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THE IKHELOAS District Governor for the ALL STARS YEAR



Vol. 39 No. 1

15 Cover Page Story: Our Double- Double District Governor

When Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa joined Rotary in 1995, nothing suggested to him that beyond his avowed interest of using the platform to achieve his innate passion of serving humanity that he would one be a District ...

22 Goodbye Polio: How We Fought Polio By July 24 2016, Nigeria would have gone 24 months without a single case of the Wild Polio Virus (WPV) being found within her territory and would be just 12 more months away from ...

Meet The New RI President 6 John F. Germ is board chair and chief executive officer of Campbell and Associates Inc., consulting engineers. He joined the firm as an engineer in 1965 after four years in the U.S. Air Force... By John F. Germ

25 Health Tips: What You Need To Know About Surgery Just the mention of the word “Operation� sends fear and panic through a lot of people. They think of pain, blood, and death! A lot of this is due to ignorance and misinformation...

The Rotary IinternationaL Convention Seoul, South Koea - My Experience 30 The Rotary International Convention in Seoul, South Korea, has come and gone. Rotarians that were able to attend ... ....

9 Rotary Voices (Vox Pop) My Rotary Convention Experience VOX pop wtih: Rtn. Basirat Giwa (RC Gbagada) Rtn. Lolade Temitope - Ogungbe (Rc Isolo) Rtn. AG Yinka Shodeinde (RC Gbagada South) Rtn. Kola Okunola (IRC Ogba)

Onabadejo Bows Out, Patrick Ikheloa 6 Takes Over As District Governor Rotarian Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa was in a colourful ceremony at the Muson Centre on the 9th of July, 2016 .installed the District Governor of Rotary International Distric t 9110...


Rota ry

MESSAGE FROM THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Centennial in such ways and manner


ear Fellow Rotarians and

Instead of the District giving to individual

that would inspire Rotarians and partner

clubs, this time we will support a group of

organisations to double efforts for

clubs that will carry out projects

greater achievements in the next



It is also worthy of note, that the

With fond memories of a successful

2016/2017 Rotary year in Nigeria is

installation and fund raising ceremony

coinciding with shrinking resources at

held at Muson center on the 9th of July

family and corporate levels. This calls for

2016, there might not be a better place

greater commitment and zeal on our

than here, to put on record my heartfelt

part as Rotarians as well as our

appreciation of your sacrices and

collaborators to see to the basic needs

labour towards making the occasion a

of the underprivileged with a view to

huge success.

putting smiles on their faces. Having this

In recent times, the global Rotary

in mind, we have designed our

community has increasingly faced the

programmes for this year in such a way

reality of emphasizing The Rotary

that Rotarians can do more for their

Foundation and Membership as the

communities while the District is

pillars upon which the organisation's

committed to reducing the cost and

survival rests. In this vein, we came up

time required for clubs and individual

through this medium for the very rst time

with a creative approach to galvanize

Rotarians to function.

as your District Governor. Providence

efforts in this direction through the

We have made frantic efforts to


It is so exiting reaching out to you all

has placed on our hands the collective

DOUBLE D DOUBLE programme which

carefully select leaders who will support

responsibility to all work together in 12

challenges all club Presidents to double

clubs to achieve set goals in 2016/2017.

calendar months to show to the whole

the average gures so far achieved in

Even as the District Directory is being

world, and especially the communities

their club under contributions to the

earnestly awaited, I encourage clubs to

we serve that the impact of Rotary can

Foundation and Membership over the

make use of the contacts of the Zonal

be better felt by the less privileged even

last 5 years. This might sound as a tall

Coordinators, Assistant Governors, TRF

as leadership changes at various levels

order, but there are signs already

coordinators and other resource

of the organisation year in, year out. This

showing that it is possible, going by

persons which have already been

has been made very obvious by the

reports coming in from clubs even at this

made available to them while

theme for the year, Rotary Serving

early point in the year.

undertaking activities in the course of


This Rotary, year we are poised to do

the year.

To start with, let me appreciate the

more! And as Rotarians and friends of

Let me conclude by thanking you all for

leadership and all the wonderful

Rotary, we must all join hands together

the support and encouragement


Rotarians across clubs for the great

to do more. . We have already shared

team members and I have received so

honour given me to serve in this

strategies with the club presidents who

far, just a few days into this tenure. This

capacity at such a crucial point in the

are also our team members towards

goes a long way to show that the months

history of our foremost humanitarian

achieving this. While clubs have in the

ahead will see us pulling our weight

organisation. It is such a time that we are

past been implementing projects like

together in the quest to take our District

all lled with joy, looking around to

boreholes, toilets and so on towards

to greater heights. The stage is now set

behold the pockets of impressive

serving the needs of their various

for us to indeed serve humanity.

interventions to humanitarian needs by

communities, emphasis is now on

See you all in the next edition.

Rotary through its Foundation which


started as an endowment in 1917. As a

projects. We will be encouraging clubs

Rotn. Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa

result, we are left with no choice than to

at the zonal level to come together to

District Governor, 2016-2017

celebrate The Rotary Foundation

do BIGGER, BOLDER and BETTER projects.

Rotary 4




Dear Rotarians and friends,

Pat Ikheoloa District Governor Rotary Club of Gowon Estate : +234 802 223 9121

It is with joy I welcome you to my very rst edition as an Editor of The Governor's Newsletter. Though I was shocked when I got the appointment letter for several reasons; nonetheless I am elated for this unique opportunity to serve as the head of an information platform of our great district.

Wale Ogunbadejo District Governor Elect Rotary Club of Gbagada South : +234 802 314 0773 Samuel Ayetutu District Secretary Rotary Club of Omole Golden : +234 802 344 6412 Joseph Ogunbo District Treasurer Rotary Club of Ikorodu Metro : +234 817 685 8012

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Editor in Chief okechukwu UCHE-UKAH RC Ojodu : +234 803 442 7766

MEMBERS Benedict Okhumale RC Gowon Estate : +234 815 531 5513 Kayode Taiwo RC Abeokuta : +234 803 429 0665

Favour Ifeyinwa Madu RC Omole Golden : +234 803 228 4871 Sydney Osaebu RC Maryland : +234 803 723 4115 Nonye Uche-Nwachukwu RC Ojodu : +234 803 716 0971 Arinze Okamelu RC Oregun : +234 803 454 7776

ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE: Editor-in-Chief The Governor’s Newsletter, Ofce of the District Governor, Rotary Centres, 8, Ladoke Akintola Street, GRA Ikeja, Lagos State. editor@9110-governorsnewsletter.org

It is pertinent to state however that I received the appointment letter with mixed feeling- I was lost in thoughts for a longtime pondering on how to combine this onerous responsibility of an editor with my busy schedule and classication- but knowing that this assignment is about Rotary; about service above self, it further energized me to accept it! Coincidentally the 2016-2017 Rotary International theme “Rotary Serving Humanity' motivated me more and still motivates me! Like John F. Germ, the RI President said in his theme unveiling speech “I believe everyone recognizes the opportunity to serve Rotary for what it truly is: not a small opportunity, but a great one; an opportunity of a lifetime to change the world for the better, forever through Rotary's service to humanity,” I couldn't agree more! Indeed as Rotarians we have the admirable privilege of serving humanity on a global scale and with our "Double 'd'Double" All Stars District Governor, Rotn. Patrick IKHELOA, his family and carefully selected assiduous team's readiness to create a unique Rotary year; this is another opportunity for us to queue behind them to serve our communities even more this Rotary year. On our part, we pledge to use The Governor's Newsletter to deliver our mandate of informing you of the happenings in the district, promoting your club's activities and the visibility of Rotary generally. In this rst edition, read an exclusive interview with our brand new District Governor Patrick Ikheloa, and his amiable spouse-IWM Zainab Ikheloa, and other inside information about the family. We also have comprehensive information on Rotary's effort towards total eradication of Polio and an informative insight on “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SURGERY” by our own ebulient Dr. Jide Akeredolu amongst other interesting articles! On behalf of the editorial committee, I promise we will give you value for your time as your read us this Rotary year and we solicit for your support and subscription to The Governor's Newsletter to showcase your club's activities, and projects touching on any of the Rotary's six areas of focus. Feel free to contact us on any issue of concern as we continue to use “Rotary Serving Humanity”! Happy reading!

