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廣蒐美食伴手情報,一書在手快樂出遊! Practical picture guide makes sightseeing easy! Exciting theme tours to see the best of Miaoli! Great tips on dining and keepsakes make travel fun!


GPN : 1009802490


Backpacking through






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自助旅遊導覽手冊 Self-planning Guide


Backpacking through MIAOLI, TAIWAN - Self-planning Guide




Follow this easy guide to Miaoli, and let the diary of enjoyness begin

樂居山城 活力苗栗

跟著旅遊手冊自在走, 輕鬆漫遊苗栗的日記正式展開…

LOHAS Mountain Castle Dynamic Miaoli L EISURE. L IFE


苗栗縣政府 Miaoli County Government

台灣苗栗 自助旅遊導覽手冊 Self-planning Guide

Backpacking through






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縣長歡迎辭 Words from the County Magistrate

樂居山城 體驗在地風情 在台灣西部各縣市中,苗栗縣的秀麗山水與生態景 觀是最具特色的,為保有原有特色及持續發展,因此 苗栗縣以營造適合居住、提升居民生活品質、及都市 永續發展之理念為出發點,建構「樂居山城」為總願 景,以打造「健康、環保綠化、福利及人文的山城」 為發展目標,建構適合苗栗人居住的理想健康城市。 《苗栗好好玩-自助旅遊導覽手冊》內容涵蓋實用旅遊指南,從通關步驟到交 通搭乘,以及在地特色、民宿資訊都詳盡介紹。並將苗栗分為七大黃金旅遊主 題,以木雕農情、山水懷古、泡湯採果、靈山古勝、御風朝聖、濱海體驗、陶 窯名物等觀光主題介紹各鄉鎮,在縣府與地方的用心改變下,成為一處處令人 驚艷的觀光路線。誠摯邀請異國友人都能留下行旅的腳步,到這裡體驗苗栗在 地風情與文化之美。 苗栗縣縣長


The Hillside Town with the Best Local Experience Miaoli, the county with the best sceneries and the most ecology in western Taiwan, is dedicated to traditional customs and sustainable developments. We focus on creating a pleasant environment, enhancing living quality and sustaining urban developments. We want to be “a mountain City with the best lifestyle, coring on “health, green environment, social welfare, culture and humanity. This travel guide, “Fun Miaoli - Insider's Guide to Ultimate Trip Planning”, is designed for foreign visitors, with useful, practical contents. It even includes information on the 7 Golden Routes to See Miaoli. We invite everyone to stop-by and stayover to experience the beauty of Miaoli.

Miaoli County Magistrate

Liu Cheng-Hung

局長歡迎辭 Words from the Director-General

走訪苗栗 給您精彩週休假期 現代人工作繁忙,生活緊張忙碌,身心經常疲憊 不堪。但在忙碌之餘,也別了要出外走走,寄情於山 水,洗去塵世煩憂,為明日活力預作準備。 苗栗,一年四季豐富的觀光資源總是吸引許多遊 客,您可以於濱海鄉鎮享受海天一色、山水逍遙;或 到深山沉浸於芬多精的包圍,極目眺望山林原野,還可參訪廟宇追尋心靈的寧 靜…等。另外,多元文化也是苗栗旅遊特色,如木雕、陶藝、古剎、客家文 化、原住民風情等,親身接觸,了解豐富在地文化,體驗特色風情與自然之 美,感受苗栗鄉親的熱情! 誠摯邀請您來到處處都是桃花源的苗栗,留下行旅的足跡,並帶著滿滿的感 動回家。



Miaoli, the Best Weekend Getaway Modern hectic and fast-paced lifestyle often wears out the body and soul. When that happens, let nature take over, to help you unwind and recharge. Miaoli is the best getaway. Our natural resources span from ocean to mountain, religion to diverse arts, from Hakka culture to indigenous customs. And of course, there is our famous hospitality. We sincerely invite you to visit this land of wonders, and leave us your satisfied footprints.

International Culture and Tourism Bureau Miaoli County Government Director-General

Huang Ching Wen



02 縣長歡迎辭 03 局長歡迎辭

02 Words from the County Magistrate 03 Words from the Director-General

06 苗栗全縣地圖

06 Map of Miaoli County

08 Part I 認識苗栗-基本情報篇 08 Part I Introduction to Miaoli 10 旅遊苗栗Q&A

10 Frequently Asked Questions

14 Part II 親近苗栗初體驗

14 Part II Bonding with Miaoli

16 20 24 28 32

16 20 24 28

必嚐!無與倫比道地美食 必買!愛不釋手經典伴手 必遊!人文采風在地風情 必賞!纖柔雪白桐花美景 必玩!熱鬧繽紛節慶活動

Must Must Must Must Tung 32 Must

Try!Heavenly Local Cuisine Buy!Great Classic Gift Items Visit!Sightseeing like a Local See!A Vision of Snowy White Flowers Do!Festivities and Celebrations

36 Part III 苗栗七大主題之旅 38 46 54 64 74 80 86 94

木雕農情-大湖/三義/通霄 山水懷古-頭屋/造橋/苗栗市 泡湯採果-卓蘭/大湖/泰安 靈山古勝-三灣/獅潭/南庄/頭份 御風朝聖-竹南/後龍 濱海遊憩-通霄/苑裡 陶窯名物-公館/銅鑼/西湖 民宿資訊

106 Part IV 旅遊苗栗實用資訊 108 基本資訊 110 行前準備 117 苗栗交通指南速報

36 Part III Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli 38 46 54 64 74 80 86 94

Woodcarving and Rustic Country–Dahu, Sanyi, Tongsiao Scenic Wonders and Nostalgia–Touwu/Zaociao/Miaoli City Hot Springs and Fruit Orchards–Jhuolan/Dahu/Tai-an Famous Mountains and Ancient Sites–Sanwan/ Shihtan/ Nanjhuang/Toughen Fun and Blessings–Jhunan/Houlong Coastal Experience–Tongsiao/Yuanli All about Ceramics, Kilns and Artifacts–Gongguan/Tongluo/Sihu Information of homestay

106 Part IV Useful Information for Traveling to Miaoli 108 Basic Information 110 Before You Leave 117 Miaoli Transportation Guide

Part 1

認識苗栗 Get to Know Miaoli

苗栗基本情報 Introduction

歷史 History 依據考古研究發現,苗栗曾經是史前先民居住之地,當時,先民多住在河階台地處, 產業模式以農業為主,狩獵、漁獲為輔助。一千多年前原住民移入,十七世紀中葉漢人 內移,直到鄭成功來台,才開始計畫性開墾,經明永曆24年、清光緒13年的闢建,1950 年施行地方自治,苗栗的行政區域就此確立。 Archeological findings showed people living in Miaoli as early as the prehistoric era. About 1,000 years ago indigenous people began settlement. Han people migrated to the area in the 17th Century. Although the town development was initiated in the Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty added more constructionm, but it was the local self-government policy in 1950 that finally settled the administrative district to what is today.

地名由來 Origin of Name 原本是平埔道卡斯族貓裏社的所在地,最初的社名稱為「貓裏」,有「平原之鄉」的 意思,清乾隆12、13年,客家遷移至此屯墾,名為「貓里庄」,至光緒12年,始設置苗 栗縣,運用近音字而將「貓里」改名為「苗栗」,遂有後來「苗栗街」的出現。 The original settlers, Pingpu's Taokas Tribe, gave this area an aboriginal name "Bari". When the Hakkanese migrated-in, they renamed it “Miaoli Zhuang”. In the Qing Dynasty when Miaoli Country was created the name was changed to Miaoli, as it is today.

地理環境 Geographic Location 位於台灣中北部的苗栗,縣中心就在獅潭鄉的豐林村。全縣東西寬約64公里,南北長 約50公里,面積有1820.3149平方公里,縣內山脈較多,平原較少,有「山城」之稱,地 形大致可分為平原、台地、丘陵和山脈四種。 Miaoli, also the Mountain City, is in the north-central part of Taiwan. It is about sixty-four km in breadth and fifty km in length, measuring 1,820.3149 square km in total area. Terrain types are flatland, wold, tableland and mountain.

基本資訊一手掌握,暢遊苗栗通行無阻! One stop information, open access to Miaoli ! 前往苗栗縣旅遊,不妨先從苗栗的在地文化與歷史特色了解起,對旅遊 地多做一分行前準備,遊玩時就多一份盡興歡愉。 Before visiting Miaoli, learn about its local culture and history. The more you know about your destination, the more fun you will have.

人口 Population 西元2008年底統計,苗栗總人口560,903人,其中包括客家人63 %、閩南人31 %、賽 夏族和泰雅族1 %等多元族群,人口數共佔台灣總人口的2.6%,人口密度每平方公里308 人。沿海竹南、後龍、通霄、苑裡為閩南區;頭份、公館、銅鑼、三義等山線鄉鎮則屬 客籍人口聚集處;原住民則分布在泰安及南庄鄉。 Statistics showed Miaoli’ s population in 2008 was 560,903: 63% Hakkanese, 31% Minnan, 1% Saisiyat and 1% Atayal Tribesmen, accounted for 2.6% of Taiwan’ s total population. The population density was of 308 per sq km. Min reside in Jhunan, Houlong, Tongsiao and Yuanli; Hakkanese in Toufen, Gongguan, Tongluo and Sanyi; indigenous in Tai-an and Nanjhuang.

經濟概況 Economic Overview 最初於日治時期,苗栗主要經濟以糧食作物、茶葉、柑橘等農作為主,而在光復時期 過後,經過政府大力的推動經濟建設,進行大規模的計畫與輔導,當地的輕工業如木製 品、紡織、窯品、帽蓆等工業隨即紛紛興起,山線為水源保護區,海線為科學經貿園 區,也得以保存苗栗的好山好水。 Miaoli produced general agriculture - grain crops, tea and citrus fruits during the Japanese occupation. It switched to light industries such as wood production, kiln, bulrush production and textile after Taiwan Restoration, which flourished under the government’ s economic development plan. The mountain line is the water source protection area, and the coast line the science and industrial park area. These are the reasons why Miaoli’ s natural landscape remains unspoiled.

風土民情 Local Customs and Culture 本縣以客家人為主,富有濃厚的客家風情,為標準農鄉,由古至今的飲食以米飯、甘 藷為主食。服飾方面,「上穿大襟衫,下穿大襠褲」,顏色以藍、黑、白為主,表現其 質樸不浮華的個性;住宿部份,則以傳統三合院最多,又稱「伙 房」,伙房裡的住戶都是同一祖先的後代,相互扶持、共同開疆闢 土。 With the majority of population being Hakkanese, Miaoli is a farming town rich in Hakka customs. Rice and sweet potatoes are the main staples. Dress code is also the simple and unadorned Hakka tradition, “shirt and pants”, mainly blue, black and white in color. Housing is largely traditional san-ho-yuan (three-section compound), so the entire family can live together.

旅遊苗栗Q&A Frequently Asked Questions 賞玩苗栗必備資訊,聰明旅遊不可不知! General Information Every Visitor Must Know!


苗栗的氣候為何? What is the weather like in Miaoli?

境內氣候溫和,屬於熱帶季風氣候,每年的3月到10月為苗栗雨季,年雨量於山區達 2500公厘,平原亦有1200公厘;年平均溫度為攝氏20℃以上,春暖、夏熱、秋涼、冬 寒,四季氣候分明,各有不同風情,為受中央山脈屏障,冬季風雨較為穩定。 Miaoli exhibits mild, tropical monsoon climate. Rainy season is from Mar. to Oct. Annual rainfall is 1,200mm ~ 2,500mm. Average temperature is above 20℃. The seasons are distinct. Due to its geographic location, wind and rain are less prominent in winter.


以何種語言為主? What is the main language?

苗栗全縣雖以客家人佔最多總人口數,不過由於觀光遊客大量湧入,以及世代失傳等 影響,大部分的居民仍以國語為主要語言,另外像是客家語、閩南語等亦算普遍,部分 觀光區以及飯店、民宿等,視各家情況不同,可通英、日等外國語。 In spite of having the largest Hakka population in the county, the primary language in Miaoli is still Mandarin Chinese. Dialects such as Hakkanese and Taiwanese are common too. Foreign languages i.e. English and Japanese are used in certain tourist spots, hotels and homestays.


需要帶變壓器嗎? Do I need to bring a voltage converter?

一般家電器具、3C用品的電壓都為110V或220V,頻率60Hz,插孔為扁平雙插頭,遊客 出發前需確認攜帶的電器電壓、頻率是否相同,如有不同,需自行攜帶電壓轉換器,部 分住宿飯店提供有免費的電壓轉換 器供遊客使用,外國旅客在訂房前 可事先詢問飯店是否提供。 Electricity used on household appliances and 3C products is either 110V or 220V, alternating at 60Hz per second. Power outlets accept the flat blade plug. Tourists should inquire prior to travel, as not all hotels have those items available free of charge for guests.


Part 1


認識苗栗 Introduction to Miaoli

有什麼特殊飲食習慣? Are there special foods or dining customs?

人口以客家族群為重的苗栗,在飲食發展上多為迎合客家口味的風味料理,其中,重 「鹹」、「肥」、「香」是客家美食文化的三大特色,另外像是精緻發展的多元客家糕 餅、小吃、醬菜等食品,以及以特色農產品入菜的風味餐,都是遊客至此不得錯過的好 選擇。 With its heavy Hakka concentration, the cooking style is largely Hakkanese - salty, fatty and distinctively aromatic. The many Hakkanese pastries, snacks and pickled vegetables as well as dishes made with farm products are excellent food choices visitors must try.


哪裡可以上網? Where can I go to get online?

苗栗縣政府、木雕博物館、竹南科學園區均提供有上網服務,另外像是肯德基、麥當 勞等速食連鎖店,以及部分飯店、民宿亦提供有免費、付費上網的服務,有需要的旅客 建議在訂房前可事先詢問飯店是否提供。 Internet service is available at the Miaoli County Government, Wood Sculpture Museum and ChuNan Science Park. Free/paid Internet is available at fast food restaurants and coffee chains such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’ s and Starbucks. Not all hotels and homestays offer this service. Travelers are advised to inquire prior to making a reservation. 11


泡溫泉有何安全須知? What are the tips and warnings to enjoy a hot spring dip?

泡湯之前必須先做暖身,以免溫度太高導致身體適應不良,溫泉的溫度以38~42℃為 佳,入池前可先伸手試試水溫,再將身體局部淋濕,待身體適應水溫後再進入溫泉池。 泉水浸泡高度不宜超過心臟,浸泡時間每次不可超過15分鐘,時間到時可先站起來休 息一會、喝水補充後再繼續泡,每天以三次為限,如患有傳染疾病請勿進入大眾浴池泡 湯,另外像是孕婦、身體不適者,或是喝完酒、吃飽飯、空腹、劇烈運動後、熬夜、睡 眠不足,都不適合泡溫泉,遊客可依泉質的不同,選擇適合的清潔品、泡湯小物助興。 A warm-up is necessary to adjust your body to the high water temperature, between 38~42℃. First dip your hand in the water to check for the temperature, then splash a portion of your body wet with the hot water. Enter the pool only after your body has adjusted. You should dip only to breast high, and limit to no more than 15 minutes each time. Leave the pool to rest a while when that time is up, and drink plenty of water. If you wish, go back in. Limit dipping to no more than three separate times a day. Those with infectious diseases are prohibited from going to the public pool. Expectant mothers and patients with illnesses should not dip. Do not dip after drinking alcohol, empty stomach, full, sleepless, tired or strenuous exercise, as those acts could result in serious medical conditions.


鄉鎮各具哪些特色? Where are the most famous tourist destinations?

苗栗縣境內劃分為18鄉鎮,各鄉鎮各有其不一樣的獨特之處,依其歷史、文化、產業 不同,分別呈現不同風采,像是遠近馳名的南庄以懷舊的老街文化最為人熟知,每到假 日,南庄老街總擠滿了水洩不通的人潮,在街上聊天漫步,品嚐特色小吃,享受桂花巷 的淳樸風情。三義盛產木雕藝品,走進遠近馳名的木雕街,兩旁琳瑯滿目的木雕藝品店 特別吸睛,挑選幾樣喜歡的帶回家,或是動手木雕DIY也不賴。大湖鄉出產的草莓香甜可 口,每年盛產的時節一到,總吸引許多遊客到這裡現採現吃,體驗採果趣。泰安是泡溫 泉的首選地,溫潤的泉質幫助身心放鬆紓壓。公館鄉遍植的紅棗作物品質最好,將紅棗 入菜,新鮮養生的口感滋味一絕。卓蘭鎮有「水果之鄉」的美稱,可口的四季水果飽滿 鮮甜。苑裡盛產的藺草、好吃的灣麗米,還有獅潭Shihtan的桂竹筍農特產……等。不同 鄉鎮都各有不一樣的迷人特色。 Miaoli County is divided into 18 townships, each with its own uniqueness. each distinctive due to their different historic, cultural and industrial backgrounds. For example the widely-famous Nanjhuang is known for its rustic, nostalgia-filled old street, the Sweet Osmanthus Alley, which is always packed with people, chatting, strolling and enjoying tasty treats on weekends and holidays. Sanyi is the home of wood sculptures and artworks, when one sets foot onto the legendary Wood Sculpture Street, the stores on both sides rich in assortments of extraordinary wood works are so appealing, one could not resist but to take a few favorite pieces home. A little DIY carve-your-ownwood is fun too. Dahu is reputed for the sweetest strawberries; each year when the strawberries come into season, tourists come in grooves to pick the berries, eat them fresh on site and all together have a great time. Tai-an is the top choice for hot springs, for the water quality in this township is mild and nourishing, perfect to sooth the mind and relaxes the body. Gongguan produces the finest red dates; the crops found everywhere in this township are used as ingredients in delicious health-giving meals. Jhuolan, the “kingdom of fruits”, produces the sweetest, juiciest, best quality fruits all year round. Yuanli is the leading name for rush and the savory Wanli rice. Also Shihtan’s Gui bamboo shoots and other farm products. the feature crop of the township. The townships might be different, but all are special in their respective charms and appeals. 12

Part 1


認識苗栗 Introduction to Miaoli

全縣大眾交通方式為何? Are there public transports in Miaoli? 居民多以摩托車、汽車為主要交通工具,遊客至 此可仰賴火車、苗栗客運、新竹客運、計程車等大 眾交通工具,惟大部分客運班次時間間距較長,所 以建議若於苗栗境內移動,先查詢相關時刻,還是 以租借摩托車、汽車,或是搭乘計程車會較為方 便,時間掌控也能較為精確。 Visitors may take public transportations such as the train, Miaoli Passenger Bus, Hsinchu Passenger Bus or hire a taxicab to get around. However as the Passenger Buses don’ t make frequent runs, one should first inquire and confirm the time schedules for the buses when traveling about inside Miaoli. It’ s best to rent a scooter or a car, or take a taxi for better control of your time.


有哪些外國貨幣兌換處? Where can I go to exchange currency?

建議旅客抵達台灣國際桃園機場時,可在機 場內的各家銀行櫃檯先兌換貨幣,機場各家銀 行營業時間皆為6:00~23:10,苗栗當地無提 供貨幣兌換的小店,如需兌換需至有辦理外匯 銀行詢問辦理,各銀行營業時間為週一至週五 9:00~15:30。可兌換幣別有美金、港幣、英 鎊、澳幣、加拿大幣、新加坡幣、瑞士法郎、 日幣、紐元、泰幣、印尼幣、歐元、韓元、馬 來西亞幣、瑞典幣、菲律賓比索、越南盾、人 民幣。台灣的貨幣使用為2000元、1000元、 500、100元紙鈔,50元、10元、5元、1元硬 幣。 Tourists are advised to check with the various bank counters inside the Taoyuan International Airport upon their arrival about converting currencies first. The bank counters at the airport are opened 6:00 ~ 23:10 across-the-board. Miaoli does not have any exchanger sites. When necessary please inquire at a bank with the designation“authorized foreign exchange bank”. Those "authorized foreign exchange banks" are opened from 9:00 ~ 15:30 Monday to Friday, and they offer exchanges on the following currency types: USD, HKD, GBP, AUD, CAD, SGD, CHF, JPY, NZD, THB, IDR, EURO, KRW, MYR, SEK, PHP, VND and RMB. Taiwan banknotes in circulation are NT$ 2,000, $ 1,000, $ 500, and $ 100; coins $ 50, $ 10, $ 5 and $ 1.


可以使用旅行支票嗎? Are traveler’s checks accepted?

苗栗目前使用旅行支票的風氣尚不盛行,縣內仍多以現金、信用卡交易為主,鄉間小 店大多僅提供現金交易,建議旅客於出發前最好能攜帶足夠的貨幣,以免為兌換貨幣而 四處奔波,不得其所。 Traveler’ s checks are not accepted in Miaoli. Transactions are mostly conducted in cash or credit cards, and stores in rural areas only accept cash. 13

P.16 必嚐!

無與倫比道地美食 Must-Try! Heavenly Local Cuisine

P.20 必買!

愛不釋手經典伴手 Must Buy! Great Classic Gift Items

P.24 必遊!

人文采風在地風情 Must Visit! Sightseeing like a Local

P.28 必賞!

雪白繽紛桐花美景 Must See! A Vision of Snowy White Tung Blossom

P.32 必玩!

熱鬧繽紛節慶活動 Must Do! Festivities and Celebrations

Part 2

親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli 吃喝玩樂一網打盡 Everything in One Place 好吃的苗栗美食、經典必買的伴手禮,還有療癒身心的自然美景,以 及歷史悠久的熱鬧節慶祭典,帶一顆悠閒的心,在四季繽紛的日子裡 賞玩苗栗。 Delicious specialty foods, must-buy souvenirs, therapeutic natural sceneries, historic festivals, are just a few delightf ul reasons to visit Miaoli any season of the year.

如果是第一次到苗栗玩,別緊張,各式別出心裁的經典伴手禮,還有數不清的自然 風光、人文景點,一定能讓你滿載而歸;倘若已經來過苗栗數次,別擔心,這裡的道 地小吃、客家美味、以果入菜的風味餐,還有如白雪紛飛的浪漫桐花,熱鬧非凡的精 采節慶活動,玩過幾次也不會膩。 無論想要輕鬆的走馬看花,或是進行一趟探索心靈的深度旅行,買東西、吃東西、 賞風景、遊勝地、玩節慶,最內行的玩家之旅,歡迎一起到苗栗體驗多樣人文風情, 享受生活! First time visitors, get ready for the creative keepsakes, natural sceneries, and historic and human-interest destinations. Repeat visitors, let’ s go for another round of some real good food, revisit the romantic, snowy white Tung Blossoms, or join-in the festive celebrations. There are always fun things to do here, be it touristy or soul searching, or shopping, dining, sightseeing, or festivities. Miaoli, this is where insiders go to recharge and to enjoy life!


無與倫比道地美食 Heavenly Local Cuisine 特色料理吮指回味 Finger-licking Tastes and Flavors 一道道私房手藝烹調出的美饌珍饈,一盤盤色香味俱全的創意在地料理,利用苗 栗當地特產的精選食材,讓嚐過的饕客垂涎三尺,回味無窮。 Mouthwatering specialties and aromatic entrees prepared using the finest, freshest, inseason ingredients grown locally; food so good gourmands can never get enough.


客家點心 Hakkanese Snacks

以豬大骨熬成湯底的鮮甜豬頭肉 湯、皮滑肉嫩的水晶餃、香Q彈牙的 粄條,以油蔥及韭菜入味為特色, 吃來別有風味;動手研磨沖泡濃稠 飄香的擂茶,還有在以往重大節慶 時才吃得到彈力十足的粢粑(麻糬), 或水粄最是不可或缺的客家代表性 美食。 Hakkanese specialties such as slowcooked pork soup, crystal dumplings, bantiao (flat rice-noodles), leicha (grounded tea) and mochi (sticky rice balls with filling) are must tries.

區域分布:苗栗全縣18鄉鎮 Region of distribution: throughout the entire 18 townships inside Miaoli County


區域分布:苗栗全縣18鄉鎮 Region of distribution: throughout the entire 18 townships inside Miaoli County


客家料理 Hakkanese Cuisine

客家菜多以煮、炒、煎、燜烹調而成,其中以 四炆四炒最為經典。「炆」意指用鍋悶煮,包括 了酸菜炆豬肚、排骨炆菜頭、炆控肉、炆筍乾, 「炒」為以大火快炒,薑絲炒大腸、客家小炒、 豆皮炒芹菜、鳳梨木耳炒豬肺四道納入其中,客 家人招待客人的八道重點菜色,非嚐不可。 Hakkanese dishes are mainly boiled, stir-fried, crispy-fried or braised. The must-tries are four braised dishes and four stir-fried dishes. The braised dishes (pot stews) are braised pork tripe with pickled cabbage, braised turnip with pork, braised pork, and braised dried bamboo shoots. The four stirred ones are stir-fried pig intestine, Hakkanese stir-fry, stirfried celery with tofu skin, and stir-fried pineapples, mushroom with pig lungs.

Part 2


親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli

紅棗料理 Cooking with Red Dates

公館鄉是全台唯一紅棗栽植區,紅棗是中國草藥的一種,能補氣養血又物美價廉,是 很好的營養品。鄉內約有六十公頃的紅棗栽種地,店家推出許多以紅棗入菜的養生料理 ,舉凡紅棗飯、紅棗雞湯、紅棗 冰淇淋等,有了紅棗點綴提味, 每道菜不僅滋補養顏,滋味更是 獨到。 Gongguan is the only township dedicated to growing red dates in Taiwan, a crop that is inexpensive but highly nutritious with medicinal properties. Many places do cooking with red dates, from red date rice to red date chicken soup to red date ice cream.

區域分布:公館 Region of distribution: Gongguan


草莓料理 Strawberry Cuisine

大湖鄉為草莓的盛產地,許多店家 皆特製各式各樣的草莓料理,無論是 甜的草莓糕點、草莓冰,還是又甜又 鹹的檸檬草莓雞、草莓香腸,隨著每 間餐廳的創意不同,研發出不一樣的 草莓餐,新鮮草莓現採現做的酸甜滋 味,令許多老饕一嚐就上癮。 Dahu Township is famous for its strawberries. Many local restaurants offer these fresh sweet fruits in forms of pastries and ice, as well as in creative meals such as strawberry chicken with lemongrass, strawberry sausage, strawberry pasta, strawberry shrimp balls, etc., dishes so good and so fresh you'll never get enough.

區域分布:大湖 Region of distribution: Dahu



在地海味 Local Seafood

在漁港吃現撈的鮮活海產最是暢 快!竹南龍鳳漁港有大量的手釣 花枝、烏魚、鯛類、鰤類,後龍 外埔漁港的白口、魬仔、烏魚 各有品嚐的好時機,而蝦蟹、 帶魚則以苑裡漁港最為新鮮, 另外像是通霄、苑港、公司寮等 小型漁港,同樣也有許多海味值 得大快朵頤。 There is nothing better than eating seafood at the port where they are caught! Jhunan’s Longfeng Port is known for squids, mullets, snappers and hamachis. Waipu Fishing Port is the place for white croaker and bonito. Yuanli Port is for crabs and yadai fish, to name just a few. 區域分布:沿海鄉鎮如竹南、後龍、通霄、苑裡 Region of distribution: coastal townships, Jhunan, Houlong, Tongsiao, Yuanli


區域分布:三灣、獅潭 Region of distribution: Sanwan, Shihtan


風味茶餐 Tea Cuisine

三灣鄉的風味茶餐特地將茶融入客家 料理中,利用東方美人茶、烏龍茶、綠 茶等茶葉,做出茶凍雞、發糕、湯圓等 好吃又少見的獨家美味。顛覆傳統飯後 喝茶的模式,直接將各種品種的茶葉熬 煮入菜,每一口都聞得到清清淡淡的回 甘茶香,在喉頭久久縈繞不去。 Sanwan Township infuses Oolong and Oriental Beauty and Green tea brews directly into Hakkanese courses such as chicken in tea aspic, cakes and rice balls. The aroma of tea bursts in you mouth with every bite and leaves you with a refreshing clean finish.

Part 2


親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli

木炭風味餐 Charcoal Cuisine

舊時以燒製木炭為業的造橋鄉,將木炭 改良入菜的技術讓人驚艷,炭晶蛋捲、 鮮奶炭晶饅頭、木炭麵、木炭咖啡、南 瓜木炭餐、養生炭牛舌餅等,多種令 人大開眼界的黑炭料理,雖有著要人 退避三舍的黑抹抹外表,但每道餐點 裡頭,卻藏著你未曾吃過的獨特滋味。 Zaociao Township, where charcoal was once its main industry, has originated stunning arrays of yummy dishes cooked using charcoal, such as charcoal egg rolls, charcoal buns, charcoal noodles, charcoal coffee, charcoal pumpkin, and charcoal ox tongueshaped biscuits. 區域分布:造橋 Region of distribution: Zaociao


創意水果料理 Creative Fruit Cuisine

卓蘭、大湖、三灣盛產水果,當地農園除了提供遊客採 果,另也推出多道水果餐飲,將汁多甜美的水梨加上牛肉 一起燉煮,這道水梨燉牛肉擁有水梨的清甜和牛肉的 鮮嫩;在餃子皮裡放上番茄和起司,入鍋油炸後 淋上蜂蜜桂花醬,這盤餃炸番茄酸甜味美,還 有桔汁雞腿飯、和風水梨雞肉捲等,道道甜 蜜順口。 Townships Jhuolan and Dahu, Sanwan are not only packed with pick-yourself fruit orchards, they offer the best cooking with fruits too, such as beef stew with fresh pears, fried tomato and cheese dumplings in honey and Osmanthus sauce, chicken drumstick in citrus sauce, and pear chicken roll. 區域分布:卓蘭、大湖、三灣 Region of distribution: Jhuolan, Dahu, Sanwan


必買!Must Buy!

愛不釋手經典伴手 Great Classic Gift Items 苗栗限定紀念商品 Keepsakes Exclusive to Miaoli 到苗栗一遊,多樣經典伴手禮非買不可!苗栗限定的特色禮品獨特別緻,無論是有名 的木雕、桐花藝品,還是口味一絕的客家美食,樣樣引人注目,讓人想統統收藏! When you visit Miaoli, don’t go home empty-handed. Take with you a few of local keepsakes such as woodcarving products and Tung flower artworks, and tasty Hakkanese snacks.


