WLC Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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Chu Hua University


Ling Chen



Chang Hua University

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Hsinchu, Taiwan

• Member of Student Association

• Nominated in the 2017 Taiwan institute of Landscape Architect student design competition.

• Nominated in the 2017 the AAEDT student design competition

• Be selected in excellent product award in the exhibition with Department of Landscape Architecture, NCUT


Landscape Construction Labourer



Calgary, Alberta JVR Landscape

• Planting, transplanting flowers, plants, and greenhouse and nursery stock

• Installing rock gardens, ponds, decks, drainage systems, fences,planters and playground equipment

• Installing, operating and maintaining watering systems

• Seeding, sodding and caring for lawns

Landscape Designer


Taipei, Taiwan Yuan Hao Landscape Design Studios

• Rendered designs with manual and computer-aided methods.

• Consulted with customers and analyzed locations to develop concepts.

• Planted bulbs, trees, bushes and flowers for residential and commercial clients.

• Installed underground sprinkler systems to provide grass and gradens with adequate water supply.

• Sourced high-quality trees, bushes, grass seed or sod, fertilizer and other suppies to complete new installations.


• Informational material deveopment

• Presentation skills

• Program oversight

• Soft selling

• Point of sale operation

• Exceptional customer services

• PC platforms

• Illustration

• Hand sketch

• 2D and 3D modeling

• Visual design

• Project specifications

• Landscaping site plans

• Graphic design


Landscape Designer /Constructor


Hsinchu, Taiwan Chung Hua Studios.

• Rendered designs with manual and computer-aided methods.

• Consulted with customers and analyzed locations to develop concepts

• Planted bulbs, trees, bushes, and flowers for residential and commercial clients.

• Installed underground sprinkler systems to provide grass and gardens with adequate water supply.

• Sourced high-quality trees, bushes, grass seed or sod, fertilizer, and other supplies to complete new installations.

Summer Intern (Community Outreach Coordinator)


CSED Studio Canberra, Australia

• Connected individuals with available and relevant resources.

• Conducted community workshops to promote different programs and introduced the public to available services.

• Created and implemented community-based programs to improve education or fill specific needs.

Lover Stay Curious Adventurous Self Motivated
(+1)587 226 5720 Calgary, Alberta CONTACT
CONTENTS LAGO Bistro Chung Hua University Landscape Improvement Program

The Good Old Days

The Lung of Our City Miaoli Train Station Land scape Improvement Program Sanken Wetland Planning and Design of Sanken Wetland Ecological Park
Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm Summer Intern-CSED Studio Community Outreach Coordinator

LAGO Bistro

Chung Hua University Landscape Improvement Program

LAGO studio planning as the starting point provides great integration of green space for Chung Hua University.

Chung Hua University Landscape Improvement Program LAGO Bistro
Taiwan Hsinchu City Chung Hua University N 24° 45′ 30″ E 120° 57′ 10″ Xiangshan District No. 707, Section 2, Wufu Rd

Romantic Wisteria Cedar Avenue

Fenghuang Turf Lychee Orchard
Healing Garden people node Environmental Education space site position parking space viechle line pedestrian line Vehicle parking lot Bus route Bus stop Side entrance Main entrance Main vehile parking lot Xiang Shan bus station (Chung Hua University) To Hisnchu downtown high way to Hsuan Chuang University and Yuanpei University of Medical Technology
LAGO Bistro Feather of Cypress Alley
Chung Hua University Landscape Improvement Program LAGO Bistro people node site trail pond outdoor post light viechle line open ditch outdoor hexagon solar light pedestrian line underground ditch LED pipe accessibility line drainage direction spotlight recessedlight
Orange day-lily landspace
space cypress trail camellia planting area rest area with purple orchid fern park bamboo garden palm tree umbrella tree garden spice garden aquascape

Japanesecherry 山櫻)

Chinese Hackberry(朴樹)

Chinese Soapberry(無患子)

Acacia confusa(相思樹)


Chinese tallow(烏臼)

Lemon Scented-gum(檸檬桉)

Orchid Tree(羊蹄甲)

Chionanthus retusus(流蘇)

Cape Jasmine(山黃梔) Weeping Willow(垂柳)

Queen Crapemyrtle(大花紫薇) Camellia(茶花)