CIRCULATION All Rotarians of District 9110, District Governors of RI District 9125, 9140, Rt Zonal Ofce, Zurich-Switzerland and The General Public.

okechukwu UCHE-UKAH Editor-in-Chief

Rotary 5




y dear All Stars Rotarians, I welcome you all once again to yet another chapter of our sojourn together as members of the foremost service organisation with global spread, relevance and impact. I welcome you also to a District 9110 where every stake holder (Past and Present) are united and committed to breaking new grounds and reaching higher targets in the quest to touch lives better than we have ever done. I also welcome you all to a time in the history of our Clubs, when results are expected to be doubled in the two core areas of Rotary's concern Membership and The Rotary foundation. Without any iota of doubt, we have all prepared to make remarkable success out of the 2016-2017 Rotary year. We are now all at the point of implementation. Our 12 calendar months, interestingly has started counting. And the world is waiting to see if we will actually proudly bear our name "All Stars Rotarians" This, obviously means we have no choice than to be the stars we are, by shinning all year round with excellent performance. As far as the All Stars team at the District level is concerned, we have resolved to do our best in supporting our never-tired Governor in meeting the expectations of Rotarians with respect to the way the District should be administered. And since all District


Leaders are from one club or the other, it is taken for granted that necessary support would also emanate from the clubs from time to time. While no one intends to reinvent the wheels, the least that is expected of any leadership is to add value, no matter how small to what was met on ground. This, we believe is achievable with the support and cooperation of all Rotarians in the District. Before I give an update of what has transpired so far, let the use this this medium to draw your attention to some crucial issues. The District Governor's itinerary for the ya ear has been sent to all Presidents and Secretaries. I encourage you to share with leaders and other members of your club so that they can follow the District activities as events unfold. Also of importance is to request all Rotarians in District 9110 to download TELEGRAM MESSENGER on their cell phones so as to be part of DISTRICT 9110 CONNECT, a social media platform big enough to accommodate everyone in the District. By this, we will be able to disseminate information and receive them 24/7 real time and be abreast of happenings. Let me also remind us of one of our cardinal objectives this Rotary year, which is to place real value on Rotarians' time and money. To this end, I appeal to all readers to attend District functions promptly so that we can start to time and go on to do other things. On our part at the District, we assure you that all will be done to facilitate quick take off of activities. Following the momentum of the build up to the new year, we immediately swung into action after the brief handing over ceremony that took place at the Jonathan Majiyagbe House on the 30th of June, 2016 by converging in the ofce of the All Stars Governor the following morning to kickstart the new Rotary year with

prayers. It is remarkable that even the immediate Past District Governor and some key members of his cabinet also joined the new ofcers and District staff members at the session. On Monday, 4th of July, the Rotary Club of ikeja, in line with its tradition, was the rst club to receive the Governor in an ofcial visit. The visit was also notable as it happened to be the club of the Captain of the All Stars Presidents. It once again afforded the District leadership and the highlyrespected club opportunities to rub minds on how Rotary can be more impactful in communities around the globe. Later in the evening of Monday the 4th, the All Stars District Governor was joined by District leaders to host the rst ever African Lady to become the International Inner Wheel President, IWM Yemisi Alatise at the Rotary Centre. At the event, the crucial role of wives of Rotarians in supporting their husbands' commitment to Rotary's ideals was once again emphasised. The First Lady, IWM Zainab Ikheloa was on ground to assist in coordinating efforts to make the event a success. It is also noteworthy that committees are already going to work in order to deliver on their assignments at the District. Some of the Committees which have been inaugurated by the District Governor include The Rotary Foundation, Multiclub and other committees. As we forge ahead into the coming months, I look forward to the next edition of this publication where we shall continue to share reports of progress across the District. See you then. AG Samuel Ayetutu District Secretary


Meet the new RI President

John F. Germ is board chair and chief executive ofcer of Campbell and Associates Inc., consulting engineers. He joined the rm as an engineer in 1965 after four years in the U.S. Air Force. He serves on the boards of several organizations, including the board and executive committee of the Public Education Foundation, Orange Grove Center Inc., and as board chair of Blood Assurance Inc. He also is founder and treasurer of the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Foundation and president of the Tennessee Jaycee Foundation. He was Tennessee Young Man of the Year in 1970; Engineer of the Year, 1986; Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year, 1992; and Tennessee Community Organizations Volunteer of the Year, 2009. He is a recipient of the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award and the Arthritis Foundation Circle of Hope Award. In 2013, the White House recognized him as a Champion of Change. Germ joined Rotary in 1976 and has served Rotary as vice president, director, Foundation trustee and vice chair, aide to the Foundation trustee chair, chair of Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge, RI Board Executive Committee member, RI president's aide, Council on Legislation representative and chair, membership zone coordinator, chair of numerous committees, area coordinator, RI training leader, and district governor. Germ has received RI's Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Judy, are Benefactors and members of the Arch Klumph Society of The Rotary Foundation. They have four children and six grandchildren. He is a member of Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.


AG SAMUEL AYETUTU District Secretary Omole Golden


PP JOSEPH OGUNBO District Treasurer Ikorodu Metro


AG BENEDICT OKHUMALE Chief-Of-Staff tO the D.G Gowon Estate

IDOWU KEHINDE FESTUS Deputy District Secretary

PP JOSEPH ODOGBO Special Assistant to the D.G Agbara

BUNMI TAIWO Asst. District Secretary


ROTARY INTERNATIONAL GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideals of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster the following: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. The Four-Way-Test This test, which guides all Rotarians and Rotary activities, has been translated into more than 100 languages and asks the following four questions: Of the things we think, say, or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

Mission The mission of Rotary Interna onal is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Diversity and Rotary Rotary International recognizes the value of diversity within individual clubs. Rotary encourages clubs to assess those in their communities who are eligible for membership, under existing membership guidelines, and to endeavor to include the appropriate range of individuals in their clubs. A club that reects its community's diversity with regard to professional and business classications, gender, age, religion, and ethnicity is a club with the key ingredients to its successful future. Avenues of Service

Based on the Objects of Rotary, the Avenues of Service are Rotary's philosophical cornerstone and the founda on on which club ac vity is based: ·

Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effec ve func oning of the club.


Voca onal Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their voca ons and to prac ce high ethical standards.


Community Service covers the projects and ac vi es the club undertakes to improve life in its community.


Interna onal Service encompasses ac ons taken to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.


