Joana Quintas | Architect | Portfolio 2006-2010

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Arch.Joana Oliveira Quintas









_URBAN DESIGN ”Walk the line” | PORTUGAL

_Academic Information Degree in Architecture at FAUTL,09/2003 to 09/2008. Master1(ERASMUS) at École Nationale Supérieure _RESIDENTIAL São Pedro Moel Beach Housing | PORTUGAL d Architecture de Paris – Belleville,09/2006 to Mestras House | PORTUGAL 02/2007. São Paulo Square Building | PORTUGAL Ulgueira House | PORTUGAL _Professional Experience _FACILITIES Madredeus School | PORTUGAL Corvera School | SPAIN Datam Clinic | INDIA Luxury Hotel & SPA | PORTUGAL Albert Park Golf Centre | AUSTRALIA _CULTURE City Museum | PORTUGAL

Project Architect at WOODS BAGOT, (Melbourne|AU),09/2010 to 01/2011. Graduated Architect at hAArk Design, (Melbourne|AU),02/2010 to 04/2010. Graduated Architect at JAG Architects,(Lisbon|PT) & partner projects with Gonçalo Byrne Architects,09/2008 to 07/2009. Trainee Architect at Diagonal Architecture,(Lisbon|PT),02/2008 to 06/2008. _Languages Portuguese|English|French|Spanish.

_RETAIL ”Get a light”lightershop | PORTUGAL Gateway site Patrol Station | AUSTRALIA _Computer skills User experience: MS Office,Microsoft Word, Power Point,Excel in Mac OS X and Windows. _HOSPITALITY Professional experience: AutoCAD 2/3D, Revit, Cascais Fort Hotel | PORTUGAL 3d Studio Max, ArchiCAD 2/3D, Sketchup, Prototype Hotel | ANGOLA Photoshop and InDesign. _CORPORATE Viana Park Offices | ANGOLA

_Participations & Workshops Volunteer colaboration with Architects Without Frontiers(Melbourne|AU). _Interests/ Activities Travelling|Music|Cinema|Drawing|Painting.

“...the urbanscape can best be understood as a site of co-presence of multiple spaces, multiple times and multiple webs of relations, tying local sites, subjects and fragments into globalizing networks of economic, social and cultural change.�



“Walk the line”project


done on Competition for the new waterfront of Lisbon | Lisbon_Portugal PUBLICATION

Publication in “Estuarium” megazzine

8_50 Designing the road in zone 1, creating a relationship between the pedestrian city and the river, diversifying the riverside public space and creating a new marina, were the premises of the proposal. The elimination of rail service in this area would become an important goal for its redevelopment. Zone 1 would no longer be a transport station and would become a pedestrian area by the River. Zone 2 would be designed as a public transport centre for people to travel anywhere in the city. The newly renovated river front would contain play areas, street trading, outdoor activities and a promenade that would follow the old railway line. Green spaces would be diffused amongst the rails and harbors for the purpose of cafes, shops, exhibitions and ephemeral activities. The proposal embraces the water, Lisbon once again has a waterfront and becomes a city not only facing the river, but becoming unified with it.

Zone 2


Zone 1


“...housing satisfaction may be explained by realization of housing aspirations, fulfillment of expectations, and achievement of housing improvement.�


11_50 Model views

S達o Pedro de Moel Beach Housingin

JAG Architects

colaboration with Public Swimmingpool | S.Pedro de Moel_Portugal COMPETITION



12_50 The contest was sponsored by a private construction company, which set the budget and the parameters of the p r o j e c t . It was for the demolition of the old swimming pool at S.Pedro de Moel for the design and construction of holiday h o m e s . The contest also demanded that the area contain a shopping centre, a spa, a restaurant, a bar and large and small h o u s i n g t y p e s . Achieving a balance between stability a n d a r t i f i c i a l dynamism was the objective of the p r o p o s a l . Compact, overlap, reuse, and "recycle", n o t e x i s t i n g b u i l d i n g s , but the footprint caused by them. The footprint, which was the landscape, w o u l d b e r e c o v e r e d and it would take advantage of the area's exposure to the sun, providing immaculate natural light for the e x p e r i e n c e o f r e s i d e n t s . Construction was targeted to take advantage of the view of the sea and especially the tangential view of the coast, with the constant change caused by tides, air humidity and wind. Buildings fragment into passageways b e t w e e n t h e m , becoming porous and permeable, allowing t h e o p e n i n g o f a larger front, without losing the luxury o f l o c a t i o n . Relations are established between the high elevation and low elevation, w i t h o u t t h e visual relations being interrupted.

Night views

Ground level

1st level

2nd level

Frontal elevation


Day views


São Paulo Square Buildingin

colaboration with São Paulo s Square | Lisbon_Portugal IN PROJECT

Aerial view

JAG Architects & Gonçalo Byrne Architects



The program called for the renovation of the entire building that was in a very bad c o n d i t i o n . T o r e s p e c t v a r y i n g ho u s e h o l d types, we decided to create small and large apartments. On the first floor there are two small apartments, on the second floor there is a large apartment and in the last two floors there are two large duplex apartments. In keeping with the buildings historical heritage we decided not to change it's exterior. The tiles and window frames of the facade were restored, the original design was left intact. An elevator was constructed for the convenience of residents.