桐花紀念品 Tung Blossom Souvenirs

如果你情鍾桐花,不妨挑選精緻的桐花紀念品帶回家吧!滿溢甜 甜果香的桐花戀人果凍、細緻高貴的桐花珠寶、清爽順口的桐花 餅、色澤晶透的精油桐花皂、美麗獨特的桐花藍染、富有詩意的桐 花杯等,讓桐花四季都伴隨身旁。 If you’ ve fallen for the Tung Blossom, why not take along a little of these pristine beauties with you, in the form of an exquisite gift or a keepsake such as Tung jelly, Tung cake, Tung essence soap, blue Tung dye, or a Tung mug, to keep you company all year round!


客家米食 Hakkanese Rice Food

先將糯米蒸熟,再以黑糖翻炒,接著加上龍眼干、芋頭等佐料,香軟的黑糖米糕讓人 忍不住要咬上一口,而以糯米和在萊米磨漿、搓揉,再以艾草蒸煮,綠色艾草粄是客家 人祭祖的必備品,含有趨吉避凶的功效,另外像是抹茶粄、客家手工麻糬等,都是平日 解饞小點。 First steam to cook the sweet rice, then mix-in brown sugar and ingredients such as dried longan and taro, this is how you make sweet and moist brown sugar rice cake! If green moxa is added, then the rice cake becomes an auspicious item essential in Hakkanese ancestral worship ritual. Tea rice cake and Hakkanese mochi are also excellent choices.


Part 2


親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli

客家醬菜 Hakkanese Pickled Vegetables

以醃漬為主的客家醬菜美味不容小覷。蒜蓉辣椒、嫩薑蔴、油蔥酥、糙米豆腐乳、辣 丁香、金勾辣椒等一系列醬菜應有盡有,用發酵釀造的方式,運用時間的蘊釀法,讓食 材以最天然的方式慢慢浸泡入味,不需要太多的佐料,光配白飯就很開胃。 Aside from the tantalizing Hakkanese cuisine, Hakkanese pickled vegetables tend to trigger big appetites too. Choices from garlic chili peppers to young ginger to deep-fried scallions, brown rice bean curds and spicy anchovies, all made by the most natural, time-tested ways.


草莓產品 Strawberry Products

將產地直送、最新鮮的當季酸甜草莓加工製造, 從草莓醬、草莓餅乾、草莓醋、草莓泡芙到色彩亮麗 的各種草苺糖、草莓冰,發揮創意,將草莓的利用發揮的淋漓 盡致,要人沉溺於浪漫的草莓香中無可自拔,愛不釋手, 是喜愛草莓的遊客必買的紀念物。 Goodies made using the freshest, in-season, producer-direct strawberries include strawberry wine, strawberry jelly, strawberry biscuits, strawberry vinegar, strawberry puffs and varieties of strawberry confectionaries and ices, are colorful and fun souvenirs strawberry lovers must buy.



農產品 Agricultural Products

各鄉鎮的特色農產品當然不可不買,苑裡出 產的灣麗米、獅潭盛產的桂竹筍、公館出名 的福菜、紅棗,還有水果重鎮卓蘭的葡萄、 水梨,西湖的冰薯,每一樣都是當地農民辛勤 栽植所收成而來,在這些天然的農產品,最能吃 的到純樸香甜的自然原味。 How can you miss taking home local specialty-farming products such as rice from Yuanli, bamboo shoots from Shitan, pickled mustard and red dates from Gongguan, or grapes and pears from Jhuolan, or iced sweet potatoes from Sihu, all local grown and local produced; the finest nature has to offer.


藺草產品 Triangle Rush Products

素有「藺草之鄉」美譽的苑裡鎮,最有名的手工藝品非藺草產 品莫屬。藉由精湛的手藝,將一根根的藺草環繞編織,做成各種 草帽、手提包、草蓆、椅墊、名片夾等日常生活用品,這些藺草 藝品除了實用、有特色,還不時散發有藺草特有的味道。 Yuanli Township, “Home of Rush”, is famous for its delicate, sophisticated living-art handicrafts made from the aromatic bulrush, such as hats, handbags, mats, seat cushions, and even name card holders.


木雕製品 Woodcarving Products

到三義一遊,別忘了帶件木雕藝術品回家!三義地區林立有許 多提供遊客木雕藝術品DIY活動的店家,其中像是ㄧㄚ箱寶和札木 工坊,兩家即各以鴨子和音樂木偶的木頭DIY為招牌活動,若是不想提著厚 重的大型木雕品回家,購買自製的木雕小紀念品也是個好選擇。 One is bound to want to take home a piece of intricate, lifelike wood product hand-carved by master carvers when visiting Sanyi, and be amazed by the many shops offering DIY activities. The following two are best known for their wooden ducks and music puppets respectively.


特色糕點 Specialty Pastry

研發至今已經有百年歷史的肚臍餅,具有相當討喜的小巧 造型,烘焙時,內餡會自然流出,外型十分可愛,外皮輕 薄酥軟,餡料甜而不膩,含有不摻油、少糖的養生特色,還 有融入在地文化、富特色的木雕餅、龍騰斷橋餅等,都是熱門 伴手禮。 The dainty cute Duqi Cake (belly-button cake) that’ s been around for one hundred years is light crusted and has fillings flowing-out naturally during baking. It is sweet tasting but not greasy, and is low in sugar but highly nutritional. This cake along with cultural-rich Edible Wood and Longteng Broken Bridge Cake are the most popular gift items. 22

Part 2

親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli

伴手禮好店推薦 Agricultural Products 分類Categories 鄉鎮Township

店名Store Name


桐花紀念品 Tung Blossom Souvenirs

西湖鄉Sihu 三義鄉Sanyi

陶藝協會The Ceramic Arts Association of Miaoli County 五穀文化村Wuguu Cultural Village 代比爾珠寶有限公司Debeer Jewelry Co. 清窯Ching Kiln 春田窯Chuntianyao Ceramic Leisure Garden 卓也小屋Joye Cottage 集元裕Ji Yuan Yu 桐花戀人Tung Blossom Lovers 桐花村Hakka Lifestyle 台灣漆器Taiwan Lacquer Art 陶色工坊Pottery Workshop 彙古陶邑Pottery Workshop 廣興窯Guangxing Kiln 天春窯業工廠Tianchun Kiln Factory 竹南鎮手工業生產合作社 紅璃坊Kuo Tai Glass 金良興窯業Jin Lian Shing Brick Co. 華陶窯Hwataoyao 火炭谷Huotan Valley 木頭窯Mutouyao 力馬生活工坊Lima Workshop 金龍窯Golden Dragon Kiln 九鼎軒Jieu Ding Shuan

(037)320-860 (037)234-805 (037)361-182 (037)370-058 (037)877-820 (037)879-198 (037)878966 ((037)875-568 (037)879-908 (037)222-301 (037)236-224 (037)728-329 (037)621-869 (037)624-577 (037)584-578~9 (037)622-303 (037)741-507 (037)740-948*31 (037)540-039 (037)541-930 (037)542-328 (037)911-555 (037)875-366


勝興客棧Shengsing Inn



阿煥伯Lu Chu Keng Leisure Farm 郭家莊Kuo Jia Zhuang 大湖酒莊Dahu Wineland Resort

(037)225-291 (037)321-804 (037)994-986

素手浣花Su Shou Wan Hua 三義鄉農會Farmers' Association of Sanyi Township 來食茶打嘴鼓Lai Shi Cha Da Zui Gu 英記奶坊Ying Ji Dairy Shop 園林春生活館Yuan Lin Village 山水米Sunsuivi Organic Rice 稻鴨庄Duck Field Rice 三鈴竹材加工廠Sanling Bamboo Processing Factory 山中傳奇The Legend of Mountain (Shanjhong Chuan Ci 東華樟腦廠Tunghua Camphor Factory 碧多妮Bmori Silk 西湖鄉農會 Farmers' Association of Sihu Township 藺草文化館Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall

(037)873-956 (037)873-493 (037)832-645 (037)543-753 (037)598-882 (037)743-616 (037)742-563 (037)561-688 (037)870-818 (037)987-899 (037)222-359 (037)921-715*22

三義ㄚ箱寶San-Yi Duck Factory 山板樵Shanbangiao Facial Mask Culture Hall 札木工坊Zhamu Workshop 世奇精緻餅店Shi-Chi Art Cake 鹿廚坑休閒農莊Lu Chu Keng Leisure Farm 金栗城卡通蛋糕專賣店 客農知香Kehnong Delicious Rice Food 錦香餅舖Jixiang Pastry Shop

(037)872-076 (037)875-766 (037)872-274 (037)874-988 (037)620-178 (037)333-982 (037)984-989 (037)985-596

苗栗縣Miaoli County

苗栗市Miaoli City 三義鄉Sanyi

公館鄉Gongguan 通霄鎮Tongsiao

竹南鎮Jhunan 苑裡鎮Yuanli 造橋鄉Zaociao

客家米食 Hakkanese Rice Food 客家醬菜 Hakkanese Pickled Vegetables 草莓產品 Strawberry Products 農產品 Agricultural Products


三義鄉Sanyi 三灣鄉Sanwan 頭份鎮Toufen 苑裡鎮Yuanli 造橋鄉Zaociao 銅鑼鄉Tongluo

西湖鄉Sihu 藺草產品 TriangleRush Products 木雕製品 Woodcarving Products



特色糕點 三義鄉Sanyi Specialty pastry 頭份鎮Toufen 苗栗縣Miaoli County 銅鑼鄉Tongluo


資料來源:行政院客家委員會網站 Hakka Council Global Website, Excutive Yuan


必遊!Must Visit!

人文采風在地風情 Sightseeing like a Local 傳統文化道地風俗 Traditional Culture, Authentic Customs 苗栗縣具有精采豐富的人文色彩,從聞名的木雕產業、富饒的休閒農業、經典農村風 光到亮麗懷古兼具的溫暖南庄,不一樣的風情提供同樣親切的在地人情。 Miaoli is eager to show visitors its multi-faceted charms from woodcarving industry to leisure farms, country villages to nostalgic old streets, each and every a pleasure guests will enjoy.



木雕街 Wood Sculpturing Street

傳統產業轉型觀光 Revival of a Traditional industry 提到三義,一定要介紹的地方非木雕街莫屬。清朝後期至日據時代的三義,是生產樟 腦的重要鄉鎮,經過砍伐,山林間遍佈大量的樟樹頭,經長期自然風化的樹木漸漸形成 各種特殊樣貌,具有禪意十足的韻味,進而被拿來當做居家擺飾,一直到光復後遂開始 了外銷美日的木雕產業,當地的居民開始學習著手加工,將木頭雕製成各種匠心獨具的 藝品,深受外界所喜愛。在這樣的歷史背景之下,三義木雕街的成立具有歷史流傳的文 化意涵,琳瑯滿目的木雕藝品店分布在木雕館過後至交流道附近的台13線上,還有展 示許多珍藏的木雕博物館,無處不展現出老師傅的好手藝,以及木雕藝術的偉大價值, 更是遊客到三義必定駐足參觀的地方,加上政府逐年舉辦的木雕藝術節、木雕博覽會、 木雕嘉年華,投入木雕文化推廣保存的行列,讓三義木雕街不但是小鎮上的歷史文化指 標,也是向國際推銷三義觀光的重要地標。 Whenever Sanyi is mentioned, one must hear about the Wood Sculpturing Street. Sanyi was a big camphor-producing town from Qing Dynasty through the Japanese occupation and had its hilltops planted with large quantities of camphor trees. As time passed and natural weathering occurred, these trees took on distinct appearances and Zen-like shapes, and were brought indoors as household decorations. After Restoration exporting of wood carvings to the US and Japan began, and the locals started to learn about processing woods into crafty art works; a practice that gained tremendous popularity. With this rich chronicle background the Sanyi Sculpturing Street was built with historic and cultural significances. The shops filled with wooden items crafted in truly astonishing artistry behind the Wood Sculpture Museum and nearby the Provincial Highway No. 13 interchange and the Museum’s vast collection, all attested to the master-carvers incredible skills and the extraordinary value of the wood carving art. This street has become a must-see attraction for any tourist visiting Sanyi. The local government too, joined-in with events such as Woodcarving Art Festival, Woodcarving Expo, and Woodcarving Carnival in recent years, and has dedicated huge efforts to its preservation and revival. Sanyi’ s Wood Sculpturing Street is not only the town’ s historic, cultural landmark, it is an important marker promoting Sanyi tourism onto the world stage as well. 24

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親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli

130休閒農業路線 Leisure Farms on Route 130

觀星採果趣味十足 Gateway to a Basket of Flavors and Fun 發展休閒農業十分成功的薑麻園農業休閒園區,即位於三義往大湖的苗130縣道上,曾 獲2007十大經典農村獎項,當早晨雲霧繚繞、幻彩雲海現身,薑麻園區精采的一天就此 展開。昔日此區因為種植有許多美味的生薑,客語的生薑發音極似「薑麻」,於是便命 名為薑麻園農業休閒園區,種植的蔬果以品種繁多的桃、李為主,包括水蜜桃、甜桃、 桃接李、紅肉李等,另外也盛產草莓、柑橘、高接梨等果類,四周還林立著許多景觀咖 啡廳、果園民宿,白晝俯瞰壯闊的鄉鎮美景和雲海,漫步關刀山上的出關古道間,參拜 園區最高點的聖衡宮,到了夜晚,在咖啡香中仰望滿天星語閃閃,享受人生難得的快活 悠閒。 The Jiangmayuan Recreational Farming Zone, situated on Miaoli County Route 130 going from Sanyi to Dahu, named one of the Top-10 Rural Villages 2007, is a stretch of fertile land packed with tourism fruit orchards and ginger farms, where peaches and plums and strawberries and citrus and pears are grown, and the best cuisine made with fruits are served, and exceptional ginger products are found. The backdrops are considered among Miaoli County’s most famous, the Chuguan Historic Trail - a newly restored century-old footpath on the scenic Guandao Mountain, and the towering Shengheng Temple. Can you imagine how pleasant life would be sipping coffee under a blanket of stars at night here?




Tongsiao Fujhih Singlin Community

農村小鎮樂活無比 Joy of Country Living 同樣獲選2007十大經典農村殊榮的通霄鎮福至 興臨社區,是全國獨一無二的青年酪農村。福至興 臨社區以「金果」和「乳香」為區內的招牌特色, 每到柿子、茂谷柑成熟的季節,山間形成一片數 大的金色果海,還有紛紛成立的觀光型牧場,以 農、牧交織成社區內的生活觀光機能,春天的花海 獲得2009年評比第一名,部分農場還能眺望美麗 的通霄海岸,金色果海、乳香飄飄還有蔚藍色的海 岸,社區經典特色魅力十足,隨處可見的溪間魚 蝦、螢火蟲和五色鳥等豐富的動植物生態,四處林 立的農場、生態園區、咖啡館、藝術工作室,田園 鄉間的自然美景是福至興臨的待客饗宴。福至興臨 社區發展協會:(037)783-480,www.wretch.cc/blog/ fulifarm99 Tongsiao’s Fujhih Singlin Community, another recipient of the Top-10 Rural Villages 2007 award, is the nation’s one-and-only Youth Dairy Farm. The residents are mostly farmers who cherish nature and the rustic ways of country living. This attractive community is a dazzling goldenhued vista when the persimmons and honey tangerines are ripe, and the air delightfully milkfish with its many tourism dairy ranches. Visitors are also rewarded with its abundant wildlife and ecology, coffee shops, art studios, and broad pastures. Fujhih Singlin Community Development Association: (037)783-480, HYPERLINK "http://www.wretch.cc/blog/fulifarm99" www.wretch.cc/blog/fulifarm99


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Nanjhuang Nanjhuang Historic Street

客式街景往昔記憶 Nostalgic Hakkanese Street Scenes 南庄鄉早年受惠於煤礦產業的開發,市街繁榮,不但有四家戲院,還有二十幾家的酒家和茶 室,盛況誘人;住民以客家、賽夏、泰雅三個族群為主,閩南人很少,建築風格都是原客混 居,民風純樸保守。老街中還有一個特殊景點「水汴頭洗衫坑」,利用水圳搭建的洗衣地鋪有 十多塊洗衣石板,是早期婦女洗衣、話家常的地方,而創於西元1923年的南庄郵局,日式風的 外觀建築在純樸的老街中格外顯眼,主體以側面當正門的設計頗具特色,吸引了許多遊客拍照 留念。 Nanjhuang gained its prosperity from the coal industry back in the olden days. This wholesome township is an eclectic mix of aboriginal and Hakka architectures. Must-visit places include the Nanjhuang Historic Street, for a trip down memorial lane; the Sweet Osmanthus Alley, a roughly 2-meters wide lane paved with nostalgic red bricks and full of tasty eateries and famous retail shops; the Ashinig Pit of Shieubiantou, a place where villagers used to wash their clothes on stone slabs put up at the irrigation canal; and the old post office that was built in 1923.


必賞!Must See!

纖柔雪白桐花美景 A Vision of Snowy White Tung Blossom Trail 浪漫遊五月桐花雪 Romance of May Snow 在每年的4、5月間,滿山遍野的雪白桐花,數大的壯觀景色,每每讓到訪的遊客流 連忘返。 由於桐花分布在山區,交通較不方便,於桐花祭活動期間,僅三義火車站前 設有付費觀光巴士,其他區域建議搭計程車前往。Hills and fields are splendid under a snowy blanket of Tung flowers every April~May. The Tung flowers are widely disbursed amid the mountains and are less accessible, only Sanyi has tourist buses available at front of the Sanyi Train Station during the Festival season for a fee. Visitors intending to see the flowers in all other areas are recommended to proceed by taxi.

苗栗市 Miaoli City

西角坪山賞桐步道 Tung Blossom Trail in Xijiaopinshan

市郊山間玩桐勝地 Tung’s Mid-Town Playground 西角坪山是距離市區最近的賞桐地點,遊客可 以先到有小瑞士之稱的盛隆牧場散步,再到杜石 地一號花園農莊喝咖啡,欣賞後山桐花盛開之 景,接著到桂竹亭遠眺桐花、賞鳥,或是漫步小 長城間體驗山林,最後在西角坪道看閩式古厝, 享受一場富自然人文氣息的桐花之旅。 Xijiaopinshan is the closest place to town to view the Tung flowers. Visitors can stop at the Sheng Long Pasture, take coffee at the Dushidi No. 1 Garden Farm, climb to Gueizhutin for a vantage look or to stroll about the Little Chinese Wall, and finish at to the old Fujianese mansion located at the end of the Xijianopin Trail.stirfried pig intestine.



Zaociao Township Charcoal Museum Tung Blossom Trail

黑炭飄香白桐相伴 A Company of Black and White 滿坑滿谷的雪白桐花和精進改良的漆黑木炭,一 黑一白的組合成為鮮明對比,到木炭博物館參觀木 炭的不同面貌,對街火炭谷步道的桐花已經悄悄掉 落地,力馬生活工坊的桐花創作藝術創意十足,再 到慈聖宮拜拜保平安,劍潭水庫、劍潭古道裡,銀雪般的桐花已經奮力綻放。 This is where snowy Tung flowers form a strong contrast with black charcoals. Start at the Live Charcoal Museum, then to the Huotan Valley Trail, the Leema Workshop, and the Cisheng Temple. Chientan Reservoir and Ancient Chientan Trail are also lovely spots too. 28

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Shihtan Township Minfeng Tung Blossom Trail

貼近自然親桐路線 Upfront and Personal with Tung 從新店永興親水公園環著河水散步聊天, 再走進鳴鳳古道的夢幻桐花步道,沿著落英 繽紛的桐花小徑拾階而上,一望滿林美景。 Begin at the Paper Lake Pasture, then cross the Nuomi Bridge where paper was transported during the period of Japanese Occupation to the Ancient Paper-Carrying Trail, then walk along the river in Yongxi Water Park, a stroll on the dreamy Ancient Minfeng Trail, to the Yimin Temple for divine blessing.



Gongguan Township Tung Blossom Trail for Early Ecology

文化懷古觀桐之旅 A Nostalgia Trip Back in Time 出礦坑古道因為入口隱密,成為最私密的賞桐地點,每年桐花季一到,鋪滿白雪的步 道美不勝收,以桐花聞名的打鹿坑當然不容錯過,而位於打鹿坑的油桐花坊,近百坪的 油桐是賞桐勝地,最後到苗24縣道走一遭,在花海陪伴下俯瞰公館鄉。 The most secluded route for its entrance is hidden on the Ancient Mine Pit Trail. Begin at the Wuguu Cultural Village, then to Dalukeng’s Tung Blossom Lodge to enjoy the most beautiful Tung flowers in Miaoli, then go on Miaoli County Route 24 for a birds’ eye-view of Gongguan.




Tongluo Township Shuangfeng Tung Blossom Trail

幽靜風光柔桐撫心 Tung’s Soothing Quietness 先到有台灣最高車站之稱的勝興車站走鐵 軌,接著到木雕博物館參觀木雕品,再前進銅 鑼,雙峰山桐花步道的落日觀景平台、賞花 區,處處佈滿纖柔桐花的身影,也別忘了到東 華樟腦廠認識早年興盛的煉樟業,順遊九華山 大興善寺、挑鹽古道的無限風光,盡興而歸。 Start at the Shengxin Station -- the highest regular-gauge railway station in Taiwan, then to the Wood Sculpture Museum, then lose yourself at the Tongluo’s Tung Blossom Trail amongst a sea of soft Tung flowers. Tunghua Camphor Factory, Daxinshan Temple at Mt. Chiu-Hua, and Ancient Salt-Carrying Trail are mustsee places too.



Dahu Township Dawuo Ecology Area

青山綠水弄桐之趣 Tung and Ecology 這是一場以山水宴客的賞桐旅程,孕育富饒生 態的大窩文史生態區,一年四季呈現盎然生意, 馬口魚生態園區的特色魚種在池中快樂悠遊,種 植許多油桐樹的桐花區是人氣最熱門的景點,小 洞天瀑布一瀉千里洗滌心靈,半山腰處的老樟 樹、老魚藤相互交纏,形成古樟奇藤美景。 Dawuoshan is where your journey into an ecowonderland begins. Get ready for a feast of the senses entering the Ecological Area. Stunning scenic spots include Zacco Barbata Protection Area, Tung Blossom Area, and Xiaodongtian Waterfall.


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Sanyi Township Feishuei Tung Blossom Trail

浪漫談心戲桐樂趣 A Romantic Heart-toHeart with Tung 由社區打造的飛雪小路,從 苗51縣道,綠色隧道兩旁花苞 綻放的油桐樹揭開序曲,而位 於勝興車站附近,於今年才修 建的桐花森林飛雪小路是這裡 的要角,全長2.5公里的油桐步 道潔白滿天,另外像是春桐飛 雪拱橋、魚藤坪斷橋、挑柴古 道、外庄山步道,都值得遊客 造訪。 This is a romance-filled trail built by the local community. Begin at the Green Tunnel on Miaoli Country Route 50, then to the 2.5 km stretch of Feishuei Tung Blossom Trail which is nothing but pristine white, the Feishui Arch Bridge, the Yutengping Broken Bridge, Ancient Firewood-Carrying Trail and Ancient Waizhuangshan Trail.



Sanyi Township West Lake Resortopia Tung Blossom Trail

親子同遊樂桐首選 Tung Time is Family Time 倘若不想舟車勞頓,西湖渡假村的賞桐路線是最佳選擇,媲美杭州西湖的天然湖泊德 興池、沿岸而建的西湖步道,環境清幽景色宜人,另闢的桐花森林賞桐區、祈福許願賞 桐區、綠色峽谷賞桐區、私房推薦賞桐地點,小朋友最喜歡的遊樂園區,最後再入住賞 桐套房,擁桐入眠。 If leisure is your style, then check-in at West Lake Resortopia. Scenic spots include Dexin Pond, the trail alongside the Sihu lakebank, the Tung Blossom Forest Area, Praying for Blessings and Making Wishes Area, Green Gorge Area, Recommended Tung Blossom Observation Area, Amusement Park.


必玩!Must Do!

熱鬧繽紛節慶活動 Festivities and Celebrations 傳統節慶精采祭典 Traditional Festivities and Exciting Rituals 百花齊放的花季、豐富農作的盛產季、原住民文化慶典、歷史悠久熱鬧依舊的傳統節 慶,春、夏、秋、冬接踵而至的精彩活動,一年四季到苗栗都有趣! Flowers blossom, rich harvests, colorful aboriginal cultural celebrations, historic traditional holiday celebrations, etc., just some exciting events making your visit fun anytime of the year.

春Spring 三月~四月March~April

柚花季 Pomelos Blossom Season 地點:西湖鄉 Sihu Township


螢火蟲生態探索之旅Discovery of Firefly Ecology

1. 螢火蟲生態探索之旅 Discovery of Firefly Ecology

地點:大湖鄉大窩地區 Dahu Township Tai Wo Area

2. 桐花婚禮 Tung Flower Wedding 地點:不定(請上苗栗旅遊網查詢) No set location ( www.travel.miaoli.gov.tw for more information)

3. 桐花祭 Tung Blossom Festival

地點:苗栗縣各處 Throughout Miaoli County

● 桐花祭Tung Blossom Festival


桃李節 Peach and Plum Tourist Festival 地點:三義鄉 Sanyi Township


桃李節Peach and Plum Tourist Festival

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親近苗栗初體驗 Bonding with Miaoli



南瓜博覽會 Pumpkin Expo

南瓜博覽會Pumpkin Expo

木雕藝術節Woodcarving Art Festival

海洋觀光季Ocean Festival

地點:造橋鄉 Zaociao Township


木雕藝術節 Woodcarving Art Festival 地點:三義鄉 Sanyi Township


紅棗節 Red Dates Festival in Golden Town 地點:公館鄉 Gongguan Township


海洋觀光季 Ocean Festival 地點:海線苑裡鎮、竹南鎮、通霄鎮、 後龍鎮 Yuanli Township, Jhunan Township, Tongsiao Township, and Houlong Township


水果觀光季 Fruit Tourism Festival 地點:卓蘭鎮 Jhuolan Township


秋Autumn 九月September

文旦節 Pomelos Festival 地點:西湖鄉 Sihu Township


杭菊節 Chrysanthemum Festival 地點:銅鑼鄉 Tongluo Township

南庄山水暨鱒魚節 Nanchuang Tourism Festival and Trout Festival

杭菊節 Chrysanthemum Festival

泰安溫泉季 Tai-an Hot Spring Festival


1. 甘藷文化節 Sweet Potato Cultural Festival

地點:西湖鄉 Sihu Township

2. 南庄山水暨鱒魚節 Nanchuang Tourism Festival and Trout Festival

地點:南庄農會 Nanjhuang Farmers’ Association

3. 泰安溫泉季 Tai-an Hot Spring Festival

地點:泰安鄉 Tai-an Township


甘藷文化節 Sweet Potato Cultural Festival

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冬Winter 十二月December

1. 賽夏族巴斯達隘 Saisiyat Pas-Taai Festival

大湖草莓季Dahu Strawberry Festival

賽夏族巴斯達隘Saisiyat Pas-Taai Fesvital

地點:南庄鄉 Nanjhuang Township

2. 大湖草莓季 Dahu Strawberry Festival

地點:大湖鄉 Dahu Township


1. 龍活動 Bombing the Dragon

地點:苗栗市 Miaoli City

2. 炮炸邯鄲爺 Bombing Han Tan Ye

地點:竹南鎮 Jhunan Township

龍活動Bombing the Dragon

賽夏族巴斯達隘Sisiyat Pas-Taai Festival



木雕農情─大湖/三義/通霄 Woodcarving and Rustic Country –Dahu / Sanyi / Tongsiao P.46

山水懷古─頭屋/造橋/苗栗市 Scenic Wonders and Nostalgia –Touwu / Zaociao / Miaoli City


泡湯採果─卓蘭/大湖/泰安 Hot Springs and Fruit Orchards –Jhuolan / Dahu / Tai-an P.64

靈山古勝─三灣/獅潭/南庄/頭份 Famous Mountains and Ancient Sites –Sanwan / Shihtan / Nanjhuang / Toufen


御風朝聖─竹南/後龍 Fun and Blessings –Jhunan / Houlong


濱海遊憩─通宵/苑裡 Coastal Experience –Tongsiao / Yuanli P.86

陶窯名物─公館/銅鑼/西湖 All about Ceramics, Kilns and Artifacts –Gongguan / Tongluo / Sihu

圖示說明 Icon Description 地址 Address

票價 Ticket price


網址 Website

開放時間Opening hours

交通 Transportation

Part 3

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli 七個主題七種玩法 Seven Themes, Seven Different Funs 四季皆有不同主題玩法的苗栗呈現萬種風情,細心劃分的七種不同 深度路線,推薦不同主題的新鮮玩法,精采萬分的旅程讓你樂不思 蜀。 Find out the different facets of Miaoli by taking one of the seven thematic tour packages, and experience for yourself how refreshing and exciting discovering this place can be.

到文化、觀光兼具的苗栗縣旅遊,可以看見不同於台灣其他縣市的美景,這裡有全 台唯一有四個火車站的鄉鎮、全台第一個開挖油井的鄉鎮、台灣西部最逼近海灘的 山,別樹一格的山水農情,無論是上山下海入農園,還是到靈廟拜拜求平安,或是欣 賞自然生物,豐富多樣的自然生態環境,為苗栗縣帶來無限的風光與生命力。木雕農 情、山水懷古、泡湯採果、靈山古勝、御風朝聖、濱海遊憩、陶窯名物,七個主題七 種玩法,挖掘探索不可不知的苗栗勁玩法! Sightseeing in Miaoli takes you from culture to scenic wonders, for the natural sceneries and diverse eco-resources here are unmatched anywhere in Taiwan. Miaoli is the only place with four train stations, the home to Taiwan’ s oldest oil well, and best woodcarvings, pristine beaches, temples, and ceramic kilns, plus many, many more. Seven themes, seven different ways to have fun! Let’ s go, let’ s discover the new Miaoli!


