @racomaaf | Chafi, @mayonnaiselouis | Kyra, @gayvodkaaa | Joo, @aristoches | Denise Azarcon, @ trouvaillouis | Pamela Elpedes, @1DPARIN | Raihannah Nabila, @endgunvioience | Jewel Montero, @imgwelrystyles | Rina Clarice, @rxna_c | Jasmine Desta, @ sunandstarsHS | Ianna Salamat, @inkedaffection | Billie, @pinkskiesljp | Meghan @ fandomphones | Frances Ilagan, @lietomezjm | Johann Andre, @limelightnarry | Aayra (Namrah), @drunklouiswt | Lucille Kanapi, @CilleeeKanapi | Gwendolyn Sperling, @ girlcrushbyhs | Khushi shah, @1dandlouis | Charlize De Jesus, @larrychild42 | Jenessy Chloe, @jenessy__chloe | Fatima Villavicencio, @enliveningnjh | Kyle A. Cagas, @ KayleeCagas | Jasmine Desta, @sunandstarsHS | Nicole, @cosmetiches | Sophia Magallona, @roecoloredsugg | @duhkink | Krisha, @1dsflicker | Fatima Vitriani, @ ovterspacenjh | Chelsea Severino, @itworkedoutneil | Kaitlin Johnson, @notetokaitlin | Sandy Elvambuena, @sandyelvambuena | Kristine Nicole Cruz, @flouisfeast | Sheree, @tracktres | Anne, @malfoy_regina | @_justlike_you | Paula, @embracedhes | Maia

(Thea) | Maine Garca, @_____MAINE_____ | Jaquelin Salgado, @harryxjaquelin | Julianne Winslet A. Tom, @jlnnwnslt | @allourestyles | Samantha Ibe, @otralets | Jagriti Sarkar, @JagritiSarkar1 | Ewelina Kukwisz, @CattusKitekatus | Caithleen Allie Alonde, @distohrted | Gia Monique Tabajonda, @giarrystyle | Laniel Sy, @ laniel_s_28 | @sxngnarry | Louise Demegillo, @debonairzjm | Miracel B. Mendoza, @ flckrxmedstyles | Inra Colobong, @itstylinsonbae | Maddie D.L., @harrysenpaidesu | Kristine Ashley, @namelesskatorse | Victoria Esperida, @bananakidart | Grecy Esquivel, @grecy14 | Angel Atto, @niallsbeat | Laura, @guccikiwix | Tris de Belen | Pamela Elpedes, @1DPARIN | Jelmey Dizon, @tommoblue28 | Jelsey Dizon, @jelseydizon | Noelle Alexandra Isungga, @thankedt | Gwyneth Zelmanow, @music_girl_99 | Bianca Roque, @flowerkidhoran | Daniella Barone, @OopssKiwi | Tiffany M Brown | Shannon, @larryisreal544 | Anastasia Rose Sawye, @sawye_rose | Faye Soliven, @vxvienne | Jillian Marie Marzo, @harrybears_ | Johann Andre, @limelightnarry | SofĂ­a Pinochet, @ adorepurple | Loreilane Cristianne, @IarrystiIes | Maureen Tomacruz, @maubear34 | Pink Stuart, @problemalik_ | Dianne, @idoubletap1D | Khushi (Kay), @KayZee_1D | Alirette Fajardo, @nocontroali | Eunice Anne Solomon, @eunisolomon | Megara Doroteo, @ megaracd Christian Sam Villegas, @samvillegasss | Samantha Nicole M. Danzalan, @sqmnth | Anusha, @Anu_Malik16 | Neelam, @zaynscreature | @bringmehomex | Jan Vincent Trinos, @jan_trinos | Lala, @LaAleejah | Angelica Faye I. Racoma, @ racomaaf | Maureen Tomacruz, @maubear34 | Chelsea Hailey Cruz, @chelseashell3 | Francheska Serrano, @njhcares | Caitlyn, @backtoxlo | Bea Velasco, @lwtchalamett | Julia Bootsgezel | Mackeely, @fireproofgucci | Paula Martinez, @embracedhes | Patricia Caleon-De Guzman, @PatrishPattie | Faye Soliven, @vxvienne | Mariah Ashanti Zyannicole C. Cardano, @hazzasgucci | Sarah Mae B. Vargas, @missnialla_ | Raven Nicolette, @PILIPAYNES | Mary Queen Espenilla, @Queenie_Styles | Ari Wilde, @ari_ wilde | Meg Bellis, @meganbellis2 | Isaac Jefferson Coloma, @ColomaIsaacJeff/@ RealLiamPaynePH | Anusha, @Anu_Malik16 | Casandra Regala Nano, @medihes | @ cassxhes | Tristiya, @Tristiya_SL | @mikaejercito | Faye Soliven, @vxvienne | Beatrice M. Zarate, @tris_styles | @1Dpluszaynfan | @bersiyaaaaa1D | Juniper Styles | Ellie, @ spacebuns_ | Lyka Janelle, @mellowflicker | @ShipsLikeLarry | @VERONICAMALIK_ | Andy, @neverlxndcth | Denise Ysabelle N. Sanchez, @glittertide | Bum Harry Styles, @bumharrystyless | KHUSHBOO, @ItsKayOfficial, @LouisAlbumPromo | Joyce Oabel, @hespinkrose | Diana Lopez, @nyniall | Violet Beaut, @zaynsodear | Alisha Khan, @monsteramonglrh | Alejandra, @dylshunters | Nele Schunk, @famouiswarrior | Roxsanne Patel, @chocolateroxy | Monica Pheliany, @mon_acinom | Razielle Louisse (Ziello), @sheloooo_ | @timezonemalik | Relaine, @gayvodkapride | Leica Mina, @ morningflickers | Zazel Espeso, @sunflowerskynjh | Raira, @raicornio | Mariah Ashanti Zyannicole Cardano, @hazzasgucci | Clarissa Leung, @lomlhest | Natalie Dazo, @ eilatanxlouisawt | Edna Horney, @ednahorneyy | Saloni Wasnik, @HighWarlockLary Krissy Sanchez, @krisannemitch | Pamela Casumpang, @pam62_0101 | Venisse Beverly, @venissebeverly | Faith Torres, @nuxxniaLLer | Elyzza Ragodon. @sigynlaufey | Ella Sophia Carrion, @ellaxsophia | Kristen L, @kristennoname | Julia the Pandora, @1DALLTHEWAY_13 | Danielle Phoebe, @phbstyls | Audrey, @Nialls_Hat | Aurora Isabel, @extrajesuss | @njhbaymax | @VERONICAMALIK_ | @lighterature

