LEVITATION ARC 508: Architectural Design IX Thesis SU SOA Spring 2017 Michael Montalvo Professor: Ivan Bernal
*All images produced and/or modified by Michael Montalvo
Why Levitation Technology in Architecture
Levitation Integration: History
Levitation Integration: Modern Society
Levitation Integration: Architecture
D E L I A Scope
D. E. L. I. A Detach Elevate Levitate Integrate Activate
4 4.1
WHERE Where will LT be?
1.1 INTRODUCTION Levitation technology will have a wide variety of positive impacts on the world. Everything from small scale to large scale implications. Architecture is a large scale service in today’s society. Architecture affects the way people see the world and our place in it. Architecture can bring strong emotions to someone’s life (good or bad). When an architect designs a space with a high level of quality, it resonates with the user, be it intentional or unintentional. Levitation technology may be the key to a higher resignation with society. Through levitation techniques such as developing suspension systems within buildings in order to help with earthquake events or other natural disasters, LT (levitation technology) can create free standing joints and hinges for large and small scale structure and/or finishes, different facade typologies, and overall allow the mind to create new ways to improve this technology in ways that benefit architects design. Eventually I see entire buildings and communities in levitation. Creating new ways of circulation within an urban setting. The opportunities truly are limitless with this technology at its peak the world as we know it would cease to exist. A brand new vision of society would be in
full operation with LT operating at its highest level. This dream and vision of mine is grounded in the understanding that human beings have always and will always push to elevate themselves both literally and figuratively, until eventually there is a separation. There has to be a disconnect. At some point our technological advances will surpass the idea that we have to be grounded to the earth. It is already seen in transportation not only with airplanes, but also with the invention of magnetic levitating trains that operate for miles connecting major cities in Asia. LT has the potential to aid society in various ways disaster prevention, emerging energies, and environmental protection to name a few. Imagine if we had no literal footprint on mother earth and our buildings just hovered over the untouched natural surface that was meant to be there in the first place. Imagine a place where we can live worry free about whether or not we are harmfully damaging the earth that has brought us everything we need. Imagine that if we ever needed anything we would simply have to ascend or descend to receive it. What if our relationship to each other and 04
the earth was now in the atmosphere? These are just some of the parameters I will be addressing throughout my Thesis. A great man by the name of Nikola Tesla once said, “The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter - for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way.� The impact I would love for my Thesis to have is the same role Tesla states in his qoute, the role of a seed planted in people’s minds. Just the idea of architecture levitating is provakative. My thesis aims to engage in a serious discussion on the implications this technology will have within the field of architecture.
*1. Creative modification of Egyptian pyramids levitaing. 05
WHY LEVITATION TECHNOLOGY IN 1.2 ARCHITECTURE I have already made my claim that levitation technology is the inevitable next technological jump that human beings will experience. How this jump has not already happened yet, is a bit suspecious. However, we do have in today’s society, small scale levitation products that when scaled up may have significant postive implications for the profession of architecture. In this section I would like to explore these small scale products and speculate on how these types of inventions and innovations in levitating technology will impact the field of architecture.
The number one example you see before you is a levitating lamp. The knowledge of how to levitate electrical lighting products are crucial to the development of a levitating archiecture. How to integrate not just lighting systems, but multiple variations of advanced building mechanisms must be mastered and understood on a miniscule level before applying these systems on an actual levitating building. In this section I will be taking you the reader through these 6 objects in a way to begin to engage your mind with thoughts of what you might conceptualize what a levitating architecture would be manifesting itself into.
*1a. Levitating Lamp
*1b. Levitating City
*1c. Levitating Art
*1d. Levitating Experiement
*1e. Levitating Cinema
*1f. Levitating Science
*1g. Levitating Lamp
Levitating Objects *1h. Levitating Lamp
Whether it be a lighting system or levitating and maintaing the growth of biomass these systems are important for obvious design implications. Mastering the continous scaling up of these systems may further lead to leviating architecture that provides greenhouses and unique lighting systems to ensure the vitality and sustainabilty of a leviated architecture.
*1i. Levitating City
Levitating City *1j. Levitating City
*Images and project of the Levitaing City section produced by Tian-shan-ren-jian. The referenced project “Heaven and Earth”, is the manifestation of a traditional Shanshui painting, which aims to reach at an ideal levitated lifestyle. Heaven and Earth is operated by the Maglev Technology to allow it to float in the air. The repulsion caused by the aircraft’s magnetic system and the Earth’s magnetic filed will control the floating city – there are a large number of molecular magnets distributed along the underside of the vessel. The rotation of the curved bottom can generate the power necessary for the city. This rotation could also maintain the balance of the flight. Small, magnetic suspension aircrafts are used as the transport links between the vessel and Earth. A great project to refer to for inspiration.
