32/72 111972/2020/CL&ES
7. Data Sharing Data sharing refers to the provision of controlled access to private sector data, public sector data and community data to individuals and organisations for defined purposes and with appropriate safeguards in place. The Committee strongly believes that open-access to metadata and regulated access to the underlying data of Data Businesses will spur innovation and digital economy growth at an unprecedented scale in the country.This will also necessitate establishment of mechanisms to support data requests and data sharing.
Data Sharing Purpose Why, and under what conditions, should data be requested and shared? Various stakeholders, including the governments, citizens, startups, companies, universities, research labs, non-government organisations etc., may request Data Businesses for underlying data for defined purposes.
Recommendation 5 – Data Sharing Purpose
Sovereign purpose – Data may be requested for purposes of national security, legal purposes, etc. Core Public Interest purpose – Data may be requested for community benefits or public goods, research and innovation, policy making, for better delivery of public-services etc. Economic purpose – Data may be requested in order to encourage competition and provide a level playing field or encourage innovation through startup activities (economic welfare purpose), or for a fair monetary consideration as part of a well-regulated data market.
Recommendation 5: Defining Data-Sharing Purpose 7.1. Data Sharing for Sovereign Purposes
i. Data may be requested for national security, law enforcement, legal or regulatory purposes. Some non-exhaustive examples of these are: o Data requested for mapping security vulnerabilities and challenges, including people's security, physical infrastructure security and cyber security. o Data required for crime mapping, devising anticipation and preventive measures, and for investigations and law enforcement. o Data required for pandemic mapping, prediction and prevention, and also subsequent interventions. o Data required by a regulator to understand and keep abreast of developments in a sector with regard to need for regulatory interventions