@1DALLTHEWAY_13 @1DPotato12 @1D_Dolantwins18 @1D_nNialler @1Dpluszaynfan @1direction_0525 @1yarohillaH @90shes @ANGELKISSY @AgistaUmaira @Anastasia_Cap28 @Anu_Malik16 @AriDivinuhhhh @AyeshaM66 @BasmaEldrandaly @CamilleElvie @CatelynMercado2 @CattusKitekatus @CilleeeKanapi @ColomaIssacJeff @DanicaZhayne1D @Ednie28 @EuclaireeA @FireproofGucci @FlickerAway_28 @GayVodka28 @HS_allthelove_x @HaircraftingbyR @HarryPraery @HighWarlockLary @ILove1Dsobad @ItsKayOfficial @JagkritiSarkar1 @KayleeCagas @Kita_Poems @Kiwi_Medicine @LEIhoran9693 @LaibaAzam4 @Liam_Payne91 @LiamsBigPayno @LoveAngelaaaa @MinezNico @Music_Girl_99 @NiallAesthetic_ @OiOiLoueeeh @Okay_Aki @OneDFanAccount2 @PETMALOUIST @Payne_s0ftly @Penguinofmanila @SandyPatatas @Sarpiol @ShipsLikeLarry @SonwaneVidula @StardustLeeyum @Tiffbr0wn @Tristiya_SL @VERONICAMALIK_ @WorthlessAliens

@_ItsMeSam23 @_abcdeeefyou @_aestheticHoran @adorepurple @aestheticniall_ @aleksstyles94 @allourestyles @alsf55 @alwayslouxhs @anna28567833 @arensidpiti @ari_wilde @artistichazza @backtolt_ @bandiepieoned @bersiyaaaaa1D @bigfflovexx @blcndehair @breathinforlou @bringmehomex @bumharrystyless @cabuggg @caroline_rh0des @ciantungala @cosmetiches @craichoran @debonairzjm @desloveshes @direction_13 @drunklouiswt @dylshunters @edelyn_horan @ednahorneyy @eliatanxlouiswt @elles_universe @embracedhes @emilyflicker93 @enliveningnjh @eonahc @esnyjaquelin @extrajesuss @famouiswarrior @feelingaurora @flaminglwt @flckrxmedstyles @flowerkidhoran @friendlyflicker @gayvodkaaa @gayvodkalads @gayvodkalou @ghostoflouwt @giarrystyles @girlcrushbyhs @glittertide @harrilyeveraftr @harrybears_ @harrys28curls @harrysenpaidesu @hazzasgucci

@hesforharry @hespinkrosez @hestxmlinson @hnscc_1975 @homovodkas @hsflowerslwt @humanophobia @idoubletap1D @ilysbwande @imgwelrystyles @inkedaffection @itstrisharagua @jadyn_deleon @jan_trinos @jelseydizon @jenessy__chloe @jenette_adams @jlnnwnslt @katejoyce35 @kingcurliesx @kiwiflicker @knjftseb @krisannemitch @kundimanmalaya @laniel_s_28 @larrie2818 @larry_mxdicine @larrychild42 @lietomezjm @lighterature @limelightnarry @lomlhest @louisroguery @louisvalentine @louyeol @lowkey_puihnapo @luselmde @m_tgmpy @malfoy_regina @malikxjerrie @mamy_sara1d @marielouise13 @maubear34 @mayonnaiselouis @mays_faeq @megaracd @mikaejercito @missnialla_ @mon_acinom @moontealwt @morningflickers @mysmilehazza @nada_fathy7 @narryftsundaes @nashpotterpayne @neverlxndcth @nialls_hat @niallsbeat @njh_irishone

@njhcares @njhftbdl @nocontrolali @nuxxniaLLer @oopsskiwi @ot5hnllz @ovterspacenjh @pam62_0101 @paperadrenaline @phbstyls @pinkskiesljp @pockekci @pulselouist91 @racomaaf @raicornio @rainbowblou @rchellouise @reignslayyed @rosecoloredsugg @rxna_c @sarasingh29 @saywe_rose @selfianovita_ @shanexstyles @shawnbabylove @shaynexanne @silhouttehaz @siredtoharry @smileyblondeee @smoothflicker @spacebuns_ @sparrowbutterfly @sqmntha @stpkickingmeout @stylesss__ @stylessupprt @sunandstarsHS @thankedt @thechesirecatH @thesecurlylocks @timezonemalik @tobaccovanille @tomlinstvles @toomuchtokat @tracktres @tris_styles @trouvaillouis @upasna_karmakar @vegetablehoran @vintagcstyles @whodoyouthinki5 @xnicksss @yourgayvodka @zaynpakagat @zaynsodear @zeeingblonde @zhrnnglcrb

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