大湖/三義/通霄 Dahu/Sanyi/Tongsiao

Woodcarving and Rustic Country 匠心獨具田園風情 Craftsmanship Woodwork and Country Charm 苗栗木雕藝術聞名遐邇,看木雕街裡的師父鬼斧神工,賦予平乏的木頭嶄新的創意與 生命,鄉間小徑快活愜意,轉個彎走進淳樸的農村中,一起享受恬靜的鄉村時光。 Miaoli is famous for its intricate woodcarvings. See for yourself how carvers masterfully give life to a piece of plain wood, and allow yourself to be mesmerized by the rustic country charm.



三義火車站到主要景點仍有距離,公車班次少,建議於火車站週遭租借機車、腳踏 車及搭乘排班計程車,計程車以喊價為主。通霄屬海線火車停靠站,南下乘客請在竹 南站,北上的客人請在彰化站換區間車前往。 Sanyi Station is a way from most scenic attractions. As local buses run sparingly, it’ s best to rent a scooter or a bicycle or take a taxi. Most taxicabs are not on meter, please settle fare in advance. Tongsiao Station is located at “coast rail line”; south-bound passengers transfer at Jhunan Station; north-bound passengers please transfer at Changhwa Station for connecting train.

大湖 Dahu



Jiangmayuan Recreational Farming Zone

130縣道觀光果園 Fruit orchards on Miaoli County Route 130 位於大湖鄉栗林村的薑麻園區,就分布於130縣道兩 側。沿著指標走進園區,眼目所及,盡是一大片的休閒果 園,隨著四季更迭,遊客可至此體驗草莓、水梨、桃、 李、柑橘、生薑採收的樂趣,也可選擇在園區內的餐廳享 用水果風味料理,嚐嚐不同凡響的新鮮果味。 The Jiangmayuan Recreational Farming Zone is along both sides of Miaoli County Route 130; follow the directional signs for entrance. Ginger, strawberries, pears, peaches, plums and citrus are grown here, and meals made with fresh fruits are catered. DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉栗林村薑麻園13號 13 Jiangmayuan, Lilin Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County (037)951-522 建議到三義火車站後租機車或搭計 程車前往。 It is recommended to rent a scooter from the Sanyi Station, or proceed via taxi


Part 3 三義



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum

巧奪天工的雕木技藝 Amazing Wood Carving Skills 推廣木雕藝術,於1990年3月建造,原名為三義木雕藝術展示館 的三義木雕館,以發揚木雕為宗旨,負責蒐藏、展示、研究、推 廣。館內的展示主題相當多元化,包括有:雕刻藝術的起源、中國 雕塑歷代風貌、三義木雕源流、建築家具、南島民族木雕、寺廟宗 教等9個部份。 Originally named as Sanyi Wood Sculpture Arts Gallery, the Sanyi Wood Sculpturing Museum was built in March 1990 for the promotion of wood sculpture arts, accounting for collection, display, R&D and promotion tasks. The exhibitions inside are diverse. The nine themes include the Introduction of Wood Sculpture, the Styles of Each Chinese Dynasty, the Origins of Sanyi Wood Sculpture, Architecture & Furniture, Austronesian Tribe Wood Sculpture, and Temples Deities.

DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉廣盛村廣聲新城88號 88 Guangsheng Xincheng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (037)876-009 wood.mlc.gov.tw 9:00~17:00 全票80元,優待票50元 Adult NT$ 80, special NT$ 50 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車,步行約35分鐘。 Take train to Sanyi Station, walk for about 35 minutes thereon.





Sanyi Duck Treasure Shop

動手DIY樂趣多 Do-It-Yourself Fun 創立於西元1963年的雙峰木鴨工廠,七年前轉型經營後,DIY的木雕彩繪即成為ㄧㄚ 箱寶的重頭戲。遊客可依照自身喜好,先選定想要的鴨子造型,再於木頭上打上一層粉 底,接著恣意描繪上美麗的圖案,一個獨一無二、簡單易學的木雕紀念品就此完成。 Founded in 1963 as Shuang-Feng Wood Carving Factory, it was rebranded into the Sanyi Duck Treasure Shop seven years ago, a provider of DIY woodcarving paintings. Come and paint your own duck, and take home your one-of-a-kind souvenir, quack, quack. DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉重河路176號 176 Chonghe Road, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (037)872-076 www.dp-duckdiy.com.tw 平日9:00~17:00,假日9:00~18:00 9:00~17:00 pm weekdays, 9:00 am~18:00 pm holidays 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車,步行約15分鐘。 Take the train to Sanyi Train Station; the shop is about 15 minutes away walking.


三義 Sanyi


山板樵臉譜生活文化館 Shan Ban Qian Studio

繽紛臉譜經典細緻 Fine Classical Face Mask Paintings 文化館的前身是木雕工作室,因為對京劇臉譜的特殊喜好,館主 一家花了三年多的時間鑽研臉譜藝術,打造出上千件色彩亮麗、樣 貌逼真的臉譜供人觀賞。臉譜彩繪、陶土塑像等多種創作教學是人 氣活動,隨著季節不同,館方還會推出多種體驗活動,讓遊客盡興而歸。 San Bian Qiao, once a woodcarving workshop, was converted into a studio dedicated to the art of mask paintings by the owners out of their love for Beijing opera. The more than one thousand exquisite, lifelike paintings on display, and amusing in-season DIY events and activities, are just a few interesting things to see and to do here. DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村138號(130線上) 138 Shuangliantan, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (on Route 130) (037)875-766 www.olife.com.tw/feller.htm NT$50 平日需預約,假日9:30~18:00 Appointment only on weekdays; 9:30 am ~ 18:00 on holidays 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車,於車站旁即可租借 機車前行。 Take the train to Sanyi Train Station, rent a scooter from nearby and proceed to studio.

三義 Sanyi



Yutengping Ruined Bridge

斷壁殘垣古橋之美 Glories of an old ruined bridge 魚藤坪斷橋又叫做「龍騰斷橋」,被譽為「台灣 鐵路藝術極品」,橋樑由當時統治台灣的日本人所 建,在西元1935年時,關刀山大地震將橋震毀,堅 固的橋墩絲毫不受影響,但橋面受損不堪使用。不 論是從斷橋半殘拱口望新橋或是依傍著斷橋的滿山 油桐花,都是公認最美的景點。 The Yutengping Ruined Bridge is also called the Longteng Broken Bridge. It was build by the Japanese during the Japanese Occupation and reputed to be “the best of Taiwan’ s rail art”. It stood magnificently until the Guandaoshan Massive Earthquake in 1935, which severely destructed the bridge surface beyond repairs, left only the sturdy buttresses standing. Today, the sceneries seen from the arch remains of the Ruined Bridge to the new bridge, or the blanketing Tung blossom nearby, are recognized as the prettiest sights by all. DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村 138 Shuangliantan, Sanyi Shiang, Miaoli County www.sanyi.gov.tw/c/t02.htm 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車,於車站旁即可租借機車前行,車程約30分鐘。 Take train to Sanyi Station, rent a scooter from nearby. It’ s about 30 minutes away.


Part 3 三義



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Shengxin Station

歷史車站轉型觀光 Historic station becomes tourist attraction 興建於西年1912年的勝興車站,當地因有十六座蒸 餾樟腦的腦灶,在舊時有「十六份信號場」的別稱,海 拔402.326公尺的高度,曾是台灣縱貫鐵路的最高點。 日式木造站房造型、復古外觀,以及列車停駛後仍未拆 除的鐵軌,使得這裡成為許多遊客漫步鐵軌的地方。 Built in 1912, the Shenxin Station was formerly known as “Shihlioufen Signal Site” for there were 16 camphor distilleries in the vicinity. It was the highest regular-gauge railway station in Taiwan at 402.326 meters elevation. Its Japanese styled wooden complex, old fashioned appearance, and rail track remains left after service stopped have made it a popular attraction for tourist to stroll along the tracks. DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村89號 89 Sunsen Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (037)870-435 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車,於車站旁即可租借機車前 行,車程約15分鐘。 Take train to Sanyi Station, rent a scooter from nearby. It is about 15 minutes away.


三義 Sanyi


勝興客棧 Sunsen Inn

原汁原味客家風味 The Real Thing 本店就位於勝興車站旁的勝興客棧,是一家專賣客家美食的老字號餐廳。復古的木造 外觀裡頭,擺放的是滿滿的老舊傢俱與食具,以古傳秘方烹煮而成的古典草雞湯是店內 招牌菜,標榜不加味精和滲料,以最天然的料理手法,保存最原始的客家風味。 With the main restaurant next to the Shengxin Station, Sunsen Lodge is an old establishment specializes in Hakkanese cuisine. Inside its rustic wooden exterior are antique furniture and dinning ware, and exceptional Hakkanese dishes made from using secret home recipes. DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村72號、苗栗 縣三義鄉水美283-1號 72 Shengxin Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County 283-1 Shuimei, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (037)873-883、(037)875-070 www.sunsen.com.tw 10:30~20:00 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車,於 車站旁即可租借機車前行,車程 約15分鐘。 Take train to Sanyi Station, rent a scooter from nearby. It is about 15 minutes away

三義 Sanyi


賴新魁麵店 Lai's Noodle Shop

經濟價格滿足享受 Satisfaction at affordable prices 創立於西元1945年的賴新魁麵館,當時的老闆賴新魁以經濟實惠的價格,以及獨到的 口味,招攬許多老顧客。店內的招牌是大骨肉麵,和一般麵店不同的地方,在於湯頭加 入了大骨和60顆豬頭下去熬煮,香濃的湯汁搭配可口的麵條,用平易的價格提供了最大 的享受。 Established in 1945 by founder Lai Xin Kuai, this noodle shop is famous for its affordable prices and unique cooking style. The signature dish is the sparerib noodle, where the soup base is made from simmering ribs together with 60 pig’ s heads.

DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉中正路170-1號 170-1 Zhongzhen Road, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (037)872-600 www.lai-noodle.com.tw 7:00~20:00 搭 乘火車至三義火車站下車,步行約10分鐘,或 於車站旁租借摩托車前往。 Take train to Sanyi Station, and walk for about 10 minutes. One may also rent a scooter from nearby the train station and proceed thereof.


Part 3 三義 Sanyi


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

卓也小屋 Joye Cottage

平地裡的唯美山林 The prettiest woodland on the plain 為了一隻在動物園才看得到的貓頭鷹,主人不惜花費鉅資,買下一整片山林。這裡提 供有養生餐點、住宿空間、草木染DIY等活動,園內隨四季循序開放的花草樹木、優雅附 池而生的水生植物、一派悠閒雅致的典雅石木庭園,隨處無不顯現盎然的綠意與生氣。 The owner spent a fortune and bought the entire woodland for one rare owl. The Joye Cottage offers healthy meals, lodging, and DIY activities on its ground full of flowers and trees, a pond rich with aquatic plants, and elegantly landscaped garden. DATA 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村13鄰崩山下1-5號 1-5 Bengshanxia, 13th Neighborhood, Shuangtian Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (037)879-198 www.joye.com.tw/ 搭 乘火車至三義火車站下車,於車站旁即可租借機車前 行,車程約10分鐘,或預約接送。 Take train to Sanyi Station, rent a scooter from nearby, it is about 10 minutes away. Reservation for pick up/drop off service is also available.





Flying Cow Ranch

和乳牛的親密接觸 Get Intimate with Dairy Cows 飛牛牧場總面積約120公頃,寬闊的園區飼養有荷仕登乳牛和娟姍牛約360頭,在這裡 除了可盡情徜徉在大自然懷抱裡,還可以參加牧場準備的多種活動,不管是動手做牛奶 餅乾、牛奶雞蛋糕、彩繪肥牛,還是親自幫牛媽媽擠牛奶、餵小牛喝奶,都十分有趣。 About 360 Holstein cows live at the Flying Cow Ranch on a land that measures about 120 hectares. There are many fun stuff and DIY activities on this ranch such as baking milk biscuits and cakes, color-me-a-cow, milk-a-cow, and bottle-feed-a-calf. DATA 苗栗縣通霄鎮南和里166號 166 Nanhe Li, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)782-999 www.flyingcowranch.com.tw 全票200元、半票150元、優惠票100元 Full fare NT$ 200, half price NT$ 150, special NT$ 100 7:00~22:00 搭乘海線火車至通霄火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往福興 方向,於崎下站下車,循指標步行約40分鐘即可抵達, 唯班次少,或搭乘計程車約20分鐘。 Take coastal rail line to Tongsiao Station. Transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Fuxing, exit at Qixia. Follow the signs and walk for about 40 minutes to destination. However as this bus doesn’ t make frequent runs, taking the taxi for a ride about 20 minutes is another option.






Zoutou Kiln

創意窯園驚喜不斷 The Kiln of Surprises 不同於一般晦暗的窯廠,窯主將園區打理 的十分有個人風格,才進入園區,首先看到 的是上千張的陶製面具在瓜棚上迎賓,往工 作室走,各種不同的窯爐皆肩負著不一樣的 製作使命,遊客除了可以在教學區玩陶,還 能在畫家村欣賞畫家王秀甄栩栩如生的畫 作。 Unlike traditional dark and dusty kilns, the owners have turned this into a stylish establishment. Visitors are first welcomed by thousands of ceramic masks, then greeted by numerous kilns each with a different purpose, then encouraged by the lessons to make your own pottery.

DATA 苗栗縣通霄鎮圳頭里25-25號 25-25 Zuntou Village, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)762-999 www.ongart.org 全票100元、優惠票80元 Full fare NT$ 100, special NT$ 80 8:00~17:00,平日需預約 8:00~17:00; advance reservation necessary on weekdays 搭乘火車至通霄火車站下車,轉乘計程 車,車程約10分鐘。 Take train to Tongsiao Station, take a taxi thereon, the ride is about 10 minutes


Part 3 通霄



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Reed Catkins Washing Village Mores Education Ranch

休閒農場多元體驗 A Diverse, Rustic Ranch Experience 褪去了都市的塵囂,一眼望去是寬闊的綠色草坪,一千多坪的空間集休閒與玩樂功能 於一體,可以回味台灣早期古味童玩、學油畫、彩繪陶瓷、認識香草植物、觀賞魚池生 態,累了就喝杯香濃的客家擂茶,再騎上鐵馬馳騁風中,在這裡怎麼也不怕無聊,想玩 什麼就玩什麼! Shake off the dusts from the city, feast your eyes on the vast greens, and get-ready to have fun on this 1,000 ping-plus ranch. Anything you want, from old Taiwanese toys and games, painting lessons, pottery coloring, to learning about herbs and eco-pond watching, and when you get tired have a cup of richly aromatic Hakkanese Leichi tea, then climb onto a bicycle to take off like the wind. DATA 苗栗縣通霄鎮城北里57-1號 57-1 Chengbei Li, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)763-456、0937-753-705 www.763456.com.tw NT$50 平日10:00~20:00、假日8:00~22:00 Weekdays 10:00~20:00; holidays: 8:00~22:00 搭乘火車至通霄火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約7分鐘。 Take train to Tongsiao Station, take a taxi thereon, the ride is about 7 minutes.





San Tend Coffee Restaurant

綠森林中的咖啡館 The café amidst Green Forests 這幢在樟樹林中的白色莊園,是以自然生態工法所建成,在山林裡喝咖啡,在山林裡 享受生活是最浪漫的生命態度,而不僅賣咖啡,上田還有自己的烘焙工場,喝完咖啡別 忘了循著屋外的木階隨處走走,和天然芬多精來一場身心靈的完美邂逅。 This all white establishment inside a camphor forest is constructed using Bio-Engineering Structures. The San Tend is more than just a woodsy coffee house; it is its own roasting facility, a lifestyle that is romantic, and a perfect heart-and-soul encounter with nature.

DATA 苗栗縣通霄鎮福興里九鄰101之1號 101~1 Fuxing Li, 9th Neighborhood, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)783-798 www.santend.com 平日10:00~19:00、假日9:00~20:00 Weekdays 10:00~19:00; holidays: 9:00~20:00 搭 乘火車至通霄火車站下車,轉乘計程車,或由三義 火車站租借機車前往。 Take train to Tongsiao Station, transfer to taxi. Rent scooter from Sanyi Station is another option.



頭屋/造橋/苗栗市 Touwu/Zaociao/Miaoli City

Scenic Wonders and Nostalgia 山明水秀古物懷舊 Crafty Woodwork and Country Charm 在青山綠水的懷抱下,和歷史來一場最有趣的邂逅吧!到清澈潔淨的明德水庫走走, 昔日鐵道的風情在博物館展現,騎著單車暢遊山水,老店的小吃美味依舊。 Enjoy an interesting encounter with history! Visit the crystal clear Ming-De Reservoir, see former railways displayed in museum, travel by bicycle, and sample the still delicious snacks.



苗栗市的貓裏山自行車道步道有腳踏車租借服務,可電洽(037)366-340。頭屋鄉明 德水庫遊憩區可租借腳踏車環湖,可於水庫旁的明湖水漾飯店或是休閒農業服務中心 兩處租借。 Bike rental is available at Maolishan Bike Trail in Miaoli City, call (037)366-340 for information. The rest area at Ming-De Reservoir, Touwu Township, offers bike rental at two places: the Young Lake Hotel and the Leisure Agriculture Service Center.





Ming-De Reservoir

秀麗山水洗滌心靈 Beautiful landscape to cleanse the spirit 明德水庫位於頭屋鄉明德村的後龍溪支流老田寮溪上,供應苗栗縣工業、農業及民生 用水,面積約200公頃,湖長有8公里。水庫大壩旁的觀景橋樑視野極佳,另闢建有休閒 公園,壯闊水域、清澈湖面,壯麗山水加上兩座橫跨湖面的吊橋,更添聲色。 Located at Laotianliao Creek in Mingde Village, Touwu Township, the Ming-De Reservoir is about 200 hectares in area, 8 km in length, and provides water supply for Miaoli County’ s industrial, agricultural and domestic use. The lake measures 8 km in diameter. Scenic bridges and the park beside the reservoir offer great view, which are further complimented by the two hang bridges suspended across the lake.

DATA 苗栗縣頭屋鄉明德村 Mingde Village, Touwu Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,於中正路 上苗栗客運站牌轉搭苗栗客運,往新竹 經大坪方向,於明德水庫站下車,再步 行約10分鐘抵達。 Take train to Miaoli Station. Take the Miaoli Passenger Bus at its bus stop located on Zhongzhen Road bounded for Hsinchu via Daping, and exit at Mingde Reservoir stop. Walk for about 10 minutes thereof.


Part 3 頭屋



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Rihsin Island

湖中之島山水映繞 The island on the lake 日新島面積有3公頃大,和鴛鴦 島、海棠島合稱為明德水庫裡的湖中 三島。以壹號市橋、貳號吊橋為聯外 交通要道,空靈的景色適合騎單車, 除了可以走走觀景步道、彎月形草 坡,也可以在島中的咖啡館喝咖啡, 在山水的柔情懷抱裡,度過愜意的美 好時光。 Known as the three isles of MingDe Reservoir together with Yuanyang Island and Haitang Island, the major thoroughfares on this 3-hectare Rihsin Island are the No.1 municipal bridge and No.2 drawbridge. This island is ideal for biking, hiking or leisure strolling.




DATA 苗栗縣頭屋鄉明德村 Mingde Village Touwu Township, Miaoli County 明湖水漾(037)255-988 Young Lake Resort : (037)255-988 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,於中正路上轉搭苗栗客 運往新竹經大坪方向,於明德水庫站下車,再步行約 10分鐘抵達。 Take train to Miaoli Station. Take the Miaoli Passenger Bus at its bus stop located on Zhongzhen Road bounded for Hsinchu via Daping, and exit at Ming-de Reservoir stop. Walk for about 10 minutes thereof.


Liyu Restaurant

水庫魚產新鮮上桌 Reservoir seafood freshly served 到明德水庫一遊,當然得試試這裡的海產大餐!嚴選水庫盛產的美味魚蝦,獨家研發 口味特讚的海鮮料理,以及養生的野菜山產、鱺魚生魚片、老闆最推薦的樹頭雞湯,每 道都是店家的拿手菜,保證新鮮的海產不僅營養滿分,鮮美滋味更是讓許多美食家流連 忘返。 Don’ t miss the seafood when visiting Ming-De Reservoir! The wide selections of seafood, fresh vegetables, choice meats, sashimi and chicken soup are just some specialties. The fresh and nutritious seafood here has epicures come back for more. DATA 苗栗縣頭屋鄉象山村象山路239號 239, Shiangshan Rd, Shiangshan Village Touwu Township, Miaoli County (037)252-433 11:30~14:00、16:30~20:30 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉乘計程車 約20分鐘,亦可搭苗栗客運往新竹經大坪 方向的班車。 Take train to Miaoli Station. Transfer to taxi for a ride roughly 20 minutes, or take the Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Hsinchu via Daping direction.





薰衣草森林 Lavender Cottage

浪漫湖畔香草森林 A fragrant forest adjacent to the romantic lakeside 斥資3.5億元的薰衣草森林明德店,地點緊鄰明德水庫,園內綠油油的草坪生意盎然, 蓊鬱的森林小徑體驗慢活,木造的歐式田園小屋色彩耀眼,還有散發香氣的香草小舖、 手工點心,在無處不充滿生命感動的紫色森林中,感受生活的浪漫情懷。 Costing NT350 million to built, the Lavender Cottage at Mingde is adjacent to the Ming-De Reservoir. Come, experience slow living in the European-style log cabin, and enjoy handmade pastries at the bakery shop, while taking-in the romance of life in our purple forest. DATA 苗栗縣頭屋鄉明德村仁隆66-2號 Renlung 66-2, Mingde Village Touwu Township, Miaoli County (037)252-000 www.lavendercottage.com.tw NT$100 週一~週五10:30~18:30、週六~週日10:00~19:00 Mon ~ Fri 10:30~18:30; Sat~Sun 10:00~19:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉乘計程車約20分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station; take a taxi thereon for about 20 minutes


Part 3 造橋



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

香格里拉樂園 Shangri-La Paradise

人間樂園製造歡笑 The fun-creating paradise on Earth 園內提供了許多刺激的遊樂活動,馬戲特技、雲霄飛車、熱氣球、星際風火輪,以及 保齡球等近百種的電動遊樂器材,樂園另一主體為展示客家文物及結合鄉土教學的「客 家莊」,喜愛看歌舞表演的遊客也可以欣賞豪華歌舞團的巨型演出。 Like the name says, Shangri-La Paradise is an earthly paradise that offers many exciting activities, such as circus stunts, to rollercoaster rides, hot air balloon, and nearly one hundred of arcade games. The other attraction inside the park, Hakka Manor, exhibits Hakka artifacts and has live song-anddance show. DATA 苗栗縣造橋鄉豐湖村1鄰乳姑山15-3號 15-3, Rugushan, 1st Neighborhood, Fenghu Village, Zaociao Township, Miaoli County (037)561-369 www.shangrila.com.tw 全票450元、半票400元 Adult ticket NT$450, discount ticket NT$400 平日9:00~17:00,假日8:30~17:00 Weekdays 9:00~17:00, holidays 8:30~17:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往新竹經 造橋方向,於香格里拉樂園站下車,票價約36元。 Take train to Miaoli Station. Transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Hsinchu via Zaociao direction, and exit at Shangri-La Paradise stop. The fare is about NT$ 36.




木炭博物館 Charcoal Museum

黑木炭的全新樣貌 A new charcoal image 到木炭博物館走一遭,才知道原來看上去髒黑的木炭,竟然有 這麼多的用途!館內以木炭為主題,賦予它美容養生的新形象, 製成洗髮精、面膜、床墊等日常用品,而木炭所釋放的遠紅外線和礦物質對身體相當 好,加入木炭的風味料理,味道更是獨特不已。 You will be impressed by the multi-purposes of the dusty charcoal at the Charcoal Museum. It can be made into daily items such as shampoo, facial mask, and bed mattress. It also releases infrared rays and minerals that are good for the body. Cooking with it is also adds extra flavors. DATA 苗栗縣造橋鄉造橋村錦成東路8-6號 8-6, Jincheng East Road, Zaociao Township, Miaoli County (037)540039 charcoal.58resort.com.tw NT$150 9:30~17:30 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭計程車 前往,跳表價約320元。 Take train to Miaoli Station, take a taxi thereon, the fare according to meter is about NT$ 320.





力馬生活工坊 Lima Workshop

族群特色文化創意 Cultural creations of tribal characteristics 力馬為原住民語LIMA翻譯而來,有「五」的意思,將 手張開,五根手指頭代表的正是數字五,象徵著原住民 習慣用自己雙手打造物品的生命力。老闆夫妻倆將自身 的客家和原住民文化的特色,融入於陶瓷的創意和餐飲 裡,表現出屬於力馬的特有風格。 Lima is a term in Aboriginal language meaning 5. There are five digits on the hand symbolize aboriginals’use their hands to create articles of life. The owner couple combines their Hakka and Aborigine culture into creative ceramics and dining that is uniquely Lima style. DATA 苗栗縣造橋鄉大西村2鄰30號 30, Neighborhood 2, Daxi Village, Zaociao Township, Maioli County (037)542-328、(037)543-328 037542328.u-shop.tw 10:30~20:30,17:30後須預約,週一公休 10:30~20:30, reservation required after 17:30, Mondays off. 搭乘火車於苗栗火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約15分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to a taxi thereon, the ride is about 15 minutes.


Part 3 苗栗市 Miaoli City


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

貓裏山自行車道步道 Maolishan Bike Trail

運動散步首選之地 The Top Choice for Exercise or Stroll 貓裏山的原名叫做「將軍山」,又稱「福星山」,是苗栗市的首善公園,茂密的樹林 和綻放的花朵佈滿了整區,這裡同時也是特設的自行車道起點,騎上自行車恣意遨遊, 沿途可經忠烈祠、羅福星銅像、賴氏節校牌坊等地方,盡享大自然的優美風光。 Originally named the General Mountain or Fuxing Mountain, Maolishan is Miaoli City’ s premier park. With dense woodland and blooming flowers everywhere, this park is also the starting point for a bicycle path, which passes by attractions such as Martyrs Shrine, Lo Fu-hsing Bronze Statue, Lai’ s Monumental Archway, etc. DATA 苗栗市自行車休閒運動服務中心Miaoli City Bicycle Recreational Center 苗栗市福星山21號 21 Fuxinshan, Miaoli City 8:00~17:00,星期日休息 8:00~17:00, close on Sundays 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭苗栗、新竹客運往南苗方向, 於南苗市場站下車,遇光復路右轉直行,過鐵道高架橋後左接忠 貞路,續行約500公尺即抵達;或搭乘苗栗市免費巴士至苗栗高 商站下,在直行忠貞路500公尺抵達。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Miaoli or Hsinchu Passenger Buses bounded for “Nanmiao”, exit at Nanmiao Market. Turn right at Guangfu Road, pass the overhead railway and turn left to Zhongzhen Road, walk for 500 meters to destination. Or take the Miaoli City free bus, exit Miaoli Kaogang, walk on Zhongzhen Road for 500 meters to destination.

苗栗市 Miaoli City


後龍溪河濱公園 Houlong Riverside Park

生態保護運動公園 An eco-sports park 後龍溪河濱公園位於苗栗市、苗栗縣後龍鎮的交界處,在 龜山大橋與玉清大橋之間,這裡兼具有運動、休閒、生態保 護的功能,自行車道、觀景區,還有溼地生態保護區,已然 成為了一處遊客閒暇之餘,能放鬆身心的公共空間。 The Houlong Riverside Park borders between Miaoli City and Houlong Township in Miaoli County, between Gueishan Bridge and Yuqing Bridge. This public park is outfitted with athletics, recreational and eco-preservation functions in forms of bike paths, scenic areas and wetland ecology areas currently, and plans to add a restaurant and a coffee shop soon. DATA 苗栗縣苗栗市頭屋大橋旁 Next to Touwu Bridge, Maioli City, Maioli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉乘計程車;或搭 苗栗市免費公車至苗栗醫院站下,再依指標進入。 Take train to Miaoli Station, take a taxi thereon. Or take the Miaoli City free bus, exit Miaoli Hospital, and follow the signs. 提醒:目前暫無租借單車的服務 Reminder: Bike rental is currently not available.


苗栗市 Miaoli City


鐵路博物館 Railway Museum

復古懷舊鐵道記憶 Nostalgic railway memories 如果你是鐵道迷,別錯過到鐵路博物館一遊,這裡有 火車機車頭的實體展示,像是阿里山森林鐵道以及台糖 鐵路都曾經使用過的蒸汽機車,還有依年代不同而有所 差異的柴電機車頭,包括1969年,台鐵S400型調車所用 的柴電機車,帶領遊客深入認識不為人知的鐵路歷史。 If you are a railway enthusiast, then don’ t miss the Railway Museum. Locomotives displayed include steam engines used on Alishan Railway and Taiwan Sugar Railway, and the different firewood engines used in different eras even include the S400 model from 1969.

DATA 苗栗火車站後方 Behind the Miaoli Train Station 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,步 行約5分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, it’ s about 5 minutes walking.

苗栗市 Miaoli City


一口香餡餅 Yikouxiang Cake

薄皮多汁內行口味 The thin-skinned and juicy meat cakes 自西元1995年營業至今已超過十個年頭,現包、現煎、現吃的新鮮製程,造就了一流 的口感,在熱騰騰的餡餅上頭淋上老闆特製的辣醬跟蒜苗醬,一口咬下,皮薄餡多,汁 多味美,是連外地客都知道的美味,多達6種不同口味的餡餅,征服了許多老饕的胃。 In business since 1995, the meat cakes are made and cooked upon order, and eaten fresh on-site, the reason why they taste so good! The fresh and juicy cakes spread with special hot sauce and garlic sauce are famous even among non-locals. 6 different flavors will conquer any gourmet’ s stomach. DATA 苗栗縣苗栗市中山路49-4號 49-4, Zhongshan Rd. Miaoli City, Miaoli County (037)271-421 14:10~18:30 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, it’ s about 5 minutes walking.


