1 3 life - Architecture portfolio - shaopeng

Page 1

Image Cognition Narrator

建 筑 1/3 Arch life




Arch Life. Image Cognition Narrator

建筑 生活 Don't care on the right track or not, always find your own way.

1/3 Life

内 容 页

Contents Page



后 话

毕业设计 水螅塔 溪谷城市 水空间


模 - 数生长 \形 体 研 究

作 ] 品

\ \

\ 2 0 5学 0 生活动中心

本 [ 科 生

\奥 林 匹 克 公 园

基 准 住 宅 进[ 行 中 ]\ N a g a s a k文i 化 中 心 \ E l e m e n再t 生 x体 _ 感魔法 组织设计

课 ] 题

关 - 于 建 筑

研 [ 究 生

前 言

序 文



\数 据 城 市







Chapter 1



Preface : An Architecture Manifesto


The Graduate Study


Organizational Design / Olympic Training-Recreation Center / Data City / Re-Element House Design / x_Motion Magic/ Nagasaki Cultural Center/ Graduation Project - Essential House [on-going] /

Chapter 2

The Undergraduate Work


Space in Water/ Future in 2050 - Students Activity Center / Canyon City / Form-to-Formation Research/ Hydra Tower/ Graduation Project - Growing of Module/



[Architecture Theory] — An Architecture Manifesto : architecture diversity Personal work Credit hour: 3 Subject Focus : Academic Theory Oct, 2014 I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad have had my flight...... This quotation comes from Tagore, which represents a kind of roam of ideology. It is knid of a symbol of perfection, just like riding on the Great Winds. Thoughts in people’s mind is unlimited and infinite and it is either conscious or inconscious. All of which is changing during the process of thinking and Change leaves no trace.

Red Rock Valley, Las Vegas

� 言 Preface

A rchitecture Diversity - Architecture thoughts can be, or should be shaped by the adaptive changing social circumstance and specific situations. And I think as an architect, the "negative theory" of their thoughts should run the way the world works, not their own rules. Le Corbusier has the priority when it comes to architecture, definitely it is! The five points: horizontal window, roof garden, the support, the free-deisgning of ground plan and freedesign of facade, which had become the "rule of thumb" of architecture. But with development of human civilization, increasingly architects began to focus on something spiritual, like soul, spatial experience, psychological perception.How can you say those "five points" rule architecture right now? So, we can claim architecture is diversifying revolution and this might be a trend that architects start a new epoch in which architecture will be not represented by themselves, but by history, culture,demographic, city scale, environment and so on.


On the one hand, it become hard to say what architecture "negative theory" means for architects because it is a changing process ever! Rem Koolhass is my favorite architect who have his own "product". If you look at OMA project, is seems like a kaleidoscope in different locations of the world and maybe 1000 projects might come from 1000 different changes and uncertains. It is hard to tell what exactly it is! And I think this can be what architecture diversity is. On the other hand, architecture diversity can represent not only architecture itself, but something spiritual involved humanity. Some architects are characterized by humanitaranism, like Shigru Ban, whose projects usually occur in some nature disaster area such as floods ot earthquake to assist those people who really need help. So, from architecture perspective, I think architecture diversity can tell how we can achieve something and architects choose what to do.


_[Collage of Old Beijing]



The Narrator - A Story About Home

_[Collage of Beijing]



Graduate Study | Why Arch?

Why do architecture ? /

Before I tell why do architecture, maybe we should go back to our ancient time to figure out how our predesessors make their life. In ancient time, people themselves are craftsman. In order to make a life, they fill haystack and branch into a cave to keep warm and escape rain and wind. With development of society, people have additional demands, for example, they need a closed space for regular excrement. So, they add a bathroom in their shelter...... Now, architecture had developed into diversity. However, architects' duty is still to provide people a place for doing production activities, just like what our predessesors did.