Floss-silk Tree(美人樹) Subcostate Crape Myrtle(九芎)

Rose-flowered Jatropha(日日櫻)

Autummn Maple Tree(茄苳)

Large-leaved Nanmu(大葉楠)

Hong Kong Orchid Tree(艷紫荊)

Taiwan Incense Cedar(臺灣肖楠)

Roebelin Date Palm(羅比親王海棗)

Fan Palm(蒲葵)

Common tree Ferm(筆筒樹)


Wax-leaf Privet(日本女貞

Umbrella Plant(鵝掌藤

Duranta Erecta(金露花

Hong Kong Gordonia(大頭茶

Chinese Ixora(仙丹花


Indigenous Cinnamon(

Giant White Bird Of Paradise 白花天堂鳥

Happiness Tree 福木

Copperleaf (鑲邊璇葉鐵莧

Mousetail Plant 錫蘭葉下株

Creeping Fig 月橘葉綠榕

Leopard Lily 射干

Taro(水芋 Colocasia tonimo Nakai Dwarf lilyturf(麥冬 Ophiopogon japonicus 垂花水竹芋 Thalia Geniculata Narrowleaf cattail(香蒲 Thalia Geniculata Dwarf Mondo Grass(玉龍草 Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nanus’ Snowrose(六月雪 Serissa japonica’Thunb.’ Rangoon creeper(使君子 Combretum indicum Albostriata Variegated Bamboo 斑葉唐竹 Sasaella Masamuneana ‘Albostriata’ Golden Bamboo 金絲竹 Phyllostachys Aurea Tree Fern(鬼沙欏 Cyatheales Green Penny Fern 伏石蕨 Lemmaphyllum microphyllum. 腎蕨 Nephrolepis cordifolia 美人蕨 Blechnum gibbum Nest Fern(台灣山蘇 Asplenium nidus Staghorn Fern(鹿角蕨 Platycerium Polypod Ferns(水龍骨 Polypodiales 窗簾蕨 Nephrolepis pendula (Raddi) Sm. Common water hyacinth 布袋蓮 Pontederia crassipes Senegal tea(光葉水菊 Gymnocoronis spilanthoides Netted iris(鳶尾 Iris Reticulata Yellow iris(黃花鳶尾 Iris Pseudacorus Long Yellow Daylily 金針花 Hemerocallis citrina Rosemary(迷迭香 Mount Lemmon Marigold 芳香萬壽菊 Tagetes lemmonii Sweetleaf(甜菊 Peppermint(薄荷 Mentha canadensis Fennel(茴香 Foeniculum vulgare Parsley(歐芹 Petroselinum crispum Basil(羅勒 Ocimum basilicum 123456789101112 123456789101112 Bamboo(綠竹 Mentha Canadensis Broadleaf lady palm 觀音棕竹 Rhapis excelsa Lemon grass(檸檬香茅 Cymbopogon Chinaberry(苦楝) Comphor Tree(樟樹) Koelreuteria elegans(臺灣欒樹) Wax Apple(蓮霧) Horsetail Tree(木麻黃) Longan(龍眼) Bald Cypress(落羽松) Madagascar Almond(小葉欖仁
土肉桂 MeliaAzedarach CinnamomumCamphora SapiumSebiferum BauhiniaVariegataLinn. LagerstroemiaSpeciosa Camelliajaponica Machiluskusanoi PrunusSerrulata KoelreuteriaHenryiDummer SyzygiumSamarangense CasuarinaEquisetifolia. Dimocarpuslongan Taxodiumdistichum Terminaliamantaly CeltisSinensisPers. AcaciaConfusa EucalyptusCitriodoraHook. ChionanthusRetususLindl. ChorisiaspeciosaSt.Hil. LagerstroemiasubcostataKoehne BauhiniablakeanaS.T.Dunn SapindusSaponaria PterocarpusIndicus GardeniaJasminoidesEllis SalixBabylonica JatrophapandurifoliaAndre BisxhofiajavanicaBlume Calocedrusformosana Phoenixroebelenii Livistonachinensis Sphaeropterislepifera LigustrumJaponicum StrelitziaNicolaiRegel&K.Koch ScheffleraArboricola GarciniaSubelliptica GordoniaAxillaris PhyllanthusMyrtifolius RhaphiolepisUmbellata IrisDomestica DurantaErecta AcalyphaWilkesiana IxoraChinensis FicusPedunculosa CinnamomumOsmophloeum
Chung Hua University Landscape Improvement Program LAGO Bistro
Chung Hua University Landscape Improvement Program LAGO Bistro

The Lung of Our City

Miaoli Train Station Landscape Improvement Program

LAGO studio planning as the starting point provides great integration of green space for Chung Hua University.