New Genera ons Service recognizes the posi ve change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development ac vi es, service projects, and exchange programs.

4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

ROTARIAN CODE OF CONDUCT As a Rotarian, I will: 1. Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life 2. Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 3. Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people's quality of life in my community and in the world 4. Avoid behavior that reects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians



My Mother's Polio Story -by K.R. Ravindran, Immediate Past President, Rotary International her nervous system, resulting in paralysis. She was placed in an iron lung at the hospital to enable her to breathe, and was told that her chances of walking, or even surviving without a ventilator, were slim. But most Sri Lankan hospitals were not equipped with ventilators in 1963.


otarian K.R. Ravindran, the Immediate Past President of Rotary International (RI), was in his element during his closing remark at the recently held Rotary International Convention in Korea as the then RI president, when he shared a captivating story about his mother's ght to survive polio at age 30. According to Ravindran, he was 11 years old in his native Sri Lanka when his mother awoke one day feeling weak and short of breath. Sitting down to rest, she found herself unable to move-the polio virus had quickly invaded

Ravindran's grandfather, a Rotary member, hosted a club committee meeting in his living room the evening after his daughter was rushed to the hospital. Rather than simply offer consolation, his fellow members went to work, using their business acumen and professional connections to nd a ventilator. One of the members was a bank manager who called a government minister to facilitate a quick international transfer of funds. Another member, a manager at SwissAir, arranged to have a ventilator own in. The next day, it arrived at the hospital. "There was so much red tape at the time in Sri Lanka, but somehow, those Rotarians made it all fall away," Ravindran told the packed audience at the KINTEX Convention Center in Goyang city. Ravindran's mother spent a year-and-a-

half in a hospital bed, but her condition gradually improved. She eventually left the hospital walking -- with a walker, but upright, on her own two feet. "Fifty-three years ago, my mother's life was perhaps one of the very rst to be saved from polio by Rotarians," Ravindran said. "We have saved millions of lives since then. "Tonight, I stand before you as her son, and your president, to say that soon -perhaps not in years but in months -- Rotary will give a gift that will endure forever: a world without polio." Ravindran recall as he make his nal speech as RI president to over 43,000 conference attendees from over 150 countries. Ravindran however concluded by emphasizing what it really means to be a Rotarian, saying "There are people on this planet whose lives are better now because you traversed this earth," he said. "And it doesn't matter if they know that or not. It doesn't matter if they even know your name or not. What really matters is that your work touched lives; that it left people healthier, happier, better than they were before."



ver the years, several formulae have been designed and preached by Rotary International to grow our membership. Same goes for increasing contribution to The Rotary Foundation, in order to enhance Rotary's ability to have more funds for projects. Slogans such as 'Each One Bring One' for Membership and 'EREY' for The Rotary Foundation have all been coined to ginger Rotarians to continue to be alive to these two basic responsibilities required for our organisation's continued relevance in the world. What has however never been developed is for clubs and Districts to use a single instrument to tackle the twin problems. This is why the idea of Double 'D' Double created by our All Star District Governor is a wonderous creative package that is not only unique, but marvellous. All clubs now have realistic goals and targets that have been empirically set according to their history. What is Double 'D' Double? The last ve years membership record of


every club was compiled and the highest net increase within the period was used as the set goal to be doubled in this All Star year! Same formula for contribution to The Rotary Foundation. Thus clubs are challenged to double their highest achievement within the last ve years in both membership growth and contribution to The Rotary Foundation. And indeed, if this year is to live up to the billing of “All Star year”, then these set goals are not only realistic, but are achievable. Any President that cannot realise his/her set goal will certainly not have a right to being called All Stars. The achievement of the immediate Past District Governor on Membership Extension with the formation of 14 clubs is unrivalled within the last twenty years. This feat added a total of 323 Rotarians to our fold. However in the areas of Retention and development, all the Clubs only managed to add forty (40) members to the population of Rotarians in the District. This year, the 14 newly chartered Clubs will have to be nurtured, so that early attrition will not begin to set

- PDG Somo Omoniyi

in. Thus the emphasis this year is not on Extension but on organic growth by the Clubs. We must strengthen the existing Clubs by encouraging Retention and growth so that we can begin to boast of Better and Bigger Clubs. Again, it was discovered that twenty-seven (27) of the existing Clubs had not contributed even a dollar to The Rotary Foundation within the last ve (5) years. In trying to achieve our goals on Double 'D' Double the District has packaged various incentives to motivate and encourage Clubs. For instance, there would be trophies to all Clubs that meet up with the “Double 'D' Double” goals. In addition, presidents of Clubs that achieve net growth of ten (10) members and $10,000 to The Rotary Foundation will be specially recognised and rewarded. Double reward await those that achieve “Twenty, Twenty”! In addition, Clubs are encouraged to specially recognise and reward most supportive Rotarians that would make them achieve their Double 'D' Double goals. 9



Rtn. Basirat Giwa (RC Gbagada)

‘’The level of technological advancement is phenomenal!’’ My major take away from the convention are as follows; 1. The attendance by Rotarians worldwide is one of the highest in recent times; about 43,000, as at the opening ceremony, and over 20,000 more "pouring in" afterwards from within South Korea and neighbouring countries like Taiwan and the Philippines. 2. The recognition of Rotary International as a strategic partner by the United Nations Secretary General, Banki Moon, in his address spoke volume of the impact Rotary is doing to the world and it was a great moment for me and he further went on to thank Rotary for its Polio Eradication efforts. 3. The immediate RI President has so much clout in his home country Sri Lanka; his Prime Minister was a guest speaker at the convention and he profusely thanked Rotary for all the good things that Rotary has done in their country. 4. The variety of displays at the House of Friendship was one of the largest and best in my little personal experience of the ve conventions so far that I have attended.

Rotn. Lolade Temitope-Ogungbe (President RC Isolo) ‘’I must confess that it was a great convention...’’ I would say that South Korea

Rtn. AG Yinka Shodeinde (RC Gbagada South) ‘’Our African dressing attracted so much attention...’’ The RI convention in Seoul, South Korea was very memorable. The organizers did a wonderful job especially in the area of logistics and quality of presentations. The use of cash and other gifts rewards to entice attendees to attend plenary and other break-out sessions was very instructive. I got a refund which was used for other useful purposes. However, we need to be more organized as a district by presenting ourselves as one family and also offer necessary assistance to attendees in the area of ight and hotel bookings. We also need to better our representation through the use of social and cultural artefacts that we are known for in Africa. Our African dressing attracted so much attention especially the cap. This may be used as a gift in future to foreigners from the several collections that we are already keeping in our homes.