*1k. Levitating Art
Levitating Art
Levitating Experiment
Art has a way of freeing the imagination. Art enables the mind to rethink reality. In the image to the right artist The photos depicted on this page do not depict the actual reality, but as the artisit Giuseppe Lo Schiavo wrties, “they illustrate a ‘universe’ made of thoughts, the freedom of imaginary potentiality of the unconsciousness to ‘levitate’ and achieve cognitive levels that surpass reality. The reciprocal linkage between past and present is epitomized by the usage of black & white, which through the truthful and rational message it carries, it eventually guide us towards a surrealistic scene which symbolizes the future.”
Superconductive levitation can be understood through basic principals of conductivity. Certain elements and materials, aptly called conductors, serve as an electrical conduit, which means electrons can pass through them with relative ease. These electrons still bump into the atoms that make up the conductor and lose a bit of energy with each collision. But, when cooled to a sufficiently chilly temperature, the electrons can flow freely through the conductor without any collisions. That’s because electrons pair up at extremely low temperatures. Although their bonds are weak, there’s strength in numbers: Pairing up makes it so the collisions that would normally leech energy from the electron flow have no effect because the collisions are weaker than the electrons’ bond.
*1l. Levitating Experiment
*1m. Levitating Cinema
Levitating Cinema
Levitating Science
Cinema has an amazing way of shaping the minds of designers in order to create a paradigm for the future. In this particular movie, Elysium there is a station of citizens in low earth orbit floating weightless in the upper atmosphere of Earth. As the citizens of the floating city are wealthy and have access to all the technological advances of the day. The citizens down below are forced to survive in order to live. Creating a very physical and physcological divide between the people from above and the people from below. If anything Elysium offers a creative view where advanced technology may lead civilizations to seperation as opposed to bringing us closer together as a species.
There are many types of Levitation being displayed in the field of science at the moment but the experiment that is displayed to the right is Quantum Magnetic Levitation.
*1n. Levitating Science
Quantum magnetic levitation boils down to something called the Meissner effect, which only occurs when a material is cold enough to behave like a superconductor. At normal temperatures, magnetic fields can pass through the material normally. Once it is cold enough to exhibit superconductivity, however, those magnetic fields get expelled. Thus, causing the object to seemingly ‘float’ in space.
The integration of this technology has been around for a significant amount of time in our society. We see an obsession of height as stated before, but in Gulliver ’s Travels, 1726, Jonathan Swift described & claimed the magnetically levitated island of Laputa, was capable of achieving levitation heights of several kilometers. Samuel Earnshaw, an English clergymen and scientists, proved another important limitation of magnetic levitation. He showed that contact free levitation by forces between static magnets alone was impossible; the levitated part would be unstable to displacements in at least one direction. In March 1912, engineer & inventor Emile Bachelet had been granted a US Patent for his “Levitated Transmitting Apparatus”. He gave a public demonstration in NYC of a model maglev train, with hopes of exciting investors with the promise of high speed ground transportation. Magnetic Levitation, the use of upward magnetic forces to balance the pervasive downward force of ‘gravity’, has already found many other important uses in science and technology. LT technology today aids society in everything from circulate blood in human chest, manufactures have integrated this tech with multi-million dollar photolithography systems, the tech measures fine dimensions with sub-atomic resolution, it enhances wind tunnel and plasma research,etc..The future of Levitation technology is bright due to expanded access and awareness.
*2a. Tower of Babel
*2b. Pyramids of Giza
*2c. ‘First Skyscraper ’
*2d. The Eiffel Tower
*2e. Levitation Now
*2f. The Furture of Levitation
*2g. Tower of Babel
Tower of Babel *2h. Tower of Babel
In order to gain a better understanding of how I rationalized my thesis claim, “Levitation technology is the next inevitable step in out technological jump.” We first have to understand our roots. The first Babylon with Gligamesh as its King was the first ancient city where the entire culture was one and the story goes that King Gligamesh wanted to ‘reach into the heavens and claim what was God’s.’ In order to do that they had to build an incredibly tall building and then have some sort of technology that would enable them to achieve their end goal. However God sent 72 angles and confused the nations tounges. Creating 72 different languages which divided the empire. Ultimatley even in ancient times we see the disire to build with great heights for a sense of hiearchy among the Earth.