组织 设计 Pattern Organization & Morphology

Research Design

Organizationdeisgn Morphology research Individual work Subject Focus : Transformation Sep, 2014

The ability to explore the visual representation of massive data and detect meaningful patterns and trends is becoming increasingly critical for businesses. Data visualization lets people look at vast quantities of data quickly

and efficiently

to improve comprehension

and understanding. More impoortantly, designers are able to create city through data,Functions of city can be interpreted by those data, business, education, factory, residence, art... All of fields can be visulization of data.



_[Moutain Ridge]

_[Water Bubble]

_[Bacteria Tissue]

_[ Pattern Research ]

Pattern is one of architecture methdology. You can find cross lines from the painting, which can be a function area, just like contour where lines express relative evelation. Water bubbles, where holds amaz unit integrate into whole but each one keep its own shape. Bacteria has a lot of holes that interrelated w


a city landscape . Every lines might be different zing structure between each other. Every single with each other into a whole.










_[ 3D Pattern ]

3D pattern space can be explained as the same void and occupied space as 2D pattern has. Also, it ca For example, existing public and private space, which can form different area. When it coms to a bui terms of cities, these possibily represent different function use blocks. Or it can be explained as city s within the larger ones and try to isolate other units as well. Or you can think the pattern as city landscap ones create the basic city context.


an be defined as architecture language. ilding, these maybe different rooms. In structure where the small unit are grew pe where “strong� landscape and "weak"


_[ Morphology ]

"Morphology: morph means 'shape, form', and morphology is the study of form and forms. It can refer of the configuration and evolution of land forms. " From aethetics perspective, architecture refers to f the first expression about how the building looks like and what the architect try to communicate wit make form itself isolated from structure. It is the intervention of architecture aesthetics.


to the structure of organisms or the study form and composition. Form gives people th the world. Form is the skin , which can



奥林匹克 公园 Public Recreation & Sport

Sport Facility Center

Olympic Center Public Building Design Individual work Subject Focus : Public participation Feb, 2015

People should be part of an architecture, rather than outsiders. In other words, some kinds of building is being existing not for architecture itself. I think Olympic architecture is about a place spirit : celebration and cheering. So what I want to try to experiment this semester: how can people, visitors feel a sense of celebration? How should architects try to achieve in order to let people in? How we can build a harmony and spiritual place.





_[Public Space]


This four line drawings have the identical texture, which come from the road system of the site. Each line ei or be perpendicular to it. Based on these lines, you can focus on different pattern by shading different are organiza the program and build the main form. Moreover, some linear spaces shaped via lines can addre circulation or where to better locate the public space.



ither offset from the direction of the main street ea formed by some of those lines. And this help ess some design peoblem, like how to organize


_Self-relief Model | 自式模型

_[Prototype A]


_[Prototype B]


_Concept Composition | 概念构成


[Main Entrance] -Access to Public Area

[Plaza] -Sports and Leisure Facility

[Circulation Hub] -Organization of People

[Outdoor] -Open and Social Area

[Apartment] -Accommodation Provision [Overhang] -Outlook Terrace

[Easy Access] -to Athlete Apartment



Surrounded by Lake Michigan, Northerly Island, more than any other Chicago park, provides an intim to the water and dramatic skyline views within walking distance of downtown. The design takes a characteristics of location by producing linear form in order to create a inspirational outdoor exp people be part of this design.


mate connection advantage of this periences and let

N _Site Plan | 总平面









6 4

7 1


N _Ground Floor | 首层平面





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Entrance Lobby Basketball Court Multi-purpose Fitness Outdoor Track Locker Room Weight Area Indoor Pool Terrace Entrance


_Model | 模型



_Elevation | 獋�

_[S- elevation]

_[W- elevation]

_[E- elevation]



_Section | 剖面


_[1-1 Section]

_[2-2 Section]