Rotn. Kola Okunola, IPP RC Ogba ‘’I love the logistics put in place and the various presentations...’’ The last Rotary Convention

is one of the neatest

at Kintex, Seoul,South

countries in the world with

Korea was a well-

the most courteous and

organized and well

helpful people that I have

attended programme.


ever met. The convention

love the logistics put in

itself was interesting and

place and the various

packed with lots of freebies

presentations. From all I

such as vouchers for

experienced, I think I

attending the general

would have regretted it if I

session to free Samsung

didn't attend it. The

tablets. That was wholesome

people were warm and

and encouraging! That didn't happen in Brazil. I must confess

friendly and I give great

that it was a great convention and every bit of it was worth the

kudos to the organizer. I


love Rotary





...focuses on Youth Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation

FL - Mrs. Onabadejo, DG Ikheloa, IPDG Bola Onabadejo & PDG Julius Adeluyi-Adelusi @ the Installation Ceremony


otarian Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa was in a colourful ceremony at the Muson Centre on the 9th July, 2016, installed the District Governor of Rotary International District 9110, Nigeria for 2016-2017 Rotary year. Rotary District 9110, Nigeria comprises over 96 Rotary clubs in Lagos and Ogun States. The ceremony was attended by distinguished Rotarians, eminent personalities and royal dignitaries among who were the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, and the Esama of Benin, Chief Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion and Past District Governors including former Health Minister, Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi, former President of Nigerian Institute of Management, Michael Olawale Cole, Richard Giwa-Osagie, Somo Omoniyi, Deinde Shoga, Kennedy Ejakpomewhe, Kamoru Omotosho, Olugbemiga Olowu, Dr. Dele Balogun and the immediate past District Governor, Otunba Bola Onabadejo. Others were District Governor-Elect, Wale Ogunbadejo, District Governor Nominee, Kola Sodipo and several past and current Rotary Club Presidents, Rotarians from within and outside the districts, and guests.


In his valedictory speech, the immediate past District Governor, Bola Onabadejo said during his tenure he increased the membership of the district by chartering 14 clubs and facilitated tremendous contributions to the Rotary Foundation. He thanked Rotarians for the support given to him in his one year leadership and enjoined them to give the same support to the new district governor- Patrick Ikheloa. Later on, Onabadejo seized the opportunity to honour clubs that performed excellently during his tenure. The rst on the list was the Rotary Club of Omole Golden that was awarded the over-all best club in the district, followed by Rotary Club of Maryland which came second and Rotary Club of Isolo which came third. According to Onabadejo, “these awards are given to encourage performance in the district” Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa in his acceptance speech said the District will continue to take the lead in its service to humanity. “The theme of this Rotary year is: 'Rotary Serving Humanity' we are going to dedicate ourselves more to services this year. We will make empowerment of youths through skill acquisition a top priority this year while carrying out

projects in the six areas of focus” He promised to build on the legacies of his predecessors and said that Rotary under his watch in the next one year will execute projects that will be benecial to the less privileged in Lagos and Ogun in order to reduce poverty, pointing out that “We will dedicate ourselves more to services this year to help the less privilege. Infact, for empowerment of the youths, I want to be the forerunner in the eradication of poverty in youths between Ogun and Lagos states. We will also look into the area of economic and community development by executing big, bolder and better projects such as water schemes that can serve communities.” Ikheloa who started his Rotary life at the Rotary Club of Gowon Estate as Charter Vice Presisident in 1994/1995 Rotary year, and became president of the club in 1997/1998, said “My predecessor did a lot, and we are hoping to build on that and do more. Rotary believes in continuity”. Part of the highlights of the ceremony was the presentation of Rotary Ambassador pin to the Ooni of Ife,Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II by DG Ikheloa and the presentation of “Ancient Ife” painting to Patrick Ikheloa by the Ooni. In his welcome address, the Chairman, Installation Committee, Past President Chester Apasi, said that one of the objectives of the installation ceremony was to raise funds for the execution of various projects for the Rotary year as well as present an opportunity for the district governor to unveil his plans and programme to Rotarians and the public.

PDG Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi (middle) raising the hands of DG Ikheloa & IPDG Bola Onabadejo




DG Ikheloa, PDG Kennedy Ejakpomewhen with the Esama of Benin, Chief Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion and friends during a courtesy visit to the Esama of Benin

The Ooni of Ife presenting a gift to the District Governor

DG Ikheloa at the installation of the Inner Wheel District FL: IPDG Onabadejo, DG Ikheloa, PDG Adelusi-Adeluyi Chair & Inner Wheel International President

DG Ikheloa and wife, Zainab

The Ooni of Ife addressing Rotarians and guests

Bola Onabadejo (Right) handing over to DG Ikheloa (Left) as PDG Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi watches

DG Ikheloa with wife Zainab and children



Some Past District Governors with the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II

DG Ikheloa making his acceptance speech

DG Ikheloa, wife Zainab & PDG Dr. Julius Adeluyi-Adelusi

The Ambassador Coral Group

The DG and wife with the International President of Inner Wheel Club and a Guest

Installation cake cutting with the DG & Spouse, PDGs, DGE, DGN & their spouses

Royal Fathers from Edo State giving Royal blessings to the DG and wife

DG Ikheloa & Guests

Some members of the Inner Wheel Club


Cross section of Rotarians and guests


UP, CLOSE, & PERSONAL with IWM Zainab Ikheloa,


wife of District Governor Patrick Ikheloa

Her smile is soothing; her laughter, enthralling. A home maker indeed and a pillar of support to her husband- these were the impressions of Mrs. Zainab Ikheloa, the wife of the District Governor Patrick Ikheloa, that The Governor's Newsletter crew left with that breezy Sunday evening after their visit to the home of the Ikheloa's for this interview. However, as a Past District Chair of International Inner Wheel, Mrs. Ikheloa is not new to leadership in Rotary. In this UP, CLOSE and PERSONAL interview with The Governor's Newsletter, she made it clear that she will support her husband all through. Enjoy excerpt below: How did you feel when you heard of your husband's nomination as a district governor, and now that he is on the seat, what is your wish for him? One would ordinarily be happy when one's loved one comes rst amongst equals. However, by the grace of God, I wish him the very best. I have experienced something similar before- I am a Past District Chair of International Inner Wheel which is more or less like a position of a district governor in Rotary. So I know what is involved and I wish him the very best. How difcult or easy was your year as a District Inner Wheel Chair? I may not recount every detail now, but with the support of the Almighty God, my family and my members, it was a bit easier.

Can you recall how you met the District Governor? (Smiles…) I may not give all the details here, but we met on our own. Nobody introduced us to each other. That was over 30years ago and our marriage by the grace of God is blessed with beautiful children. Please describe your husband, our District Governor? He is a lovely and an easy-going man; kind to a fault-he can give out his eyes just to please people. He likes putting smiles on people's faces. I am proud to say he is the best husband in the world. Do you agree with the District Governor, your husband, that this is a pay-back time; that while you were a District Inner Wheel Chair, that he supported you? 14 Absolutely yes, and by the grace of God I will support him all through the way. In what way ma? In all aspect-morally, spiritually, physically among other needed supports. Not just me, the children and the entire family members as well. Every support we think that would make him succeed we will give generously and we have started offering them already. For instance, when we went for training as spouses of the incoming District Governors, we were told that if possible, anywhere we are wanted, we should go with our husband; if possible, be his timekeeper, take care of his health, and remind of him of his schedules among other details that he might be too busy to observe. So he has our support.


