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27/72 111972/2020/CL&ES

6. Undertaking a Data Business In order to ensure greater access to Non-Personal Datain a systematised manner, the Committeeproposes the idea of creating a new category of businessin India called ‘Data Business’.Refer to Appendix 4for emerging global frameworksin this domain that the Committee considered. Key Takeaways – Data Business 

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Create a new category / taxonomy of business called ‘Data Business’ that collects, process, store, or otherwise manages data, and meets certain threshold criteria. Data Business is a horizontal classification and not an independent industry sector.Many existing businesses in various sectors, collecting data beyond a threshold level, will get categorized as a Data Business. Data Businesses will provide, within India, open access to meta-data and regulated access to the underlying data. The compliance process will be light-weight and fully digital.

Recommendation 4: Defining a Data Business Definition of a Data Business 6.1. Create a new category of business called Data Business

i. Organizations are deriving new or additional economic value from data, by collecting, storing, processing, and managing data. For instance, a hospital derives economic value not only from providing medical services, it may derive additional value by harnessing the medical data and offering value-added services (such as personalized treatment plans, medicines etc.).

ii. Hence create a new category / taxonomy of business called ‘Data Business’ that meets certain data threshold criteria.

iii. Data business is not an independent industry sector. It is a horizontal classification cutting across different industry sectors. o For example, companies in banking / finance, telecom, Internet-enabled services, transportation, consumer goods, travel, universities, private research labs, non-government organisations etc. may be classified as ‘Data Businesses’ based on a certain threshold of data collected / processed that will be defined by the regulatory authority (as defined in Chapter 8). 27

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