Miaoli Train Station Landscape Improvement Program The Lung of Our City
Taiwan Miaoli City Miaoli Station N 24°34′11.64″ E 20°49′20.80″ Miaoli County No. 1-1, Weigong Rd.
1930 1945 195019551960 197019751980 19952010NOW Miaoli Train Station Landscape Improvement Program The Lung of Our City
1945s the brick house, the second generation of the Maoli train station 1930s the wooden house, the first generation of the Maoli train station 1950s Maoli train station after Pacific War the old station has been rebuild 1978s renovated the Maoli train station In to Addition on a Clock Tower recover the curved roof 2013s the fourth generation of the Maoli train station 1960s Maoli train platform 1975s refurbishment of Miaoli train station the third generation of the Maoli train station 1995s renovated the Maoli train station to change stylishly to imagine an ancient chimney 1950s steam train vehicle area playground zone teenagers playground and activity safety plaza passengers travelers activity zone
NOW station
Miaoli Train Station Landscape Improvement Program The Lung of Our City

Sanken Wetland

Planning and Design of Sanken Wetland Ecological Park

To utilize the abundant nature resources from the site.

To incoporate the core value of local history.

Planning and Design of Sanken Wetland Ecological Park Sanken Wetland
Taiwan Taoyuan City Sankengzih Longtan Dist. N 24°50’17.9”,E 121°15’28.7” Longtan District Sanken Ecological Park Ecological EducationReserve Native Plants Variety of Bird SpeciesWater Resources Planing

Site Analysis

There are many entrances in the site; however, they are very unorganized. The pedestrain pathways close to the edge of the site require more proctection from direct sunlight.

Most parts of the plants are in bad condition and isolated.

In the future planting plan can be arranged with several sections.

Most of the plants in this area are Taiwanese native nectariferous plants They will be preserved at the future planning.

Ecological And Environmental Issue

The Dahan River originates from the source of Pintian Mountain (Takejin River), which is the drainage area of Shimen Reservoir. The middle and lower reaches of the river are plateaus, and alluvial plain is the river estuary of Danshui River. The affluents include Yongfu River and Sanxia River

Water Pollution Issue

Improper development at hillside drainage area of dahan river. The electroplating factorys are the majority. The peach from Lala Mountain have been affected because the soil and water were polluted by pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.

121 118 114
Taoyan Area Water Polluion Diagram
meadows water streams solar direction Dahan river water and wetlands exotic nectariferous plant native nectariferous plant taiwanese native plant industrial area mild pollution medium pollution Techview International Technology Inc. She Zi River Laojie River Nan Kan River Dahan River Longtan Kur-Wong Aspire Park CPT Technology (Group) Co. exotic species plant nectariferous plant (both birds and insects) forest arable land wetland trail mountain vehicle lines people node main entrances pedestrian lines

Railway for hand-pressed car

Due to having an over-exploited quarry yard and siltation the park was abandoned

Tea trading on the sampan boats

The land transportation developed from railways to Taiwan route 3rd

Planto be a natural ecological park by the CAPA,Ministry of the Interior

Using the history of the original wetland as the main the main storyline of the landscape planning. To convert the landscape into a dynamic water cycle .



Planning and Design of Sanken Wetland Ecological Park Sanken Wetland
Qing’s dynasty - Meiji era(1910s) 1940s - 1945s -Present 1910s - 1940s 1950s -1967

Utilize differnt kinds of nectariferous plant along the path

Ecological wetland for Education of sustainable development

Preserve the nectariferous plants to proctect the habitat of birds

Use Aquatic Plants To Enhance The Biological Purification Function ability

Clean and comfortable water environment

Ecologically Sustainable Development Plan: To restore and protect the ecological native species

To conserve the the original ecological environment, we preserve nectariferous plant to attract birds first.

Second, the decorative and shade-tolerant plant are considered.