- Patrick Ikheloa



When Alhaji Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa joined Rotary in 1995, nothing suggested to him that beyond his avowed interest of using the platform to achieve his innate passion of serving humanity that he would one be a District Governor in the organization. According to him “My interest was sincerely, service to humanity. District Governor or even club presidency in Rotary wasn't part of my interest… I never even thought that I will vie for the district governor position, not to talk of getting it. I was enjoying my service to humanity through Rotary. Just ve years ago, I didn't know I will be district governor” he said in an exclusive interview with The Governor's Newsletter. However, 21 years after, it happened- he became the District Governor of Rotary International District 9110, Nigeria comprising 96 clubs in Lagos and Ogun States. In this interview, DG Pat Ikheloa who is a member of the Rotary Club of Gowon Estate reveals his journey to Rotary, his plans for the year amongst other sundry matters. Enjoy excerpt below: Congratulations again on your assumption of ofce as the District Governor. Thank you Sir, what are we expecting in your year as the District Governor? Let me rst and foremost give glory to the almighty God who has made it possible for me to assume ofce as a District Governor. All the same, I have turned up a lot of proposals and plans to achieve some selected area of our commitment as organization to the society. We have plans to touch Rotary's six areas of focus which include Water and Sanitation, Disease Prevention and Control, Maternal and Child Health, Education and Adult Literacy, Economic Empowerment and Community Development and Peace and Conict Resolution. However, we will empower the less privileged and reach out to orphans and orphanages. We also have plans to empower the youths through skill acquisitions and after their training; we set them up in their various vocations. We have plans of creating an endowment fund for some developmental projects in some communities. We have plans to make our projects meaning through our “3 Bs' strategy- that is Bigger, Bolder and Better projects and we are going to engage clubs in this regards. By this we are going to encourage clubs in each zone to come together and look at a centre in that zone and execute big, bolder and better projects. Over the years we have been executing projects like boreholes, rehabilitation of toilets, and so on and so forth. But we are looking at a situation where we can actually build a mega water treatment plant for the benet of an entire community. We also are looking forward to see how we can reach out to communities where malarias is is

prevalent and supply them with drugs and treated nets. We intend to empower some youths in the rural areas in the area of agriculture. These are some of our plans and we trust by God's grace we will achieve them. We hope to raise enough fund via the upcoming installation to be able to achieve these plans them, God willing. How did your Rotary journey start? My Rotary journey started in 1993 when a brother of mine who was a Rotarian at the Rotary Club of Akowonjo told me about Rotary. I was moved and told him I was interested in that area as a platform for serving humanity. So at the end of 1993, he introduced me to a club that was being formed, at that time, we were just about 6 or 7; we called it Rotary Club of Ipaja then. But at the time of charter, it was changed to Rotary Club of Gowon Estate. That was in 1995, and I became the Charter Vice President of the club. That was how it all started. One year later, precisely 1997/1998 Rotary year, I became the second president of club, by the grace of God. We moved on to serve in different capacities; and as at today, I am the only charter member still in Rotary Club of Gowon Estate, out of the 25 charter members. Then at the district, I have served in so many committees as member and as chairman. Then here we are, 2016-2017 Rotary year, it pleases God that I will be the District Governor, having served for 21years in Rotary, and still counting.

most times already have plans for the projects they hope to execute for the year? Yes, like when we had the Presidents Elect Training Seminar (PETS), we tried as much to sensitize the incoming presidents of the need for them to embrace the zonal structures, so that they will be able to come together and do bigger, bolder and better projects that will impact the communities where they serve, better. What we have over the years are a lot of projects done by different clubs and because they are small projects, they somehow have failed to serve the purpose. And the maintenance of these projects is somehow a challenge. Most times when you leave these projects to the communities, they are not able to manage and maintain them. But we are looking at a situation where a we execute bigger projects and it will be managed by all the communities in that zone- while the project is creating serious impact, the management becomes easier. There is this temptation of presidents to do projects that would be associated with their names and year. How do you merge these interests to achieve this Bigger, Bolder and Better projects idea? We are trying to disabuse the minds of the presidents in thinking that it is their year, and we are also thinking ahead because we have a vote called DDF (District Designated Fund) and this DDF as we are projecting, instead of sharing DDF in piece meal to clubs, we are looking at a situation where you can bring 5 or 6 clubs together within a zone and support them with a bulky fund in addition to what they will contribute

Rota ry

When you joined Rotary, did you envisage you were going to be a District Governor or was that part of your motivation for joining Rotary? I will say completely no because when we joined Rotary, we were looking at district governorship as something else. My interest was sincerely service to humanity. District Governor or even club presidency in Rotary wasn't part of my interest. It was just about service about self; giving to the less privilege. That was my zeal. I never even thought that I will vie for the district governor position, not to talk of getting it. I was enjoying my service to humanity through Rotary. Just ď€ ve years ago, I didn't know I will be district governor. I never envisaged it; but here we are; it happened. Your plans to bring clubs together to do Bigger, Bolder and Better project seem laudable; but how do you hope to achieve that considering that clubs


from their clubs. So the district this year has planned not to give to clubs individually, but to a group of clubs in a zone for particular projects. But it does not stop the clubs from carrying out individual projects? Yes, clubs can still do individual projects within their zones that they already have plans for. But the district is coming up with the plan that what it has will be used to support zone, not necessarily clubs. Rotary is continuous, are there plans to continue with the programmes initiated by the last administration of Otunba Bola Onabedejo? Yes. Like you correctly said, Rotary is a continuous project. We have plans to continue and sustain last administration's programme. For example, before now, we have not been able to form new clubs as much as we did in the district; but the Immediate Past District Governor, Bola Onabadejo came up with idea of formation of new clubs and he set up an Extension Committee and a Membership Development Committee, headed by Past District Governors. As at today, the district has formed 14 new clubs last Rotary year alone. That no doubt, will be sustained. We are also thinking of encouraging the current Membership Committee Chairs to look at the area of retention, because over the years, Rotary admits 1000 members and deletes 1000 members. So we will try as much as possible to encourage membership development and retention. So what strategies are you bringing on board for that? The strategies amongst others is to encourage clubs to do meaningful projects that will impact in their communities and organize repeated sensitization of members of their club and members of their community about Rotary. We will encourage meaningful and interesting fellowship meetings. If possible, engage as many speakers as possible within the ambit of each


month's designated theme. We will encourage programme that will create Rotary awareness within our communities amongst others and do follow-up on interested people in our communities. By the time we do all these, I am sure people will be interested to share fellowship and stay in Rotary and it will further stimulate more members to join Rotary. Also we will encourage clubs to create programmes that will impact knowledge into Rotarians. However, on this we have already created a pool of leadership trainings – that is trainers that will take trainings to the zones for onward delivery to the clubs. We intend to send trainers to the zones to give Rotary trainings to these leaders who can actually impact to other members as against the usual programme at the Rotary Centre. We are also doing this so as to discourage the idea of pulling all Rotarians every time to the district. We want to move these trainings to the clubs who are the end beneciaries of these trainings and by so doing, it will help the clubs to build their membership and also do better in retention. What is the idea behind “Double the Double” Yes, we tagged this year at the district level “Double the Double” because when we looked at the record of the last ve years in Rotary, most clubs have achieved a lot and have also dropped somehow. So we looked at that situation and felt something is not right. So we said, how do we motivate Rotarians to energize them to sustain their achievements and do more; so we came up with the slogan “Double the Double”. The idea is that we intend to use that slogan to motivate Rotarians and clubs towards doubling whatever they have achieved before. We are going ahead to move beyond the presidents because the presidents are my team members and the president also has his/her team members, that is the board members. So if my team members are wearing the “double the double” shirt the presidents' team members should wear the “double the double” shirt to be able to drive the goal that he or she has set for him/herself and by doing that, it is motivating them as well to join you in sharing the ideals.

actually the shining stars that you can see all over the world. The idea is for us to make a difference. And don't also forget that this Rotary year is the Centennial year of the Rotary Foundation, with motto “Doing Good in the World” So by 2017, we will be celebrating the Foundation for 100 years of doing good in the world. That again makes us stars in the world.

