3 minute read


Architecture Design

Site: Hangzhou, China


Inductor: Zhang Lei

Time: 2019 Autumn

This is a more conceptual project that combines a kindergarten with a labyrinths. Why did you choose the maze concept?

Because labyrinths explain the dual nature of the human spirit manifested in the complex and the simple, the mysterious and the knowable, the sensual and the rational, they represent the meaning of religion and witchcraft and symbolise the eternal philosophical contradiction between free will and the reality of destiny.

Outside Texture

I chose the maze as the inspiration for the design, and narrowed it down to this 3D maze toy.

Mazes have taken different forms in the different cultural developments of the world, drawing people forward in their quest for truth. Even the entire life of a human being is like a labyrinth, and the different forks of this labyrinth are turning points in life. It is only through the difficult and winding paths that one can identify oneself more clearly and then little by little get closer to the centre of the labyrinth, where one finds the purpose of life.

Children grow up exploring a labyrinth where there is no single path, searching for the only way to belong in the maze that is the world.

The brain governs the movement and state of muscles, remembering and thinking about how to better dominate the physical body.

By exploring the space around them, children can remember the state of their muscles in the different movements they make during exploration, thus facilitating their mobility.

For examply, by talking, children can remember the different muscle states during the articulation of the tongue, thus promoting their ability to speak.

Career Path

There is no clear starting or ending point, so each path is a path of growth, and each path of growth is meaningful to the children themselves, without any distinction between right and wrong.

Children can choose whatever they like at arbitrary moment in arbitrary place. They can climb the ladder in the morning ,talk with peers at noon , play hide and sick or other games in the late afternoon. They have too much choices and every choice maybe will have an uncertain effect on their future.

Different Entrances

Outside Texture

Inside Texture

The exterior and interior textures of the Labyrinth Kindergarten have the similar processes of generating. They are both divided into 6*6 or 8*8 grids, then the external textures are mainly built using quarter circles as the architectural language, each module is a quarter circle but they are at different angles.


Parts Of The Architecture







The textures are divided into layers and their use by children in different grades enhances their sense of social order.

Inside Middle Outside

Children are divided by the middle court for the outside space and inside space .But the isolation is transparent ,they still can have connection .

It's a bottom maze for children to play and explore. I think it will be interesting for them and leave a beautiful memory.

The external labyrinth is mainly made up of quarter circles, and then there are also large steps or ladders to enrich it.

It is mainly used for children to explore movement, where they can try out different positions, experience different spatial sensations and exercise their muscles in different states.

The internal maze consists mainly of internal walls and floorboards that separate or interrupt the space.

It is mainly used for lessons or communication for children, where they can do different indoor activities, learn new things and make different friends.


Architecture Design

Site: Shanghai, China

Inductor: Qiang Wen

Time: 2020 Spring

At the end of 2019, the emergence of a new coronavirus caught everyone off guard. It spread rapidly, leading to a shortage of medical resources everywhere and the need to urgently build more spaces that can accommodate patients. Where else are there gaps in Chinese cities? Underneath viaducts. The space underneath viaducts, the city's vehicular traffic hubs, is mostly vacant and occasionally used as car parks. This is a space with potential, isn't it?

Psychological Stress Response

Emotion Analysis

Family communication

Group communication

No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as ... friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

From 《For Whom the Bell Tolls》

The reasons for the patient's stress response are:

1. Worries about their own illness. The onset of new coronary pneumonia develops rapidly and spreads widely. Due to the lack of specific treatment methods and other factors, patients are worried that their condition will suddenly deteriorate or even die. 2. Worries about family members and four years. I am worried that my family members will be infected by myself and that my family members will not be taken care of. Young children and the elderly are especially eager for family relationships. If they are not relieved, they will often induce severe anxiety and depression, and seriously affect the compliance of treatment. 3. The stimulation of environmental changes. The isolation environment will bring loneliness and fear to patients. 4. Negative media information.

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