Part 3 苗栗市 Miaoli City


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Shueishangrenjia Restaurant

老店小吃傳統風味 Traditional snacks from an old restaurant 經營時間已有三十幾年的水上人家小吃,其餐點擁有「鹹、肥、香」的客家菜特色, 香噴噴的傳統客家炒麵、炒米粉當主食,再配上一碗純手工製作、Q軟餡多的水晶餃,或 是又炸又煎、添加米酒調味的鴨血湯,而以豬大骨熬湯,吃得到肉質甜份的豬頭肉湯也 同樣不容錯過。 Opened for 30-plus years, the Shueishangrenjia Restaurant is authentic in Hakkanese cooking – salty, fatty and distinctively aromatic. Traditional Hakkanese staples such as fried noodle, fried rice noodle, dumplings, duck blood soup, and sparerib soup are recommended. DATA 苗栗縣苗栗市天雲街3號 3 Tianyung St. Miaoli City, Miaoli County (037)336-305 6:30~13:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭苗栗、新竹客運往 南苗方向,於南苗站下車,再步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Miaoli or Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for “Nanmiao”, exit at Nanmiao. It’ s about 5 minutes walking.

苗栗市 Miaoli City



Chiou’ s Rice Noodle

日據時代創始老店 In business since Japanese Occupation Period 邱家粄條以清淡健康為宗旨,端出一道道令人垂涎三尺 的客家粄條。除了每一條粄條都是手工製作,更不添加太 白粉跟硼砂,從日據時代開業至今已經八十多年,邱家仍 保留粄條最初的香Q口感,不管煮湯或是乾炒,不同的料理 方式,呈現出同樣好吃的滑嫩順口。 The Hakkanese rice noodle served here is light and healthy, all handmade with no potato starch or sodium borate added. In business for over 80 years since the Japanese Occupation Period, Chiou’ s special rice noodle is tasty whether cooked in soup or stirfried. DATA 苗栗縣苗栗市清華里玉興街21號 21, Yuxin St., Qinghwa Li, Miaoli City, Miaoli County (037)263-497 週一~週六7:00~14:00、16:30~19:00,週日 7:00~14:00,週一公休 Mon ~ Sat 7:00~14:00, 16:30~19:00, Sunday 7:00~14:00, close on Mondays 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,步行約10分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, it’ s about 10 minutes walking.



卓蘭/大湖/泰安 Jhuolan/Dahu/Tai-an

Hot Springs and Fruit Orchards 美果溫泉裡外滿足 Satisfaction Inside Out 果實纍纍的季節,下田摘採最新鮮的美味,嬌豔欲滴的草莓是甜蜜幸福的美好滋味, 嚴酷寒冬的時節,下水享受熱呼呼的溫泉,暖在心頭的湯泉是養生祛寒的天然秘方。 The best time to pick fruits is when they are ripened to perfection. The taste of sweet red strawberries bursting into your mouth, soaking-in the warmth of hot springs in the middle of winter, these are just some of nature’ s secrets to wellness.



遊客前往採果前務必注意各種水果的採收季節,以免白跑一趟,泡溫泉請注意時 間,不宜超過30分鐘。 Tourists please take note of the different fruit-picking seasons in advance; refrain from dipping more than 30 minutes each time in the hot springs.




17號草堂 17 Cao Tang

壢西坪間花草風情 Lisiping’ s floral garden 位於壢西坪休閒園區的17號草堂,提供遊客蔬食、喝茶、採果、民宿等服務,健康養 生的鮮蔬餐點吃得好又吃得飽,帶有朱紅色澤的營養小番茄、汁多味美的新鮮大梨、嬌 豔欲滴的鮮嫩草莓,當果季一到,來這裡還可以體驗在自家果園摘果的樂趣。 Inside the Lisiping Recreation Area, the 17 Cao Tang offers all-you-can-eat vegetarian meals, tea, in-season fruit pickings and lodging services. DATA 苗栗縣卓蘭鎮西坪里109-17號 109-17, Xiping Li, Jhuolan Township, Miaoli County (04)2589-9720 www.005s.com/17 週六~週日10:00~18:00 Sat~Sun 10:00~18:00 搭乘火車於苗栗火車站下車,轉搭 新竹客運往卓蘭方向,於卓蘭站下 車,可預約店家接送,車程約15 分鐘,每日班車不多,車程需1小 時。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Jhuolan, exit at Jhuolan stop. Reservation for pick up/drop off is available too. The ride is about 15 minutes. The daily number of bus runs is few, and the ride takes about 1 hour.


Part 3 卓蘭



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Keng-tao Yuan

精緻創意陶禮陶器 A pottery xanadu 在1600坪的寬闊園區裡,耕陶源就像一座充滿陶藝的世 外桃花源,對陶藝、建築、書法等方面皆在行的李仁耀老 師,將文化和創意呈現於耕陶源中,打造這座處處詩意的 人間天堂,遊客到此除了賞陶、玩陶,還能品嚐香醇咖啡 和精緻的客家美食。 Inside the spacious park of 1,600 pings, the Keng-tao Yuan has been turned into a pottery xanadu by owner Lee Jen-yao, who himself excels in pottery art, architecture and Chinese calligraphy. The imbedded culture and creativeness afford visitors a great place to enjoy pottery, play with clay, have coffee, and fine Hakkanese dining. DATA 苗栗縣卓蘭鎮中正路7-1號對面 Opposite of 7-1 Zhongzheng Road, Jhuolan Township, Miaoli County (04)2589-4126、0918-608-818 www.kt-yuan.com.tw 平日免費,假日50元 Free on weekdays, NT$ 50 on holidays 9:00~22:00 搭 乘火車至豐原火車站下車,轉搭豐原客運往卓蘭方向,過 卓蘭大橋後下車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Fengyuan Station, transfer to Fengyuan Passenger Bus bounded for Jhuolan, get off after Jhuolan Bridge, and walk for about 5 minutes

大湖 Dahu



Shuiweiping Strawberry Area

酸甜草莓產區眾多 Home of sweet and tangy strawberries 由於地形、氣候條件適合,使得大湖鄉成為草 莓的盛產地,在大湖,下田體驗採草莓的滋味是 最受歡迎的活動,而依據區域不同,當地也分區 經營有許多家優良的草莓果園,像是大湖水尾坪 一帶,接近雪霸國家公園、汶水地區,即是草莓 產區之一。 Due to its ideal geographical and climate conditions, Dahu Township is home to strawberries abundant. The most popular activity here is pick-your-own strawberries. There are many good strawberry fields in the Shueiweipin Area, Shei-Pa National Park and Wenshui Area. DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉富興村水尾坪 Shuiweiping, Fuxing Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大 湖、卓蘭方向,於水尾坪站下車。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu and Jhuolan, exit at Shuiweiping


大湖 Dahu



The Strawberry Area of Provincial Highway No. 3

草莓果園最大聚集 The biggest converging point of strawberry fields 台3線沿線的草莓園區,即為一般俗稱的大湖觀光草莓園所在 地,由於在省道上,便利的交通位置使得這裡成為遊客聚集的採 莓地。每年的12月~隔年4月、5月,鮮紅碩大的草莓總吸引著許 多人至此一親芳澤,除了現採現吃,吃不完還能將草莓帶回家當 伴手禮。 The strawberry fields along the sides of Provincial Highway No. 3 are commonly referred as the “Dahu Tourist Strawberry Park”. The convenient location of this area has tourists flocking from December to April or May picking strawberries, and taking these gems home for gifts.

DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉台3沿線 Along the sides of Provincial Highway No. 3, Dahu Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往 大湖方向,可於大湖地區農會村休閒酒莊站下 車,再步行至附近的果園區。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, exit at the Dahu Wineland Resort stop, and then walk to nearby fruit orchards.


Part 3 大湖 Dahu


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Linliping Strawberry Park Area

站著採莓樂趣無窮 Do it standing up, this the new way to pick strawberries 淋漓坪一帶離大湖的市區稍遠一點,這裡的草莓園不如其他區來的多,遊客較少,也 多了一份安靜純樸的鄉村田園之樂,此區的果農特別採用離地和分期的培植方式,讓客 人站著也能輕鬆摘採草莓,不必受限於季節,只要想吃,都可以來這裡現採現吃。 Test San Bian Qiao, once a woodcarving workshop, was converted into a studio dedicated to the art of mask paintings by the owners out of their love for Beijing opera. The more than one thousand exquisite, lifelike paintings on display, and amusing in-season DIY events and activities, are just a few interesting things to see and to do here. DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉義和村淋漓坪 Linliping, Yihe Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方 向,於大湖總站下車後轉大湖坪林線,於淋漓樹下站 下車,一天僅三~四班;或在大湖總站叫計程車前往。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Dahu Terminal Station. Then transfer to Dahu/Pinglin bus (makes 3 or 4 runs daily), and exit at Linliping. Take a taxi at Dahu Terminal Station is another option.

大湖 Dahu



Jiangmayuan Recreational Farming Zone and Strawberry Park Area

季節水果輪番上陣 A merry-go-round of in-season fruits 三義往大湖的130縣道即是所謂薑麻園區的範圍,行經這裡時常可見雲霧繚繞的山巒 美景,晨昏雲海景致變化萬千,這一帶的果農除了同樣種有草莓,還有桃子、李子、柑 橘、高接梨、生薑等四季農物,許多果園更推出入時的草莓餐,每道菜上桌都令人忍不 住食指大動。 The stretch of Miaoli County Route 130 going from Sanyi to Dahu is known as the Jiangmayuan Recreational Farming Zone. Not only is this zone famous for spectacular sceneries, this is also where ginger and huge varieties of fresh fruits are grown, plus the best meals made with fresh fruits are served.

DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉栗林村薑麻園 Jiangmayuan, Lilin Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至三義火車站下車, 於車站旁即可租借機車前行。 Take train to Sanyi Station, rent a scooter from nearby


大湖 Dahu



Dahu Wineland Resort

水果美酒草莓世界 Fruits and wine, and a world of strawberries 大湖酒莊結合了農村休閒酒莊和草莓文化館,成為大湖地區的重要地標。大湖酒莊的 產品以特釀的「李子酒」和「草莓酒」最受歡迎,而一旁的草莓文化館不僅販售有讓你 買到手軟的草莓相關製品,還有草莓生態介紹、草莓專屬餐廳。 The Dahu Windland Resort, the union of the village recreation winery and the Strawberry Culture Museum, is a landmark in region. Its special brews “plum wine” and “strawberry wine” are the two most popular gift items. Inside the Strawberry Culture Museum there more shops, a strawberry exhibition and a restaurant dedicated to strawberries. DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉富興村八寮村2-4號 2-4 Baliaowan, Fuxing Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County (037)996-736~8 www.dahufarm.org.tw 9:00~17:00 搭火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運至大湖, 於大湖地區農會休閒酒莊下車,步行約1分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Dahu Wineland Resort stop, walk for about 1 minute.

飲 酒 過 量 有 害 健 康 (Warning Overdrink Oneself)

大湖 Dahu


湖畔花時間 Spendtime Coffee

天然泉水身心紓壓 Natural spring water to sooth and to de-stress 原本以民宿、餐飲聞名的湖畔花時間,整幢建築擁有正對湖泊的優美景觀,近年,這 裡更探勘出新的溫泉地,52℃的美人湯溫泉原湯呈現,溫潤養顏,除了冬天幫助趨寒, 經過特殊管線設計,夏天時自然冷卻而成的天然冷泉也能幫助消暑,冷熱兼顧,深受歡 迎。 Formerly a homestay + restaurant, the entire complex of the Spendtime Coffee is privileged to stunning lake views. The newly excavated hot spring is 52℃in winter but through special piping turns cool and becomes a cool spring in summer. DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉義和村淋漓坪126號 126 Linliping, Yihe Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County (037)996-796 www.spendtime.com.tw 搭 乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往卓蘭方 向,於大湖酒莊下車,可預約接送,車程約10分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Jhuolan, and exit at Dahu Wineland Report. Advance reservation for pick up/drop off is available. It’s about 10 minutes by car.


Part 3 大湖 Dahu


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

石璧溫泉 Shi Bi Spring

天然溫泉人工沙灘 Natural springs and manmade beach 石璧、石湯溫泉擁有兩口溫泉井,不同泉質有不同的感受。有「美人湯」之稱的碳酸 氫鈉泉潤膚美顏,園內共提供了27種不同的溫泉、冷泉,利用不同的造景,營造出不一 樣的泡湯風情,新推出步驚藥草蒸氣浴,檜木烤箱更為全台首創。 There are two spring wells at Shi Tang, each of a different water type but both excellent for the skin. Shi Bi offers 27 uniquely designed hot and cold spring dipping areas, as well as a brand new herbal steam bath, and Taiwan’ s first cypress-wood sauna. DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉大寮村竹高屋2-3號 2-3 Zhugaowu, Daliao Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County (037)997-101 www.xn--bww18affz56a.tw/index.php 8:00~24:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,搭新竹客運往大 湖方向,於大湖市區的派出所斜對面下車。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and get off at the catty-corner of Dahu metro police precinct.

大湖 Dahu


巧克力雲莊 Schokolake

甜蜜享受綻放笑顏 The blissful smile of true sweetness 就像嘴裡有朵雲在飄,吃進一顆巧克力,也能笑的 跟孩子一樣開心!吃過巧克力雲莊裡販售的巧克力的 客人,總能因為這幸福的滋味而再三造訪,雲莊內採 用複合式經營的模式,不僅供應有巧克力,同時還有 餐廳、民宿、溫泉,全方位的服務提供給客人最幸福 的時光。 A bite of chocolate will light up the faces of children all ages. And those who have tasted the chocolates at the Schokolake always come back for more. The Schokolake offers more than great chocolates; it is a multipurpose operation with restaurant, homestay, hot springs too.

DATA 苗栗縣大湖鄉富興村水尾坪49-2號 49-2 Shuiweiping, Fuxing Village, Dahu Township, Miaoli County (037)996-916 www.zen-inn.com.tw 8:00~20:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭 新竹客運往大湖方向,於法雲寺下 車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu and Jhuolan, exit at Fayun Temple, and walk for about 5 minutes.


大湖 Dahu



Manabang Mountain

巍巍青山秋楓遍野 Majestic mountain and a sea of maple leaves 馬那邦山海拔有1406公尺,位於大湖鄉和泰安鄉的交 界處,除了終年擁有飄渺山嵐環繞山間,壯麗雲海盤據山 頭,宛如一幅雄偉壯觀的自然詩畫,種植有青楓和楓香兩 種品種的馬拉邦山同時也是賞楓勝地,山中原始自然的特 殊景觀,成為登山客最愛的攀峰處。 At 1,406 m elevation, the Manabang Mountain is located at the intersection of Dahu and Tai-an townships. It’ s cover of lush green and misty clouds form a picture that is breathtakingly beautiful. It is also famous for maple watching for there are two variety of maple trees planted, as well as being a popular hiking destination. DATA 0933-571-588馬那邦山觀光產業協會 Manabang Mountain Tourism Association Tel: 0933-571588 搭 乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹 客運往大湖方向,於大湖站下車後再轉 乘計程車或與協會連絡前往,步道長約5 公里,來回步行需5小時,前往時請留意 行程規劃。 Take train to Miaoli Station, Transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, then take a taxi or contact the association. The trail is about 5 km long, and takes about 5 hours roundtrip walking. Please take note and make your travel plan accordingly. 提醒:沿途無商店,請自備水及食物。 Reminder : There are no stores along the way, please bring your own water and food supplies.

往大湖 To Dahu


淋漓坪 Linliping

Miaoli Route 55


To Xidaobang Mountain

業道 興產

To Zhuolan




永興橋Yongxing Bridge P


To Xiangbi


Zhu Lake Trail Entrance

Zhongxing Route


Changqiao Shihziting



Shanghu Hiking Trail Entrance (bamboo garden)

Ancient Battleground Memorial Tablet


線 湖 te 然 ou 天Lake R


n Tia

大石壁 天然湖



Dongxing Route

Zhongzheng Bridge



Miaoli Route 55-1 Cloud Manor

d oa


Dongxing Primary School

To Dahu

Miaoli Route 61 Zhu Lake


ndustrial R 路 苗55-1 D東 gxing I on



Cross Road




Tianran Lake


Manabang Mountain


馬那邦山步道圖 Manabang Mountain trail


Tianran Lake Main Trail Entrance


Beech Forest


To Dake Mountain

Part 3 泰安 Taian


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Qingan Tofu Street

遊豆腐老街吃豆腐 Try the tofu at the old street 清安豆腐街因有洗水溪與汶水溪匯流經過,所以又叫做 「洗水坑老街」,刻意營造懷舊風格的木造牌坊四處林 立,給人彷如掉入時光機,回到過去的錯覺。沿街可見許 多專賣手工豆腐的店家,到這裡可別錯過各種不同烹調手 法的豆腐料理,來一頓豐盛的豆腐大餐! The Qinqan Tofu Street is also known as the Xishuikeng Old Street because the Xishui River and Wenshui River flow through it. It is a street with deliberateness for yesteryear, and visitors often feel like they’ ve entered a time machine. The many tofu stores here sell handmade tofu, so don’ t miss out on trying some specialty dishes while you are here. DATA 苗栗縣泰安鄉清安村清安街 Qingan St. Qingan Village, Tai-an Township, Miaoli County 搭 乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方向,於汶水站下車,轉乘新竹客運往清安方 向,於清安站下車(一天僅4班);或轉搭計程車前往。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Wenshui stop, then transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Qingan (four runs per day only) and exit at Qingan stop. Take a taxicab is another option

泰安 Taian



Xuejian Recreation Area

物種豐富白雪盛景 A Banquet of Wildlife and White Snow 雪見遊憩區隸屬雪霸國家公 園第三遊憩區,海拔1870公 尺,在遊憩區內除了可窺見雪 山聖稜線的山景,更孕育有富 饒的野生動物,其中包括有罕 見的十多種蝙蝠,而泰雅族 文化景觀也是特色之一。在冬季來臨時,靄靄銀雪覆蓋山 頭,壯麗景致令人動容,因屬山地管制區,遊客進入之前 需向當地派出所或分局辦理乙種入山證方可進入。 The Xuejian Recreation Area, at 1,870 elevations, is the third recreation area in the Shei-Pa National Park. It is a fertile area rich in wildlife, and home to more than 10 types of exotic bats. The Atayal cultural landscaping is another dazzling destination. The view is stunning during winter as the mountains are covered by snow. Note, this is a restricted mountain area; visitors must first obtain a mountain permit at the local police precinct or sub-station prior to entrance.

DATA 苗栗縣泰安鄉梅園村7鄰雪 見10號 10 Xuejian, 7th Neighborhood, Meiyuan Village, Tai-an Township, Miaoli County (037)962-188雪霸國家公 園管理處 Shei-pa National Park Visitor Center (037) 962-188 www.spnp.gov.tw/homepage. asp 9:00~17:00 搭 乘火車至苗栗火車站, 轉搭新竹客運往大湖方 向,於大湖市區下車,轉 乘計程車。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Dahu town area. Take a taxi from thereon

提醒:因屬山區,出發前請電話洽詢路況,另無提供住宿及餐飲設施,離主要城鎮台中東勢或苗栗 車程約2小時,建議遊客至少規劃二日遊之行程,並先行規劃住宿及餐飲事宜。 Reminder : please telephone in advance to inquire road conditions. No lodging or food service in the vicinity. It is roughly 2 hours car ride from major cities like Taichung, Dongshi or Miaoli. Tourists are advised to plan for at least a 2-day trip, and make advance arrangements for lodging and food.


泰安 Taian



Tai-an Hot Springs Area

歷史悠久泡湯勝地 The hot springs area with long history 於日據時代之時,這裡曾經被稱作「上島溫泉」, 一直到了民國67年始改名為泰安溫泉。在溫泉區的附近有多家溫泉會館,是泰安鄉知名 的泡湯地,溫泉泉質為無色無臭的鹼性碳酸泉,亦為俗稱的美人湯,溫泉的源區則包括 了源頭泰安溫泉、騰龍溫泉以及虎山溫泉。 The Tai-an Hot Springs Area has been famous since the Japanese Occupation days, hence there are many hot spring houses in this area. The water is the colorless, odorless alkaline-sulfate type known to beautify women’ s skin. The Tai-an Hot Springs Area includes Tai-an Hot Spring, Tenglong Hot Spring and Hushan Hot Spring. DATA 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Tai-an Township, Miaoli County 搭 乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方 向,於汶水站下車,轉乘新竹客運往清安方向(僅平 日兩班),或轉乘計程車,從苗栗火車站出發車資約 800~1000元。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Wenshui stop, then transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Qingan (two runs per day only). Or take a taxi from Miaoli Station, the fare is around NT$ 800 to NT$ 1,000.

提醒:有些溫泉飯店提供定點接駁服 務,出發前請與住宿飯店確認,平均 湯屋泡湯價位約1200~2500元,大眾 池價位約70~400元。 Reminder : Some hot spring hotels have shuttle services at fix locations; please inquire with your choice of stay in advance. The average price for a private hot spring pool runs NT$ 1,200 ~ 2,500, and the cost to dip in a public pool is NT$70 ~ NT$400.

店名Name 錦水溫泉飯店 King’ s Resort & Spa

電話Telephone 簡介Brief Description (037)941-811 引用德國溫泉保養地概念,融入泰安鄉當地特色。 It employs the German BADE resort concept, and infuses with Tai-an’s local characteristics.

日出溫泉渡假飯店 Sunrise Spring Hotel


私家窖藏42℃碳酸泉,1770電解度與毛細孔最親密接觸。 It’s private 42℃ carbonate spring and 1770-degree electrolysis make the intimate contact with skin pores.

泰安觀止溫泉會館 Onsen Papawaqa


全館採用台灣獨有肖楠原木,泡湯同時享受芬多精香氣。 The entire resort and spa use Taiwan incense cedar. Guests enjoy hot spring dips in aromatic phytoncid.

湯悅溫泉會館 Taian Tangyue Resort


48度美肌之泉得天獨厚,全館源泉提供100%的純真。 48-degree beauty spring is a gift from heavens; the resort caters 100% purity.

虎山溫泉大飯店 (037)941-001 Hu-Shan Hot Spring Resort

提供弱鹼性碳酸泉,還有冷泉區、SPA館等多元化設施。 This is a resort with diverse facilities. It offers weak-alkaline carbonate spring, cold spring area, SPA, and many more

騰龍山莊 Tenglong Manor

位於橫龍部落山下,保有河流沿岸最原始之森林原貌。 It is located at the foothill of Henglong Mountain, with well preserved, the most primitive forests along the riverbanks



Part 3 泰安 Taian


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Henglong Old Trail Way

健身賞景安全步道 Scenic hiking trail that’ s all about safety 橫龍古道為加里山脈延伸的橫龍山,為昔日原住民為了抗日所闢建,每年秋天一到, 沿途滿佈的楓紅美景,秀麗柔情令人驚艷,走完單程約需90分鐘,中海拔的高度,孕 育有許多動植物,除了楓樹,另可見闊葉林中桂竹、箭竹,以及山豬、山羌、雉雞等動 物。 The aboriginals initially constructed the Henglong Old Trail Way on Henglong Mountain to fight the Japanese. Today, this trail at mid-to-high elevation takes about 90 minutes to walk through one way, and is breathtaking when maple leaves change their colors. It is rich in wildlife too. DATA 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Tai-an Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運 往大湖方向,於汶水站下車,轉乘計程車至 泰安溫泉區,再轉乘四輪傳動車至登山口。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Dahu stop. Take a taxi to Tai-an Hot Spring Area and transfer to take a 4-wheel drive vehicle proceed to park entrance.




錦水客家懷石料理 Hakkanese Kaiseki cuisine

湯泉相伴美食好味 The tasty meal after a hot spring dip 除了是溫泉飯店,這裡還有另一項值得推薦的東西,那就是豐富美味的客家懷石餐, 將客家料理精緻提升,每一口都嚐的到溫泉料理的溫潤口感,像是蘿蔔絲蛋捲、桔醬高 麗捲、茄子鮮肉餃、椒烤鱒魚、粄條扣肉、香芋芡實,都是泡湯後最讚的營養補給。 Adjacent to the Wenshui River and located at the foothill of Henglong Mountain, this hotel is more than just a provider of hot springs, it is also famous for its exquisite Hakka-style Kaiseki cuisine, where every bite is an ambrosia unique to hot-spring cooking, the finest nutritional supplement after a dip. DATA 苗栗縣泰安鄉錦水村72號 ( 錦 水 溫 泉 飯店) 72 Jinshui Village, Tai-an Township, Miaoli County(King's Resort & Spa) (037)941333 www.kingspa.com.tw 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新 竹客運往大湖方向,於汶水站下車, 轉乘計程車。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, and exit at Wenshui stop. Take a taxi from thereon.



三灣/獅潭/南庄/頭份 Sanwan/Shihtan/Nanjhuang/Toufen

Famous Mountains and Ancient Sites 探訪自然山林古地 A Trip to Nature’ s Woodlands and Ancient Sites 磅礡壯麗的高聳山頭、澄淨如鏡的豐沛水庫,帶有往日風情的復古老街道,還有香Q可 口的人氣道地小吃特產,探訪靈山古勝間,享受和自然為伍的悠閒快活。 Majestic mountains, crystal clear reservoirs, retro old streets, delicious local snacks, are just a few reasons to wander amid the hills and become one with nature.

>>>貼心提醒Reminder 苗栗客運行經頭份三灣南庄鄉鎮,請注意在竹南火車站前搭乘,獅潭鄉在苗栗火車 站設有社區免費巡迴巴士搭乘(一天四班)。 Visitors taking Miaoli Passenger Bus through Toufen to Sanwan and Nanjhuang route please board in front of Jhunan Train Station; Shihtan Township has a free community bus (four runs a day) that is located at Miaoli Train Station.





Yunghoshan Reservoir

山水相映自然美景 Stunning natural scenery 採「自由溢洪側槽洩洪門」的永和山水庫,為台灣第一座沒有水閘與水門的自然水 庫,興建於民國69年,於頭份和三灣永和村間的中港溪支流北坑溝上游,壩高89.5公 尺,長340公尺,壩頂12公尺高,在壩頂可以欣賞恢弘壯闊的自然風景,山水映襯交織出 幽靜虛幻的懾人美景,水庫旁的福德祠供奉著因興建水庫而遷集至此的27尊土地公,形 成特殊景觀。 The Yunghosan Reservoir, Taiwan’s first natural dam without any sluice or flood gates, was built in 1980. It is located between Sanwan and Toufen. It measures 89.5 m in height, 340 m in length, and 12 m tall embankment. Sceneries at the top of the embankment are distinctly stunning for the 27 statures of the God of Earth, moved here from the nearby Fude Shrine because the Ming-der Reservoir was built. DATA 苗栗縣三灣鄉永和村與頭份交界處 Intersection of Sanwan Township’s Yungho Village and Toufen Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運 往頭份方向,於頭份站下車,再轉搭往永和 山水庫方向的車次(一天五班,最晚一班下 午五點發車)。Take Train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Toufen, exit Toufen Stop. Transfer to bus going to the Yunghoshan Reservoir direction (5 runs daily, the last run departs at 17:00) 提醒:附近無商店,建議自備食物及注意車 班時間往返。Reminder: please bring your own food as there are no stores nearby; pay attention to the busschedule


Part 3



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli



Ancient Minfeng Trail Way

舊時要道健行散步 An important old trail that is great for hiking 早期是賽夏族狩獵要道的鳴鳳古道,後期變成獅潭、頭屋間農產品運送與交易的主要 道路,從獅潭的義民廟到頭屋的雲洞宮,全長約3公里的古道四周濃蔭覆蓋,中途還可連 結延平古道、錫隘古道、八達嶺佈道、綠色步道、南長城步道等多條健行步道。 The Ancient Minfeng Trail was an old hunting trail used by the Saisiat Tribesmen but later became a main road to transport farm products between Shihtan and Touwu townships. This shady trail is about 3 km long, and has connections to other hiking trails too. DATA 苗栗縣獅潭鄉 Shihtan, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭獅潭鄉免 費社區巴士至獅潭站下(一天四班) Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Shihtan’s free community bus and exit at Shihtan (four runs daily). 提醒:附獅潭當地有帶團解說服務,英文導 覽請先預約,50元/人,可撥打0925-882508 苗栗自然生態協會李先生 Reminder: Shihtan offers guided tour service. Please make advance reservation for English guide. The fare is NT$ 50 per person. Contact: Mr. Lee, Miaoli Natural Ecology Association cell: 0925-882-508



Ancient Minfeng trail way

Puguang Temple



To Sanwan

North Changcheng Old Trail Way

往頭屋 To Touwu 鳴鳳古道

永鳴道路 Yongfeng Road


Ancient Minfeng Trail Way


Miaoli Route 26

Minfeng Mountain Entrance/Exit




Yimin Temple Entrance/Exit

Yundong Temple


South Changcheng Old Trail Way



石觀音Stone Guanyin



Century-Old Acacia Tree


Yanping Old Trail Way


Shuangfeng Trail

Xinhe No. 2 Bridge



苗26 Miaoli Route 26



往北河 To Baihe

Yimin Temple


Lover Valley

錫隘隧道 Xi-Ai Tunnel


Yuinghan Ridge


Badaling Old Trail Way


Xi-Ai Old Trail Way

往大湖 To Dahu






Lingdong Temple, Mt. Sian 歷史悠久山中宮廟 A historical temple high on the mountain top 位於仙山上的靈洞宮於民國38年興建,主祀 三聖恩主、玉皇大帝和東嶽大帝,有許多虔誠 的信徒到此拜拜、求平安,山上終年涼爽的氣 候以及氣派輝煌的宮廟外觀,格外吸引遊客參 拜駐足,是當地的名廟,獅潭當地另有多元就 業中心,提供導覽解說行程。 The famous Lingdong Temple, built in 1949, attracts huge number of faithful, who come regularly for divine blessing and religious rituals. Guided tour is offered at the local employment center. DATA 苗栗縣獅潭鄉新店村小東勢24號 24 Xiaodongshi, Xindian Village, Shihtan Township, Miaoli County (037)931-373 4:00~20:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭轉搭獅潭鄉免 費社區巴士至仙山站下(一天四班)。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Shihtan’ s free community bus and exit at Xianshan (four run daily)





Wenshui Historic Street

客家文化觀光留存 Hakka Culture Preservation 汶水老街在早期是主要交通要道,也是貨物的大宗集散地,繁 華褪盡後,現在的老街已轉型為集人文、觀光、藝術為一體的保 存區,殘存的古老屋舍和多樣道地的客家美食淡淡飄香,還有茶 壽專賣店販售著用稻草編成的茶水保溫竹籠,無處不瀰漫著往日 客家文化情懷。 The Wenshui Old Street was once an important transportation route and a converging point for goods. Today it is an area where culture, tourism and art are preserved as one. The nostalgic atmosphere delivers visitors back through time to olden Hakka days.