1st level

3th level

2nd level

4th level

Master plan

15_50 Old facades

Mestras Housein

JAG Architects

colaboration with Calรงada das Mestras | Lisbon_Portugal IN PROJECT

Proposed facades


Old plans

The project was a remodel or a residential dwelling in a Lisbon neighborhood located near the city centre. The houses all have a similar structural language, with rooms too small and inadequate for modern day living. We decided to adapt the interior to the needs of the family's daily life, giving the basement of the living area direct access to outside garden. The upper 2 floors contained the bedrooms with the top floor being reserved for the children´s bedrooms, in order to give them some independence.

Model Proposed plans


Ulgueira Housein

colaboration with Ulgueira | Sintra_Portugal IN PROJECT

JAG Architects



18_50 Model

The expansive terrain was covered by dense vegetation. The client wanted the living area to be just one floor. To utilise the slope of the land, a single car garage was designed and built one floor below the house. The house was developed in a “L� shape, with one side developed with more social character and the other with a private bedroom area. Drawings


“Complex societal, economic, political and environmental pressures are placing intense demands on public sector organizations to make smarter decisions, deliver results and demonstrate accountability.�



Madredeus Schoolproject

done on Madredeus | Lisbon_Portugal IN PROJECT



3D views

22_50 Elevations

T h e c ha l le n g e o f t hi s p r oj e ct a s an architectural student was exploring architecture on a different scale, with a references to contrast between the ideals and the inadequacies of modern day s o c i e t y . The area chosen for the project was located in a problematic neighborhood in Lisbon. One goal was to use colors that inspire joy and enthusiasm in the children who would be using the new space as the development centre for their k n o w l e d g e a n d p e r s o n a l i t y . The school consisted of two floors. The first floor would have an emphasis on structured learning, containing the classrooms, an educational living area and a small outdoor garden where children could have contact with flora. The second floor would be utilized as an a r e a f or pl a y a n d s oc i al i si n g . T he re would be a canteen, a multipurpose hall and an outdoor play area for break times. For teachers, a small office would be c o n st r uc t ed w it h v i su a l a nd phy s ic al access to their classroom on the first f l o o r . The diverse environment stimulates the imagination and allows for varying positive experiences within the space. .

Ground level

1st level


Datam Clinicin


collaboration with Datam | Jharkhand Provence_India IN PROGRESS | PUBLICATION

24_50 This single storey buildings keep proportion with natural elements and sense of “in landscape�,articulated into functions, providing visual connection to surrounds. All local materials and finishes, local skilled and unskilled people planned using vernacular methods augmented by adaptable innovations in technique and material use. Generally orientated to the south for natural lighting. East/west considerations for suitanbility for function. First phase permaculture garden to northeast corner, herb garden and keyhole beds near kitchen for preferred vegetables and greens. Potato beds and banana circles beyond with water ponds at rear. Education buildings to west with afternoon light for communal gatherings, yoga, reading and teaching. Proximity between accommodation and kitchen following passage of day and affording the volunteer clinicians a retreat behind the rest of the program. Clinic Buildings to the East with room to expand and optimistic early morning light office and diagnosis room looks out to road for new arrival and awareness.

25_50 3D views

Corvera Schoolin

JAG Architects

colaboration with “Las Vegas” Urbanization | Corvera_Spain COMPETITION | 1st PLACE

Ground level


1st level

26_50 Model

Elevations | Section

Situated in an area of urban expansion, a result of industrial growth, the urbanization has created a need for housing and logistics within the area . The project included the planning and constructing of a facility suitable for the care of 100 children under the age of 3 years. The building is bordered by a green area on it's northern and western walls and by streets on it's Southern and Eastern sides, establishing itself on a street corner. Situated on a descending slope, the roof rises up to capture the sunlight and illuminate the interior classrooms. The design was approached in response to the businesses´ two vital functions. An interior embodying a space reserved for educational activities and an enclosed garden allowing for the expression of playfulness and character. The U shape creates a dialogue between these two spaces contrasting the urban and the natural while offering a protected place to let the imagination roam free. .



Luxury Hotel & SPAin

colaboration with Estoi | Faro_Portugal CONCLUDED

JAG Architects & Gonรงalo Byrne Architects




The SPA is integrated in new luxury hotel in Estoi. Estoi is located in southern Portugal. This is a new building connected to the old in where there are a dressing room, gym, indoor pool, jacuzzi, Turkish bath, sauna and bar that also serves the outdoor p o o l . We tried to give the whole a clean, simple and modern. Using colors and materials with reference to water and purity.


