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Appendix 5: Data Sharing Mechanisms and Frameworks Data sharing refers to the provision of controlled access to private sector, public sector and community data to individuals and organisations for defined purposes and with appropriate safeguards in place. 1. Types of data sharing
i. We could classify data sharing by the nature / 'ownership' of data (e.g. Government, private, community etc.) or the manner of its sharing (e.g. closed, open, semi-private etc.)
ii. There is also likely to be different obligations in sharing provided, observed, derived and inferred data.
iii. Government data sharing (G2B and G2C): Sharing of public information by the Government for the purposes for re-use by organisations (including companies and startups) and individuals alike. o Regulatory examples: Directive (EU) 2019/1024, on open data and the reuse of public sector information
iv. Community data sharing refers to community datawhich, may be with private actors too, is needed to be shared under community data sharing guidelines and requirements.
v. Private / Industrial data sharing (B2B): Sharing of industrial data between organisations involved in the same commercial or non-commercial point of the value chain. o Examples: International Data Spaces (IDS) Association, Industrial Internet Consortium(IIC), Data Market Austria, Ocean Protocol and the IOTA Foundation63,64,65,66
vi. Open data sharing: Sharing of industrial data inside or outside of a value network, Government public information and the data of willing participants shared in their individual or collective capacity through sharing mechanisms/instrument. o With respect to industrial data, when such data is legally open, it means that the data is published under an open license and that the conditions for re-use are limited to attribution. Second, the data is technically open, which means that the file is machine readable and non-proprietary. o Regulatory examples: Australian Data Sharing and Release bill, 2018
63https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/ 64https://www.iiconsortium.org/ 65https://datamarket.at/ 66https://oceanprotocol.com/