1 minute read


The general public in Sweden becomes the audience. The audience can then choose to become members. The members form Riksteatern’s more than 200 local associations which, together, make up Riksteatern.

In addition to this, Riksteatern comprises a variety of other affiliated organisations.

In each county, there is also a regional Riksteatern association that serves as a coordinating body for the local Riksteatern associations and affiliated organisations.

The Members

Almost 40,000 aficionados of performing arts are members. They own the organisation. At the local Riksteatern association’s annual meetings they appoint the members of the local board and may adopt their activity plan for the year.

The Congress

Riksteatern’s ultimate decisionmaking body meets once every four years. The event brings together representatives from the local Riksteatern associations to make joint decision on objectives and guidelines. The congress also elects the Riksteatern Board for the coming 4-year period.


Government Guidelines

Riksteatern is a non profit organisation that receives funding from the Swedish Government. The grant is accompanied by a commission in the form of guidelines concerning what Riksteatern is expected to do for these funds.

Municipal And Regional Agreements

The Riksteatern regional and local associations may enter into agreements with regional or municipal authorities which – in the same way as the government guidelines affect the national activities – have an impact on the work of the company at regional and local level.


Riksteatern at national level

Riksteatern at regional level

Riksteatern at local level

Affiliated organisations

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