Richard Mason Artificially Doing What Comes Naturally, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150h x 150w cm R 50,000.00
Artificially Doing What Comes Naturally (detail)
Richard Mason Evian 1â„“, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150h x 150w cm R 50,000.00
放浪と学習の年 (Years of Wandering and Learning) is an exhibition by Cape
Mason works across numerous mediums, including painting, drawing, print-
Town artist Richard Mason, in which he explores nostalgia as a form of
making, photography and found objects, all of which are repeatedly filtered
escapism that can never be full realized, resulting in an ever-changing, and
through a carefully-thought out and exacting digital/analogue mash up.
often disorientating, hybrid reality. The title of the exhibition is inspired by Heidi, Girl of the Alps, a 1974 Japanese For this new body of work, Mason chose to paint on Dibond, the go-to
anime series by Zuiyo Eizo based on the Swiss novel Heidi's Years of
aluminum composite substrate as a replacement to canvas, due to its
Wandering and Learning by Johanna Spyri (1880). The series was dubbed into
lightweight, rigid nature and excellent archival properties. It allows Mason to
many languages and broadcast globally – including Afrikaans for South Africa
work into the surface in a way not possible on traditional surfaces and has
in the 1980s.
become his signature medium.
Through his artistic practice, Mason engages with the the reality of the virtual
In 2017 Mason showed with 99 Loop at the FNB JHB Art Fair and will again
– a key focus of his work, where the boundaries between digital and analogue
feature with them at the upcoming Investec Cape Town Art Fair in February
break down. The result is work that seeks to aesthetically and conceptually
2018. Mason exhibited extensively at 99 Loop during 2017. 放浪と学習の年
engage viewers on notions of nostalgia, failed utopias, engineered consent,
is his first solo gallery exhibition after becoming a full time artist in 2016.
technological saturation and media overload.
Richard Mason QR, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150h x 150w cm R 50,000.00
Richard Mason Evian 500ml, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150h x 150w cm R 50,000.00
Richard Mason The Future Takes Visa, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150h x 150w cm R 50,000.00
Richard Mason Bubble Wrap, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150h x 150w cm R 45,000.00
Richard Mason Cities of the Future, 2018 Enamel on Aluminium composite 150 x 240 cm RM00818A R 60,000.00