Spring 2021 Extreme Team News, Official News of Texas High School and Junior High Rodeo

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PO Box 62862 • San Angelo, Texas 76904 512.618.9233 • csbaize@yahoo.com


Region II

SECRETARY - JODY MCELROY Box 224 • Balmorhea, Texas 79718 432-940-0385 • secretary@thsra2.com

JODY MCELROY Box 224 • Balmorhea, Texas 79718 432.448.7810 • rodeosecretary1@gmail.com JOE RICHARDS 5101 Hwy 214 • Hereford, Texas 79045 806.676.5970 • joe@diamondcattlefeeders.com PRESIDENT- CASEY BAIZE PO Box 62862 • San Angelo, Texas 76904 512.618.9233 • csbaize@yahoo.com





By JACOB WALTERS – Performance Reporter

pring is almost upon us here in Texas, and in Region II contestants are preparing themselves for our second semester of rodeos in

a variety of ways. Take the word preparation, the importance that lies behind this word is truly astronomical. To quote Alan Armstrong, “Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” I spoke with a few Region 2 contestants to see just how they were preparing for the tough competition coming this spring. Lane Reed, a three event cowboy from Clint, Texas, is going the extra mile to ensure that he is the best physical shape he can be for the upcoming rodeos by going to the gym everyday and eating right. As for his equine partners, Lane says that when he does not have time to exercise or practice on


them he puts them on a walker. While these two things are sure to help immensely, Lane has gone even further in his preparation by sharpening up his mental game. He tells us, “I put every run together in the practice pen as if I was at the rodeo. I am also reading a book called Psycho Cybernetics that is supposed to help you mentally.” Allison Vaughn from Christoval, Texas is an excellent competitor both in and out of the rodeo arena as she is a state qualifier in both cross country and track, and is a member of Christoval’s very RILEY JENKINS successful Basketball program. Becoming such an accomplished athlete does not happen by accident. “As a student athlete, the physical preparation is already implemented into my daily life,” Allison tells us, “Being involved in cross country, basketball, and track keeps me physically active which all bleeds over into the sport of rodeo.” While this amount of preparation is impressive, it is definitely not the extent of it. Her mental preparation is also significant to her success as an athlete. Allie finds confidence in repetition. “I constantly remind myself to picture the perfect run, and in the practice pen I mentally engage in what I am doing so that when it comes to the rodeo it’s just like the practice pen,” she says, “I believe the root of a good mental LANE REED game comes from confidence, and you earn confidence from the work you put in during practice.” Riley Jenkins is a team roper and tie down roper from Big Spring, Texas and his physical preparation differs from the conventional methods of staying in shape. He tells us, “Time in the practice pen helps a ton, but I get most of my conditioning from tying from the post and hauling hay, since we have a hay company.” Riley also ensures his horses are working sharp by logging them, doing a little practicing on them, and exercising them in the wheatfield next to his house. Riley also takes his mental game very seriously. He says, “I run the same calf over and over again in my head on the drive to wherever we’re going, and visualize what needs to be done before I ever set foot in the arena. I believe that the roping can be won before you even get on your horse, it’s just about not getting flustered or ahead of yourself.” As you can see, each and every person prepares a little bit differently for the rodeo. Whether they hit the gym every morning, or stack hay every afternoon, whether you make 20 runs a day on your horse or just exercise them and train a little, whether you keep your plan relaxed and simple or plan every little step, we all have something that works for us. Region Two’s spring rodeos are right around the corner, starting back on March ninth. So with spring rodeo upon us and State Finals just a few short months away, ask yourself, “ What am I doing to make sure I’m ready?” I’ll leave you with my personal favorite quote, “Winning happens when an overwhelming amount of preparation meets a single moment of opportunity.” Good luck and God bless.

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