Health and Safety Policy Statement

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Quality Manual P1

Health and Safety Policy Statement:

Date 23/03/2012 Page 1 of 4 Issue 1.0

Bobtech Group Ltd Our statement of general policy is: a) to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities; b) to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety; c) to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment; d) to ensure safe handling and use of substances; e) to provide information, instruction and supervision for all members of staff, contractors and new starters; f) to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate information, advice, guidance and training to a level that is appropriate to their individual job profile where necessary; g) to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health; h) to maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and i) to review and revise this policy and organisation procedures as necessary at regular intervals. Signed

(Duty Holder) 17/07/2011 Date

16/07/2012 Review date

The Law requires the Duty holder to have overall and final responsibility for all health and safety matters. That responsibility falls to; John Hodgkinson: Managing Director Day-to-day operational responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to Len Gair: Director of Group Projects

Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects

Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director

Quality Manual P1

Health and Safety Policy Statement:

Date 23/03/2012 Page 2 of 4 Issue 1.0

1: All managers and staff members have legal duty to take care of the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by what they do. Additionally they are required to co-operate with the elected persons named in section 2.9 of the Quality manual to ensure conform to our legal requirements. 2: To ensure health, safety wellbeing standards are maintained or improved; Section 2.9 of the Quality manual identifies the individuals who have been elected to manage the key areas of the organisation. Additionally the named persons will Manage and their respective staff and, staff members performing their daily duties (on or off base site) If any individual who wishes to put forward suggestions to improve safety standards click here or complete the suggestions form located in the Quality Manual. State what actions you think could be taken, and what benefits that would be gained. 3: All Managers and Staff members must: a) Co-operate with the duty holder on health and safety matters; b) Follow organisation policies and procedures, and contribute where necessary required. c) not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety; d) take reasonable care of their own health, safety and wellbeing, and e) Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement or section 29 of the Quality Manual). 4: Putting Safety first. Click here to gain access to guidance [this information is also available in 27 languages]. Below is an abridged version of the guidance. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in collaboration with the Trades Union Congress (TUC). Work to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers by enforcing health and safety law. If you are an employee (full-or part-time, temporary or permanent), the information provided in this policy statement explains what your rights are, what you should expect from the organisation. The statement also provides information about your responsibilities to the organisation. Information provided in this statement also applies to young person’s undertaking work experience, apprentice workers, charity workers, mobile workers, Lone workers and individuals who work from home. If you are a temporary, casual or agency worker, the employing business/agency, gang master, contractor or hirer you work for has a legal duty to ensure you receive the rights set out in this document.

Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects

Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director

Quality Manual P1

Health and Safety Policy Statement:

Date 23/03/2012 Page 3 of 4 Issue 1.0

5: Regulations apply to our organisation and employers in general. The Health and Safety Regulation a short Guide Don’t put you, other Staff members or the organisation at risk by breaking Health and Safety Law which is based on the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974. In brief: You have the right: a) To work in places where all the risks to your health and safety are properly controlled. b) To stop working and leave the area if you think you are in danger. c) To inform your employer about health and safety issues or concerns. d) To contact HSE or your local authority if you still have health and safety concerns and not get into trouble e) To join a trade union and be a safety representative. f) To paid time off work for training if you are a safety representative. g) To a rest break of at least 20 minutes if you work more than six hours at a stretch and to an annual period of paid leave. 6: You must: 6.1. Take care of your own health and safety and that of people who may be affected by what you do (or do not do). 6.2. Co-operate with others on health and safety, and not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for your health, safety or welfare. 7: We [The organisation] will tell you: 7.1. About risks to your health, safety and wellbeing from your current or proposed working practices. 7.2. About things or changes that may harm or affect your health, safety and wellbeing. 7.3. How to do your job safely and the standards that applies to your operational role. 7.4. What is done to protect your health, safety and wellbeing? 7.5. How to get first-aid treatment. 7.6. What to do in an emergency. 8: We [The organisation] will provide, free of charge with: 8.1. Training to do your job safely. 8.2. Provide protection when necessary (such as clothing, shoes or boots, eye and ear protection, gloves, masks, security systems, devices, etc). 8.3. Health checks if there is a danger of ill health from your work activities. 8.4. Regular health checks if you work nights and a check. 8.5. Checks on time at work to ensure you are working within working time regulations. Note: If you are self-employed you are responsible for providing your own first-aid arrangements, training, protective equipment and health checks, and for organising your own working time records). Training “What the Law requires” Regulations for: Safety Signs and Signals Health & Safety: Education and Training resources:

Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects

Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director

Quality Manual P1

Health and Safety Policy Statement:

Date 23/03/2012 Page 4 of 4 Issue 1.0

9: We [The organisation] will provide everyone with the following information: 9.1. Health and safety law: “What you should know” and the contact details of people who can help you if we fail in our statutory duties. Internally you can contact any of the people identified in section 2.9 of the Quality manual. Externally you can contact John or Len direct via the contact below. 9.2. Our Health and safety policy statement is available in e-format and/or hard copy. If you experience difficulties accessing any of the information via the links contact Len immediately and he will resolve the problem. 9.3. An up-to-date Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) certificate which is located in section 3.1 of the Quality manual. 10: What to do if you are concerned about your health, safety or wellbeing: 10.1. Contact John or Len immediately on 07764 139119 or 07964 849634 10.2. Phone HSE’s Info line 08701 545500 for advice or to complain if you feel your concern is not being treated seriously. Additionally you could contact the TUC’s Know Your Rights line 0870 600 4882. 10.3. If you would like to speak to someone in a language more suitable to your need, please call 08701 545500 and tell the operator which language you require. 10.4. If you have lost your job because of a health and safety matter you may wish to complain to an independent body? Click this link Employment Tribunal. 10.5. Ask your trade union (If you are a member) for assistance or click this link Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance. Should you wish to ask any questions or comment about this policy statement? Click here and state your point clearly. Additionally if you have any Heath, safety or wellbeing concerns which you would like to discuss on a one to one basis? Please don’t hesitate to contact me direct. Should you identify any nonconformities from the list below that my put the organisation at risk; a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Documents and/or record keeping, Software or systems failures, Equipment or plant defects, Vehicle defects. Security risk, Financial risks, Individual non compliance with job profile.

You should Click Here and State the nature of the nonconformity or complete the nonconformity form located in the document section of the Quality Manual (including times, dates and names if relevant), the risk(s), the nonconformity poses and include any recommendations to reduce or remove the risk of the problem recurring. NOTE: Reports of and source of nonconformities shall be dealt with in strict confidence.

Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects

Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director

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