Architecture can or should be a reflection of site’s environment and pattern to complete the lack of the generate or augment an urban density and to encourage, rather than dampen, the polyvalent nature of so Programs, which we also called "massing", should be clearly and directly found out and the relationshi should faithfully express and arrange programs in turn without “compromising” and “completeness”.


e site in order to ocial experience. ip among those



数据 城市 Data Transformation & Urban Complex

Research Design

part 2 mix-use Mixed-use Development Individual work Subject Focus : Food Accessibility Oct, 2014

This project aims to use data to create a community for urban living. The data come from the proportion of intensity of people’s activities in different areas. Based on these data, we can calculate the building area of each program . Then, we can extract some certain data


we want to emphasize, then

make the volume to meet people's demands . In this way, we donot reason the mass and building area. In addition, we can exactly calculate how big it is to be sure of mass.


_[ iteration A ]



_Site | �罎 Nowadays people tend to move from rural areas to urban areas, but the cities are not ready for that-cities have not charged to reflect this demographic shift from rural to urbanization. For example, food supply is exactly opposite-moving from urban to rural because there is less room for growing ,especially in downtown such as Chicago Loop.


[Chicago Loop]

_[Main Grocery Area]

_[ iteration A ]










Public Space Cafe Park Sport Swimming Market Theatre Plaza Library Farming Gallery Resturant Commercial Bookstore Exhibition Outdoor Play Garden Gym Game Retail Store

Private Space Hotel Studio Suite Apartment Office Workshop Lecture Classroom Conference

_[Function Zoning]

This project is trying to connect with people between 20s-30s: urban farm where they can easi and vegetables and also serve restaurant; Community garden, people can meet with each o agriculture ; Food market where they can buy produce on their way home; Restaurant, office an option for “first-hand� food; Gardening classes, people can be educated how to eat more h college, where people could learn how to make great food with fresh materials;


_Program | ĺŠ&#x;čƒ˝

farm 18%

Resturant 10%

dewelling 20%

Education 12%

gallery 5%

cafe 13%

Market 7%

ily get fresh fruits other and enjoy workers can get healthily; Culinary




















Lego gives you a lot! Maybe something is arbitrary, but somwtimes it turns the “arbit logical thing through your sythesizing and analyzing. You can create something that y know; And sometimes you feel this is exactly what you want.


trary things� into you do not even



_Axonmetric | 轴测图


Farm [F-20]

_Program Massing | 体量


Exhibition [E-13]

Theatre [T-8]

Library [L-5]

Office [O-15]

Play Steps [PS-3]










_[Section] 1: 600


_[North-western Elevation] 1: 600




_[Skin] The enclosure system is determined by the weather data of Chicago by Ecotect software. Generally, the input is the basic data of Chicago daylight data and the output is different dimension “holes� attatched on the skin. Basically, the stronger the daylight is, the small the hole will be, which gives this whole building a balance in lighting.



_Urban Farm | “

_Grow Are



_[Afterwors] My intervention to the city is to increase fresh food for urban dwellers and workers via using components involving farming and health. I believe that people should have more fun with food and experience happiness that fresh food bring about.

ea | 种植区域


基准 住宅 Family House & Sense Humanity Dwelling

essential house Small Residential Design Individual work Subject Focus : Detail & Architectonics Feb, 2016

Essence: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something that determines its character. "All of my life I have dreamed of the essence of dwelling not just for oneself, but for all humanity - to dwell in a garden or in a grove or on a hill, water's edge or in an open space, all with a view,near or far, simply, humbly, poetically like Thoreau or Walden Pond, joining as well in the joy, pride and well-being of community life." --A. Richard Williams, FAIA, Professor Emeritus & and Sponsor of Archon Prize




Memory is a process of recalling to mind as well as to build an intimate relationships between you and “pas decay with age but it is what we cannot erase as well. People tend to feel happiness or comfortable when hometown because that brings “ a sense of belonging” or “ sense of home”, which will activate your emoti accepted. That is not just a simple acquaintance but a connection and transition from “past you”.


