1 minute read
Gabriel Turner
How to Write a Horror Novel
Gabriel Turner
How to write a horror novel:
First, you have to have your “final person” and your killer/murderer/monster, etc.
Say my murderer is Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and he chases down all the victims and you have to decide who will be the last person alive—say you have Alice, Brian, Jeffrey, and Jeremy.
You have to decide who the last one alive will be; you will want to choose by seeing who is better material and who would be able to fight off the killer the best. Say Alice is injured in her foot; she’s not going to last, so she’s done for, and Brian is scared and he’s breathing super hard while the killer is looking for him and gives away his own position, so he will not last either, and Jeremy is that one jock kid from their high school, so he will try to fight him off but fail miserably, and Jeffrey is the super strong kid and will fight off the killer and beat up the killer and make an escape in a pickup truck.