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Future 2B: (Adding 2 Buses and 1 Car Rail)
Consolidate new resources to CubeRail
One new car will be added to CubeRail and add one bus line on each Red line and Flash line
The thought behind choosing Redline and Flashline was to encourage use of Rail in Cubetown Also the Flash line has higher coverage in the south of the region and ends near the rail so it made sense to add one more line to it to encourage the use of the rail line for the community in the south of the region.
Impact on Flash Line
Adding one bus to Flashline and one rail line to Cube Rail this saw an increase in ridership of passengers from 563 to 804 as depicted in figure 9a and 9b. There is change in the ridership but the pattern remains same as there is no change in route.We can infer that addition of one bus on the flash line saw approx. 200% increase in down in route following uptown to downtown pattern. Same with Flash uptown there we can see a significant difference in the max volume from 563 to 804 that is about a 40% increase which is remarkable
Impact on Redline
In figure 10a and 10b, we can see that ridership levels on the red-line downtown increased from around max vol.209 to 260 riders; one bus line was added on the line and the headway decreased from 15 to 9 minutes. This is no significant increase in ridership! A similar pattern can be observed in the uptown direction increasing from approximately from 211 to 250

Impact on Blue Line

The impacts on the Blue line were less significant, with a decrease in max volume The changes were not that high i e 246 to 236 Same for uptown the numbers observed were 234 to 255, which is a negligible change. The figures depict that Ridership on blue line has not been affected that much due to addition of one more rail and one line to each Red and Flash Line.

Impacts on Cuberail

Here, we explore the changes in ridership on the Cuberail resulting from an increase of one bus lines on each Flash and Red line We found that ridership increased with max volume being 1310 to 1634 In the Uptown we also observe differences which are from 2452 to 2806 All in all, we can see that Cuberail ridership does benefit a little by adding one bus line to each Flash and Red line along with addition of one rail car