st you�.It tends to n they recall their ional need to be




_Site Plan | 总平面




_[Status Quo]

The site is in Beijing old residential area next to the axis of Beijing. With the poor infrastructure and low you can barely find young people living in this "abandoned" area. My strategy is to avtivate dwelling by rennovation: re-plan the layout, new materials, "sense application".



w story building, y restoration and


[Essential] Dwelling [Essential] Dwelling [Essential] Dwelling




[Prototype] [Elevation]


[Floating Roof]

[Floating Roof] [Floating Roof] [Silhouetted]



[Transparency] [Transparency] [Shelter]

[Cut through]

[Cut through]



[Elevation] [Transformation] [Transformation][Transformation] [W




[Shelter] [Floating]






[Cut] [Subs

[Edge] [Strip Courtyard] [Strip Courtyard][Strip Courtyard]



[Frame] [I

[Cut through] [Plug-in]


[Sliced] [Window







[Window Shades][Window Shades]



_[House Iteration]








_Site Plan | 总平面





[sense] hOuse | Human Dimension Ground Floor Plan

_Ground floor plan | 1:200


_Gery Brick Wall _Plaster _Roof Tile _Skylight _Insulation

_Top Viewl | 顶视图


[sense] hOuse | Human Dimension Elevation Scale —

_Cherrywood Frame

_Frosted Glass _Cherrywood Frame _Basswood Panel


_Section-Perspective| 剖透视



_Curve Roof Tile 175m

White Paint Wall_ Waterproof_ Sheathing_ Cavity Insulation_ 2” Air Space_ Brick Wall_

_Softwood panel _Storage Box _Flooring Screed _Heating Pipe _Insulation _Concrete Slab _Hardcore

_Sense-Section | 剖面图


mm x 175mm

_Roof Tile _Plaster _Cavity Insulation _Rafter _Roof Structure



_Adaptation | 适 应

_[Materiality] I chose [ grey brick ] as the "skin" of sense house because the scale of bricks give residents a sense of intimity due to its color and dimension. For inner courtyard, natural materials like [ pebble ] and [ bamboo ] might bring a sense of nature and undecoration. _Transition | 过 渡



_Simplicity | 极 简

_[Materiality] The main materials for indoor that I chose is the [ grey bricks ], which is a transition from outdoor materals; [ white paint wall ], conveying a sense of "nothing"and [ polished concrete ], which gives a sense of serenity and tranquility. _Superposition| 叠 加



_Framed Scenery | 框 景

_[Materiality] I also tried to extend the "life" of old materials from traditional house and regenerate them as the door frame or decoration, like the [ old dark wood ], which I hope give a sense of zen. Another materials,[ plywood ] can be used as the floor panel for tenements, which makes a sense of intimacy. _Regeneration| 再 生



As the super traditional living mode in old Beijing, the courtyard is considered as the most ideal livin four low story building, where all family share and make their life. With poor living condition and low been "abandoned" and become a signiture of low -lost tenements. In order to re-activate this histor transformation. For example, innvovation park where young people can have a courtyard house via v firm, restaurant, exhibition, educational institution, museum, library...... all life activities can happen and c here can have a "utopia and self-sufficient" life and Beijing courtyard can continue its own life.


ng space. A central yard was enclosed by w density, however Beijing courtyard had rical area, it become necessary to have a very low expense and run business. Small create a small community. Everyone living




文化中心 Nagasaki Regional Planning & Site Respect Morphology Research

N. Culture Center Culture Complex Group work Subject Focus : Landscaping Arch Sep, 2015

This cultural center is more like a celebration plaza where everything can hapen, text, image,information can be gathered from anywhere as well as being broadcasted. People celebrate here for fun, socilizing, chi-chatting and enjoying the atmosphere .Visitors are designed to be part of this grand open plaza along the waterfront. The building set a amount of public outdoor space for visitors, where they can walk along the seaside, sit quietly to enjoy the sea view. This architecture is no more than a service building, but more like a open celebration plaza.





