Mervinskiy 437

Page 68

201. Considering the format in which the Privacy Policy and Legal Basis Notice is presented to the user in light of the above, it is clear that, once a user reaches the Page, he/she is presented with a significant amount of text; this will be immediately apparent to the user, from the scroll bar running down the side of the Page. While the Privacy Policy and Legal Basis Notice only account for approximately 43% of the total text length, the user has no way of knowing this or of knowing, at first instance, whereabouts on the Page these are located. The use of this format to deliver the information prescribed by Article 13 of the GDPR risks dissuading the user from reading the Privacy Policy and Legal Basis Notice on the basis of a perception, on the part of the user, that he/she may be required to review a considerable length of text. In this way, the format of presentation risks creating a barrier between the prescribed information and the data subject. 202. Accordingly, and with a view to ensuring, insofar as possible, that users receive the information that WhatsApp is required to provide, I included proposed directions, in the Preliminary Draft, requiring WhatsApp to take action such that: a. the Legal Basis Notice is incorporated into (such that it forms part of) the Privacy Policy; and b. the Privacy Policy (with incorporated Legal Basis Notice) is separated from the remainder of the policies/notices that make up the Page and presented on a page of its own. 203. I note, however, that WhatsApp has since taken the action required to address the substance of my concerns, in this regard, and, accordingly, the proposed directions are no longer required. 204. For the avoidance of doubt, I note that the Investigator, by way of Conclusion 3, expressed the view that “the format of the Online Documents in one continuous scrolling document is not in line with the accessibility requirement contained within Article 12.1 of the GDPR, as this scrolling [renders] specific information more difficult to find.” As detailed further below, I will approach the required assessment by reference to the individual categories of information that are prescribed by Article 13. Accordingly, I do not intend to propose any finding by reference to Conclusion 3 of the Final Report.

Methodology for Part 2: Assessment and Questions for Determination 205. Having established how WhatsApp provides information to its users, I must now consider the extent to which the measures implemented achieve compliance with the requirements of Article 13, read in conjunction with Article 12(1). 206. As set out above, Article 13 prescribes the information that must be provided to the data subject while Article 12(1) sets out the way in which this information should be provided. Thus, in order to achieve compliance with Article 13: a. The data controller must provide the required information; and b. Provide it in a manner that is “concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically to a child.” 207. In other words, compliance with Article 13 requires both of the above elements to be satisfied in each case.


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Articles inside

The Decision-Making Stage

pages 143-220

Article 83(5) and the applicable fining “cap”

pages 248-256

Decision: Whether to impose an administrative fine and, if so, the amount of the fine

pages 225-237

Appendix C – Terms of Order to bring processing operations into compliance, made pursuant to Article 58(2)(d

pages 264-265

Summary of Corrective Powers to be Exercised

pages 257-258

Article 83(2)(k): any other aggravating or mitigating factor applicable to the circumstances of the case, such as financial benefits gained, or losses avoided, directly or indirectly, from the infringement

pages 221-224

Assessment: Article 13(2)(a) – Retention Criteria/Retention Periods

page 128

Assessment: Article 13(2)(b) – the existence of the data subject rights

page 132

Assessment of Decision-Maker: What information has been provided?

page 129

Identified Legal Basis 5: The vital interests of the data subject or those of another person

page 110

Assessment of Decision-Maker: What information has been provided?

page 124

Assessment: Article 13(1)(f) – Transfers of personal data to a third country

page 123

Assessment of Decision-Maker: What information has been provided?

page 120

Identified Legal Basis 6: Tasks carried out in the public interest

pages 111-113

Identified Legal Basis 1: Contractual Necessity

pages 94-99

Identified Legal Basis 2: Consent

pages 100-101

Identified Legal Basis 4: Compliance with a Legal Obligation

pages 106-109

Identified Legal Basis 3: Legitimate Interests

pages 102-105

Preliminary Issue: What information must be provided pursuant to Article 13(1)(c)?

pages 82-92

Assessment: Application of the Proposed Approach to Article 13(1)(c

page 93

Review of the Materials being relied upon by WhatsApp

pages 64-67

Assessment: Article 13(1)(c) – the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis for the processing

pages 79-81

Assessment of Decision-Maker: What information has been provided?

page 76

Methodology for Part 2: Assessment and Questions for Determination

pages 68-74

Relevant Provisions

pages 62-63

Assessment: Article 13(1)(a) – the identity and contact details of the controller

page 75
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