ARIST STATEMENT Between the lines of what exist and what doesn’t exist. The friend that keeps the conversation going between the useless and the useful. A window between who where are and who we can be. However, it’s not something that is really that spectacular most of the time. Art is everywhere now, and most of it sucks. Markings of our flaws, bouncing terror and existential crises right back onto its own creators. Getting good at art is making friends with your high-school bully. Quickly, I learned not to do it public, as humiliation is almost immanent. The advantage belongs to the bully; whose torment now has an audience. But this doesn’t bother some people from making friends with their bullies. Lots of advice is given to move on. Why be friends with someone who causes so much suffering? Just take the long detour back home every day. Easy doesn’t mean right though. Making detours around your problems isn’t I how I want to live. Having my ego get punched in the face isn’t great. But it’s the cost of stepping up to the plate.
Captain Gaius