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1.6. The EU funded initiatives
Fundamental Rights of the EU. Therefore, the FRA publishes resources concerning this right that may be of assistance. For example, the FRA has published a handbook on European data protection law and a guide on profiling.30 It also provides overviews of national laws implementing the GDPR requirements, such as one on the use of parental consent.31
The European Commission provides financial support for projects promoting compliance with the GDPR. To date, financial support has been granted through three waves of grants, totalling EUR 5 million by May 2020, with the two most recent ones specifically aimed at supporting national data protection authorities in their efforts to reach out to individuals and SMEs. Some of these projects have provided guidance and training materials in the national languages of member states.32 For example, guidance has been provided in Danish, Dutch, French, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Slovenian. Within the scope of such EU-funded initiatives, guidance in English was also provided. The most illustrative examples of such guidance include ‘The DPO handbook: Guidance for data protection officers in the public and quasi–public sectors on how to ensure compliance with the European Union
30 FRA/ECtHR/EDPS, Handbook on European data protection law (Publications Office of the European Union 2018) https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2018/handbook-european-data-protectionlaw-2018-edition; FRA, Preventing unlawful profiling today and in the future: a guide (Publications Office of the European Union 2018) https://fra.europa.eu/en/ publication/2018/preventing-unlawful-profiling-today-and-future-guide. 31 FRA, Consent to use data on children https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2017/mapping-minimum-age-requirements/ use-consent. 32 An overview of EU funding supporting the implementation of the GDPR https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/eu-data-protection-rules/ eu-funding-supporting-implementation-gdpr_en.