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to learn and gain some confidence in themselves and their abilities before jumping into the junior high division with higher stakes and tougher competition. The same process will occur from the junior high division to the high school and then from high school rodeo to the college rodeo world. Doster believes this progression contributes to the resilience and grit required to be competitive on a collegiate level.
Region III is the high school rodeo home to alumni including Paden Bray, Shad Mayfield, Ty Harris, and Quaid Hiatt. When asked what, if anything, specifically Region III leadership did to contribute to these cowboys’ success and transition into post high school rodeo Doster replied that talent attracts more talent and creates greater competition. This type of competition creates the elite rodeo athletes.
High School rodeo teaches us to be humble when we win and gracious when we lose. With all the variables that exist in rodeo, we learn that the only constant is change itself and our reactions to that change ultimately defines our success not only in rodeo but in life.