Mervinskiy 488

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repetitive prompting constantly putting into question a clear refusal they made is burdensome. This clear action that users took during the registration process is now constantly put into question. The induced degradation of the user experience significantly increases the probability that users will accept the targeted advertisement at some point, just to avoid being asked again every time they log into their account and wish to use the social media platform. In this case, not giving one’s consent has a direct impact on the quality of the service given to users and condition the performance of the contract. c. Best practices Cross-device consistency: When the social media platform is available through different devices (e.g. computer, smartphones, etc.), settings and information related to data protection should be located in the same spaces across the different versions and should be accessible through the same journey and interface elements (menu, icons, etc.). Change spotting and comparison: see use case 1 for definition (p. 22). Coherent wordings: see use case 1 for definition (p. 22). Providing definitions: see use case 1 for definition (p. 22). Use of examples: see use case 1 for definition (p. 22). Sticky navigation: see use case 2a for definition (p. 28). Back to top: see use case 2a for definition (p. 28). Notifications: see use case 2c for definition (p. 32). Explaining consequences: see use case 2c for definition (p. 32).

Use case 3b: Managing one’s data protection settings a. Description of the context After completing the sign-up process, and during the entire life cycle of their social media account, users should be able to adjust their data protection settings. Whether users have prior knowledge of data protection in general and the GDPR in particular or not, and whether they are attentive to the personal data they do or do not wish to share and others to see, they all are entitled to being informed about their possibilities in a transparent manner while using a social media. Users share a lot of personal data on social media platforms. They are often encouraged by the social media platforms to keep sharing more on a regular basis. While users might want to share moments of their life, to participate in a debate on an issue or to broaden their networks of contacts, be it for professional or personal reasons, they also need to be given the tools to control who can see which parts of their personal data.

Adopted - version for public consultation


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