DATA 苗栗縣獅潭鄉南端台6線底 At the end of Route 6, Nanduantai, Shihtan Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往 大湖、卓蘭方向,於汶水站下車。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu and Jhuolan, exit at Wenshui stop, and you have arrived at destination.


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苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Mt. Sian Mesona

香Q退火清涼爽口 Black diamonds, sweet and good 掛滿客家文物的白牆、吊著竹篩的天花板,還沒嚐到仙草的好味,心已跟著店裡的裝 潢,跌入舊時的客家生活中。以天然泉水和不添加化學肥料的仙草乾為原料,細心熬煮 八小時的Q嫩、富彈性的仙草端上桌,沁脾退火的清涼滋味是獅潭名產,也是夏日最佳良 伴。 White walls covered with Hakkanese artifacts, ceiling with bamboo wares hanging down, you have just been bedazzled by the lifestyle of olden Hakka ways. And this is even before you tasted the black grassroot jelly, a Shihtan specialty that was simmered for 8 hours, tender and delicious, a great summer treat to beat the heat of the season.

DATA 苗栗縣獅潭鄉新店村7鄰62號 62, 7th Neighborhood, Xindian Village, Shihtan Township, Miaoli County (037)931-318、(037)932-318 8:00~17:30 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭獅潭鄉免費巴士至獅潭站下車(一天四班), 再步行約1分鐘。Take Train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Shihtan, exit at Xindian Stop; or take the Shihtan’ s free community bus and exit at Shihtan stop.






Nanjhuang Historic Street

遠近馳名南庄要點 Famous Nanjhuang Destinations 鋪有朱紅磚牆的桂花巷,早期 一群社區營造工作者和婦女,成 立了「桂花巷工作坊」經營地方 文化,因此而命名。巷弄裡有許 多小店販售各種南庄小吃,還有 舊時婦女用來洗衣的洗衫坑、日 據時代的老郵局,以及販售美麗 和服的傳統老店。 The brick-walled Sweet Osmanthus Alley is full of tasty eateries and famous retail shops; the Ashinig Pit of Shieubiantou was where villagers used to wash their clothes on stone slabs; the post office that was built during Japanese occupation, and stores that sell traditional costumes. DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉 Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,於南庄總站下車。 Take the train to Sanyi Train Station; the shop is about 15 minutes away walking.


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苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Lake Siantian

賽夏祭典部落湖泊 The ceremonial lake of Saisiyat Tribe 海拔約750公尺的向天湖,是一座山字型的湖泊,除了湖中蘊藏有許多品種的魚類,四 周的秀麗風景尤其令人過目難忘,桂竹、茶油林、杉木生長其中,林相豐富,賽夏族的 重要祭典-矮靈祭活動亦舉辦於此,祭典為兩年一小祭,十年一大祭,若於每日不同時刻 漫步湖畔步道,即可看見千變萬化的彩霞揮灑空中。 Located at 750 m, the beautiful Siantianhu is an upside down E-shape lake rich in fish and fauna and flora as well as bamboo, tea, and cedar forests. Many important Saisiyat rituals and ceremonies including the Festival of the Little People are conducted here too.

DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉東河村 Donghe Village, Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車, 轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,再 轉乘往向天湖的班次,於向天 湖下車。 Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Nanjhuang, exit at Siantianhu, and you have arrived.

矮靈祭的由來 舊時,身高不到1米的黑矮人擁有一身技能,他們教導賽夏族農耕、祭神的方 法,讓賽夏族的族人有了穩定的生活技能。每年農作收成的時候,賽夏族人會邀 請矮黑族到部落裡作樂,慶祝豐收,漸漸的,接受邀請的矮黑族對賽夏族的婦女 有了不軌的舉動,在一次舉行豐年祭的時候,賽夏族人於是設計陷阱使矮黑族人 死亡,此後,農作不再如同以往年年豐收,而為了慰藉死去的矮黑族人,於是舉 行「矮靈祭」,在農曆10月中旬舉行,現也已由原來的一年一祭,改為兩年一小 祭,十年一大祭。 The Festival of the Little People (or the ritual of black midgets) is based on the ancient tale of the “little people”, less than 1 meter tall on their stocking feet, who taught the saisiyat how to live on the land and how to hold offerings for the gods. To show their thanks the saisiyats would invite the black midgets to their tribe for merriments during harvest time in return. Over time, the little people started to make unwanted sexual advances on the saisiyat women. One year, this conflict pushed the saisiyat tribesmen to set a trap and killed their guests. From that incident on, harvest turned poor year after year. So to appease and pay respect to the spirits of the little people, the saisiyats began to hold “Festival of the Little People” in mid October according to the lunar calendar. Today the ceremony occurs once every two years for the small festival and once every 10 years for the grand festival, no longer the yearly event as done in the past.






Shen Sian Valley

雲霧飄渺恍若仙境 A heavenly valley of mist and cloud 擁有神秘色彩的神仙谷,顯要的地勢和湍急的溪流,在時間的日積月累下,將岩壁切 割出幾十公尺的落差,磅礡的飛泉在山林的相映下更顯靈秀,裡頭建有行走步道和長150 公尺的吊橋可通往石門步道,遊客在橋邊的觀景台上,能一覽神仙谷的仙境山色。 The mysterious Shen Sian Valley with its rushing waters and treacherous geography, has carved a sharp drop on its rocky cliff where a waterfall now cascades down. There are walk paths and a 150 m hanging bridge leading toward the Shimen Walkway, where there is an observation platform to view the spectacular scenery. DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉東河村 Donghe Village, Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,於南庄站下車,租摩托車或轉搭計程車 前往。Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Nanjhuang, exit at Nanjhuang stop. Transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Donghe, exit at Donghe stop, and you have arrived.





Zhangmuniang (Mother-in-Law’ s) Dried Bean Curds 獨家醬汁滷出好味 Exclusive sauce for a delicious taste

自創的獨家醬料是丈母娘豆干好吃 的關鍵,運用獨創的滷製手法讓豆 干又香又Q、富有嚼勁,提味的香蒜 醬汁香濃夠味,令人忍不住一口接一 口,招牌蒜滷豆干是人氣首選,擁有 微辣口感的香辣豆干吃過齒頰留香, 呈方形厚片的五香豆乾、長條型的長 條豆干都越吃越順口。 The special sauce is the key to the yummy, chewy bean curds at Mother-in-Law’ s. The top sellers are the braised garlic bean curds, rich in flavor and slightly spicy, and the five-spice thick-cut bean curds. DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉中正路52號 52 Zhongzhen Road, Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County (in front of Yongchang Temple) (037)822-010 7:30~19:00 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,於南庄站下 車。 Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for


Part 3 南庄



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Chilled Sweet Riceballs at Sweet Osmanthus Alley Q軟湯圓花蜜加味鑚 Chewy riceballs in honey sauce 這間賣冰鎮湯圓的小店,位於桂花巷的狹窄巷弄 中,創立於2001年的桂花巷花茶冰鎮湯圓,細心計 算糯米密度和遇冰後的飽和度,讓湯圓不會一加入 冰就馬上變硬,接著再淋上桂花、玫瑰花、薰衣草 製成的花蜜,香甜Q軟的口感,是南庄老街的人氣 甜品。 This shop that sells chilled sweet riceballs is located on a narrow back lane of Sweet Osmanthus Alley. Opened since 2001, it first calculates the saturation point so riceballs won’t turn hard when ice cubes are added, then stirs-in honeys made from sweet Osmanthus, rose, and lavender, then one of the most popular desserts on Nanjhuang historic Street is ready.

DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉文化路15號 15 Wenhua Road, Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County (037)823-386、0972-054-120 9:30~17:30 www.823386.com.tw 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,於南庄站下車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Nanjhuang, exit at Nanjhuang stop, and walk for about 5 minutes.






Quanhua Temple

山腹上的生活庇佑 Daily protection for living amid mountains 座落於獅頭山國家風景區前山山腹,全山11間寺庵,10間建築於岩洞內,勸化堂為主 殿,興建於西元1897年,其堂殿利用原有的岩洞築成,自古以來就是宗教聖地,以釋儒 道三教教化眾生,從勸化堂眺望遠方,連綿山巒相互交疊,翠綠青峰形成壯闊的景致, 此處提供禪房供訪者住宿。 Located in the forefront of Shitoushan (Lion Head Mountain) National Scenic Area, where 10 out of the 11 temples and shrines in the vicinity are constructed inside caves, the Quanhua built in 1898, is the main temple. It is located on a religious holy ground that dates back to ancient days. Its main complex was also built inside the original cave walls. This temple services Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. The overlapping mountain views seen from the Quanhua Temple are majestic. Dormitory lodging is available to visitors. DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉獅山村17鄰242號 242, 17th Neighborhood, Shihshan Village, Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County (037)822-020 www.lion.org.tw 4:00~21:00 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄經獅頭山方向,於獅頭山登山口下車,再依指 標步行30分鐘至勸化堂。Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Nanjhuang via Shitoushan, exit at either Shitoushan or Longmenkou, and walk for about 20 minutes





Penglai River Fish Protection Trail 在地居民生態保育 Ecology protected by the locals

這條護魚步道是苗栗縣第一條實施護魚 政策的溪流,早期蓬萊社區的居民組織巡 邏隊,守護因濫捕而逐漸乾涸的魚溪,謢 魚步道曾獲得「優質自然生態景觀獎」。 長2.4公里的步道溪流清澈,不時可見苦 花、石 等悠遊其中,沿途還有大花曼陀 羅、五色鳥等生態景觀。 This award-winning Fish Protection Tail, the first of such in Miaoli to implement fish protection policy, used to be patrolled by the Penglai community residents. The water flowing down this 2.4 m eco-rich trail is crystal clear, and one can see schools of fish swimming. DATA 苗栗縣南庄鄉蓬萊村Penglai Village, Nanjhuang Township, Miaoli County (037)824-783、0911-292-814南庄鄉蓬萊社區發展協會The Penglai Association of Community Development of Nanjhuang Township:(037) 82-4783 or cell: 0911-292-814 www.penla.idv.tw 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,於南庄站下車,再轉搭苗栗客運往仙 山方向,於上庄站下車(一天四班)即抵。Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Nanjhuang, exit at Nanjhuang Stop, then transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Xianshan, exit at Shangzhuang Stop and you have arrived.


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苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Tongching Nature Trail

林蔭步道賞桐勝地 A shady trail to see Tung Blossom 步道的入口處有二,分別可見寬闊 草原和茂密的林相,其一位於三灣鄉 苗19縣道上,全程坡度難易度適中, 步道長1.5公里,沿途不僅可欣賞另人 身心舒暢的水岸山色,還可見大龍崗 湖的波光樣貌,於桐花盛開的時節, 典雅的雪白景致更是動人。 There are two entrances to the trail: one for a view of vast plains and the other dense woods. The one trail measuring 1.5 km located on Miaoli County Route 19 in Sanwan Township is easier to climb for the slope is gentle, and is surrounded by pleasant sceneries and a view of Dalonggan Lake. DATA 苗栗縣三灣鄉銅鏡村 Tongjing Village, Sanwan Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車於竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往南庄方向,至三灣市區下車再轉搭計程車。 Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Nanjhuang, exit at Tongjing Village. Take a taxi to destination.

銅鏡山林步道圖 Tongching Nature trail



竹南/後龍 Jhunan/Houlong

Fun and Blessings 廟宇聖殿漁港體驗 Divine Temples and Fishing Ports 於艷陽高照的午後時光,在海邊吹風散步,享受最在地的海港風情,大快朵頤現撈的 新鮮海味,歷史悠久的聖宮靈廟香火餘繞,是心底深處最依賴的心靈寄託。 On the afternoon of a sunny day, take a stroll along the beach for a bite of the freshest justcaught seafood, or visit an old historic temple for a bit of spiritual comfort.

>>>貼心提醒Reminder 漁港海鮮價格依時價為準,不時有所變動,海港附近皆有海鮮餐廳提供時鮮,進入 廟宇拜拜請帶著一顆虔誠肅穆的心,不宜大聲喧嘩。 The price of seafood at fishing ports varies according to season. Seafood restaurants nearby also cater in-season catches. Please be solemn and respectful while inside temple grounds.





Beach Forest Recreation Area 親子同遊海灘玩樂 A family outing at the beach 南北長5公里,佔地約一百多公頃的濱海 森林遊憩區,利用保安林地為基礎,規劃 許多休閒設施,成為具休閒觀光功能的多 元性公園,其中,103公頃的防風林更形成 獨特景觀,適合全家大小到此運動健行、 聊天談心,騎騎自行車,享受風兒吹拂的 清涼快感。 The Beach Forest Recreation Area, 5 km longitude on a land of 100-plus hectares, is a multipurpose park geared for family outings with planned recreational facilities, and spectacular 103-hectare long coastal windbreaks.

DATA 苗栗縣竹南鎮 Jhunan Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉乘計程車。 Take train to Jhunan Station, take a taxi. 提醒:此處目前無腳踏車出租服務 Reminder : Bicycle rental is not available currently


Part 3




苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Longfeng Fishing Port 牽罟體驗漁獲豐富 Cast and catch 緊鄰著西濱公路的龍鳳漁港,漁產種類豐富,由於漁 港附近為花枝產卵的集中地,可捕獲大量的手釣花枝, 另外像是烏魚、花枝、鰆、白口、鯛類、鯧類、鰤類、 鐵甲參等等,都是漁港的主要漁獲,遊客可於傍晚時分 至此騎單車,體驗早期捕魚「牽罟」的樂趣。 Immediately next to the West Coastal Expressway, and waters where hordes of squids spawn eggs, Longfeng Port is known for its abundant fresh seafood such mullets, snappers and hamachis and of course squids. Visitors can bike in late afternoons or try casting dragnets.

DATA 苗栗縣竹南鎮龍鳳里10鄰海埔38號 Haipu 38, 10th Neighborhood, Longfeng Li, Jhunan Township, Miaoli County (037)464-155 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉乘計程車。 Take train to Jhunan Station, take a taxi.





Butterfly Ecology Museum

紫斑蝶的遷徙住所 Where purple milkweeds migrate 由於每年四、五月間,竹南濱海森林遊憩區林區,可見遷移性的紫斑蝶大量繁殖,於 是成立了紫斑蝶生態館,館內陳列有許多珍貴的紫斑蝶照片、實體標本、生態解說和賞 蝶活動,還可以到生態館旁的蝴蝶步道散步,欣賞紫斑蝶和其他蝶類的翩翩舞姿。 A vast number of migrating purple milkweeds propagate in this area April to May each year. The Butterfly Ecology Museum was built to promote public awareness. It exhibits ecological photographs and specimen samples, and offers guided tours and butterfly-watching events.

DATA 竹南鎮濱海森林遊憩區親子之森內 Inside Beach Forest Recreation Area, Jhunan Township (037)469-895竹南鎮塭內社區發展協會 Jhunan Township Wennei Community Development Association (037) 469-895 8:00~11:30、13:30~16:30 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉乘計 程車。 Take train to Jhunan Station, and take taxi from thereon






Chunggang Cihyu Temple

獨特建築珍貴價值 Unique Architecture, Priceless Artifacts 中港慈裕宮有「小湄洲」的美 名,主祀媽祖,位於中港溪畔的塭 仔頭,創於西元1658年。具有三百 多年歷史的慈裕宮,於1985年由內 政部頒布為國家三級古蹟,香火鼎 盛,是地方的宗教信仰中心,宮內 收藏的古物包括有青斗石獅、古檀 香爐等,非常珍貴。 Founded in 1658, the Zhongang Cihyu Temple is the oldest ancient Matsu temple and the local religious center in Miaoli. The Ministry of Interiors listed it in 1985 as a Thirdclass Historical Site. It houses innumerable precious and extremely rare historic artifacts. DATA 苗栗縣竹南鎮中美里1鄰民生路7號 7 Minsheng Rd., 1st Neighborhood, Zhongmei Li, Jhunan Township, Miaoli County (037)462-353 www.cihyu-temple.com.tw 5:30~22:00 搭火車於竹南火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約5分鐘。 Take train to Jhunan Station, and take taxi from thereon for a ride about 5 minutes





Hotsu Longfeng Temple

香火鼎盛古物珍藏 Popular Temple, precious artifacts 主祀天上聖母的后厝龍鳳宮,建於西元1836年,其最著名的特色即為後殿高達41.2公 尺的媽祖塑像,登上塑像頂部可遙望壯闊的台灣海峽美景,富麗堂皇的建築宮殿、人聲 鼎沸的虔誠香客,在滿室瀰漫的裊裊香火中,祈求的祝禱聲此起彼落,令人心情平靜。 The Hotsu Longfeng temple was built in 1836, and is most famous for the 41.2 meter tall Matsu stature in its back temple. Grand views of Taiwan Strait may be seen on top of this towering stature. DATA 苗栗縣竹南鎮龍鳳里12鄰42號 42, 12th Neighborhood, Longfeng Li, Jhunan Township, Miaoli County (037)464-620、(037)463-600 www.chunan-great-mazu.org.tw 5:30~21:00 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉搭苗栗 客運往頭份方向,於龍鳳宮站下車即 抵。Take train to Jhunan Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus, exit at Longfeng temple stop.


Part 3




苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

竹南啤酒廠 Jhunan Brewery

暢飲現做新鮮啤酒 Drink you fill of freshly brewed beer 號稱是東南亞最大啤酒廠的竹南廠,廠內開放遊客參觀啤酒的製作過程,如果對酒香 念念不忘,一旁的展售中心販售有剛出廠的生啤酒,鮮味十足,新鮮的滋味清涼順口, 在炎熱的夏天飲用最能消暑解渴,另還提供各式精美的菸酒禮盒、在地特色農產品。 Billed as the largest brewery in Southeast Asia, the Jhunan Brewery opens its beer production process to visitors. But if you are thirsty for something else, then move to the sales center next door, for thirst-quenching draft beer and beer related products are sold here.

DATA 苗栗縣竹南鎮竹南工業區和興路345號 345 Hexing Rd., Jhunan Industrial Area, Jhunan Township, Miaoli County (037)583-001#717 event.ttl-eshop.com.tw/jn 9:00~17:00 搭乘火車至竹南火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約10分鐘。 Take train to Jhunan Station, and take taxi for a ride about 10 minutes.






Waipu Fishing Port

休閒觀光一應俱全 Everything from recreation to sightseeing 這裡是一年一度「苗栗海洋觀光季」的 舉辦地,有遊客最熱衷的漁獲拍賣場,而 為了讓漁港能變的更觀光化,積極推動包 括了環境綠化、碼頭木棧道建置、遊客中 心、浮動碼頭等,藝術造景和船型公廁則 非常具有漁港本身的特色;無論是喝咖啡 賞日落、放風箏或是現挑生猛海鮮大快朵 頤一番都很適合。 This is where the annual Ocean Festival is held and the touristy fish auction site is located. The Waipu Fishing Port is also loaded with extra features such green environment, wood plank walkway, visitor center, floating jetties, and boat-shaped public toilets. This port is ideal for sipping coffee, watching sunsets, flying kites, or feasting fresh, live seafood. DATA 苗栗縣後龍鎮海埔巷13之5號 13~5 Haipu Lane, Houlong Township, Miaoli County (037)433-075外埔漁港管理站Waipu Port Management Station 搭乘火車至後龍火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往外埔方向,於外埔漁港站下車。Take train to Houlong Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Houlong, exit at Waipu Port stop





Cape of Good Hope

風車聳立遠眺風光 Views from the wind turbines 位於後龍溪和西湖溪間,鄰近海岸線的寬闊台地即為 好望角的所在地,可以走在木棧道上吹風曬太陽,或是 遠眺沿海地帶的滔滔白浪,好望角聞名的日出日落是這 裡的重點景觀,一整排壯觀的巨型風力發電機妝點唯美 風情,歷史悠久的平埔族捕魚石滬則具有珍貴的文化價 值。 The plateau between the rivers Houlong and Sihu is where the Cape of Good Hope is located. One can take a walk on its plank path for a little sun or to get a view of crashing waves, or to catch its famous sunrise and sunset. The row of gigantic wind turbines is another attraction. DATA 苗栗縣後龍鎮南港里 Nangang Li, Houlong Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往灣瓦方向,於翁厝站下車,步行5分鐘。(公車班 次少,請注意時間,且附近無商家,請自備食物。)Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Wanwa, and exit and Wengcuo stop, walk for about 5 minutes. notes:The bus runs are few and infrequent, please watch your time carefully. As there are no stores along the way, please bring your own water and food supplies.


Part 3




苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Cihyun Temple 歷史悠久信仰中心 An historical religious center 於西元1771年興建至今,已有兩百多年歷史 的慈雲宮,是後龍地區保存最久的宮廟,主祀 媽祖,除了是後龍當地居民的信仰中心,同時 也是苗栗縣唯一保有完整文獻的道教廟宇,像 是紫檀古桌、「與天同功」的匾額等,元宵節 時還舉辦有精采熱鬧的射炮城活動。 Founded some 200 years ago in 1771, the Cihyun Temple is the oldest temple in the Houlong area. It houses innumerable precious historic artifacts and documentation. It also has exciting activities during the Lantern’ s Festival. DATA 苗栗縣後龍鎮中龍里三民路120號 120 Sanmin Rd., Zhonglong Li, Houlong Township, Miaoli County (037)722-367 7:00~21:00 搭乘火車至後龍火車站下車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Houlong Station, and walk for 5 minutes


吃 Houlongi Dining

黑輪伯 Au Lian Be

經濟實惠小吃好味 Delicious and affordable snack 以可愛的熊貓圖案為註冊商標,販賣多 種關東煮食材,超旺的人氣使黑輪伯變 成後龍的觀光景點之一。從攤子的設計、 獨特的湯頭到精心調製的沾醬,樣樣不馬 虎,便宜的價格美味好吃,另有精心設計 的煮物套餐可供饕客選點。 With an adorable Panda as its registered trademark, the popular Au Lian Bi is a super tourist destination in Houlong. The various odens it sells are tasty and affordably priced, the specialty soup and dipping sauce are excellent as well.

DATA 苗栗縣後龍鎮中龍里三民路120號(慈雲宮斜對面) 120 Sanmin Rd. Zhonglong Li, Houlong Township, Miaoli County (Cattycorner from the Cihyun Temple) (037)725-963、0935-305-725 10:30~21:30 www.e-168telbook.com.tw/0935305725 搭乘火車至後龍火車站下車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Houlong Station, and walk for 5 minutes



通霄/苑裡 Tongsiao/Yuanli

Coastal Experience 吹風漫步迎海逍遙 Breeze in Relaxation 鄉鎮特色顯著的通霄、苑裡,瀰漫純樸的人文氣息,熱鬧滾滾的進香儀式聲名遠播, 歷史悠久的藺草文化特色十足,豐富的潮間生態造就不同凡響的濱海風情。 Known for their rustic country charms, Tongsiao and Yuanli are coastal townships famous for wholesome humanities, festive pilgrimage ceremonies, distinct rush cultures, and rich tidal zone ecosystem..

>>>貼心提醒How to get there 搭火車前往此處旅客請注意:南下乘客請在竹南站,北上請在彰化站轉區間車前往; 前往海濱嬉戲請小心注意安全,勿破壞當地生態,讓大自然資產得以永續經營。 Passengers arriving via the train please take note: southbound passengers please Transit at Jhunan Station, northbound please transit at Changhwa Station for local train. For your safety please be careful on the beach, and do not destroy local ecosystem(s) so the natural resources may be sustained.


遊 Tongsiao Travel


Tongsiao Jinja (Shrine)

日據遺址和式建築 A Japanese-style ruin from the Japanese Occupation period 有著濃濃日式神社風情的通霄神社位於虎頭山公園內,日本 風味十足,建於西元1937年,目前僅存主殿基座、幣殿遺跡、 參道、拜殿、鳥居、社務所,雖然山上的海拔僅不到100公 尺,不過寬廣的視野可俯瞰通霄的街道,沿著長長步道拾階而上頗富情調。 Located inside the Hutoushan Park, what’ s left of the Tongsiao Jinja built in 1937, are Honden, Haiden, torii, sando, and shamusho. Although less than 100m tall, the Hutoushan is able to overlook the entire streetscape of Tongsiao, making it an ideal spot for the shrine. DATA 苗栗縣通宵鎮虎頭山公園內 In Hutoushan Park, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車於通霄火車站下車,步行 約10分鐘。Take train to Tongsiao Station, and walk for about 10 minutes thereon.


Part 3 通霄

遊 Tongsiao Travel

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Gongtian Temple of Baishatun

媽祖進香儀式盛大 A grand pilgrimage of Goddess Matzu 為地方信仰中心的白沙屯拱天宮,於清朝 同治二年才創建殿堂,經過多次翻修改建, 在西元1989年終於完工,形成現今富麗堂皇 的樣貌。信徒每年農曆3月都以徒步的方式 行走往返約300公里的路程到雲林北港朝天 宮進香,已有170年以上的歷史,此儀式已 被列入苗栗縣的民俗文化資產。 A center of local religious belief, constructions for the Gongtian Temple initially began in the 2nd year of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty but did not completely finish until 1989, to the resplendency today. Every year the believers of Matsu Goddess of Baishatun walk for almost 400km to Beigang Chaotian Temple in Yunlin, for “Offering Incense”. This religious ceremony has been listed as one of Miaoli County’ folk culture assets. DATA 苗栗縣通宵鎮白東里8號 8 Baidong Li, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)792-058 4:00~22:00 www.baishatun.com.tw 搭乘區間火車至白沙屯火車站下車,步行約10分鐘。 Take local train to Baishatun Station, and walk for about 10 minutes


遊 Tongsiao Travel


Baishatun Intertidal Zone

絕美景致生態豐富 Dazzling scenery, rich ecosystem 往白沙屯拱天宮旁邊的小徑走去,映入眼前的,是覆蓋黃沙的沙灘和一望無際的海 水,蒼茫的景觀令人身心舒暢,怡然自得的心境忘卻塵世煩憂。除了欣賞美麗的海景, 在這裡還可以體驗牽罟、撿玉石、採蚵的樂趣,豐富的潮間帶生態能在無意間偶遇許多 海洋小生物。 Down the small path toward Baishatun are sandy beaches and the blue ocean. In additional to the lovely coastal views, you can have fun casting fishnets, picking pebbles, digging for oysters, and meet the many creatures living amid the tidal zone. DATA 苗栗縣通宵鎮 Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車至白沙屯火車站下車,步行 約15分鐘。 Take train to Baishatun Station, and walk for about 15 minutes



遊 Tongsiao Travel


Taiwan Salt Company's Tongsiao Salt Factory

精鹽製廠鹽製美味 Salty Delicious made by the Salt Company 踏入精鹽場,一座雄偉的雪白鹽山出現眼前,有別於 南台灣利用太陽的熱度來曝曬鹽,這裡是用離子交換膜 電透析製鹽法來製鹽,參觀完做鹽的過程,別忘了嚐嚐 這裡有名的鹽豆花、鹹冰棒,參觀鹽雕作品,放鬆一 下,用溫海水建造的海洋溫泉泡泡腳ㄚ子。 The first thing one sees inside is a tall mountain of white salt crystals. The Tongsiao Salt Factory uses electrodialysis to collect salt, so take a tour to see how this is done, and taste the salty tofu and salty popsicles, and give your feet a soak in the warm seawater footbath. DATA 苗栗縣通霄鎮內島里122號 122 Neidao Li, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)792-121 平日8:10~17:00、假日8:30~16:20 Weekdays 8:10 ~ 17:00, and holidays 8:30 ~ 16:20 搭乘海線火車於通霄站下車,搭乘苗栗、新竹客運北上方向,於精鹽場站下車即抵。Take the coast rail line to Tongsiao Station, transfer to northbound Miaoli Passenger Bus or Hsinchu Passenger Bus, exit at Salt Factory stop.


吃 Tongsiao Dining


Shilianyuan Train Restaurant 列車改建景觀餐廳 A scenic restaurant converted from an old train

一列停放於綠油油草地上的藍色列 車格外耀眼,以火車車廂改建而成的 火車餐廳,因鄰近通霄海濱,坐在車 廂內即可隔著玻璃車窗遠望海洋美 景,除提供有懷舊便當、特調咖啡, 還有少見的石蓮汁、石蓮花茶,用餐 完畢還能到海堤漫步閒逛,享受人生 的閒情逸致。 A blue train parked on green grass is extremely eye-catching. This train-converted restaurant is close to Tongsiao beach, so dining inside is privileged to spectacular ocean views. Old fashioned meal boxes, specialty coffee, Houseleek juice, Houseleek tea are a few must-tries. DATA 苗栗縣通霄鎮白西里19鄰153號之8 153-8, 19th Neighborhood, Baixi Li, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County (037)792-399、0932-615-376 平日11:00~19:00、假日11:00~20:00 Weekdays 11:00~19:00, holidays 11:00~20:00 搭乘火車至白沙屯火車站下車,步行約20分鐘。 Take train to Baishatun Station, walk for about 20 minutes


Part 3 苑裡



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall

苑裡特產收藏展示 Where the specialty of Yuanli is collected and exhibited 藺草是苑裡有名的特產,在藺草文化 館裡,分別有農村古文物展示區、藺草 體驗區、藺草DIY教室、帽蓆文化區 、 米文化區、藺草產品展售區等,更特地 將三角藺草、苑裡原生種火炎山赤松移 植於館外庭園,讓到訪的遊客能徹底感 受藺草文化的魅力。 Yuanli is famous for rush. And at the Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall, everything about this specialty is on display in its many exhibition halls. There’s even a DIY classroom for visitors to experience rush weaving personally. The gardens outside are planted with rush varieties too. DATA 苗栗縣苑裡鎮山腳里7鄰彎麗路99號 99 Wanli Rd, 7th Neighborhood, Shanjiao Li, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County (037)741-319 NT$30 9:00~17:00,週一公休 9:00~17:00, closed on Mondays 搭乘海線火車至苑裡火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往山腳方向,於山腳站下車,步行約1分鐘。Take the “coast rail line” to Yuanli Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Shanjiao, and exit at Shanjiao stop, and walk for about 1 minute.