Rotaractors are not really well organized. I have sent out letters to both the outgoing and incoming DRRs (District Rotaract Representatives) to let us have the data of all Rotaractors in the district. We want to use that platform to communicate to clubs who are supervising these clubs to sensitize their members to know those who are actually Rotaractors, and we are also looking at ways of encouraging the Rotaractors, because some of them are yet to be employed and we want to use that platform to train and empower them so they can be useful to themselves, their families, Rotary and humanity. I am sure by the time we do these, Rotaractors will have a sense of belonging and join us in the service to humanity. So this notion that they are not being treated fairly will change. But again, the Rotaractors should also change their attitudes; because most times, it is their mindsets that make them think Rotarians aren't treating them well. Then for the Interactors, we will try as much as possible to sustain and rebrand our Interact clubs and also create more. We really have to use that platform to catch them young in Rotary.

What do you think will make your year unique as a District Governor? I think it will be unique because I have tagged this Rotary year as “Double the Double” year! While I am “Double the Double” Governor, all the presidents have been tagged “Double the Double” presidents and with the hope of increasing the contribution to the Rotary Foundation, we intend to beat the record of all the contributions to the Rotary foundation that has ever been achieved in District 9110, Nigeria. With that we are sure our name will be written in gold and the difference will be clear.

Why is this year regarded as “All-Stars” year? Rotary International President, John Germ, came up with that name. The previous years were regarded as “First Class”, “Best Class”, “World Class” years; but the RI president John Germ, felt that we are “ALL STARS” of the world. The idea is as Rotarians who are ready to serve humanity this Rotary year, we are

Describe the man, Patrick Ijehon Ikheloa? That is really not a fair question. It would have been better if people describe one. However, I know I am a humble and a patient person. I am always on the lookout to how I can help my next door neighbour. I am always looking forward to putting smiles on the faces of those that need assistance. I am very ready to

Rota ry

What are your plans for Youth Service visà-vis the Rotaractors and the interactors? Yes, before now, we found out that the


You are practically going to be abandoning your business this whole year for Rotary. What measures have you put in place to checkmate any adverse effect? Actually, it is not one year. Rotary gives you chance to prepare when you are taking up challenges. When you are nominated as a District Governor Nominee, your year starts. And at that time, you are given an opportunity to start preparing yourself for the very challenging years ahead. Before you become District Governor Elect, you are expected to have put one or two structures on ground regarding your business. Before now, I have managers of the different arms of my business who have been overseeing the business and they have further been trained to be able to take charge of the business in my absence. So that has been taken care of and we are sure that by the grace of God, nothing will go wrong by the time I nish.


give service to humanity and always read ready to do my best in all the six areas of focus in Rotary and my hobbies are travelling, meeting people, and football. I was a player in my youthful days, but I now watch and I like keeping friends. How have you planned your family, looking at the humongous work that you will have this one year? Incidentally my wife has done something similar as a District Chair for International Inner Wheel and I supported her. So this is a pay-back time (general laughter).But good enough my children are all grown. Two are already working and my two sons are in school- one is in 500 levels Mechanical Engineering and the other in a boarding school. So they are hardly

at home and they won't miss me much. But my wife who would have been missing me will always be with me. What is your advise to Rotarians as you come on board to lead them this Rotary year? My advice is that we should continue to contribute our “4Ts” and be patience especially when one vies for any position and doesn't get it- don't forget that the man on that seat won't stay there forever and within a twinkle of an eye that 12 months would end and another person will come on board. So there is need for patience and support for the leader because you can only rely on those whom you have supported to support you when you are there. And don't also forget that as a Rotarian the service you are rendering is equally a divine one like

that of a pastor preaching in the Church or an Imam in the Mosque, because the contributions you make go a long way in helping those who are not coming to say thank you; those you may never meet all your life. Rotarians should know that Rotary service is the best service and is not a waste because the reward is enormous. The prayers of the people your contribution helped will be working for you, without you knowing. So Rotarians should be patient and be ready to serve humanity with whoever is there because it might be their turn tomorrow.


























ear Fellow Rotarians,

oday, we look ahead toward a Rotary year that may one day be known as the greatest in our history: the year that sees the world's last case of polio. Wild poliovirus caused only 74 cases of polio in 2015, all of them in Afghanistan and Pakistan. As we continue to work tirelessly toward our goal of eradication, we must also look beyond it: preparing to leverage our success into even greater successes to come.

It is tremendously important to Rotary's future that our role in the eradication of polio be recognised. The more we are known for what we've achieved, the more we'll be able to attract the partners, the funding, and, most important, the members to achieve even more. We're working hard at RI headquarters to be sure that Rotary gets that recognition. But it can't all happen in Evanston. We need you to get the word out through your clubs and in your communities about what Rotary is and what we do. We need to be sure that our clubs are ready for the moment when polio is nally eradicated — so that when people who want to do good see that Rotary is a place where they can change the world, every Rotary club is ready to give them that opportunity.

We know that if we want to see Rotary Serving Humanity even better in the years ahead, we'll need more willing hands,

more caring hearts and more bright minds to move our work forward. We'll need clubs that are exible, so that Rotary service will be attractive to younger members, recent retirees and working people. We'll need to seek out new partnerships, opening ourselves more to collaborative relationships with other organisations. Looking ahead, we also see a clear need to prioritise continuity in our leadership. We in Rotary are all playing on the same team, working toward the same goals. If we want to reach those goals together, we all have to move in the same direction — together. Every day that you serve in Rotary, you have the opportunity to change lives. Everything you do matters; every good work makes the world better for us all. In this new Rotary year, we all have a new chance to change the world for the better, through Rotary Serving Humanity. John F Germ President, Rotary International



he start of a new Rotary year is always an exciting time. We have a new inspirational theme, new club ofcers and exciting new projects to work on. In 2016–17, we also have a very special occasion to celebrate: the 100th anniversary of our Rotary Foundation.

Since 1917, when Arch Klumph proposed an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world,” The Rotary Foundation has grown into a world-class humanitarian organisation. Few other charitable foundations can claim a 100-year history — all the more impressive when you consider its humble beginning of only $26.50. The fact that our Fou ndation now has $1 billion in assets is a testament to the remarkable generosity of Rotarians worldwide. I often wonder just what our Foundation will look like when all Rotarians, everywhere, give it their sustained support. I hope each of you will take the time to consider our Foundation's many successes, achievements we can all be proud of. Over the past century, we have provided $3 billion to tackle a wide range of problems, large and small, in thousands of communities worldwide. Our global and district grant


At The End of The Movie — The Cowboy Rides Away

projects are saving and transforming lives, and we are educating scholars and training professionals to carry on this vital legacy. Our centennial offers an ideal opportunity to remind our members — and tell the rest of the world — about our Foundation's rich history of humanitarian work. It's time that everyone knew about our leading role in the battle to end polio, a ght that Bill Gates and others agree would never have been possible without Rotary's extraordinary dedication. Let's also spotlight the many ways we're ghting other devastating diseases, providing cleaner and safer drinking water, spreading education by promoting literacy and helping local economies grow. However you celebrate our Foundation's centennial, I hope you will make that celebration as public as possible. Hold an event that involves your entire community and showcases The Rotary Foundation's good work. You'll nd many ideas for c e n t e n n i a l c e l e b r a t i o n s a t www.rotary.org/foundation100. RI President John Germ's theme, Rotary Serving Humanity, speaks directly to the work of our Foundation, which for years has enabled Rotarians to embrace humanity and serve those in need. This year, let's commit to sharing those inspirational stories, just as we continue to write more and more of them. Kalyan Banerjee Foundation Trustee Chair



