2018 臺中市國中英語輔導團 韓國參訪

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106 學年度臺中市國中英語輔導團國際教育韓國參訪心得報告 International Education Exchange at Daegu, Korea

光明國中李國禎老師: On behalf of the Education Bureau of Taichung City, the English Advisory Team laid the foundation for a constructive cooperation for both cities' English education. With four school visits and the city tour, we had fruitful communication and interaction with not only the staff of the schools but some officials of the Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education. Thanks to Youngshin High School's vice principal and three teachers' great hospitality, we've got fond memories of Daegu throughout our entire stay there. On top of that, I believed that an even greater bond of friendship had been forged with this exchange. All the members of the delegation would wholeheartedly hope that we can return the favor back when they visit us in Taichung.

Youngshin High School I felt welcomed and honored upon arrival with the big banner saying "Make friends with the world" and the official title of the Taiwan delegation, complete with two national flags of Taiwan and Korea. The chairman of the Board received us and exchanged gifts with the chief principal, Sarah Hung, who then gave a brief speech in English expressing Taichung City Government' s sincere willingness for future exchange possibilities. Accompanied by the DMOE officials, we observed an English class featuring how to use tablet computers to make English speaking videos of the activity, Team Time Table. The teacher gave a simple instruction in English, and then the students working in groups of four proceeded to complete their posters collaboratively. They had to put down a piece of information for each of the categories, including time, class name, where, and what, to describe a daily school schedule. Those Korean students were tech-savvy and knew what to do to produce the end result, which was recording a presentation about their posters and uploading it to YouTube. After the teaching demonstration, we then adjourned to the conference room for the class discussion. Each member of the Taiwan Delegation gave positive feedback based on our class participation. For example, with this task in a meaningful context, students are using technology to enhance their English speaking skills. Some of the students really did a good job making the oral report in English even though a bunch of strangers were watching them closely. They were engaged in taking on different tasks of filling in the blanks, coloring their posters, and rehearsing for the oral presentation. In conclusion, I would say this was a successful English class.

Waryong Middle School The principal of Waryong gave an opening speech in English to introduce the school's vision of cultivating future global citizens with various programs. The Taiwan Delegation also proudly presented a video boasting beautiful landscapes in Taichung and what the English Advisory Team has done for promoting innovative English teaching strategies at last year's Edu-Buffet workshops. We then participated in a co-teaching English class by a native English-speaking teacher and a Korean English teacher. The class started off with an intriguing discussion about some fake news, with visually attractive slides and video clips to get students talking. Following that, the teacher explained how the sentence structure, "Have you heard about .....? Yes, I heard that ....", was properly used in real-life situations. Finally, with the help of the worksheets, students worked in groups to create their own interesting fake news and shared their works with the class. I enjoyed this class a lot because the tasks were well-structured and connected, scaffolding students to master the use of the pattern and create their own funny fake news. During the class. the two teachers worked closely towards the learning objectives, and students were engaged with many interesting examples related to their real life. Group members took turns coming up with words to fill in the blanks, and each of them had opportunities to practice reading out loud the completed worksheet. I myself have done so many teaching demonstrations in and outside my school. I would use at least five tasks, sometimes even six, to keep my students extremely busy doing something with the language. However, my class would tend to be so packed that students were left not much time to discuss and prepare for the final oral presentations. This class got me thinking that these Korean students could actually not only master the pattern but produce the end result with just only three tasks.

Global Station The Daegu City Government fully funded this English-teaching institution that is located in a underground shopping mall of a train station. Parents can book the classes of their choice online for their children free of charge. There are a variety of scenario simulation classrooms, such as the Japanese cooking class, the post office, the Australian themed animal class, to name just a few. There's a native English-speaking teacher conducting a specialized course in every scenario classroom. Students get to be immersed in an authentic environment while picking up some English expressions as well. I was quite impressed that the Korean government would invest in English education this way and benefit whoever wants to improve their listening and speaking skills.

The Overseas Chinese School The school is Taiwanese government-funded and aim to educate young Taiwanese nationals. The principal kindly gave us a campus tour and

introduced the long history of the school. One of the Taiwanese teachers there told us that they use exactly the same textbooks in line with the national curriculum guidelines back in Taiwan. An Excellent Daegu Experience The vice principal and three teachers of Youngshin High School, Jenny, David, and Alex were so thoughtful and generous that I truly felt their enthusiasm to present the best of not only the English education but the renowned tourist attractions of Daegu. We paid a visit to many tourist spots, such as the Museum of Medical Missionary, the Independence Movement Road, the Palgongsan Cable Car, Donghwasa Temple, Suseong Lake, and so on. How can our very first Daegu experience be complete without some Korean cuisine? The DMOE officials and Youngshin staff treated us to two dinner parties. We had a good time using English to get to know each other and exchanging ideas about English teaching while enjoying all kinds of good food. The bibimbap and haemul-pajeon I had is by far the best ever. Though we just brushed up against the city during a very short period of time, I made a mental note that I'm gonna come back one day as a family trip to really savor the spectacular scenery and cultural significance.