金良興磚廠(灣麗磚瓦文物館) Jin Lian Sing Brick House

(Wan-Li Brick Museum)

紅磚故鄉挖掘探索 Where the specialty of Yuanli is collected and exhibited 金良興磚廠是苗栗最早的隧道窯廠,保有傳統的製 磚生產,同時成立有灣麗磚瓦文物館,是經濟部第一 批掛牌觀光工廠以及創意生活事業的廠辦,裡頭劃分 有小型磚瓦文物館、磚瓦生產線導覽、磚瓦產業圖書 室、磚雕、砌磚作業教育區、小型磚瓦實驗室等區 別,讓遊客對磚瓦能有更深的認識。 Jin Lian Sing Brick House, the earliest tunnel kiln in Miaoli, still maintains the traditional method of producing bricks. The Wan-Li Bricks Museum is also on site. The Jin Lian Sing was one the first licensed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as a tourism factory as well as a creative lifestyle business unit. Inside the industrial park here is a small bricks museum, in addition to guided tours to the brick production line, a brick library, brick carving, brick DIY activities, and a small brick laboratory. The mentioned activities and facilities are provided to tourists as means of enriching their knowledge about bricks. DATA 苗栗縣苑裡鎮山腳里錦山71-17號 99 Wanli Rd, 7th Neighborhood, Shanjiao Li, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County (037)746-368 NT$100 9:00~12:00、13:00~16:30,周一公休 9:00~17:00, closed on Mondays 搭乘火車至苑裡火車站下,轉搭苗栗客運往蕉埔方向,於錦山站下車即扺。Take the train to Wanli Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Jiaopu, and exit at Jinshan Stop, you have arrived at destination.





華陶窯 Hwataoyao

風景優美陶藝寶地 The scenic land of pottery art 窯主陳文輝花了十多年的時間 整地規劃,華陶窯終於在西元 1984年新建落成,背對火炎山、 俯瞰大安溪平原的地理位置,加 上遍地花草相映襯,優美的環境 景色宜人,很多遊客都喜歡到華 陶窯散步閒逛、快樂玩陶、觀賞 精緻陶器,在植物園欣賞花開的 動人美景。 It took owner Mr. Chen more than 10 years of planning before opening the Hwataoyao in 1984. With the Huoyan Mountain as a backdrop, this beautifully landscaped, extremely popular kiln overlooks the alluvial plains of Daan River. Its Native Plants Area is another must-see place. DATA 苗栗縣苑裡鎮南勢里2鄰31號 31, 2nd Neighborhood, Nanshi Li, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County (037)743-611 www.hwataoyao.com.tw/index 10:00~12:30、13:30~16:00 平日380元、假日450元(附贈百元折價券)用餐費用另計:平日180元、假日230元 Weekdays NT$380, holidays NT$450 (NT$100 coupon is enclosed). Dining fee: weekdays NT$ 180, and holidays NT$ 230. 搭乘海線火車至苑裡火車站下車,轉搭苗栗客運往山腳方向,於華陶窯站下車,步行約1分鐘。 Take the “coast rail line” to Yuanli Station, transfer to Miaoli Passenger Bus bounded for Shanjiao, and exit at Sanjiao stop. Walk for about 1 minute thereon.





Yuanli Tsai’ s Old House 大器建築美輪美奐 Distinguished and classic architecture 距今將近有一百九十年歷史的蔡家古厝,是昔日蔡氏族 人特地從中國聘請匠師來台所建造,600坪的面積建築,取 用來自中國的建材,用福州杉木製成樑柱、以唐山石鋪為 地磚,屋內隨處可見作工精細的華美雕飾,處處展露雕刻 藝術之美。 Built nearly 190 years ago, the 600-ping Tsai’ s Old House was constructed using exclusively materials from China, from pillars to flooring, and even its architect was from China too. The extensive carvings and finishing are extremely intricate and stunningly beautiful.

DATA 苗栗縣苑裡鎮市區南方1公里處房裡里,山腳派出所左側 1 km south of Yuanli Township in Fangli Village, left of Shanjiao Police Station, Miaoli County 搭乘火車於苑裡火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約5分鐘,或步行15分鐘。 Take train to Yuanli Station, and take a taxi thereon for a ride about 5 minutes.


Part 3 苑裡



苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Wen Xiang Xia Ma

溫馨小店的老滋味 The taste you remember 絡繹不絕的人潮常常將聞香下馬的小店面給 擠爆,煎、煮、炸、烤的鯊魚料理(為非保育 類的豆腐鯊),利用不同方式烹調出令人齒頰 留香的美味,經過三天三夜滷製而成的滷土黃 魚,肉質鮮嫩香甜,長時間的滷浸把骨頭都給 滷酥了,另一道需燉上6小時的燜鴨,帶著薑 香的湯頭同樣甘甜好味。 The Wen Xiang Xia Ma is always packed with hungry diners, for its house-specialty shark dishes (made from Whale shark meat, which is not a species under conservation) slow-cooked duck (simmered for 6 hours), braised croaker fish (stewed for 3 full days and nights) and ginger soup are so delicious one could never get enough. DATA 苗栗縣苑裡鎮天下路98號 98 Tianxia Rd, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County (037)864-662、0932-665-574 11:00~20:00 搭乘海線火車於苑裡火車站下車,步行約5分鐘。 Take the “coast rail line” to Yuanli Station, and walk for about 5 minutes.





Jin Guang Ruo Yun (Golden Meatballs) Q中帶勁香軟滑嫩 Chewy delicious

老闆將早期父親傳承的做法稍作改 良,把做肉圓皮的材料比例微調,隨著 地瓜粉品質的不同,老闆也會不怕麻煩 的隨時注意米漿和地瓜粉的調整,無色 素的白色沾醬味道甘甜,飽滿內餡放有 鮮嫩後腿肉和筍乾,自製的沾醬加上香 噴噴的肉圓最是絕配。 The proprietor has modified his father’ s way of cooking slightly; these succulent meatballs with diced bamboo shoots covered in a layer of rice paste are now made bigger and tastier. The homemade dipping sauce makes the meatballs even better. DATA 苗栗縣苑裡鎮天下路80號 80 Tianxia Rd, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County (037)851-461 8:00~22:30 搭乘火車至苑裡火車站下車,步行約2分鐘。 Take train to Yuanli Station and walk for about 2 minutes.



公館/銅鑼/西湖 Gongguan/Tongluo/Sihu

All about Ceramics, Kilns and Artifacts 古物珍藏無價藝術 Priceless Antiques and Artworks 在藝術家的巧手下,一件件美麗珍貴的陶窯藝品極具在地風采,而傳統產業的歷史興 衰,在保值文物中流露顯現,讓人懷念萬千。 Delicate ceramics and artworks rich in local flavor were produced under the crafty hands of artists, and are preserved as testimony to the history of traditional industry.

>>>貼心提醒Reminder 公館鄉到大部分主要景點區有公車可抵達;西湖鄉在五龍宮媽祖石處設有遊客中 心,可在此租借腳踏車暢遊西湖鄉田園美景。 There are buses going to Gongguan from almost all of the major sightseeing destinations. Bicycle rental is available at the Wulong Shrine Visitor Center in Sihu.





Wuguu Cultural Village

客家人文風情盡現 The Best of Hakka Culture and Humanities 五穀文化村的前身為功薰陶瓷公司,以結合五穀精神、客家 人文風貌、西洋式裝飾陶瓷藝術的文化歷史背景,融合傳統、現代與 裝飾陶藝,館內分別有陶瓷館、獻穀田穀倉、竹藝米倉館、蠶絲藝品館、薰陶園花園等 區,另外也提供各種DIY體驗活動。 The Wuguu Cultural Village is an eclectic mix of the spirit-of-wholegrain, Hakka culture, and Western-style decorative pottery art history infused with contemporary, traditional and decorative arts. There are the Ceramics Hall, Harvest Grain Barn, Bamboo Rice Barn, Silk Hall, and Pottery Garden inside, as well as a variety of DIY activities to do. DATA 苗栗縣公館鄉玉榖村117-5號 117-5 Yugu Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)234-805 8:00~18:00 www.wuguu.com.tw 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往 大湖、公館、卓蘭方向,於公館五榖岡下車, 步行約2分鐘。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, Gongguan, and Jhuolan, exit at Gongguan Wuguugang, and walk for about 2 minutes thereon.


Part 3




苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Taiwan Seri-Apiculture and Entomology Education Park 早期蠶業完整收錄 A complete collection of early silk industry

自西元861年,清朝首位台灣巡撫劉銘傳,倡導養蠶農 業始,一直到第二次大戰以前,台灣有四十多家蠶種製造 廠。以流傳台灣蠶業發展為主旨,一樓有養蠶、印染、繅 絲等展示,二樓主要介紹台灣蠶絲發展史記載、開發始祖 劉銘傳、蠶業技術所使用的機具、文物等。 The Taiwan Seri-Apiculture and Entomology Education Park is dedicated to the development of sericulture, 1st floor has showrooms on how to raise silkworms, print and coloring of silk, and reeling. 2nd floor mainly displays silk‘s development history in Taiwan, Liu Mingchuan–the Qing official remembered for introducing sericulture to Taiwan, machinery, documents and artifacts. DATA 苗栗縣公館鄉館南村261號 261, Guannan Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)222-111、(037)232-193 優待票30元、全票50元 Special NT$ 30; full: NT$ 50 8:30~12:00、13:00~16:30,週六、週日需預約 Weekdays 8:30~12:00 and 13:00~16:30; reservation only Sat and Sun. 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方向,於館南站下車。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, exit at Guannan stop





Taiwan Oil Field Exhibition Hall

石油最早開採產地 The earliest excavation of petroleum 位於公館鄉開礦村後龍溪畔旁的台灣油礦陳列館,是台灣最早發現石油的地方,成立 於西元1981年,館藏內部展出有台灣發現石油至今,不同時期的開採歷程和技術,文獻 測勘、油氣處理、鑽井生產、海域探勘等各種展覽室,都能讓遊客對石油有更多認識。 Situated by the Houlong River behind Kaikuang Village of Gongguan Township, this is the spot where petroleum was first discovered in Taiwan. Opened since 1981, the showrooms display excavation processes and technologies of different periods, meteorological literatures, well-drilling, petroleum production and gas treatment, and many more. DATA 公館鄉開礦村36號 36 Kaikuang Village, Gongguan Township (037)221300#23 www.cpc.com.tw 9:00~12:00、13:00~16:30,週一公休 9:00~12:00 and 13:00~16:30; closed on Mondays 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站,轉搭新竹客 運往大湖、卓蘭方向,於出礦坑站下 車,步行約5分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu and Jhuolan, exit at Kuangkeng stop, and walk for about 5 minutes.





黃金小鎮 Golden Town

鄉村美景金黃耀眼 A dazzling field of gold 黃金小鎮區域的範圍,包括公館以南的館南村、 福星村、福基村、石墻村等地區,每年農忙的季 節,農田間的稻穗成熟,形成一片金黃色的穗浪, 5月~7月間,台六線旁的阿勃勒樹開滿金黃色的花 朵,黃金小鎮之名不脛而走,近年小鎮始極力推廣 觀光。 The parameter of the Golden Town includes Guannan Village, Fuxing Village, Fuji Village and Shiqiang Village. This entire area turns golden during harvest time by the rice fields, and again May ~ July when the golden shower trees alongside Provincial Highway 6 come to full bloom. DATA 苗栗縣公館鄉福星村四鄰115之1號 115-1, 4th Neighborhood, Fuxing Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)234-461、037-239-855黃金小鎮協進會 The Golden Township Development Association: (037)234-461and (037)239-855 www.goldentown.net 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方向,於福星站下車即抵。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu , exit at Fuxing stop





Mike Leisurely Farm 自然原始客家文物 Authentic Hakka Artifacts

茅鄉亭為了保住客家鄉村的美麗文化風貌, 特地採自然造建工法,以竹編、黃土和稻草 做成穀倉的牆壁,再將上山割來的茅草當作屋 頂。園內石蓮花製成的蜜汁具有養生作用, 還有少見以松竹、茅草等天然建物築成的SPA 房,是黃金小鎮單車遊活動的聯絡店家。 Mike Leisurely Farm was built using naturalization method to preserve the original cultural elements of this Hakka village, using bamboos and soil and straws for walls, and thatch as rooftop. There’ s even a rare spar room. Mike Leisurely Farm is the also the contact place for biking activities in the Golden Town. DATA 苗栗縣公館鄉福星村四鄰115之1號 A115-1, 4th Neighborhood, Fuxing Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)239-855 8:00~23:00 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方向,於福 星站下車,步行約2分鐘。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu direction, exit at Fuxing stop, and walk for about 2 minutes.


Part 3




苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

苗栗陶瓷博物館 Miaoli Ceramic Museum

嘆為觀止陶器收藏 An impressive collection of ceramics 為了永續流傳苗栗陶瓷的歷史與文化,陶瓷博物 館於是落成,將閒置的軍營改造再生,於西元2006 年開放參觀。由於公館鄉所生產的陶瓷多著重於實 用性,簡樸的外觀反而營造出一種自然樸實的風 格,除了上千件陶瓷展示,館內還有專業的人員協 助導覽解說。 Miaoli Ceramic Museum, formerly an idled military camp, was built for the sustainability of Miaoli’s ceramics and pottery. It was opened in 2006, and has on display over 1,000 pieces of ceramic works. Guided tour service is also provided.

DATA 苗栗縣公館鄉館南村352號 352 Guannan Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)236-224 9:00~17:00 NT$30 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖方向,於營門口站下 車。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, exit at Yingmenkou stop






Shihwei-ciang Tourist Red Dates Orchard

條件好紅棗品質佳 Best quality red dates 石圍墻為現今公館鄉石墻村的舊稱,由於此地擁 有良好的土壤、乾淨的水質,晚上七點半還會吹起 涼爽河風,所以出產許多優良的農作物。公館鄉是 全台唯一紅棗專業種植區,7月~8月是紅棗盛產 期,其中又以石墻村產量最多。 Shihwei-ciang is the old name for today’s Shihqiang Village in Gongguan. It is blessed with favorable conditions, hence produces top quality farm products. Gongguan is the sole professional red date plantation area in Taiwan. Every year between July and August, when the red dates enter mass production season, Shihqiang is the largest producer. DATA 苗栗縣公館鄉石墻村 Shiqiang Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)223-169公館鄉石墻村社區發展協會 Gongguan Township Shihqiang Community Development Association (037)223-169 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往大湖、卓蘭方向,於福基站下車即抵。Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Dahu, exit at Fuji stop.





Hesan Restaurant 古老手藝客家風味 Old fashioned Hakkanese Cooking

經營至今已有十多年時間的飯館,為了不 讓老祖母的手藝失傳,同時將客家料理及文 化提昇流傳,在保存傳統與改良創新的原 則之下,館內的料理都是用手拉坏碗盤所裝 盛,復古的裝潢擺設格外有氣氛,招牌菜蹄 膀豬腳、客家肥腸、竹筍福菜湯,傳統滋味 道道經典。 Opened for more than 10 years, the Hesan is a restaurant dedicated to preserving grandma’ s cooking recipes and old traditions. All the dishes are served on handmade earthenware. The specialties are pig knuckles, Hakka-style intestines, and bamboo with pickled vegetable soup.

DATA 公館鄉苗栗縣公館鄉鶴山里7鄰233號 233, 7th Neighborhood, Heshan Li, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County (037)220-226 11:00~14:00、17:00~20:30 搭乘火車至苗栗火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約15分鐘。 Take train to Miaoli Station, take taxi for a ride about 15 minutes


Part 3


遊 Tongluo Travel

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

銅鑼自行車道 Tongluo Bike Trail

單車運動美景相伴 Biking with picturesque scenery 這條自行車道沿九華山稜線修建,是全台最高、景觀最 美的自行車道,全程約有8公里長,沿途將經過大茶園、虎 頭嵌古道、挑鹽古道、九華山大興善寺、古意吊橋等觀光 景點,還可眺望通霄、苑裡、台灣海峽沿岸風光,日落、 雲海、桐花、杭菊四季輪番相伴。 The Tongluo Bike Trail is the highest trail in Taiwan and has the best sights. It is roughly 8 km long, and passes through scenic spots Dachayuan, Hutoukeng Old Trail Way, Ancient Salt-Carrying Trail, Daxinshan Temple at Mt. Chiu-Hua and Ancient HangBridge. Because it is so high up, it has spectacular views of Tongsiao, Yuanli and the Taiwan Straits too. DATA 苗栗縣銅鑼村 Tongluo Township, Miaoli County 搭乘火車於苗栗火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往三義、 內埔、新雞隆方向,於銅鑼站下車,再轉乘計程車。 (此處無租借腳踏車服務) Take train to Miaoli Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus bounded for Sanyi, Neipu and Xinjilong, exit at Tongluo; take a taxi.


遊 Tongluo Travel


Miaoli Story Museum 苗栗故事細細聆聽 The tale about Miaoli

住在銅鑼鄉的館主黃源椿, 花了十多年的時間收集珍藏, 拜訪五千多戶人家,搜羅八萬 件民間藝品,除了自己收藏, 從小就喜歡古玩的館主也公開 展示和大家分享,老舊的戲 票、復古的黑膠唱片、大同娃 娃、瓦甕、鐵招牌,讓來此的 遊客都不禁遙想兒時回憶。 Passionate for traditional toys since childhood, owner Huang Yuan Chun spent more than 10 years, visited over 5,000 families, and collected over 80,000 traditional, nostalgic-filled folk items, all of which are on display in this museum. DATA 苗栗縣銅鑼鄉中正路192號 192 Zhongzheng Rd. Tongluo Township, Miaoli County (037)981-736、0925-990-343 9:00~21:00 搭乘火車至銅鑼火車站下車,步行約3分鐘。 Take train to Tongluo Station, and walk for about 3 minutes.


西湖 Sihu



Matsu Rock Sculpture at Wulong Shrine

東南亞第一高神像 The tallest statute in Asia 這尊媽祖石雕神像高度約26.66公尺,由299塊花崗岩和161塊青斗石 所建成,就位於五龍宮後龍洞溪畔的新生地上,可媲美西元1998年於 澳門落成,號稱世界第一高的媽祖石雕神像,不僅有許多遊客慕名而 來,更是當地信徒們的信仰中心。 The holy statue of the Matsu Rock Sculpture with a grand height of 26.66m, was assembled from 299 pieces of granite and 161 pieces of blue stone. This statue is just as impressive as the one unveiled in Macau in 1998, which was regarded as the world’s tallest Matsu Rock Sculptured Statue. It is also a religious center for many believers. DATA 苗栗縣西湖鄉三湖村4號 4, Sanhu Village, Sihu Township, Miaoli County (037)921-680 搭乘海線火車於後龍火車站下車,轉搭新竹、苗栗、沙鹿客 運往通霄方向,於西湖站下車,再往西湖鄉公所方向步行 約5分鐘。Take the coast rail line to Houlong Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus, Miaoli Passenger Bus or Shalu Passenger Bus bounded for Tongsiao, exit at Xihu stop.

西湖 Sihu



Jinlong Kiln

陶窯藝品嶄新面貌 A new face of pottery works 金龍窯以製作較為華美的荷花缸為 主,將藝術陶藝品融合客家文化元 素,加入獨有的創意,創作出獨樹一 幟的各種餐盤用具、生活用品,遊客 不僅可到此參觀陶藝品製作、體驗手 捏陶、手拉坏,還能在金龍窯的美化 庭園中度過悠閒的午後。 The Jinlong Kiln specializes in producing beautiful lotus flower urns. It harmonizes pottery art with Hakka cultures, and breathes in creativeness to produce a variety of dinnerware and household goods. DIY lessons are available. DATA 苗栗縣西湖鄉五湖村九份26號 26 Jiufen, Wuhwu Village, Sihu Township, Miaoli County (037)911-555 tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!v8jeqcyYGRnUTwuRtJwmXKk3Aw 8:00~17:00,週一上午公休 8:00~17:00; closed on Mondays 搭乘火車至南勢火車站下車,轉乘計程車,車程約5分鐘。 Take train to Nanshi Station, and take a taxi from thereon, for a ride about 5 minutes.


Part 3

西湖 Sihu


苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli


Hudong Recreation Farming Zone

飽滿文旦柚果飄香 Sweet and juicy pomelos 湖東休閒農業區的範圍,涵蓋了有西湖鄉湖東 村、金獅村、龍洞村境內,以台1線為要道的湖東村 擁有236公頃左右的休閒農業區。農業區多生產一般 農作物,其中以文旦柚的產量為最大宗,特製文旦 柚餐風味獨特,現在更開放果樹認養,讓遊客能親 身體驗假日農夫的滋味。 The Hudong Recreation Farming Zone encompasses Sihu Township’ s Hudong Village, Jinshi Village, Longdong Village, and 236 hectares of recreational farmland along the Provincial Highway No. 1. There are many farm crops planted here, the pomelo is the most numerous and the best tasting. Adopt-a-tree is a service now offered, for visitors who want to experience what is like being a weekend farmer.

DATA 苗栗縣西湖鄉湖東村、金獅村、龍洞村 Sihu Township’ s Hudong Village, Jinshi Village, Longdong Village 搭乘火車於後龍火車站下車,轉搭新竹客運往西湖方向,於 湖東站下車即抵。Take train to Houlong Station, transfer to Hsinchu Passenger Bus, exit at Hudong stop.


住宿資訊 Information of accommodation 大湖鄉 Dahu Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 湯神民宿 Tangshen Homestay 儷舍民宿 Lishe Homestay 楓葉地圖 Maple map 石門客棧 Shimen Lodge 雲莊空間密碼 Zen Inn 巧克力工坊 Schokolake 山水居 Sansui House 菊園 Chrysanthemum Garden 湖畔花時間 Spendtime Coffee 馨享士宸 Shinshiang Shirchen 邱燕珠民宿 Chiouyanju Homestay 慈夢柔民宿 Cih-meng-rou Holiday Villa 馬拉邦山莊 Manapan Manor

電話 Telephone (037)991-948 (037)996-377 0988-721-288 (037)951-129 (037)996-916 (037)996-916 (037)951-513 (037)951-522 (037)996-795 (037)951-177 (037)996-378 (037)990-099 (037)996-869

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × × ○ × ○ × × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × × ○ × ○ × ○ ○

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 錦興旅社 Jinshin Hotel

電話 Telephone (037)991-116

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × ×

電話 Telephone 0933-571-588 (037)995-269 0912-675-659

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × × × × ○

民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 錦雲山莊 Cloud Manor 太湖民宿 Taihu Homestay 薑麻園裕國民宿 Gougol Homestay




Futen House.Sanyi Township

Shi-tao-yuan.Sanyi Township

Sun Green Country Garden.Sanyi Township


Part 3

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

三義鄉 Sanyi Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 西湖渡假大飯店 West Lake Resortopia 一零一休閒旅館 101 Motel

電話 Telephone

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available




民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 柏竺山莊 Boju Manor 同心園民宿 Sunshine Homestay 福田瓦舍 Futen House

電話 Telephone (037)879-366 (037)878-985 (037)876-156 0933-515-485 愛面子 Facial Mask Homestay (037)875-766 130行館 130 Villa (037)872-274 馨雅民宿 Sin-Ya Homestay (037)870-551 0936-707-777 向陽田園 Sun Green Country Garden (037)874-028 0937-220-279 藏山會館 Changshan Villa (037)872-274 0928-650-251 逸悅山莊 Yiyue Manor (037)876-397 久松客棧民宿 Jiusong Lodge (037)875-493 福軒養生館 Jones Home (037)879-177 雲洞山莊 Yundong Landlord Holdings (037)951-531 黃石山莊 Yellowstone Manor (037)878-502 五福山莊 Wufu Manor (037)872-994 禪之宿 Chan-House (037)873-745

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × ○ ○ ○ ○


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× × ○ ○ ○ × ×

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每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 石濤園 Shi-tao-yuan 幸福村 Happy Village 峯州小木屋 Fong-Chou Cottage

電話 英語接待 接送服務 Telephone English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available (037)875-225 × ○ (04)2657-8822 ○ × (037)876-921 × ○


公館鄉 Gongguan Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 電話 Telephone

名稱 Name 楓林時尚汽車旅館 Maple Forest Motel

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available



民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 阿諾妮 Amoni Homestay 皇家民宿休閒中心 Royal Homestay Recreation Center 攬月莊 Take Moon Holiday Villa 桐莊 Tung Lodge 鹿野觀雲 Luye Guanyun 兆陽樓 Jauyan Inn 綠風民宿 Green Winds

電話 Telephone (037)233-550

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ ×




(037)233-305 (037)232-041 (037)239-988 (037)236-798 (037)238-553

○ ○ ○ × ×

× ○ ○ × ×

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 圓緣汽車旅館 Yuan Yuan Motel 明園汽車旅館 Minguen Motel

電話 Telephone (037)237-889 (037)222-790

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × × ○ ×

電話 Telephone (037)265-546 0915-187-957 (037)229-157 (037)220-675 (037)231-425

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available

民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 心宿民宿 Mind Inn 我的花園 My Garden 福村養生農園 Fucun Garden 柿子紅了 Persimmon Rouge


○ × ×

○ ○ ×




Persimmon Rouge.Gongguan Township

Red Brick Villas.Nanjhuang Township

Olive-tree Homestay.Nanjhuang Township


Part 3

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

竹南鎮 Jhunan Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 電話 名稱 Telephone Name 松龍汽車旅館 Song Yan Yih Motel (037)628-628 御和園商務汽車旅館 (037)584-748 Yuheyuan Business Motel 竹南中信大飯店 (037)779-666 Chunan Chinatrust Hotel

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × ×

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 竹豐旅社 Jhufeng Hotel 竹南旅社 Jhunan Hotel 緣鼎汽車旅館 Luding Motel 新光明大旅社 New Brightness Hotel 九龍大飯店 Jieulong Hotel 水紗蓮商務旅館 Lotus Business Hotel 芝柏山汽車旅館 Chih-po Mountain Motel 台灣新旅社 Taiwan New Hotel

接送服務 電話 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available Telephone (037)472-120 × × (037)472-435 × × (037)461-867 ○ × (037)472-267 ○ × (037)474-111~2 ○ × (037)477-133







南庄鄉 Nanjhuang Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 遊桐花休閒汽車旅館 Tung Flower Motel 山林雅境渡假農場 Shan Lin Yajing Farm 春谷農場 Leisure Time Farm

電話 Telephone

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available










民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 總統民宿 President Homestay 栗田庄渡假莊園 Litienchuang Villa 眉山居 Meishanchi House 東河居民宿 Donghejiu Homestay 水雲間 Water and Cloud 南江璞園 Nen Chian Jade Garden 杉林松境 Sunglin Sungching 紅磚屋 Red Brick Villas 宜家園 Yijia Garden 蘭亭民宿 Lantin Homestay 李家莊 House of Li 里京館 Lijing Coffee Homestay 伴月民宿 Moon Mate Homestay 石壁彩虹民宿 Raisinay Guest House 容園谷景觀渡假山莊 Natural Place Garden Resort Villa 玉荷園 Yuhoyuan Garden 源寶山莊 Yeenbo Manor 鳳櫻碧山莊 Fonen Manor 山居蘭園 Fulin Valley 百合山莊 Lily Village 松柏山莊 Song Bae Manor 北獅樓 North Lion Inn 松緣民宿 Yun Shui Homestay 八卦力民宿 Pakuali Homestay 藝欣堡民宿 Ysen Homestay 妹妹的家 Memeja Holiday Resort 山行寄野民宿 Hillside Wilderness Homestay 香巴拉莊園民宿 Hsiangbala Valley 南庄橄欖樹 Olive-tree Homestay 松芬多 Songfenduo Forest Homestay 樂軒 Lexuan Homestay 山林園居 Shanlinyuan House 幸福綠光民宿 Green-shine Homestay 米堤山莊 Miti Manor

電話 Telephone 0989-192-379 (037)824-978 (037)821-353 (037)825-837 (037)825-777 (037)825-925 (037)824-578 (037)661-877 (037)825-289 (037)825-772 (037)823-900 (037)825-185 (037)825-681 (037)821-777 0933-948-886

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × ○ ○ ○ × × ○ × × ○ ○ ○ × ○ × × ○ × × × × × ○ ○ × ×





(037)825-800 (037)822-616 (037)825-679 (037)821-430 (037)825-185 (037)663-302 0921-322-599 (037)823-439 0921-760-366 0915-566-007 (037)825-868 0935-313-789

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○ ○ × ○ × ○

× × × ○ × ○

0956-693-130 0956-693-130 0918-822-379 0935-096-509 (037)823-925 (037)825-568 0921-125-079 (037)8245-587

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 百香農場旅館 Baeshi Farm 98

電話 Telephone (037)821-850

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × ○

Part 3

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 曲中居音樂民宿 Music house 陶然渡假山莊 Taoran Resort Manor 仙山民宿 Fairy Mountain Homestay 碧絡角 Bilajiao Garden 綠竹山莊 Green Bamboo Manor 毓琇圖書山莊 Yushiu Library Villa 綠野仙蹤桃樂絲的家 Road to Oz Dorothy’ s Home 力新小築 Lisin Inn 真柏園 Chpoyu Homestay 尚豐山蘇農園 Sfon Farm 高山青民宿 Green Mountain Home Stay 吶善嗎固 Na Shan Ma Gu Homestay 寶康花卉農場 Bocom Floral Farm 蘿拉農場 Lua Lo Coffee Villa In Forest

電話 Telephone (037)822-207 (037)823-015 (037)821-050 (037)825-605 (037)823-967 (037)823-939