The site is in Nagasaki around the bay area next to the water and Kengo Kuma’s Nagasaki Prefectural M With excellent location and good accessibility, the site is also well exposed and visible from a large and across the bay. However, beyond the significance or symbolic role of this large complex’s outs the internal arrangement and the impressive quality of all its public areas, or the interiors, are equally relationship between outside and inside spaces is one of the critical aspects of the design.



Museum of 2005. e part of the city ide appearance, y important. The



_[Site Response]

Much consideration should be given to accessibility and how to respond to the water edge and the sm program like theaters and museum should be open to the public and provide a easy accessibility. Th program components should be respectul to the site.



mall canal crossing the site. Initial and tentative he general space and tentative volumes of the


_[Linear Space]

Lines represent the whole idea about this grand plan. From two-dimension perspective, lines form plannar s spaces: concert hall, library, and private spaces: housing. From three-dimension, lines create spatioal cogn lead to a preliminary scale of this project.


space like public nition, which can


_[Self-relief Model]

The inspiration originates from axis-the lines from the site: city road, street, canal, building boundary. space by tearing them and pulling up, intervening with each other , which can forms an informal and org landscape architecture.


Lines can crate ganic order - the


_Model | 模型




_Site Plan | 总平面




_Axonmetric | 轴测图


_Visitor _Concert Hall _Library _Vehicle




_Ground Floor | 首层平面 1:1500

_Western-south Elevation| 西南立面


_Concert Hall Section | 剧场剖面 1:800

_Public Library | 图书馆剖面 1:800



_[Concert Hall]

The large concert hall can acommodate up to 1200 visitor to enjoy a music show. Following the idea of the same with site strategy, there are three-layer seating that was set up and one large under ground level s wood handrail was divided into several wood strips to form a continuous and dynamic interior effect.


“linear space” as seating. The dark


_[Public Library]

The library provide a public area for residents to read and study as well as leisure and recreation .The fun s as an informal seating area, as well as an ideal space for video projections, performance art, and public show


staircase doubles w.



This public project is the continunity and extension of last Arch studio project (Olmpic Park Recreation Cent with the site strategy and use linear space to guide the whole design. At that time, I was influenced som their idea, like Richard Meier, Tadao Ando and Thom Mayne. They all have the "respect" to the site and reasonable way to start a idea and further develop.


ter), both started me architects and d I think that is a



构件 再生 Sustainable Building & Tectonics


re-element house Farm house design Individual work Subject Focus : construction element re-use Dec, 2014

This project is from seminar course, which focus on sustainable architecture and building tectonics with minimum budget and limited materials as well as advanced technology. I am very interested in this idea about how to efficiently apply waste element the had been laid aside from an old building to renew and reconstruct another new one. All of which is to maxmize and recycle life of waste materials for re-use.



N [site]

Grow Field

[Old element house]


The project is located at a open farmland in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where is grown there for provision. When you stand there, you can see the skyline between the fiel seems to be an unblocked sight view.


_Site View | 位置场景

corn and wheat ld and sky. There


_[Old Element House]


_[Steel Tube]



_[Practice Board]

_[Solar Panel]

_[Old Element] Besides the finite budget, another statement of this project is to minimize complexity of design process by simplifying the form of structure. We need to use simple connector to connect two wood boxes to steel cube to make a cube structure of steel. . We also apply solar panel to this small house, providing power for daily-use, which maxmize natural source. Anyway, our altimate goal is to create big with easy-doing.


_[Two Support] Besides the main structure , I added another structure system not only for supoorting solar panel, but for providing an sloping cube frame, which is an inside-outside space where people can rest, have fun with their friends.


_[Northern east Evelation]



_[First Floor]


Given that the farm house temporarliy serve for staff who will work here, so we decid form: using two box to embody that two programs: office and storage.