光復國中小蘇渝雅老師: 上學年台中市英語輔導團獲選為績優團隊,獲得了一星期的公假至國外參 訪,我們選擇韓國,是因為韓國是我們在科技產業上的最大勁敵,同屬亞洲國 家,他們和我們在學習英語上的基礎及環境相當,抱持著觀摩學習的態度,我 可說是相當期待這次的參訪。此次韓國行最重要的是到大邱進行教育參訪,總 計參觀了兩所中學及一間政府支持的英語學習機構,觀了兩堂課,這次的參訪 我收穫良多,但感觸也良多,在這篇的心得分享中,各位老師會看到兩個部 份,一個是我對大邱英語教育的介紹,另一個是經過了一連串的洗禮後,我認 為韓國經驗可帶給我們的省思。 在正式參訪之前,我們先去大邱華僑小學參觀,看到當地的老師(有台灣的替代 役)努力的維持跟台灣相同的學習環境和課程,就覺得深受感動,但小學的環境 卻不是那麼好,不知道是否能有相關單位可以注意到,給予支持改善?

另外,大邱教育局 DMOE 為了歡迎我們的到來,為我們舉辦了一個簡單的晚宴接 風,席間來了國際交流科的科長及督學,我們也趁著晚餐的時間彼此交流,來 瞭解大邱的教育制度,韓國各個城市的教育制度及方式會有些不同,但大邱的 教育特別受到其他地區教育者的推崇,其原因是他們強調以學生為中心的學 習,使用科技融入教學中,並希望學生不光是學習知識,更要學習如何使用知 識(有沒有覺得很熟悉,不就是新課綱所強調的素養導向嗎?),經過晚宴的交 流後,我更加期待之後的觀課,若南韓真的做的很好👍,我們更該努力啊!

大邱的第二天,開始了緊鑼密鼓的參訪行程,第一所參訪的學校是永信中 學,韓國都稱中學為 middle school。是一所私立學校,學制包含了幼稚園到 高中。 大德國中鄭維源師: 國中進入高中是採取學區制度,所以國中升高中比較自由沒有壓力,學校 的收費跟公立相同且採用學區分發制,跟台灣的公立學校相似。這所學校經常 舉辦國際交流,也跟台中市的石岡國中締結為姊妹校,當我們參訪的時候,永 信中學的校長也正好帶學生到台中市石岡國中交流。

大德國中鄭維源師: 第一所參訪觀課的學校是韓國大邱永信中學,第一堂的公開課在他們的英 語全英情境學習教室,分別有兩台投影機跟三個白板,學生的桌子可以隨意分 開拼合,桌椅可以隨意移動,一組使用一台 Apple IPad 進行行動學習分組合作 學習(分成六組),如圖配置。

光復國中小蘇渝雅老師: 我們觀課的班級是國一學生,授課老師擅長以科技融入教學,以分組合作 學習的方式授課,教學目標是製作一日課程的 timetable,並用 iPad 錄製成影 片,上傳到 YouTube 頻道上,我所觀察到的是學生很投入在課程中,不論是製 作海報,還是錄製影片,每個人都很知道自己該做什麼,並且不會畏懼被觀 課,但我好奇的是老師在之前的課程中教了些什麼,讓學生能夠在一節課的時 間可以繪製海報並錄製影片?學生有沒有獲得足夠的 scaffolding?

由於沒有足夠的時間再與授課老師詳談,因此這些問題沒有獲得答案,但日後 我在教學中也要注意,每個教學步驟都要和教學目標配合。

光復國中小蘇渝雅師: 第二所參訪的學校是 Wareung 中學,韓國教育部有個計畫是撥款讓各地區 聘請外師授課,教育部招募了外師後,將外師分配到不同的地區,而該校就是 這計畫的示範學校,外師每班的授課時數約每週一節。

這一節的課程內容是課本的延伸,與韓國本地老師進行協同教學,公開課的內 容是 Have you ever heard ~?原本我是以為授課老師是想讓學生練習現在完 成式,但不只是如此,授課老師首先先讓學生分辨 gossip 和 news 的分別,讓 學生知道這個句型的使用時機,接著提供小白板讓學生進行寫作練習,不斷提 供線索讓學生想出字彙(如要學生想出形容詞、顏色、動物或動詞),接著提供 文章樣版,讓學生把之前所想的文字放入文章中,在完成文章後,到台前念出 文章,進行口語的練習,如此步驟重複了幾次,在一堂課中,練習了三個文章 樣版,如此結束一堂課,看似簡單的教學步驟,卻提供了學生足夠的 scaffolding,因此學生可以依照指示,完成課程目標,更讓人驚艷的是外師和 韓師的合作,配合的天衣無縫,默契絕佳,韓師不光只是坐在後面而已,而是 真的與外師配合,兩人一搭一唱,完美演繹一堂課,在我看來是真的協同教 學。