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × ○ × × × ○ × × × ○ ○




(037)822-179 (037)824-009 (037)824-161 (037)821-517 0938-933-900 (037)821-421 (037)825-697

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苗栗市 Miaoli City 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 栗華飯店 Lily Plaza Hotel 王府大飯店 Wang-fu Hotel 綠庭商務旅館 Green Yard Business Hotel 夢田汽車旅館 Mong Tian Motel

電話 Telephone (037)270-456 (037)273-055 (037)358-789 (037)277-756

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × × × × ○ × ×

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 南苗大旅社 Nanmiao Business Hotel 福星大旅社 Lucky Star Hotel 丸松大旅社 Wansung Hotel 來來大旅社 Lai Lai Hotel 園霖大飯店 Yuanlin Hotel 來因河汽車旅館 Laiyin River Motel 華王大旅社 Huawong Hotel 三統大飯店 San Tong Hotel 米南汽車旅館 Milan Motel

電話 Telephone (037)321-961 (037)321-372 (037)320-283 (037)265-991 (037)321-500 (037)350-385 (037)270-275 (037)325-959 (037)335-088

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × × ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ × × × × × ○ × ○ ○


飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 新興旅社 Hsin Hsin Hotel 貴賓大旅社 Gueibin Hotel 吉祥大旅社 Felicity Hotel 高賓旅社 Gaubin Hotel

電話 Telephone (037)260-133 (037)261-313 (037)320-488 (037)260-268

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × × × × × × ×

苑裡鎮 Yuanli 每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 電話 Telephone (037)861-130 (037)861-058

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × × × ×

電話 名稱 Name Telephone 東里家風 Dongli Jiafeng Homestay (037)854-431

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ ○

名稱 Name 遠東大旅社 Far East Hotel 國泰大旅社 Guotai Hotel

民宿 Homestay

泰安鄉 Taian Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 湯悅溫泉會館 Tangyue Hot Spring Pavilion 日出溫泉渡假飯店 Sunrise Hot Spring Hotel 泰安觀止溫泉會館 Onsen Papawaqa Spa Resort 錦水溫泉飯店 King’s Resort & SPA 虎山溫泉大飯店 Hu Shan Hotel 騰龍山莊 Teng Long Hot Spring Village 旭日溫泉旅館 Sunrise Hot Spring Hotel

電話 Telephone (037)941-941 (037)941-988 (037)941-777 (037)941-811 (037)941-001 (037)941-002 (037)941-988

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ × ○ ○

電話 Telephone (037)941-731 0931-628-799 (037)941-128

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × ○ ○ × ○

民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 楚留香民宿 Chor Lau Heng Homestay 湯唯 Tang Wei Hot Spring 泰雅風情 Atayal Romance 100

Part 3 名稱 Name 般若 Banrue Homestay 達拉灣 Da La Wan Homestay 尤瑪阿麗 Youmaali Homestay 都瑪斯 Yulaodumas Homestay

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

電話 Telephone (037)941-320 (037)962-349 (037)941-931 (037)962-102

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × × ○ × × × × ×

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 川上民宿 Chuan Shang Homestay 阿湯哥 Brother Tang’ s homestay 奇美 Chi Mei Homestay 馬力十族 Mary’ s Power ㄠ嶩 Au-nau Homestay 雅筑居 Yaju House 吉娃斯 Jiwasz Homestay 拉夕 Sooooooooo 泰安 Tai-an Homestay 天然居 Nature House 比浩 Behau Homestay 老古董民宿 Old Relic Homestay

電話 Telephone 0933-266-092 0955-312-289 (037)994-203 (037)941-110 (037)962-128 (037)941-582 (037)941-204 (037)962-221 (037)941-438 (037)941-609 (037)962-036 (037)941-379

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × ○ ○ × × × × ○ ○ × × × × × ○ × ○ ○ × ○ × ○ ○ ×

通霄鎮 Tongsiao Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 御香園商務汽車旅館 Yueshiang Garden Business Hotel 飛牛旅館 Flying Cow Ranch

電話 Telephone

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available






民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 好望角 Cape of Good Hope

電話 英語接待 接送服務 Telephone English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available (04)2407-2062 × ○

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 亞立大飯店 Yali Hotel 銀座大旅社 Ginza Hotel 國賓大旅社 Ambassador Hotel

電話 Telephone (037)000-000 (037)752-114 (037)752-176

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × × × × ○ × 101

民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 如意園 Ru Yi Yuan 欣園 Sea Villa Homestay 翠松苑民宿 Green Pine Garden Homestay

電話 Woodcarving (037)783-665 (037)793-553 (037)783-357

英語接待 Woodcarving × ○ ○

接送服務 Woodcarving ○ ○ ○

造橋鄉 Zaociao Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 電話 Telephone Name 谷巴休閒渡假村 Valley Park Resort (037)540-039 香格里拉樂園桐花山莊 (037)561-369 Shangrila Tungflower Manor

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × ○ ○

民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 安碩 Ansoar Homestay 牛奶故鄉 Home Town of Milk

電話 Telephone (037)682-991 0937-359-305

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ × × ○

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 悠雅汽車賓館 Yiuya Motel

電話 Woodcarving (037)540-952

英語接待 Woodcarving ×

接送服務 Woodcarving ×

銅鑼鄉 Tongluo Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 凱秀園汽車旅館 K-Show Motel

電話 Telephone (037)223-388

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○ ○

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 中興旅社 Chungshin Hotel 102

電話 Woodcarving (037)000-000

英語接待 Woodcarving ×

接送服務 Woodcarving ×

Part 3

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

頭份鎮 Toufen Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 愛伊堡汽車旅館 Aiyibao Motel 首都大飯店 Capital Hotel

電話 Telephone

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available







民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 寶樹迎賓民宿 Baoshu Hospitality Homestay

電話 Telephone (037)695-556

接送服務 英語接待 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ×


每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 頭緣汽車旅館 Touyuan Motel 亞漫妮商務汽車旅館 Amani Motel 東方大旅社 Orient Hotel 頭份中央旅社 Toufeng Central Hotel 泰莉莎賓館 Teresa Hotel 廷翊汽車旅館 Tingyi Motel 凱儷賓館 Kaili Guest House 豪美旅店 Haumei Hotel 東園大飯店 Haumei Hotel 佳來大旅社 Haumei Hotel

電話 Woodcarving

英語接待 Woodcarving

接送服務 Woodcarving













(037)673-757 (037)664-805 (037)660-378 (037)674-671 (037)665-688 (037)663-188

○ × × ○ ○ ×

× × × × ○ ×

頭屋鄉 Touwu Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 明湖水漾會館 Young Lake Resort

電話 Telephone (037)255-988

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available ○


三灣鄉 Sanwan Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 電話 Telephone

名稱 Name 侑橘休閒農園 Yiujiu Recreation Farm

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available




每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 電話 Woodcarving

名稱 Name 神棹仙境 Shenjao Shianjing Homestay

英語接待 Woodcarving


接送服務 Woodcarving



卓蘭鎮Jhuolan Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 怡心園 Yishin Garden 自然風情 Natural View Homestay

電話 英語接待 接送服務 Telephone English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available (04)2589-3362 × ○ (04)2589-8987 ○ ×

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 小雪霸瀑布休閒村 Twin Waterfall Resort 長青谷 Evergreen Valley 金葉山莊 Golden Leaf Manor 怡和田民宿 Yihetien Homestay 我愛妻高第 Highland 507

電話 Woodcarving

英語接待 Woodcarving

接送服務 Woodcarving



(04)2589-3329 (04)2589-2292 (04)2589-1085 (04)2589-5507

× ○ × ○

○ ○ ○ ○




Spendtime Coffee.Dahu Township

Yuhoyuan Garden.Nanjhuang Township

Young Lake Resort .Touwu Township


Part 3

苗栗七大主題之旅 Seven Theme Packages to See Miaoli

後龍鎮 Houlong Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 金金旅社 Jin Jin Hotel

電話 Telephone (037)722-277

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available × ×

每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 飯店旅館 Hotels 名稱 Name 後龍鎮梅芬大旅社 Houlong Township Meifen Hotel 金龍大旅社 Golden Dragon Hotel

電話 Woodcarving

英語接待 Woodcarving

接送服務 Woodcarving







民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 瑪期朵民宿 Macchiato Homestay

電話 Woodcarving (037)660-151

英語接待 Woodcarving ×

接送服務 Woodcarving ×

獅潭鄉 Shihtan Township 每晚1500元以上 Room rates starting at NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 桂橘園民宿 Gueijiu Garden Homestay 八角居所 Around The Tree House

電話 Telephone

英語接待 接送服務 English Reception Pick up/Drop off Available






每晚1500元以下 Room rates below NT$1500/day 民宿 Homestay 名稱 Name 霖園 Lin Yuan Homestay 七里香 Qilixing Homestay

電話 Woodcarving (037)932-716 (037)991-150

英語接待 Woodcarving × ○

接送服務 Woodcarving × ○

本單元房價為各民宿飯店定價,實際價格請依各家訂價為準 If this is your first time to Miaoli, get ready for the wide



基本資訊 Basic Information


行前準備 Before You Leave


苗栗交通指南速報 Miaoli Transportation Guide

Part 4

旅遊苗栗實用資訊 Useful Information for Traveling to Miaoli 貼心資訊旅遊幫手 Helpful Travel Tips 到苗栗一遊,相關旅遊資訊不可少,帶著最新情報,盡情悠遊鄉間 小鎮中,不僅幫助旅途行進的更順暢輕鬆,更能替難得旅途增添美好 的回憶。 Foreword: When traveling to Miaoli, bring along up-to-date travel information to help make your trip smoother and even more pleasant.

暢遊苗栗小鎮中,在地的第一手旅遊資訊不可錯過,電話通訊教學、郵便服務介 紹、觀光諮詢等必備基本資訊最新消息,相關旅遊網站、證件準備、搭機注意事項、 行李打包教學、各國簽證資訊等不知不可的行前準備貼心提醒,還有免稅品、退稅介 紹以及火車、客運、巴士、計程車、汽機車出租等交通相關指南速報,3大旅遊實用 資訊總整理,幫助你遊玩苗栗更盡興! First hand local travel information comes in handy when traveling to the small towns of Miaoli. Divided into 3 sections, useful information from basics such as telecommunications, post service, inquiry hotlines, etc.; tips on airport, baggage and packing, visa requirements; to transportation guides and much more, are right at your fingertip!


基本資訊 Basic Information

基本旅遊知識總整理,完美旅途更上手! Basic Information for a Perfect Trip!


電話通訊 Telecommunications

公用電話分為四種,投幣式公用電話使用1、5、10元硬 幣,現已不多見,光學卡式公用電話使用100、200、300元面 額的電話卡,IC式公用電話可使用100、200、300元面額的電 話卡和IC金融卡,另種IC卡式公用電話,除一般撥打功能,還 附設有數據埠、數據通信等裝備,可利用筆記型電腦上網收 發信件。 Public phones in Taiwan are divided primarily into four types. Coin phones accept coins in denominations of NT$1, NT$5, and NT$10. Phone cards are divided into magnetic strip stored value cards and IC stored value cards that sell for NT$100, NT$200 and NT$300 each. Recent version of IC card public telephone offers modem port which allows users to access internet connection. 1.從台灣打到國外 台灣國際電話碼002+該國國碼+區域 碼去0+對方電話號碼 2.從國外打到台灣 所在國國際電話碼+台灣國碼+區域 碼去0+對方電話號碼 3.從台灣打到台灣 市內電話可直接撥打對方電話號 碼,撥打到外縣市則為區域碼+對方 電話號碼


1.International Direct Dial Calls from Taiwan Taiwan Int’ l Access Code 002+Country Code+Area Code leaving out the 0+Telephone Number 2.International Direct Dial Calls to Taiwan Country Access Code+Taiwan Country Code+Area code leaving out the 0+Telephone Number 3.Local Calls in Taiwan Dial directly to make local calls in Taiwan. Area code+telephone number is required when making out of area inter-county calls.

郵寄服務 Post Service

台灣大部份郵局的營業時間為週一到週五8:00~17:00,部份郵局於週末假日亦有提 供服務。郵局提供了包括平信、限時、掛號、快遞、快捷、包裏、信箱租借等服務;郵 票除可在郵局購買,各大飯店或便利商店也有販售,郵件可依照信件種類,逕自投入路 邊的郵筒,國內信件約24~48小時可寄達。另外,UPS、DHL有專人取件快遞服務,便利 超商如7-11、全家、OK便利商店等,也有宅急便以及國際快遞等便民服務。 Post office hours are 08:00-17:00 Monday to Fridays, some offices also open during weekends and holidays. Mail categories include registered, express, certified mails and parcels, post box rentals, etc., and stamps are sold in post offices, hotels and convenience stores, domestic mail usually takes 24~48 hours for delivery. While pickup service is provided by UPS and DHL for express delivery, convenience stores also offer local and international express delivery services. 108

Part 4





旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

Health Care 出門在外旅行,遊客除了在飲食方面應盡量避免食用與自已 體質不合的食物,以及切勿飲食過量而造成身體負擔過大外, 平日應隨身攜帶個人日常慣用藥品,以備不時之需。如果即 時需購買藥物等醫療用品,可到連鎖藥妝店如躍獅、屈臣氏、 康是美等店面購買,購藥前務必向藥劑師說明病況取得專業諮 詢,避免誤用藥的情形發生。若遇上緊急情況,應立即至 醫院就醫,或撥打119尋求救護車送醫治療。 When traveling, avoid eating food which might trigger allergies. Before leaving home, check that you’ ve carry the medications for personal use. If necessary consult a local pharmacy for medications that fits your condition. In emergency, call 119 for ambulance or check into a local hospital.

Inquiry Hotlines

交通部觀光局call center旅遊諮詢熱線(0800)011-765 外國人在台生活諮詢熱線(0800)024-111 苗栗縣政府國際文化觀光局諮詢熱線(037)374-375 苗栗火車站旅遊服務中心(037)263-048 南庄遊客服務中心(037)824-570 雪霸國家公園管理處(037)962-188 火警、救護車、消防119 警察局110 英語查號台106 24-Hour Toll-Free Travel Information call center: (0800) 011-765 Information for Foreigner’ s Service Hotline: (0800) 024-111 International Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County: (037)374-375 Miaoli Train Station Visitor Information Center: (037) 263-048 Nanjhuang Tourist Service Center: (037) 824-570 Shei-pa National Park Visitor Center (037) 962-188 Fire, Ambulance: 119 Police: 110 English Directory Assistance: 106



行前準備 Travel Information

01 蒐集旅遊情報


(1) 旅客出發前最好能先對旅遊目的地作足功課,無論是上網查詢,或是參考相關旅遊書 籍,若能對當地的概況有初步的了解,在旅途中亦可多加利用台灣觀光局在各國家風 景區及交通樞紐位置所設置的旅遊諮詢服務中心,可諮詢當地近期節慶活動、交通、 住宿..等詳細資訊,苗栗地區在南庄、苗栗火車站及竹南火車站(預計99.06完成)設置有 服務中心,以利增添旅途的順暢度。 (1) Travelers are advised to do homework about their intended travel destination before departure, be it internet search or travel-related books, so thus gaining a basic understanding for the locale. While signtseeing in Taiwan, visitors may use the many tourist information centers set up by the Tourism Bureau inside national scenic areas and major transportation points. There are visitor centers at Nanjhuang and Miaoli Train Station presently, and an upcoming one at the Jhunan Train Station (to be completed in June 2010). (2)相關網站: ● 中華民國交通部觀光局:www.taiwan.net.tw 台灣省旅遊熱門景點介紹,提供最新旅遊訊 息、觀光活動、旅遊諮詢、美食文化介紹、 民俗文化風情、交通資訊、主題行程之旅、 各地旅遊服務中心諮詢等資訊。 ●背包客棧:www.backpackers.com.tw 世界各地各種旅遊資訊討論、各種旅遊攻 略、旅遊日記、機票訂購、住宿地點選擇、 旅遊風景寫真等,提供背包客最完善及多元 的資訊分享。 ● 苗栗縣政府網站:www.miaoli.gov.tw 苗栗縣政、法令訊息公佈、縣民服務項目、 行政表單下載,以及提供許多苗栗旅遊 ● 苗栗國際觀光文化局:www.mlc.gov.tw 介紹苗栗境內的圖書館、陳列館、藝術館、 三義木雕博物館等活動快訊,讓縣民及旅客 能掌握各種最新活動訊息,共襄盛舉。 ● 苗栗文化觀光旅遊網:travel.miaoli.gov.tw 苗栗縣各鄉鎮旅遊景點簡介,包括行程規劃、季節活動介紹、文化主題之旅、交通方 式、歷史、人口概況等相關旅遊介紹。 (2)Tourism Bureau, ROC(Taiwan): www.taiwan.net.tw Offer travel information on popular scenic spots, and provide latest news on events, dining, cultural events, transportation, theme travel, information center and much more. Backpackers: www.backpackers.com.tw Complete and diverse travel information and discussions for backpackers, including travel strategies, travel diaries, reservations, accommodations, etc. Miaoli County Government Website : www.miaoli.gov.tw 110

Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

Provide information on Miaoli, such as government introduction, services for the public, travel information, with forms and theme travels for download. International Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County : www.mlc.gov.tw Provide news and events in Miaoli held by the library, art museums and Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum for residents and tourists. Miaoli Cultural & Tourism Net: travel.miaoli. gov.tw Provide tour guide on the towns and villages in Miaoli County, including trip planning, seasonal events, cultural theme tours, transportation, history, population, etc.

(3)觀光推廣駐外單位: Overseas offices for tourism promotion : 國名 Country

日本 Japan

國名 Office

地址/電話 Address/Telephone

網址/電子信箱 Website&e-mail

台灣觀光協會日本東京事務所 3F KAWATE Bldg., 1-5-8 NISHI-SHINBASHI, tyo@go-taiwan.net Taiwan Visitors Association, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 105-0003 JAPAN Tokyo Office 81-3-3501-3591~2 : 81-3-3501-3586 台灣觀光協會日本大阪事務所 6F., Sumitomo Seimei Midousuji Building, Taiwan Visitors Association, 4-14-3, Nishitemma, Kita-Ku Osaka Osaka Office 530-0047, Japan 81-6-6316-7491 : 81-6-6316-7398


台灣觀光協會首爾事務所 韓國(南韓) Taiwan Visitors Association, S.Korea Seoul Office

Rm. 804, 8F, Kyungki Building, 115 Samgak-Dong, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea 82-2-732-2357~8 : 82-2-732-2359

www.tourtaiwan. or.kr/ tbrocsel@kornet.net

台灣觀光協會有限公司 香港 Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Limited

Rm. 904, 9F, Nan Fung Tower, 173, Des Voeux Rd., Central, Hong Kong 85-2-25810933 : 85-2-2581-0262

ttbtva@netvigator. com

台灣觀光協會新加坡辦事處 新加坡 Taiwan Visitors Association, Singapore Singapore Office

5 Shenton Way, 31-11, UIC Building, Singapore 068808 65-6223-6546~7 : 65-6225-4616

tbrocsin@singnet. com.sg

台灣觀光協會吉隆坡辦事處 馬來西亞 Taiwan Visitors Association, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Office

WISMA GOLDHILL Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 60-3-2070-6789 : 60-3-2072-3559

www.welcome2tai wan.net tva@streamyx.com

美國 USA

駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處觀 1 East 42nd St., 9th Fl., New York, NY 光組 10017, USA Tourism Representative, Travel 1-212-867-1632~4 : 1-212-867-1635 Section, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York


駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處 555 Montgomery Street, #505, San 觀光組 Francisco, CA 94111, U.S.A. Tourism Representative, Travel 1-415-989-8677 : 1-415-989-7242 Section, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco

info@visittaiwan. org

駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處 3731 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 780, Los 觀光組 Angeles, CA 90010, U.S.A. Tourism Representative, Travel 1-213-389-1158 : 1-213-389-1094 Section, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles

info@taiwan tourism.us

駐德國台北觀光辦事處 德國 Taipei Tourism Office, Federal Germany Republic of Germany

Rheinstrasse 29, 60325 Frankfurt / main Federal Republic of Germany 49-69-610-743 : 49-69-624-518

www.taiwant ourismus.de thomas@taiwan tourismus.de



02 準備證件

Preparing Documents

外籍旅客須先申請護照才可搭乘飛機入境,另外,旅客所持護照之有效期限須於 半年以上,除部份入境不需簽證的國家以外,其餘外籍旅客於來台前須先自行或者 委託旅行社辦妥簽證,方可入境。 Foreign travelers need a passport with validity for more than six months to travel, and a valid visa is required for entry except those from countries eligible for visa-exempt entry.

03 機票購買

Purchase Airline Tickets

旅客於購買機票前,須先確認出發日期、時間,再依據日期、時間,選定欲搭乘之航 空公司和班機,接著可透過旅行社、票務中心或航空公司網站查詢票價,即可開始訂 位、開票和付款等後續購票動作。 To purchase an airline ticket, travelers need to decide a departure date and time in order to choose an appropriate airline company and flight schedule. Check for prices through travel agencies, ticketing centers or airline companies for reservation and ticketing.

04 住宿訂房

Hotel Reservation

旅客可依照本身的預算和住宿天數、旅行目的地等因素,利用網路、電話、傳真 等方式預訂住宿地,若是旅遊期間遇上連續假日、特殊節日、寒暑假,客房尤其容 易客滿,更需提早預訂。旅客在選擇下塌地點時,可多方蒐集資料比較,亦可到相 關旅遊網站參考別人過去的住宿經驗,或是參閱旅遊書籍的推薦住宿地,以避免訂 到虛擬房間或遇上不好的服務水平。 Hotel reservations can be made through the Internet, telephone, fax and other methods. During peak seasons such as holidays, summer and winter breaks, rooms are easily booked and prior reservation is required. Compare accommodations by visiting related websites or refer to other traveler’ s experience to avoid fraud or bad services.

05 航空行李 Baggage

(1) 托運行李注意事項: 旅客依據所乘坐的艙別等級不同,行李重量的最高限制也有所差別,經濟艙限制最高 重量為20公斤,商務艙限制最高重量為30公斤,頭等艙限制最高重量為40公斤,旅 客在將物品置入行李箱內時,若沒有注意到行李的重量限制,不小心超重,依規定將 必須支付超重費用,由於超重費用相當昂貴,所以特別建議旅客,無論出境、入境, 都必須注意托運行李的總重量,超重時可以考慮將部份物品取出,當作隨身行李攜上 機,否則就只能選擇支付超重費或是丟棄了。 (2)隨身行李注意事項: 可隨身攜上飛機的手提行李,其限制的長、寬、高總合必須在115公分以內,此外, 旅客允許能攜帶手提袋以一個為限,另外像是筆記型電腦、外套、褶疊式嬰兒車等物


Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

品則不在此限制範圍內。 (3)可、不可攜帶物品相關規定: 而自96年3月1日起,規定搭乘國際線班機的旅客(包含國際包機),其隨身攜帶的膠 狀、液體、噴霧類的物品,容器限制必須在100毫升以下,此外,物品需裝在不超過1 公升,並且能重複密封透明塑膠裡面,當所有物品皆放於透明塑膠袋內時,帶子需可 完全密封,在通過安檢時必須將塑膠袋取出,另外放在一個檢查盒內,經X光掃描確 定是否符合規定。 若是旅客攜帶必要卻未符合限量規定的嬰兒奶粉、食品、藥物,或者各種醫療所需的 膠狀、液體、噴霧等類別的物品時,依規定必須向安全檢查人員進行申報的動作,在 獲得准許後才能將這些物品帶上飛機。如果旅客在出境或轉機時,於機場的管制區, 或是在前段航程機內購買膠狀、液體、噴霧類物品,需放於經籤封、顯示有效購買證 明的塑膠袋內,即可當作隨身行李攜帶上機。 而不得攜帶物品,凡各類引信、煙火、照明彈等相關爆炸物品,丙烷、滅火器、催淚 瓦斯等危險氣體,汽油、酒精、香精油等易燃液體,還有各種易燃固體、自燃物質、 遇水危險物質(禁水性物質)、氧化物、有機過氧化物、毒性物質、傳染性物質、放射 性物質、核分裂(裂解性)物質、腐蝕性物質、以安全目的設計的手提箱、使喪失行為 能力的產品、部分酒精飲料,皆不得作為航空行李。 另外,旅客須注意於飛機飛行期間,全程禁止使用個人無線電收發報機、行動電話、 各類遙控發射器、其他發報類電子用品。更多相關規定可向交通部民用航空局(http:// www.caa.gov.tw)查詢,或是跟各航空公司諮詢。 (1)Baggage Check-in: Baggage weight restrictions apply according to different fare classes. Maximum weight is 20kg for Economy class, 30kg for Business class, and 40kg for First class. As charges for excess baggage are very expensive, please pay special attention during packing. In case of baggage overweight, consider taking out partial items as carry-on luggage, otherwise extra charges must be paid or some items discarded. (2)Carry-on Luggage: Each passenger is allowed one carry-on luggage within 115cm in length, width and height, excluding notebook computers, coats, strollers and others. (3)Articles permitted and prohibited: Beginning March 1, 2007, passengers on international flights (charter flights included) may carry liquids or sprays in containers under 100ml, sealed in a clear plastic bag weighing less than 1kg. When passing security, the plastic bag must be placed on trays to be x-rayed and examined. Passengers carrying necessary items such as baby formula or medications that exceed above restrictions must declare all items to security personnel. Prohibited items purchased during departures or transfers must be placed in a sealed bag with proof of purchase to be carried on board. Articles prohibited on board include explosives such as munitions, fireworks and flares; dangerous and poisonous gas such as butane and liquid nitrogen; flammable liquids and solids; corrosives; radioactive materials; poisons and infectious substances; radioactive materials; briefcases with installed alarm devices; restricted substances and spirituous drinks. Additionally, passengers should note that during flight, telecommunication items including transceivers, transmitters, cellular phones, radio controllers and ciphering equipments are prohibited. For more information, check with the Civil Aeronautics Administration (http://www.caa.gov.tw) or airline companies.


06 行李打包 Packing

(1) 一般行李箱分為硬殼和軟殼兩種,軟殼行李箱較輕、彈性大、可放置物品較多,不過 較不耐摔,而硬殼行李箱較重、彈性小、可放置物品較少,相反的較為耐摔,旅客可 依據行李重量及行李內有無妨摔物品作為考量,選擇適合自己的行李箱。 (2) 行李箱的選擇建議選擇有拉桿、滾輪可360度選轉為佳,可幫助在移動過程中較省 力、便利拖行。 (3) 注意旅遊季節為何,一般來說,到台灣旅遊若為夏季,攜帶衣物以輕薄的短袖衣褲、 背心為主,春秋兩季除攜帶短袖衣褲外,最好能多準備一件薄外套,冬天則選擇攜 帶長袖衣褲、毛衣,不必準備過於厚重的大衣,鞋子則選擇耐穿、好走為主,以利四 處旅行時能讓雙腳負擔不會太大,打包過程中可在鞋子內塞入報紙或棉花防止壓損變 形。 (4) 出發前,建議不要將行李箱裝的過滿,需保留一些空間,以防回程時可放置旅程中購 買的衣物、紀念品,以免行李箱爆滿導致東西放不下。 (5) 一些日常用品會用到的小東西,例如化妝品、內衣褲,需分門別類收納好,化妝品可 選擇購買小罐的旅行組合,或是自行小瓶分裝,能更節省空間。 (6) 膠狀、液體、噴霧狀的物品需放於托運行李中,貴重、易碎、不耐摔之物品最好能隨 身攜帶,以免在託運過程中毀損。 (7) 行李箱外記得上鎖,再設定對自己來說好記、不易忘記,別人不知道、不易猜的密 碼。 (8) 可準備設計有多格層的袋子,井然有序的將防曬乳、藥品、文件、書籍、筆按序排 列。 (9)若想將旅程中所得之參觀門票、車票等小紙張帶回國留念,最好能準備一個封口文件 夾,不要隨便夾在易掉落的筆記本或書籍中。 (10)護照最好可以隨身攜帶,並且放於衣服、褲子或包包的暗袋中,越貼身越好,以防扒 竊。 (1) Choose between hard and soft luggage. Soft luggage is light, flexible and roomy, but less durable. Hard luggage is heavier with less room, but durable and good for packing breakables, so make your selection accordingly. (2) Trolley or 360 degree rolling luggage is recommended for easy maneuverability.


Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

(3)Pack according to the season. For Taiwan, bring short sleeve tops and pants with vests for summer, an additional light jacket for spring and autumn, and long sleeve shirts and pants with sweaters for winters. Wear durable, comfortable walking shoes to take pressure off your feet. (4)Do not over-pack at departure. Leave some rooms in your luggage for souvenirs and items purchased during your travel. (5)Articles such as makeup and underwear should be arranged and packed in kinds. To save space, consider buying makeup travel packs or make transfer to small bottles. (6)Liquid or spray items should be placed in checked baggage, expensive items and breakables should be hand carried to avoid damages. (7)Remember to lock luggage with codes that are easy to remember but hard to guess. (8)Use bag with multiple compartments to place items in an orderly fashion. (9) Prepare a sealable folder to bring home ticket stubs for souvenir. (10)Carry your passport. Keep it in a money belt or hidden pocket in your purse to prevent pickpocket.

07 旅費準備

Traveling Expense

台灣物價基本上比大部分的東南亞國家高,比歐、美、日等國家低,首都、直轄 縣市的消費又比鄉村小鎮來得高,購買一瓶600毫升的礦泉水約20元,一瓶350毫升 的可樂約20元,一塊麵包約25元。早餐的選擇則有三明治、奶茶、漢堡、蛋餅等西 式,以及飯糰、油條、饅頭、豆漿、清粥小菜等中式兩種,這類型的早餐店一般比 連鎖咖啡店、速食店來得便宜,另外,旅客若想在旅程中省錢,還可考慮參加許多 農場、風景區店家、住宿地所提供的優惠套裝行程,交通方面則可選擇搭乘公車、 客運、火車等大眾交通工具為主,亦可購買各種旅遊促銷套票,或是於出發前先行 上網了解有無最新折價資訊,幫助節省荷包。 Consumer prices in Taiwan are higher than most Southeast Asia countries, but lower than Europe, United States and Japan. Prices in the cities are higher than villages and townships. A bottle of 600ml water or 350ml coke is about NT$20, and a bread is about NT$25. Local breakfast shops serving Western or Eastern style food such as sandwiches and hamburgers, congees and steamed buns, are cheaper than coffee shop chains and fast foods. To be frugal, travelers can consider promotional packages available at many farms, scenic areas and accommodations, and take public transportation such as buses and trains. Or purchase discount packages online prior to departure.

