1 minute read
3 Are there any co ncerned superviso ry autho rities ?
ii. If the pro cesso r has no central adm inistratio n in the EEA, identify the establishment in the EEA where the m ain pro cessing activities o f the pro cesso r take place.
d. In a case invo lving jo int co ntro llers:
i. Check if the jo int co ntro llers are established in the EEA.
ii. Identify the place o f central adm inistratio n in the EEA fo r each jo int co ntro ller respectively (where applicable);
iii. The superviso ry autho rity o f the co untry where the place o f central adm inistratio n is lo cated is the lead superviso ry authority o f the respective jo int co ntro ller.
3 Are th er e a ny c onc ern ed s upe rv isory a uth ori t ies ?
An autho rity is a co ncerned autho rity :
When the co ntro ller o r processo r has an establishm ent o n its territo ry, o r:
When data subjects o n its territo ry are substantially affected o r likely to be substantially affected by the processing, o r:
When a com plaint is received by a particular superviso ry autho rity.