_[Second Floor]

de to simplify the


_[Tetonics] The structure use steel for the main support and wood joint for floor and walls. In the structure design, I tried to apply readt-made structure member, like SIP panel and the steel tube because size of some members are fixed. So, we are trying to simplify design process by use existing connection method.




体感 魔法 x_ Interactive Design & Kinetic Motion

Responsive Proposal

x_Motion Magic Experimentation Group work Subject Focus : Interactive with Arch Mar, 2015

With the use of an Xbox Kinect motion camera it become possible for a space to effectively become aware of the actions and desires of its inhabitants. The camera has the potential to map an entire room in digital three dimensional space. The space can begin to react to its inhabitants be deconstructing their actions into raw data. The data can then be analyzed to make the space come alive by interpreting the user’s every command. This technology could potentially be used to control façade systems, program, lighting.



_[Kinetic Xbox Camera]

What we did in our first step was trying to import our visual body data to Grasshopper by using an X Firefly to capture figure's whole body. We used one type of style in Kinetic for Window “skeleton” body into “lines” with some “knots”. Next we tried to use the Skeleton Tracker in firefly to track our bo Our second attempt to create a real-time dynamic display within Grasshopper using Firefly's new S component and some simple camera manipulation.


Xbox Kinetic and to describe our ody’s movement Skeleton Tracker


_[Prototype A]

This prototype is what we first produced for the responsive proposal - "two hands magic". Basically, we s extract the center point of each square. Then we use Kinectic Motion Camera to capture our two han and hook it to our PC( programming), When you stand in front of a place where the camera can shot the size of each square can be corresponsively chagnged by your hands location(identifying the dis hands and the center point ).


set up a grid and nds( two points) your tow hands, stance between




L : Left Hands R : Right Hands




+ L R



L + R


+ R


_[Prototype B]

This is our next step since the first iteration" two hands magic". We decided to create a 3D spatial e the previous 2D graphic proposal. A matrix become our next base where we extracted those center we use the distance between our hands and those points to change the pattern of that matrix. When hands, the size and the color will be gradually changed at the same time.


experience from points and then n you wave your







_[Distance Variable]





_[Motion Capt











Google had developed virtual-reality technology that give experiencer the real spatial feeling in a virtu Goolgle cooperate with architecture? With sense-motion experience design devices, your clients can be scene where they can feel the scale, space, materials and so on. It ont only helps designer express the give clients a real experience.


ual world.What if e provided a real eir thoughts, but



[Undergraduate Work] — An Image of What Architecture is about Preliminary work Major Course Subject Focus : Perception Process Sep, 2009 - Jul, 2013 Reviewing my time of study, what I momerize is not success, but failures, tears, regret, anxiety, pain, all of which interweave with each other and shape my life. Fate endows us with many experience and not each could reap its own achievment. Our fight against life is for our heart and not to win other’s applause. Although I fail,I never regret what I did. At least I try......

798 Innovation Park, Beijing





Undergraduate Work | What Arch?

What Architecture is about ? /

Who will dare to claim that things can be better with architecture? There has been a diverse world ever and such an abundance of new technology and new materials create a "sense of place" where we might feel overwhlemd by so many options. It seems like we have unlimited choice about what we can make :voice, image, words can be transmitted and this is like a huge smelter in which everything happen and being exist. However, we still need something spiritual to support that "BIG THING", just as column and beam system being used as the skeleton of a building. We need something to be as a vihecle to inherit from generation to generation.


水 空间 Positive Space & Landscape

Small Installtion

space in water Green Campus Design Contest Group work Subject Focus : Landscaping Jul, 2009

This project aims to create a space where activities can happen spontaneously and freely without any established rules or regulations. Some random boxes are embeded in these bottles with different height.With these different dimensions of boxes, visitors could organize different kinds of actions and words. The shape of whole project is designed as wavy line , where people are able to recollect their childhood: stand and see each other through these boxes and hide in it playing games or sit on those bottles reading books. All of which shows the place, where we play as a child, is a uncertain space.