08 相關安全應變 Public Safety

台灣的治安概況甚為良好,不過若身處擁擠的夜市、街道,或是搭乘公車、捷運,以 及行經深夜暗巷與人煙稀少的空曠處時,仍需,注意四周是否有不明人士徘徊跟隨,確 保安全。如果不幸遭竊,需儘快撥打110通報警察,或是在安全的情況下,到附近的警局 報案。而若在火車、捷運、公車上有物品遺失,可和車站裡的站務員連絡,同時需記好 搭乘車輛的班次、時間,以利站務人員協助搜尋。如遺失物品為信用卡、金融卡,需立 即和發卡銀行聯絡,申請掛失,若是遺失護照,則請聯絡所持護照國家的駐台辦事處尋 求協助,申請補發。 115

Taiwan is generally safe, but there are always pickpockets in big cities, so pay attention to personal belongings in public places and crowds such as night markets and MRT stations. At night, watch your surroundings and avoid sparsely populated places, call 110 for police when necessary. For lost items on trains, MRT or buses, make note of the vehicle number and time, and contact station personnel for assistance. Lost credit cards or ATM cards should be reported to financial institutions immediately. For lost passports, contact the nearest embassy or consulate for assistance and re-issue.

09 簽證相關資訊

Visa Information

台灣簽證依申請人的入境目的和身分的不同,大致分為停留簽證(短期簽證,在 台停留期間於180天內)、居留簽證(長期簽證,在台停留期間於180天以上)、外交簽 證、禮遇簽證4種,而在停留期方面,一般分為14天、30天、60天、90天等種類。 持停留期限60天而沒有加註限制的簽證者,如果要延長停留期限,須在停留期限到 期前,備妥相關文件,向內政部入出國及移民署各縣(市)服務站申請延期。居留簽證 不加停留期限,應於入境隔天起的15天內,或是申請獲准改發居留簽證簽發日起的 15天內,向內政部入出國及移民署各縣(市)服務站申請外僑居留證,以及重入國許 可,居留期限則依據旅客所持的外僑居留證所載效期為準。 Taiwan issues different visas according to applicant's purpose and status, mainly 4 types: visitor visa (for short-term stay less than 180 days), resident visa (for long-term stay over 180 days), diplomatic visa and courtesy visa. Duration of stay is 14 days, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days respectively. 60 day unrestricted visa holders may apply for extension before expiration date at the National Immigration Agency (NIC) service centers. Resident visa does not have a retention date, rather is based on a valid Alien Resident Certificate or re-entry permit applied at NIC service centers within 15 days of entry.

10 各國遊客來台免簽證國家

Countries eligible for Visa-exempt entry

澳大利亞、奧地利、比利時、加拿大、哥斯大黎加、捷克、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、 法國、德國、希臘、匈牙利、冰島、愛爾蘭、義大利、日本、韓國、拉脫維亞、列支敦 斯登、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬來西亞、馬爾他、摩納哥、荷蘭、紐西蘭、挪威、波蘭、葡 萄牙、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英國、美國等國旅客, 以及持有效美國、加拿大、日本、英國、歐盟申根、澳大利亞及紐西蘭等國家簽證(包括 永久居留證)的印度、泰國、菲律賓、越南及印尼旅客,來台免辦理簽證。 Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands , New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S.A., and also passport holders of India, Thailand, Philippines, Viet Nam, Indonesia, who also possess a valid visa or permanent residence certificate issued by U.S.A., Canada, Japan, U.K., Schengen Convention countries, Australia or New Zealand.


Part 4


旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

苗栗交通指南速報 Miaoli Transportation Guide

在地暢行無阻,苗栗PA PA GO! Get Around in Miaoli!

1 Step

交通速報—抵達台灣機場 Arrival 機場入境手續介紹 Airport Arrival Procedure

01 入境登記表填寫 Fill out Disembarkation Form 入境班次 Flight Number 出發地 Place of Embarkation 中文姓名 Chinese Name 性別 Gender 英文姓名 English Name 出生年月日 Date of Birth 護照號碼 Passport Number 國籍 Nationality

職業 Occupation 台灣住處 Address in Taiwan 旅行目的 Purpose of Visit 本人簽名 Signature

為節省時間,建議旅客在機上時,即可事先向機上服務人員索取「入境登記表」,入 境旅客若有申報項目需要,必須額外填寫「入境旅客申報單」,下機後也可在入境審查 櫃檯拿取入境登記表及入境旅客申請單,以中、英文書寫皆可。 To save time, ask your flight attendant to provide the Disembarkation Form on board the aircraft, also a Customs Declaration Form for those with items to declare. Alternately, you may obtain the form at arrival passport control counters after you disembark from the aircraft. 117


02 查驗證照 Passport Control

下飛機後請往入境大廳方向前進,於「外國人 入境審查櫃檯」處排隊審驗,入境旅客需出示護 照、機票、簽證、入境登記表等資料,供海關人 員作業審查,待海關於護照上戳蓋入境許可章, 方可通行。 Queue at the foreign passport clearance counter and present your Passport, Visa, departing flight ticket, Customs Declaration Form and Disembarkation Form to the arrival passport control officer for clearance.


03 行李領取 Baggage Claim

離開入境審查櫃檯,確認電子看板所顯 示的班機行李轉盤號碼,到行李檢查大廳 後,再依據號碼於轉盤前等候領取行李。 Proceed to the Baggage and Customs Hall, check for the baggage reclaim carousel number which corresponds with your flight number listed on the electrical board and head to the allocated carousel to retrieve your baggage.



行李檢查 Baggage Inspection 確認所提領的行李無誤後,如果攜帶的行李沒 有超過免稅限額,並無禁止、管制、限制進口物 品的旅客,可從免申報櫃檯通關,反之則須將入 境旅客申報單交予應申報櫃檯的海關人員,再由 此通關。 If the items in your baggage are not dutiable, proceed to the 'Nothing to Declare' counters. If you are bringing dutiable goods into Taiwan, proceed to the 'Goods to

Declare' counters.


05 前往搭車 Transportation to the City

出關後,先選擇離開機場的交通工具為 何,再依據標示的指示前往。 Decide on your form of transportation to the city, and then follow directions for boarding


Part 4 PLUS!

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

免稅品 Duty Free

1. 貨樣攜帶的完稅價格在新台幣一萬兩千元以下者免稅。 2. 酒1公升,捲菸200支或雪茄25支或菸絲1磅(惟年滿20歲之旅客方可攜帶)免稅。 3. 非列屬管制進口,並且已使用過的行李物品,商品一組或單件的完稅價格為新台幣一 萬元以下者免稅。 4. 管制品及菸酒除外的物品,完稅價格總價值為新台幣兩萬元以下者免稅。 1.Advertising items, samples without commercial values or the items of price duty paid under NT$12,000. 2.Alcohol-1 liter, cigarillos–200 pieces or cigars-25 pieces or tobacco-1 pound (for each adult passenger over 20 years old). 3.Used or non-import controlled/prohibited baggage articles. The price duty paid of single piece or one set is less than NT$10,000. 4.Personal belongings other than the above items with price duty paid less than NT$20,000


退稅方式 Tax Refund

外籍旅客若於同一天內,跟同一間貼有核准銷售特定貨物退稅標誌(TRS)的店家,購買 3000元以上的商品,並且在30天以內把物品攜出境的旅客,方有資格申請退稅。 退稅步驟如下 Step1 結帳時向結帳人員說明要辦理退稅,另外出示護照提供服務人員填寫退稅明細申 請表。 Step2 打包行李準備出境時,將要退稅的商品隨身手提,不要放在託運行李中。 Step3 到機場後,先至「外籍旅客退稅服務台」辦理,出示護照、退稅明細申請表、商 品、統一發票供海關人員查驗。 Step4 手持海關核發的「外籍旅客購買特定貨物退稅明細核定單」,到機場內的指定銀 行櫃檯辦理,方可換取退稅金額。 The Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) enables you to claim a tax refund on goods purchased over NT$3000 in the one store and no more than 30 days before departure. To claim for a tax refund: Step1 Inform store personnel for a tax invoice at check out, showing of passport is required. Step2 Wear or carry the goods on board during departure. Step3 Present the goods along with your tax invoice, passport and boarding pass to a TRS facility. Step4 With your tax refund receipt from TRS, obtain refund from designated bank counters at the airport.


機場前往苗栗交通方式 Transportation from the Airport to Miaoli 旅客可於機場搭乘桃園客運至桃園或中壢火車站,再轉乘火車到苗栗火車站,亦可直 接在機場包計程車前往苗栗。 Take Taoyuan Bus to Taoyuan or Zhongli Train Station to transfer to Miaoli Train Station. Or charter a taxi to go to Miaoli.


交通速報—火車搭乘指南 Railway Guide 認識台鐵 TRA Information 台灣的火車列屬於「台灣鐵路管理局」,火 車行經台灣各個大小鄉鎮,除了形成一環狀鐵 路,支線更深入許多偏遠地區,交通十分便 利,其便宜的價格和緊密的停靠站,已然成為 國外旅客環遊台灣的最佳選擇。 Operated by Taiwan Railways Administration, trains in Taiwan pass through villages and towns forming a loop with many extensions into remote districts. Convenient and inexpensive, trains have become the choice of transportation for travelers.

1.台鐵火車和票券 Train Ticket Information 台鐵火車依據行進速度的快慢,有著諸多分類,依序為最快的自強號、莒光號、復興 號,以及區間車、普通車等,再根據不同停靠站而分有多種班次,速度越快的票價越 貴,上述前三種車票採對號入座制,另售有沒位可坐站票,其餘兩款車種則採用自由入 座的方式,只要有空位皆可入座。 Train ticket prices are calculated according to number of stops and the advance speed, order from fastest is Tze-chiang Express, Chu-kuang Express, Fu-hsing Express, local trains and ordinary trains. Express trains are reserved seating, non-reserved standing tickets are sold too. Local and ordinary trains only offer non-reserved seating.

乘車日期 Date 乘車車種 Train Type 出發站名及目的站名 Starting Station and Destination 票價 Price


乘車班次 Train Number 出發時間及抵達時間 Departure and Arrival Time 車廂位置和座位號碼 Train Location and Seat Number

Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

2.車票購買方式 Ticket Purchase Instructions 遊客除可選擇在家網路購票,或者於出發前11日即可親至車站售票窗口買票,還可在 車站內的新式售票機購買長程、對號入座的車票,或是在舊式售票機購買當天、短程、 無座位的車票。 Train tickets can be purchase online, or 11 days prior to departure date at passenger service counters. The new ticket vending machines at the stations sell long distance reserved seat tickets, while the old ticket vending machines are for the purchase of same day, short distance non-reserved seating tickets. (1)窗口購票 遊客於窗口購票時,需詳細說明搭乘的日期、時間 或車次、出發站名、張數、票種和等級等資訊供服務 人員打票,付款方式可選擇現金、或信用卡(Visa、 Master、JCB),取票後記得仔細檢查票面資訊是否正 確,若有誤須及時告知服務人員,重新打票。 Have ready the boarding date, time, train number, departure station, seat class, and the number of tickets desired. Cash or credit cards (VISA、 MasterCard、JCB) are accepted for payment, and remember to verify ticket information before leaving the counter. (2)新式售票機購票步驟如下: Procedure for the new ticket vending machines : Step






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於螢幕首頁的選項中,選擇「新式自動售票 機」,接著選擇欲乘車日期,可購票期限為當日 起一週內的車票。 Select“new ticket vending machine”on screen, then select boarding date. Tickets are sold for within a week. 接著選擇乘車路線,共有西部幹線、東部幹線、南迴線三種,選定後再選 擇火車行進方向為上行或下行。 Select from the 3 train routes: west line, east line, and south link line. Then choose train direction up or down. 選擇搭乘車種,分別有自強號、莒光號、復興 號,再選擇預計從何地搭乘,然後按下目的地, 螢幕上同時顯示有剛剛選擇的搭乘地為何。 Select train type Tze-chiang Express, Chu-kuang Express or Fu-hsing Express, then enter start station and destination.


選擇搭乘車種,然後選擇購買票種為沾成票或是 來回票,接著選擇購買張數。 Select single or round trip ticket, and the number of tickets desired. Step4 螢幕上顯示購票結果,不管有無座位都會有所顯 示,如正確可按下「確定購票」,或者按返回, 重新輸入購票資料。 Results will be shown on screen whether seating is available or not. Press “confirm” to purchase, or “return” to re-enter information.


螢幕上將重新顯示剛剛輸入的所有購票資訊,若無錯誤可按下「付款」, 然後投入硬幣或紙鈔,再取出車票及找回的硬幣即購票完成。 Ticket information will be shown on screen, if there is no mistake, press “payment” and insert coins or bills. Take train tickets and returned change to complete purchase. 121

(3)舊式售票機 Old-type ticket vending machines: Step



01 02 03

於售票機上的資訊,選擇所需購買的車種、抵達站、票種和價格等資訊, 接著投入所需錢幣或紙鈔。 Select information such as train type, destination, ticket type and price on screen, then insert required coins or bills. 選擇購買張數,一次最多可買4張,接著 按下自強號、莒光號、復興號、區間車等 所需車種。 A maximum of 4 tickets can be purchased. Select train type Tze-chiang Express, Chukuang Express or Fu-hsing Express. 選擇購票種類為全票、孩童票、老人或身 心障礙及來回票,再選擇目的地為何,最 後取出車票和找回的硬幣及購票完成。 Select from adult, children and discount prices; single or round trip; and the desired destination. Take train tickets and returned change to complete purchase.

(4)網路購票 Internet Booking Step




02 03


登入http://www.railway.gov. tw,選擇網路訂票及訂票 方式,依據車次、車種的 選擇,再輸入購買單程票 還是來回票。 Enter http://www.railway. gov.tw, select Internet ticketing to enter train type, train number, single or round trip ticket. 輸入包括護照號碼、起點終點車站、乘車日期、車種、車次和張數等資 訊,確定輸入無誤後按下「Star To Order」訂票。 Input information such as passport number, starting station and destination, boarding date, numbers of tickets, etc., then press “Start to Order”. 螢幕若顯示訂票號碼即為購票成功,旅客需於3天內到台鐵各車站或是郵 局取票,如果ˇ未能於3天內完成取票的動作,則須於3天期限內完成網路 信用卡付款,付款後再將收據列印留存,於開車前30分鐘到車站取票。螢 幕若無顯示訂票號碼,即表示此車次的座位已全數售畢,旅客可選擇購買 其他車種、車次,或是在出發當天,親至車站購買無座的站票。 Purchase is successful if reservation number shows on screen, tickets are to be picked up within 3 days at Taiwan Railway stations or post office, or 30 minutes prior to boarding via credit card payments online. If the screen does not show a reservation number, it means tickets desired are sold and traveler needs to make alternative selections.

Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

(5)搭乘方式 How to ride Step





01 02 03 04 05

仔細察看剪票口上方的電子看板,選擇所搭列車 的正確月台。 Look on the digital signage board to find the platform for your train. 拿出車票給剪票員進行剪票,接著往所撘乘列車 的月台前進。 Show your ticket to the conductor and move forward to train platform.

等候列車時,遊客可依據月台上所標明的車廂編 號之燈號,選擇車票上的座位車廂編號處排隊等 候。 Wait in line for your carriage according to number signage displayed. 待列車到站時,再次核對車廂號次是否正確。 When train enters the station make sure your carriage number is correct.

確認無誤後進入車廂,按照窗戶上方的座位號碼 入座。 Enter the carriage and be seated according to seat numbers indicated above the window.

省錢又便利的環島週遊券 Money-Saving and Convenient Taiwan Railway Pass 不但省錢又可一票到處趴趴走的環島週遊券,是須常常搭乘火車的旅客最好的 選擇,無論為本籍或外籍旅客接可購買,全票1706元,半票853元,為自強號車票 環島價的85折,可至全省的大型車站內購票,自購票日60天內可開始使用,於第 一次乘車日的15天內可重複使用,於各個車站都可搭乘火車,無須再次付費。旅 客需於乘車前至車站購票處憑票券劃位,不限車種,但須以首次搭乘地為基準, 採順行或逆行的乘車方向,同向方可使用,最多可搭乘7次,每段路程不得折返或 重複,若中途使用其他交通工具,亦不得要求中段金額退票。 The Taiwan Railway (TR) Pass is perfect for frequent traveler domestic and foreign alike. Adult ticket price is NT$1706, discount price NT$853, about 15% off the regular price of Tze-chiang Express. Sold at all major railway stations, pass is to be used 60 days within purchase date, and good for repeated rides for 15 consecutive days after first use. There’ s no restriction on train type, but each ride must be of the same direction, no turn back or repeat allowed. No refund is given for other transportation used.



交通速報—苗栗交通工具 Miaoli’sTransportation 客運 Passenger Buses

苗栗目前僅有兩家客運公司營業,於境內部分火車站皆有停靠,可抵許多知名景點, 車資隨搭乘處和下車處的行車距離不同而有所差異,詳細路線圖及班距時間,遊客可去 電諮詢或自行上網查詢。 There are only two bus lines in Miaoli, both have stops at most train stations and well-known scenic sites. Bus fares depend on the distance of the ride. Please call or check online for bus routes and schedules. 苗栗客運 Miaoli Passenger Bus Line 電話:(037)662-111~3 網址:www.mlbus.com.tw/news.htm

TEL:(037)662-111~3 WEBSIDE:www.mlbus.com.tw/news.htm

新竹客運 Hsinchu Passenger Bus Line 苗栗站電話:(037)277-981 網址:www.hcbus.com.tw

Tel at Miaoli Station:(037)277-981 WEBSIDE:www.hcbus.com.tw

苗栗市免費觀光巴士 Miaoli free community bus 遊客可選擇搭乘苗栗免費巡迴公車,巡迴公車分為兩條路線,A線先經縣政 府,發車時間為6:00~19:30,B線先經苗栗醫院,發車時間為6:30~20:00,除中 午時間外,平均約30分發1班車,需要的遊客可至http://www.miaoli.gov.tw/files/ 時刻表及路線圖.doc,下載詳細班次時刻表。 Miaoli free shuttle bus has 2 routes: A Line passes through the county government first, departure time is from 6:00~19:30; B Line passes by Miaoli Hospital first, departure time is from 6:30~20:00. Bus runs 30 minutes except lunch time. Please see http://www.miaoli.gov.tw/files/ to download schedule and route information.

獅潭免費巴士 Shihtan Free Community Bus 苗栗縣境內還有一條免費觀光巴士路線,遊客可從獅潭搭乘到仙山、苗栗一 遊,詳細時刻表如下: There is one free tour bus route inside Miaoli County. Visitors can take this free bus in Shihtan Township to sightsee in Xianshan and Miaoli. The bus schedule is as follows : 獅潭(新店)-仙山 Shihtan(Xindian)-Xianshan 獅潭(新店)-仙山 仙山-獅潭(新店) Shihtan(Xindian)-Xianshan Xianshan -Shihtan(Xindian) 08:20 11:00 08:40 11:20 13:40 16:00 14:00 16:20 獅潭-苗栗 Shihtan-Miaoli 07:00 09:40 14:20 16:40


獅潭-苗栗 Shihtan-Miaoli 苗栗-獅潭 Miaoli-Shihtan 07:40(火車站 train station) 15:00(火車站 train station) 07:50(南苗 Nanmiao) 15:10(南苗 Nanmiao) 10:20(火車站 train station) 17:20(火車站 train station) 10:30(南苗 Nanmiao) 17:30(南苗 Nanmiao)

Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

租車 Car Rental 轎車和小客車 竹南: 鴻程汽車(037)612-496、春元租車(037)484-848 苗栗: 金昌租車(037)333-588、友惠交通(037)323-826、興寶交通(037)323-569、 協生汽車行(037)321-309、七七九交通企業(037)262-672、親進交通 (037)356-955、日日小客車租賃(037)266-488 公館: 鴻源小客車租賃(037)233-280 通霄: 通利汽車行(037)752-134 苑裡: 李天生小客車租賃(037)861-135、新喬小客車租賃(037)866-679 頭份: 苗栗汽車客運股份有限公司(037)662-111、和成小客車租賃行(037)675-135、 祥大汽車行(037)671-777、聯宏小客車租賃(037)676-721 三灣: 大全輪汽車行(037)831-019 獅潭: 盈光汽車行(037)991-126 Rental car or van Jhunan: Hongcheng(037)612-496、Chunyuan(037)484-848 Miaoli: J inchang(037)333-588、Youhuei(037)323-826、Xingbao(037)323-569、 Xiesheng(037)321-309、Qiqijiu(037)262-672、Qinjin(037)356-955、 Riri(037)266-488 Gongguan:Hongyuan(037)233-280 Tongsiao:Tungli(037)752-134 Yuanli: Leetienshen(037)861-135、Xinnqiao(037)866-679 Toufen: M iaoli Passenger Bus Line(037)662-111、Hocheng (037)675-135、 Xiangda(037)671-777、Lianhong(037)676-721 Sanwan:Daquanlun(037)831-019 Shihtan:Yingguang(037)991-126 摩托車 竹南: 合元機車行(037)478068、麥味登(037)466227 三義: 榮 泰機車(037)871879、三義BIKE機車出租(037)873443、建光租車行 (037)872879、永壹機車行(037)877182 南庄: 信華機車行(037)822175、騰翔機車行(037)622222 Scooter Jhunan:Heyuan(037)478-068、Maiweideng(037)466-227 Sanyi: Rongtai(037)871-879、Sanyi Bike(037)873-443、Jianguang(037)872-879、 Yongyi(037)877-182 Nanzhuang:Xinhua(037)822-175、Tengxiang(037)622-222 計程車 苗栗市:金昌無線(037)333-566 大湖鄉:大湖車行(037)994-711 湖安汽車行(037)991-059 三義鄉: 信行計程車行(037)872-580

Taxicab Miaoli City:Jinchang Wireless(037)333-566 Dahu Township:Dahu Taxi Co(037)994-711 Huan Motors(037)991-059 Sanyi Township: Xinhang Taxi Co(037)872-580

腳踏車 三義: 榮泰機車(037)871-879 公館: 茅鄉亭(037)239-855 頭屋: 明湖水漾會館(037)255-988 苗栗縣休閒農業旅遊服務中心 (037)255-920 西湖: 五湖宮媽祖石雕(037)821-680

Bicycle Sanyi:Rongtai(037)871-879 Gongguan:Maoxiangting(037)239-855 Touwu:Young Lake Resort (037)255-988 Miaoli County Recreational Agriculture Tourism Service Center (037)255-920 Sihu:Matsu Rock Sculpture at Wulong Shrine (037)821-680 Tongsiao: Reed Catkins Washing Village Mores Education Farm : cell 0937-753-705

通霄:蘆沐春風教育農場 0937-753-705


計程車 Taxi 計程車一般為黃色車身, 車頂放置燈號,車身兩側印 有車行名稱和司機姓名,可 隨招隨停,乘客也可去電車 隊預約叫車。車頂亮燈表示 可搭載乘客,大部分計程車 收費方式採跳錶計價,有的 風景區因位處山區,則採喊 價的方式計費,遊客在上車 前須清楚問明車資計算方 式,以避免糾紛。 Taxis in Taiwan are yellow colored, with company and driver’ s name printed on two sides. Available car is indicated by lit light on car roof, and fare is calculated by meter except for certain areas that has fixed price. 苗栗計程車車資參考Reference guide for Miaoli’ s Taxi Fare 跳表價:起跳白天100元;夜間(11點以後)120元。 Meter: Starting at NT$ 100 (day), and NT$ 120 (night, after 11:00)

台灣觀光巴士 Taiwan Tour Buses 如果沒時間收集資料,規劃好山好水的台灣之旅,可以參加中華民國交通部觀光局 與當地旅行社共同推出的「台灣觀光巴士」旅遊產品,提供國內外旅客在台灣的便利 觀光旅遊服務,最少2人以上就能出發,部分行程4人成行,不用耗費心力辦理保險與 行程規劃,提供至飯店、機場及車站迎送旅客並提供全程交通、導覽解說(中、英、 日文之導遊)和旅遊保險…等貼心服務,讓旅客輕鬆盡享觀光的樂趣,深度體驗悠遊 台灣之美! 在「台灣觀光巴士」的出遊路線中,包含兩條苗栗的旅遊行程,一是「苗栗南庄、 新竹內灣一日遊」,從台北市出發,由怡容國際旅行社承辦,另一是從台中市出發的 「苗栗大湖、飛牛牧場、三義知性一日遊」,由元帥旅行社承辦;「台灣觀光巴士」 各路線產品皆採預約制,以半、一日遊行程為主體,亦可代訂優惠住宿及組合規劃 二、三日旅遊行程,旅客需先與承辦旅行社查詢路線詳情及在出發前一日完成訂位搭 乘。 透過「台灣觀光巴士」的引領,無論是南庄遊老街、三義看木雕、到大湖體驗滿載 的水果之旅、或是與親子同樂的牧場遊,都能藉此發現苗栗無限魅力,一年四季都有 憾動旅客的好風采! If you don’ t have the time to collect information to plan your exciting trip to Taiwan, you can take one of the “Taiwan Tourbus” package journeys, a joint collaboration by the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, and local operators. These packages take tourists domestic and international to hot destination spots nationwide, and are ready to depart with 2-ormore persons signing-on (some routes require 4 people). They are convenient, don’ t require any insurance coverage or itinerary planning, and have pick up/drop off services at hotels, airports and stations. Everything from roundtrip transportation, language tour guide (language services in Chinese, English or Japanese), to travel insurance are all included. They make sightseeing easy, and offer in-depth experiences to see the beauty of Taiwan! 126

Part 4

旅遊實用資訊 Basic Information about Travel

There are two journeys dedicated to Miaoli among the many offered by the “Taiwan Tourbus” , one “Miaoli Nanjhuang and Hsinchu Neiwan Day Trip” by Best Travel departs from Taipei City, and the other “Miaoli Dahu, Flying Cow Ranch, and Sanyi Day Trip” by Marshal Travel Services leaves from Taichung City. All the bus journeys require advance reservation. The journeys are mostly half day or 1 day basis, however it is possible to arrange for a 2~3 day package if bundled with lodging together. Travelers please inquire with your travel agent for journey routes and specifics, and complete your reservation one day before departure. The “Taiwan Tourbus” takes you to the most charming places in Miaoli, such as to Nanjhuang to see the Old Street, Sanyi for wood sculpturing, Dahu for a trip of fruit-picking, or bonding with the kids by going to the ranch; every season is the best season to discover Miaoli.

觀光巴士相關諮詢 Tourbus related inquires 元帥旅行社:電話(04)2301-5590、E-Mail: marshaltour@pchome.com.tw Marshal Travel Services: Tel (04) 2301-5590; email: marshaltour@pchome.com.tw 怡容國際旅行社:電話: 02-25961280 、E-Mail: service@BestTravel.com.tw123 Best Travel: Tel: (02) 2596-1280; email: service@BestTravel.com.tw123 交通部觀光局國民旅遊組申訴專線 (04)-2331-2688 Taiwan Tourism Bureau Travel Service Center, complaints hotline : (04) 2331-2688 台灣觀光巴士 http://taiwantourbus.com.tw Taiwan Tour Bus http://taiwantourbus.com.tw 台灣觀光資訊網 http://taiwan.net.tw Taiwan Tourism Bureau http://taiwan.net.tw 交通部觀光局24小時中英日文免費旅遊諮詢服務熱線 0800-011-765。 Tourism Bureau 24-Hour Toll-Free Travel Information Hotline : (0800)01-1765 for English and Japanese service 全國各旅遊(客)服務中心櫃檯 Travel (Passenger) Service Center, Tourism Bureau Taiwan 127

主辦單位/苗栗縣政府 承辦單位/苗栗縣政府國際文化觀光局 發行人/劉政鴻 出版/苗栗縣政府國際文化觀光局 地址/苗栗市北苗里自治路50號 電話/(037)352-961 網址/www.travel.miaoli.gov.tw 總編輯/黃晴文 執行顧問/曾雪花、林彥甫 執行主編/楊皓凱 執行編輯/胡惠婷 特別感謝/苗栗縣觀光解說員協會 苗栗攝影學會提供相關圖片 攝影/陳勇嘉 企劃印刷/宏碩文化事業股份有限公司 (02)5599-9999 出版日期/中華民國98年11月 版次/初版一刷 本手冊全部內容版權所有,未經同意不得轉載 免費贈閱,禁止販售 台灣苗栗-自助旅遊導覽手冊/黃晴文總編輯 -初版- 苗栗市,苗縣文化觀光局.98.11 面 ; 公分 中英對照 ISBN 978-986-01-9775-4(平裝) 1.自助旅行 2.苗栗縣 733.9/113.6


Sponsored by/Miaoli County Government Organized by/International Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County Government Publisher/Liu, Cheng-Hung Published by/International Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County Government Address/50 Zizhi Road, Beimiao Li, Miaoli City Tel/(037) 35-2961 Website/travel.miaoli.gov.tw Editor in Chief/Huang Ching Wen Executive consultant/Zeng Xue-hua and Lin Yen-Fu Editor/Yang Hao-Kai Assistant Editors/Hu Huei-ting With special thanks to/ Miaoli County Travel Information and the Photographic Society of Miaoli for supplying photographs for use in this book Photographer/ Liu Yun-jia Planning/Printing by/Hong Shuo Cultural Enterprises, Co., Ltd. Tel: (02)5599-9999 Publication Date/November 2009 Contents are copyright protected, no reprint or re-use without authorization

Follow this easy guide to Miaoli, and let the diary of enjoyness begin

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廣蒐美食伴手情報,一書在手快樂出遊! Practical picture guide makes sightseeing easy! Exciting theme tours to see the best of Miaoli! Great tips on dining and keepsakes make travel fun!


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