4 6


5 2 Plan








Albert Park Golf Centrein

colaboration with Albert Park | Melbourne_Australia COMPETITION




Situated in the heart of Melbourne, Albert Park is a green piece of leisure and sportive activities. The challenge of this competition was to create “not another typical club house� destination, but an unique architectural facility reinterpreting a golf ball geometry. Taking benefit of the beautiful view to the park, the building supports the golf court and gives hand to another activities. The opportunity to extrapolate geometry and translate architecturally ended up with a few pavilions in a garden-serpentine gallery, connected with each others. The building integrated 8 pavilions expanded in two levels and a multilevel carpark.

ground floor plan

first floor plan

“ the breadth of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images and other phenomena that are deemed preferred per an informal consensus...�



City Museum project


done in Pรง. de Espanha | Lisbon_Portugal IN PROJECT

3D views




Tecnic Zone Vertical distribution


Exibishion Zone

Restrict Zone



Was asked a museum that would serve and the city of Lisbon. For this I chose two parts. An area encompassing the exhibition, focused on the interior with a labyrinthine circuit and i n t r o s p e c t i v e . This would start to level the ground floor by a ramp. And it would be rolling out the upper f l o o r s . And one aspect that allowed in all zones expository look at its exterior, for viewing the c i t y . So together has been a time inside a moment and o p e n t o t h e c i t y . The panels of the facade allowed the pace to e x p l o r e t h e c i t y .


“Retail store design and merchandising principles and practices continue to evolve as retailers seek to inspire customers...“




“Get a Light” lighterShopin

colaboration with Lx factory | Lisbon_Portugal BUILT

3D views

JAG Architects


Showroom Entries


The company “Get a Light” is located at Lx Factory, which gave new life to the old plant manufactures the company's spinning and fabric Lisbonense, one of the most complex manufacturing of Lisbon, Alcântara, already too much data to oblivion. Building on the concept of a New York rehabilitation of former industrial sites for redevelopment result in spaces for workshops, Get a Light occupies a warehouse with 300 m2, divided into two dominant areas. A first connected to a high-concept Italian design lighting and a second focused more on close contact with professionals and clients. The project acts between the tension of the existing and the introduction of small notes of appreciation of the architectural space.



Gate way site Patrol Stationin

colaboration with Cook Street | Melbourne_Australia COMPETITION | 1st PLACE




aerial view

This competition is a strong landmark signifying a freeway gateway gesture to Melbourne. A folding architectural element that creates the approach wall and defines a series of spaces: the roof, the convenience facilities, the courtyard, the restaurant and with a long distance landmark that could also function as an observation deck. Resulted as an identifiable element that captures the attention and imagination of drivers and passengers and creates series of events that focus the driver´s attention towards making a decision- the decision to deviate from the path of the highway and into the slip lane. A visual sequence expressing movement, transition and a pause point in the journey. The wall folding into the roof as the principal focal point. Plan


“In French contexts an hotel is an urban "private house" of a grand sort.�



Prototype Business Hotelin

colaboration with

JAG Architects




This intervention takes place in Angola. The building in question is a "Business Hotel", with the target client executives moving to the place where it is located on a b u s i n e s s t r i p . Thus it is more important to provide all kinds of infrastructure and support needed. Chosen by a language that gives the building a dynamic space in front but, in equal measure, take a strength and unity of a l l . The whole program is developed in a single body, with the permission adaptability the different sizes and morphologies of the h o t e l g r o u n d . The shade of the facade, allowing areas to s t ay wa r m o u ts i de , it wa s c on si d er ed a primary issue in addressing concepts from the hotel, given the climate of where it is l o c a t e d .


Cascais Fort Hotelpartnership

Gonรงalo Byrne Architects

with Cascais Fort| Cascais_Portugal COMPETITION | 1st PLACE

3D views


Being a landmark tourist town of Cascais, Pestana Hotels Group purchased the space and asked to roll o v e r a h o t e l t o i t s c h a i n . So recovering the wall and all existing buildings, i t m a d e o n l y a f e w a d d i t i o n s . A new building in the central area and a building under the long, along the wall to the south. The new building, in the shape cubic houses reception, waiting room and restaurant. The building houses along the wall a few rooms, pool a n d b a r . L oo ki ng t o he re i n th is b ui ld in g ma ke the m ost b e a u t i f u l v i e w s o f t h e s e a .

“Business are designed to provide goods and services to consumers.�



Viana Business Park in

colaboration with Viana Park | Luanda_Angola IN PROJECT

3D views

JAG Architects & MRB Studio


Ground level

1st level

The intervention in question is located in Luanda, Angola. With a target area of 90000 m2 are built 16000 m2, with a gross floor area above ground of approximately 40000 m2. In that "office park" are covered 4 office buildings, 1 office tower, shopping center, a hotel, a conference center, services building and a gym / spa. Intention is to create a "business park", which provides all kinds of services and benefits to its users. Only was our draft that four office buildings. These are open spaces on all 3 levels, allowing the firms to have the space as they wish.

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