_Material | ć??ć–™ In the classification of campus waste, plastic bottle account for over 50% of overall waste. Behind this number, only 5% is applied to architecture use, for example, as filling materials of building wall. So, what if we use the rest of waste plastic bottle to make something fun? Why do not we take advantage of this huge number that student just throw them away after they run out of beverage?


7% | glass 5% | other

12% | plastic bag

56% | plastic bottle

14% | office waste

6% | battery

[ plastic bottle ] in campus waste

8% | other

75% | waste recycle

5% | Arch

12% | landfill [ approaches ] of plastic bottle


_Tectonics | ćž„é€ The materials of construction node(tectonics) use toothpick as the construction node to connect each plastic bottle ,which is characterized as light weight and local accessibility.



_Section / Elevation | 剖面 / 立面

_[Inter-Relationship with People]

_[Dimensions of Human Activity]




In our city, there are being some areas, which turns out to be later opposed to the original idea of desig city development and is rejected by our modern environment. If we define it as “positive” that those s derived from the rule of modern city planning, then we call these spaces “negtive ones”, which is formed juxtaposition of different functional buildings and landscape. And negtives spaces is uncompleted and unpred


gners during the spaces which is by the unususal dictable.



_[afterwords] [water in space] started with an idea "water", which aims to create an positive space to activate the relative "negative" spaces in college campus and to improve the sense of place of activity area. This artwork was composed of more than 5000 waste plastic bottle with the amount of 600ml. The "sight box" was set up into the bottle as a recreational small installation to link and interrelate with people. If all of the waste plastic bottle was filled into pure water, the amount can be up to 3000L, which can fill up 40 bathtub. So, [water in space] is not only a landscaping installation or decoration, but a sense letting people see the invisible water people waste, appealing the environmental consciousness.




ćœŞć?Ľ 2050 Arch Studio & Exhibition

Student Center

future in 2050 Students 2050 Activities Center Individual work Subject Focus : Construction & Space Nov, 2010

The idea is derived from broken-line, trying to bring about a feeling of instability and suspending. The process of breaking and reconstructing is the core concept of design,which highlights disintegreatio n,overlap,reconstruction and place an emphasis on individual and component itself. The aim is to create uncertainty and oppose overall. Specially, it diffrentiates from traditional method and originates from individual rather than overall form or shape.



_Site | �罎 This project highlights the connection with future in 2050 and aims to create space where activities of people can happen together simoutaneously :office,business,entertaime nt,study.This idea pictures a blueprint of site location in 2050. Having transformed the obsolete railway into the suburban subway to relieve the pressure of urban communication. Meanwhile,creating artificial stream and strip of landscape along the railway,where people around could start their own activities.

_[cross section]

This picture shows the relationship between human and landscape in 2050. All kinds of meterials con elevation,including wood, water, stone, railway, lawn, marble.Activities can happen here and this landscape connected to ones in downtown and suburbs to create a green circle.


nstitute different e strip would be


_Process | 过程



The building line is back along with the boundry of the road around.Location lies next to college campus and residence district and a railway.

This area is extruded in accordance with the size of different functional area,including studio, exhibition,performance,office,l eisure and so on.


_Air Flow

Hollowing out the middle of this building in order to maintain the sight continuity between the railway and the green firlds.

The hollowed portion of this building allows air to run through the main building, which could reduce the interior temperature in the building.



The main exterance lies in the open space which lies next to the building and the secondary enterance lies next to the road which is the also the enterance of the campus

According to the the range of the shade of this buidling,we can adjust and then confirm the height of the main building




Having substraction in prototype on the basis of the orientation of the landscape and railway.The substracted portion could provide people with shade space.