*2i. Pyramids of Giza
Pyramids of Giza *2j. Pyramids of Giza
Moving to the Pyramids of Giza we see a lost story of incredibly important structures. Main stream science tell’s us that the Pyramids were built for the tomb for the Pharoah’s. The entire structure was for that one function. Personally I do not believe that for a second. I can speculate that the Pyramids were an energy source due to the fact that there is still an incredible amount of energy being emitted from the top but it is like a ‘toy’ that is ‘broken’. Terrible analogy but you get my point Either way though these Pyramids established again heirachy on Earth amongst civilizations and we again see a pattern developing.
*2k. First Skyscraper
‘First Skyscraper ’ *2l. First Skyscraper
Let us move to the modern day society where we skip to the ‘first skyscraper ’. The Home Insurance Building, was constructed in 1884 in Chicago, Illinois, and was the first tall building to use structural steel in its frame, but the majority of its structure was composed of cast and wrought iron. Although the Home Insurance Building made full use of steel framing technology, in this theory it was not a pure steel-framed structure since it rested partly on granite piers at the base and on a rear brick wall. The building marked its stamp in time by housing one of the first elevators in a building. Allowing the building to reach 10 stories high. Which is another reason for our modern day skyscraper as we know it today.
*2m. The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower *2n. The Eiffel Tower
Funfact: The Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 Paris Exposition and was not intended to be permanent. However at one point in history it was the tallest erect structure made by modern day man. The Eiffel Tower was going to be demolished in 1909, but was saved because it was repurposed as a giant radio antenna. Ever since the Eiffel Tower was erected it challanged all engineers and architects of the day to build even higher. This incridible monument acted as a catylist for the future of engineering in its day. Making a national staement for France and a statement of power to the world.
*2o. Levitation Now
Levitation Now *2p. Levitation Now
Where can this type of levitation be seen now? Well, with the debut of passenger elevators some 150 years ago, cities were forever changed. Freed from the tyranny of stairwells, architects built as high as they liked. That is, until they ran into another barrier: the weight of steel cables. A new elevator design from a German company, ThyssenKrupp, may solve that problem by trading cables for tracks that employ magnetic levitation, or maglev technology. Unconstrained by a linear pulley system, the cars--to be tested in Germany next year--will travel higher and in new directions, moving horizontally and even diagonally. The system, called Multi, may help make possible buildings of unprecedented size and energy efficiency, like the conceptual Edison Tower (image to the right). Patrick Bass, CEO of ThyssenKrupp North America, says, “supertall, power-producing, skyscrapers, could help accommodate the societal trend and aid in our booming urbanization societies.� The continous innovation of the elevator is a direct link to our desires to keep on building higher and higher at an incredible rate.
*2q. The Future of Levitation
The Future of Levitation *2r. The Future of Levitation
When dealing with the future of anything just look to the imagination for what may be yet to come. For designers like myself and many others that may be ‘foward thinkers’ I like to look at Sci-Fi films or extremly inqusite and well illustrated graphic novels, another to note is well written and illustrated anime series. We can look anywhere and see that our society is captivated by the idea of a “Floating City”. Let’s make it happen.
In the next set of illustrations you will see the electromagnetic device I used to base all my speculations of a leviated architecture off of and maintained a certain level of graphic consistency to help aid your visual copacity to easier understand the technology and the way it functions.
The drawings illustrated in the pages below represent the manifestation of my design process, on what I derieved was a form of levitated architecture. The timeline and project scope are described below as well. DELIA is the name of the acronym used to identify key descriptions of the projects nature. Think of DELIA as a vernacular system deployed to help gain a written understanding of the parameters that the thesis design address’. Enjoy.
*Photgraph rendered in computer graphics integrated & modified by Michael Montalvo, original photograph provided by Michael Elliot
*Photgraph rendered in computer graphics integrated & modified by Michael Montalvo, original photograph provided by DBOX originally for CIM Group/Macklowe Properties
WHERE WILL LEVITATION TECHNOLOGY BE? After embarking on this thesis journey I did not expect to have arrived at the project presented in this book. I am glad of this fact. With the aid of my advisors and research that was conducted, the project naturally developed from any presumptions I may have infringed upon it at the begining of this journey. I stand by my claim that levitation technology is the next inevitable technological jump for mankind. After reading countless of articles, watching film after film, and full on engaging in a rigorous design intent to manifest what leviated architecture would eventually become. It is clear to me there is more work to do and this thesis will continue and captivate my mind for years to come. Moving forward I do not know where the technology will take me. What form or function may be dirived or discovered throughout the process. What systems may be innovated in the future that may open up new door ways for the technolgy to thrive. What innovations the technology will endure. Ultimately, like the principles of leviation itself, the future development of my thesis will require my mind to resignate with like minded individuals around the world to spearhead this tech into exsistince.
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