IV. Conclusion The technologies of AI, the volume and variety of AI tools, and the speed with which they are evolving and being deployed present many challenges to data protection. AI can include automated decisions, but it can also include augmenting human intelligence to produce better outcomes. The numerous benefits produced by the proliferation of AI technologies are not without challenges. However, a year’s worth of roundtables, discussions, and research has clearly shown that there is both sufficient flexibility in most data protection laws and sufficient creativity among organizations and regulators to comply with those laws and to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in ways that are not merely lawful, but beneficial and accountable. If you would like to discuss this paper or require additional information, please contact Bojana Bellamy, bbellamy@huntonAK.com; Markus Heyder, mheyder@ huntonAK.com; Nathalie Laneret, nlaneret@huntonAK.com; Sam Grogan, sgrogan@huntonAK.com; Matthew Starr, mstarr@huntonAK.com or Giovanna Carloni, gcarloni@huntonAK.com.