You Fit Into Me you fit into me like a hook into an eye a fish hook an open eye
No other person on this planet was made for you, they were made for themselves. Love is all about choices. No one is going to be perfect for you, and I think we need to stop raising everyone on the belief that some-one out there, just one other person in the whole world, was “made for you” because it isn’t true. The belif in soul mates is too romanticised and farfetched. No one is made just for you, besides you. Other people belong to themselves. If you want to make it work with someone, it’s about hard work, understanding, compassion, communication, and choice.
He guessed my favorite color first try. But between you and I, I didnt even have a favorite color until he yelled out yellow. I told him he was right and I havent seen yellow the same since, its in everything.
And now every time it rains I will think of you. Not because you are cold and miserable but because winter is your favourite season and you love the gentle sound of the pitter patter against your window as you sleep.
“Like a shadow, I am and I am not.”
Let’s both reclaim our superpowers; the ones we all have and lose with our milk teeth. The ability not to fear social awkwardness. To panic when locked in the cellar; still sure there’s something down there. And while picking from pillows each feather, let’s both stay away from the edge of the bed, forcing us closer together. Let’s cry. Let’s swim. Let’s everything. Let’s not find it funny lest someone falls over. Classical music is boring. Poetry baffles us both; there’s nothing that’s said is what’s meant. Plays are long, tiresom, sullend, and filled; with hours that could be spent rolling down hills, and grazing our knees on cement. Let’s hear stories and both lose our inocence. Learn about parents and forgiveness, death and morality, kindness and art, thus losing both of our innocent hearts, but at least we won’t do it apart.
Sometimes it just hurts and there is nothing you can do about it