1 minute read
1.8 Further Questions
○ If Article 6(1)(f) is relevant, i) what types of data intermediary activities might constitute a legitimate interest and how is the balancing test met and ii) what types of intermediary activity would not constitute a legitimate interest ○ What role the government should take in codifying this activity, including any additional conditions that might be placed on certain kinds of data intermediaries to bring them within scope of legitimate interest ○ Whether you consider a government approved accreditation scheme for intermediaries would be useful
1.8 Further Questions
Q1.8.1. In your view, which, if any, of the proposals in ‘Reducing barriers to responsible innovation’ would impact on people who identify with the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 (i.e. age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation)?
Q1.8.2. In addition to any of the reforms already proposed in ‘Reducing barriers to responsible innovation’ (or elsewhere in the consultation), what reforms do you think would be helpful to reduce barriers to responsible innovation?