大德國中鄭維源師: 這堂公開課堪稱簡單而完美協調的英語協同教學公開課,課後的議課我針 對兩位老師給予 Bravo 等級的讚賞,兩位教師的配合堪稱模範,並真正的能帶 給學生不同的學習刺激,不管是慣用語或課程的銜接,引導學生進入學習情 境,在在都可以看出兩位教師課餘花費了非常多的時間於協同備課的時間,事

後提問了一個問題,如我所料,他們幾乎在每堂課之前跟之後都經常性的一起 備課,才能夠達到如此心靈相通的協同教學。

光復國中小蘇渝雅師: 大邱參訪行程的最後一站來到 Global Station,是一個政府資助的英語學 習機構,位於地鐵站裡面,交通非常便利,可以上網預定課程,而且費用免 費,一堂課的時間約 30 至 40 分鐘,課程內容多元,涵蓋了美術、音樂、烹飪 及各種文化體驗課程,韓國人非常擅長打造情境教室,就像之前大家所熟知的 英語村一樣,Global Station 每間教室都有其主題,如非洲館、歐洲館等,若 有人上課的教室我們就會在外面觀摩,沒人的上課的教室則入內參觀,還跟一 位教授美術的老師聊天,英語生活化,在這裡具體的實現。

大德國中鄭維源師: Global Station 大邱國際全球站是大邱教育廳推行的國際教育部的分支, 原本一開始叫做 Daegu E-Street。

初期設立的目標是為了減輕家長的教育費用而設立,除了針對兒童的項目以 外,也開放給教師進修跟成人教育使用,開放給就學的中學生於課堂外的英語 圖書館,高中生英語社團支援,針對小學 3~6 年級設計世界故事繞地球一圈及 與英語音樂劇一起 Dreaming 兩大主題,初高中生及設計與 NGO 一起同住地球 村,開放性課程則設計各種文化節慶日活動及各種針對市民的免費英語進修及 寒暑假英語團隊活動。 居仁國中洪于瑄老師: 能捐幾個億給只要錢的邦交國,為什麼不能多投資英語教育呢?我們有一堆蚊 子館英語村,有人用嗎? 韓國學校有制度的外籍教師輪替,完善軟硬體設備,願意在最精華的捷運地下 街規劃 Global stations, 每間一個國家,一位外籍教師,每 30 分鐘不同主題 課程,只要上網預約,完全免費,在人來人往的捷運站,孩子們習慣被注視, 青少年在被觀課時也不緊張,從小培養上台侃侃而談的能力,韓國能,台灣能 嗎?

光復國中小蘇渝雅師: 綜觀兩天的參訪,我看到了大邱公私立學校的學習環境及英語教育,也看 到了政府層級對英語教育的重視,看到他國的教育情況,再對比自己的現況, 那些我們做的很好的優點再度浮上來,而大邱值得學習的優點,也值得我們借 鏡,也因為這次參訪,讓我對現今的英語教育有更多的期許。以下是我的期 待: 1、教育局能統籌外籍教師的招募、考核及管理,並平均分配外師到各中小學。 目前台灣的作法是各地區教育局自理,以台中市為例,外師的主要去向是 到小學,實際上有不少國中想要聘請外師,他們則是自行招募,但這很容易面 臨到外師的素質和管理的問題,由各校自理的話,招募到的外師的數量就很有 限,再者,各校自理比較難做到考核,若沒有適當的陞遷獎勵制度,我們很難 留住優秀的外師,韓國的做法就是由教育部招募外籍教師並針對其能力分配到 適當的機構去,希望有朝一日教育局能做這樣的投資,提升我們的英語教育。 2. 期待新課綱的改革能提升人力素質,增加人民在國際間的競爭力。 新課綱的改革乃是呼應世界趨勢而產生,看到大邱的教育改革與我們走上 相同的道路,就不免感嘆,改變不會等待,它一直發生,我們不能去忽略世界 趨勢,而是要擁抱它,我們要注重學生基本能力的提升,但也要思考,學生要 如何使用這些知識?我們教師在平時的教學中就該提供適當的情境讓學生去使 用,不要讓知識只停留在課本中。 3. 期待教師對於公開課有更正面的看法。 大邱永信中學的一位英文老師告訴我該校的老師都被要求每學年需被觀課 1~2 次,台灣老師加油啊!我們新課綱也是期待我們能夠每學年至少公開授課 1 次,別畏懼,我們也可以做的很好的。 身為輔導員,因為職務所需,經常去他校參訪,去國外參訪則是人生第一 次,看到韓國的種種,可以理解他們強盛的原因,他們的優點值得我們學習與 借鏡,藉由我們的努力,我看好我們日後的英語教育。

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