Clare Menck Immersed in a Night Pool Oil on aluminium 20 x 30 cm CME01017A R12,500
In her work, Menck focuses on what she is most familiar with:
Menck obtained her BFA cum laude from the University of
herself pondering, wondering, swimming; the persons she knows
Stellenbosch in 1990, an Advanced Diploma in Fine Art (painting)
and loves; her children; close encounters and the environments she
from Michaelis in 1991. Her MFA from the University of
works in. A mid-career painter, Menck has refined her skills of
Stellenbosch followed in 1996. A 1997 study trip to Europe on a
observation; her subject matter which at first glance appears to be
grant from the University of Stellenbosch included 3 months of
the obvious and familiar proves on closer inspection and
postgraduate studies at the Akademie der Bildenden KĂźnste in
engagement with the medium to reveal a fresh and life-affirming
vision of the environments around us.
Clare Menck Floating nude, hiding behind her hand Oil on canvas 40 x 60 cm CME00217A R28,000 SOLD
Clare Menck Study in Blood and Green Oil on canvas 30 x 30 cm CME00317A R12,500
Clare Menck Hound in Moonlight, Turning Away Oil on canvas 40 x 60 cm CME01217A R28,000
Clare Menck Woman in Touch With her Base Side Oil on aluminium 20 x 30 cm CME00717A R12,500
Clare Menck Moonlight Preener in Blue Oil on canvas 30 x 30 cm CME00417A R12,500
Clare Menck Viridian Green Floater Oil on canvas 30 x 30 cm CME00517A R12,500
Clare Menck Moonlit Hounds Interacting Oil on canvas 40 x 60 cm CME00117A R28,000 SOLD
Clare Menck Contentment is a Subtle Sensation Oil on aluminium 20 x 30 cm CME00617A R12,500
Clare Menck Chalk & Cheese: With Gadget & Giggle Oil on canvas 30 x 40 cm CME01417A R20,000
Clare Menck Uncovering Depths Unknown Oil on aluminium 20 x 30 cm CME00817A R12,500
Clare Menck Triumphant Nude Standing Strong Oil on aluminium 20 x 30 cm CME00917A R12,500
Clare Menck Wounded Circle, Floating Oil on aluminium 20 x 30 cm CME01117A R12,500
Clare Menck Moonlit Hound Scratching Itself Oil on canvas 76 x 91 cm CME01317A R40,000