Biological Purification System

The circulation of flowing water and the plant filtration system

Biological purification ecosystem :

Arranging gravel and establishing plant filtration system to achieve the cleaning effect.

N 0 500 250 1000 Planning and Design of Sanken Wetland Ecological Park Sanken Wetland
Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm The Good Old Days
Recreational Farm Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm Taiwan Xinpu Township Xinpu Township Jupu Village 24°50’30.1”N 121°07’38.2”E Hsinchu County Jupu Agricultural Farm
Going Back To The Simple Farming Era, Everyone has a mood; Every Day Is A Good Day
The Good Old Days
Xiaoli river Lumingkeng

Site Analysis

Ecoloical and Environmental Issue

Common issues are the food production, from agricultural cultivation, harvesting, sorting, packaging, transportation to processing, sales, cooking, eating and the swill treatment.

All of these issues are concerned of greenhouse gas emission that would lead to serious global warming and climate change.

Sustainable agriculture : utilizing farming methods that promote soil health and reduce reliance on fossil fuels for environmental sustainability.

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bulding area building area building area building area building area vegetation mountain views pedestrian lines wooden pathway wooden pathway wooden pathway wooden pathway road forest xiaoli river vehicle lines bus stop agricultural land drainage direction slopeland conservation zone net houses area net houses area net houses area net houses area net houses area wooden pathway land ll A small parking space
Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm The Good Old Days

Biological Purification System

It mimics the water purification function of the natural ecosystem to construct a biological filtration system. When the wastewater goes into the storage area for filtering , the solid precipitates and dissolve nutrients could be removed, then the aquatic plants can filter out some of the metal substances.

The nutrients will be left in the fish ponds to supply the fish, then clean water will irrigate the soil. After that birds and insects will spread the seeds.

Beach Cabbage

Tagpo Common Hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus

Ardisia Squamulosa

Canna Canna indica

Beach Naupaka Alpinia zerumbet

Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica

Mulberry Morus Alba

Pseudocinnamomum Cinnamomum Osmophloeum

Brazilian Jasmine Mandevilla sanderi

Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria

Yellow Water-lily Nuphar Lutea

Bulrush Typha orientalis

Water Clover

Marsilea Quadrifolia

Common Mint Spearmint

Fish Mint

Chameleon plant

Basil Great Basil

Chinaberry Tree

Melia azedarach

Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera


Ficus benghalensis

Ash Tree Fraxinus

Rosemary Salvia rosmarinus

Chili Pepper

Sour Creeper Urceola rosea Capsicum annuum

Chinese Flame Tree

Koelreuteria Elegans

Golden Trumpet Tree

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm The Good Old Days
Multifunctional Square Bikerider Rest Stop Ticket Window With Convenience Store Picnic Area With Tree Shadow Vegetable Farm Ecological Water Site Aquaponics Area Restaurant Spice Herbs Garden Net House Planting Hydrophilic Learning Center Hydrophilic Playground Birdwatching Rest Area Concrete Pipes Classroom Auditorium Landlord’s Home Micro-foreset Trails

The Vegetable Farm

This is a planting area for the production of spices and edible plants. It is mainly planted with some herbal medicines and perennial plants and annual plants.

The Outdoor Theater for Some Static Activities.

We keep the space for peacock, which can be a viewing area. In this area, these nectariferous plants attract insects that helps pollinate plants to reproduce.

The Main Production area of The Farm.

Each part is mainly planted with different staple foods and vegetables that have a longer growth period. Some parts of this area have been set up with some tent-shaped rellis to plant melons.

In addition, we organized an indoor space to place the farm tools.

The Shaded Picnic and Playground Area

The shaded picnic and playground area features facilities that are combined with landscape changes. Since the area is close to the road, we use bushes and shrubs to separate the road and the playground; However, the site can sill be seen from the driveway.

The Environment Contains Wastewater Purification System

The environment circulates contains wastewater purification area. Also this is the site point upon entering this farm. Most parts are planted with water purification plants and waterside plants.

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Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm The Good Old Days 050 150 300 050 150 300 Birdwatching rest areaLearning centerNet house planting Vegetable farm
050 150 300
Domestic wastewater tank Aquatic plant purification pond Purified fish pond Entrance plaza
Planing and Design of Jupu Agricultural Farm The Good Old Days

Summer Intern Community Outreach Coordinator

Canberra ACT, Autralia

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