By making these 10 lifestyle changes, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease Ways to control high blood pressure without medication By making these 10 lifestyle changes, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. If you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you might be worried about taking medication to bring your numbers down. Lifestyle plays an important role in treating your high blood pressure. If you successfully control your blood pressure with a healthy lifestyle, you might avoid, delay or reduce the need for medication. Here are 10 lifestyle changes you can make to lower your blood pressure and keep it down. 1. Lose extra pounds and watch your waistline Blood pressure often increases as weight increases. Being overweight also can cause disrupted breathing while you sleep (sleep apnea), which further raises your blood pressure. Weight loss is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for controlling blood pressure. Losing just 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) can help reduce your blood pressure. Besides shedding pounds, you generally should also keep an eye on your waistline. Carrying too much weight around your waist can put you at greater risk of high blood pressure.

millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). It's important to be consistent because if you stop exercising, your blood pressure can rise again.

milligrams (mg) a day or less. However, a lower sodium intake — 1,500 mg a day or less — is appropriate for people with greater salt sensitivity, including:

If you have slightly high blood pressure (prehypertension), exercise can help you avoid developing full-blown hypertension. If you already have hypertension, regular physical activity can bring your blood pressure down to safer levels.


The best types of exercise for lowering blood pressure include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing. Strength training also can help reduce blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about developing an exercise program. 3. Eat a healthy diet Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. It isn't easy to change your eating habits, but with these tips, you can adopt a healthy diet: Keep a food diary. Writing down what you eat, even for just a week, can shed surprising light on your true eating habits. Monitor what you eat, how much, when and why.

Men are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (2102 centimeters).

Consider boosting potassium. Potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure. The best source of potassium is food, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than supplements. Talk to your doctor about the potassium level that's best for you.

Women are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (89 centimeters).

Be a smart shopper. Read food labels when you shop and stick to your healthyeating plan when you're dining out, too.

In general:

These numbers vary among ethnic groups. Ask your doctor about a healthy waist measurement for you.

4. Reduce sodium in your diet

2. Exercise regularly

Even a small reduction in the sodium in your diet can reduce blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg.

Regular physical activity — at least 30 minutes most days of the week — can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9

The effect of sodium intake on blood pressure varies among groups of people. In general, limit sodium to less than 2,300


Anyone age 51 or older Anyone diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease To decrease sodium in your diet, consider these tips: Read food labels. If possible, choose lowsodium alternatives of the foods and beverages you normally buy. Eat fewer processed foods. Only a small amount of sodium occurs naturally in foods. Most sodium is added during processing. Don't add salt. Just 1 level teaspoon of salt has 2,300 mg of sodium. Use herbs or spices to add avor to your food. Ease into it. If you don't feel you can drastically reduce the sodium in your diet suddenly, cut back gradually. Your palate will adjust over time. 5. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink Alcohol can be both good and bad for your health. In small amounts, it can potentially lower your blood pressure by 2 to 4 mm Hg. But that protective effect is lost if you drink too much alcohol — generally more than one drink a day for women and for men older than age 65, or more than two a day for men age 65 and younger. One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, ve ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor. Drinking more than moderate amounts of alcohol can actually raise blood pressure by several points. It can also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure medications. 6. Quit smoking Each cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you nish. Quitting smoking helps your blood pressure return to normal. People who quit smoking, regardless of 21

age, have substantial increases in life expectancy. 7. Cut back on caffeine The role caffeine plays in blood pressure is still debated. Caffeine can raise blood pressure by as much as 10 mm Hg in people who rarely consume it, but there is little to no strong effect on blood pressure in habitual coffee drinkers. Although the effects of chronic caffeine ingestion on blood pressure aren't clear, the possibility of a slight increase in blood pressure exists. To see if caffeine raises your blood pressure, check your pressure within 30 minutes of drinking a caffeinated beverage. If your blood pressure increases by 5 to 10 mm Hg, you may be sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of caffeine. Talk to your doctor about the effects of caffeine on your blood pressure. 8. Reduce your stress Chronic stress is an important contributor to high blood pressure. Occasional stress also can contribute to high blood pressure if you react to stress by eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol or smoking. Take some time to think about what causes you to feel stressed, such as work, family, nances or illness. Once you

18 22

know what's causing your stress, consider how you can eliminate or reduce stress. If you can't eliminate all of your stressors, you can at least cope with them in a healthier way. Try to: Change your expectations. Give yourself time to get things done. Learn to say no and to live within manageable limits. Try to learn to accept things you can't change. Think about problems under your control and make a plan to solve them. You could talk to your boss about difculties at work or to family members about problems at home. Know your stress triggers. Avoid whatever triggers you can. For example, spend less time with people who bother you or avoid driving in rush-hour trafc. Make time to relax and to do activities you enjoy. Take 15 to 20 minutes a day to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Try to intentionally enjoy what you do rather than hurrying through your "relaxing activities" at a stressful pace. Practice gratitude. Expressing gratitude to others can help reduce stressful thoughts. 9. Monitor your blood pressure at home and see your doctor regularly

Home monitoring can help you keep tabs on your blood pressure, make certain your lifestyle changes are working, and alert you and your doctor to potential health complications. Blood pressure monitors are available widely and without a prescription. Talk to your doctor about home monitoring before you get started. Regular visits with your doctor are also key to controlling your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is under control, you might need to visit your doctor only every six to 12 months, depending on other conditions you might have. If your blood pressure isn't well-controlled, your doctor will likely want to see you more frequently. 10. Get support Supportive family and friends can help improve your health. They may encourage you to take care of yourself, drive you to the doctor's ofce or embark on an exercise program with you to keep your blood pressure low. If you nd you need support beyond your family and friends, consider joining a support group. This may put you in touch with people who can give you an emotional or morale boost and who can offer practical tips to cope with your condition.





National Programme on Immunization

2009 to 2010 but was not sustained. The

By July 24 2016, Nigeria would have

(NPI). For several years, the process was

global community was so concerned

gone 24 months without a single case

stop-start and epileptic. The

about the situation in Nigeria that it

of the Wild Polio Virus (WPV) being

programme was reorganized in 2007

declared that Nigeria was holding the

found within her territory and would be

and some progress was recorded from

world back and would be the last

just 12 more months away from being

country to eradicate polio, thus

certied as Polio free. When one

conferring a pariah status on the

considers that as at the year 2012, there

country in the global ght to eradicate

were 122 children stricken by the Wild


Polio Virus in Nigeria, this is a remarkable

The turnaround

achievement indeed.

So, what changed? Seeing the threats

In 1988 when the Global Polio

and challenges to polio eradication,

Eradication Initiative began, it was

particularly in the northern parts of the

estimated that polio paralyzed more

country, Rotary and its partners in the

than 1000 children worldwide every

polio eradication initiative decided to

day. Since then, through Rotary's

pursue a more rigorous and aggressive

leadership efforts, more than 2.5 billion

course of action in the ght to

children have been immunized against

eradicate polio and sought the

polio in more than 200 countries with

required political support to do so. In

Rotary contributing almost 1.8 billion

2012, we managed to secure enough

dollars and helping to raise much of the

political support that led to declaration

11 billion dollars that has been spent in

of Polio as a national health

this process.

emergency and the establishment of a

In Nigeria, efforts to eradicate

Presidential task force on Polio

paralytic poliovirus from Nigeria

Eradication to coordinate with efforts

commenced in 1997 when the Federal

at State and Local Government Levels

Government established the defunct

and report to the President in real time.



establishment of a Voluntary

counter the


practice of some vaccinators entering


homes, marking the ď€ ngers of children

(VCM) scheme

but not vaccinating them by ensuring

by UNICEF and

that all children were brought outside

other partners

the homes and vaccinated where they

w h i c h

were observable to senior supervisors.

i s

supported by A National Polio Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was also established in October 2012 to place the programme in full emergency mode while State emergency Operations Centers were also established in 11 critical states to improve coordination and facilitate rapid intervention and response to challenges. One of the problems observed was the lack of accountability in the polio eradication initiative so the Presidential Task Force, coordinating with the National EOC and State EOCs started to enforce accountability across board to make sure that everyone was up and doing and delivering on their key deliverables and targets as well as making sure that resources were being judiciously used and utilized while waste and corruption within the system was curtailed. Another problem was the obvious lack of innovations in ď€ nding solutions to threats and challenges to the programme. So efforts were made to scale up innovations and inventiveness within the system. Innovations such as the

One of the other ways that Rotary has

Rotary, to

contributed to achieving Polio

ensure that mothers in high risk

Eradication success in Nigeria is

communities were given correct

through contributions to health camps

information and mobilized to make sure

which were designed to take care of

that every child was vaccinated. The

common ailments in underserved

VCMs also made sure that every child in

communities while administering

the community was enumerated,

vaccines to take care of vaccine

known at birth,

preventable diseases. Rotary has been

vaccinated and names recorded by attending n a m i n g ceremonies and maintaining good rapport with the families.


innovations such as children fairs, the deployment of papalulus and maikalangus to p r o v i d e

a major sponsor of these health camps

information and entertainment while

which have helped to improve

attracting children for vaccination.

immunization coverage in the

Rotary and other partners also

communities where they have been

supported the programme with

held. Rotary has also donated

attractive pluses such as candy,

thousands of megaphones to enhance

noodles, soaps and whistles which

information dissemination by town

made mothers and children look f o r w a r d

t o

announcers towards improving the quality of campaigns. We have also


had sponsored jingles and produced

activities and bring

IEC materials that have helped

children out to be

improve information dissemination in

vaccinated. There

the quest to rid the nation of polio.

were also directly observed polio vaccinations

To be continued in August Edition

(DOPV) which was designed to

18 24





he Rotary International

Rotarians who have been to other

favourites were Kimshi, a vegetable

Convention in Seoul, South Korea,

conventions, would have noticed the

dish, and Bulgogi, a beef dish. I am still

has come and gone. Rotarians

enormous capacities of KINTEX

struggling to shed off the extra weight I

that were able to attend will

facilities, that there was no instance of


undoubtedly have sweet memories

overcrowded events, oversubscribed

A lot of Rotarians were able to take

that they will cherish for a long time. For

breakout sessions, or plenaries, despite

advantage of a promotional offer of

those who missed it, Atlanta is around

the record breaking attendance.

the corner, and, it also promises to be

The opening ceremony and plenary

registration for the Atlanta Convention at a rate of $265 to commemorate the

featured not only the Secretary

100 year anniversary of the founding of

The Seoul Convention was, by any

General of the United Nations, but also

the Rotary Foundation with that

yardstick, one of the best organised

the Prime Ministers of South Korea, and

donation of $26.50. The offer ended on

conventions in recent times. It also had

Sri Lanka, the country of the RI

the 6th of June, the birthday of Arch

a record attendance. More than forty

President. That, also was


two thousand Rotarians attended,

unprecedented. Rotarians from Nigeria

June, I now understand my passion for

making it the second most attended

made a show at the Flag ceremony

the foundation) The rate has now

Convention in history, after the Osaka,

with their colourful attires when the

reverted to the usual early bird rate of

Japan Convention of 2004, which had

Nigerian Flag was raised. The House of


a forty three thousand plus

Friendship was an expansive hall with a

Outside the convention proper, Seoul is

The Host Organising

wide range of Korean foods and

full of historic sites to visit, that Rotarians

Committee (HOC) planned for 50

merchandise available. Korean cuisine

were spoilt for choice. Korea has a very

thousand plus, and they were ready.

is quite spicy, and you can easily put on

rich history, with the inuence of

The facilities built for the 2008 Olympics

weight if you are not careful. My



Buddhism, Taoism, and later Christianity.

were rolled out for Rotary.

(With my birthday of 8th of

I learnt that the airport

immigration template that was used for the Olympics, were used for the convention, and airport formalities were awless.

About 50% of Koreans

profess not to have any religion, but they preserve their culture very well. I was able to visit about 5 temples and palaces, and there were more than 50 other sites.

I did not miss the

Demilitarised Zone, THE DMZ, which

From the Nigerian end, the RI

stands as a major reminder of the

Conferences and Conventions

unnished Korean War. The tunnels, the

Committee worked tirelessly, and

eerie face-off between soldiers of the

achieved 100% visa success for all

north and south, were quite breath-

Rotarians that applied for visas through


the District Ofce with complete documents. Only three applications could not go through

because of

incomplete documents. All the main events took place at the

I belong to the International Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors, We organised a visit to the Hospice centre of the Korea University Teaching Hospital. A hospice is a facility dedicated to the care of the

Korean International Exhibition Centre

dying and the terminally ill. It was very

(KINTEX), apart from HOC organised

moving, realising that everyone of us

events like the '3K Walk for peace ',

will, sooner or later need such care. It is

Welcome Festival, and Host Hospitality

an area people don't want to talk




about. But it is the most certain thing

polio, which almost claimed his

same. But where are we?

I am just

Seeing doctors,

mother's life, fty plus years ago. An

thinking aloud!

specialising in this area of medicine,

emotionally tting way to draw the

I was able to enrich my Rotary

talking passionately of a topic that is

curtain on his year as RI President.

we've got coming.

knowledge, make new friends, and

taboo in our part of the world was

Korea, to me, came across as a well-

moving, to say the least.

equally important, have a good


structured and very clean country,

holiday, away from the hot, hectic life

International Fellowship of Rotarian

with a peculiarly disciplined and

of Lagos!

Doctors is looking into this area, and

hardworking population. Their quest

seeing where it can be of help.

for perfection is evident everywhere.

The closing ceremony featured the

They have the highest concentration

Korean music

sensation, Park

I am already looking forward to Atlanta.

of Plastic Surgeons in the world, in their No

Jide Akeredolu was the Chairman, RI

Joesang, better known by his stage

craze for the body beautiful.

name PSY, and his rendition of his hit

wonder that they made a leapfrog

Conferences and Conventions

song "Gangnam Style " Also

from a third world nation, to one of the


memorable was the RI President's

most advanced nations on earth. This

District 9110 for the Rotary year 2015-

recount of a

personal story, never

is despite suffering colonisation, and a


before known, of his family's brush with

terrible war. We too, went through the





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18 26





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