In front of this building,there exists a large green field,which could straightly absorb the exhaust and release the o and where people could start activities



The terrace which is created by the hollowed portion provides a big outdoor area,where people could enjoy the sunlight.

The idea of the skin of this building comes from the railway-a line in order to be contrasted with the building around.

_Studio Circulation

_Exhibition Circulation

The secondary enterance of this building ,which is also the studio enterance , lies nexts to the road towards the campus.

The main enterance serves as the exhibition one and allows visitors to up to the second floor and enter the hall through the terrace.



_Level B1


_Level 1

_[physical space] We can call it macrocosm space, endless space. Not emptiness, because we see it to contain objects in a structered relationship and perhaps in the film expectation that there is something for us to find there.Space trav-el suggests that we are doing just that and so a spatial envelops is added to our territory from where we can see the earth as an object with a outer shield of links enveloping it. There is emptiness only when there is nothing to be seen or to find.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Exhibition hall Outdoor steps Office room Classroom Reception room Big corridor Studio Public Salon Computer Lab Multi-media Souvenir Children area Open space

_Ground Floor Plan | 首层平面

_Level 2

_Level 3


_Level 4


_Level B1 Floor Plan 1:1800

_Level 3 Floor Plan 1:1800


_Level 2 Floor Plan 1:1800

_Level 4 Floor Plan 1:1800



This project starts with section by dividing the building into seperately several parts, which are loosely structure of this building emphasizes two factors: bare framework and segmented functional-Box. F braced by these bare frameworks as if it is being put in the air.Discontinuous functional-boxs create connecting exterior with interior,as well as different places:theatre,exhibition hall,major steps,stage,offic


_Perspective Section| 剖透视

y connected.The Functional-Box is overhead space ce,salon.


_Tectonics| 构造


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Structure level Sloping layer Moisture barrier Insulation course Leveling blanket Waterproof Topping Ceiling Air vent Ventilation Shutter Interal glass External glass Surface W o o d fl o o r Joists Concrete Screed


_Open spac

_Public Lib


ce | 开放空间

_Interior rendering | 室内渲染

brary | 图书馆



Physical space - We can call it macrocosm space, endless space. Not emptiness, because we see it to conta structered relationship and perhaps in the film expectation that there is something for us to find there.Space that we are doing just that and so a spatial envelops is added to our territory from where we can see object with a outer shield of links enveloping it. There is emptiness only when there is nothing to be seen


ain objects in a e travel suggests the earth as an n or to find.




幽谷 城市 Commercial & Leisure

Commercial Complex

Canyon City City Commercial Complex Individual work Subject Focus : Mix-use Development Sep, 2011

As a mordern

mix-used commercial complex,

it should be a open environment composed by commmerce,landscape,culture and people rather than a close space with various activities involving commerce. This project would be a part of people’s daliy life. It exists not only for commercical area,but a leisure space, where people can enjoy the atmosphere made by buildings and environment and go shopping simutaneously. It’s a new life style for people in future.



_Terrain | ĺœ°ĺ˝˘

Expansion of city development starts from suburbs to downtown. There exists some problems like tra buildings.The width of road in the old downtown is too narrow to aloow for predestrain strret and green st with old downtown, the system of road constrcution in new zones is more suitable for citizens. Most of t multi-story and there barely exists open area and space. So, new development zones should be the cente entertainment.City expansion starts inevitably from downtown to suburbs, which would become the anot commercial center of city.


affic system and trips.Constracted the buildings are er for leisure and ther cultrual and


Education & Administration River Entertainment Green Field Residential Area Undeveloped



When you are walking on a predestrain malll, you should feel the scale of street, whic

spaces. While compared with this rule, this project aims to create a narrow and da

you are in a mountain valley,where you would never know the scene a in front of you different sight including buildings and landscape when walking. And commercial

not merely be regarded as business and entertainment center, but also be closed to na

_iteration a


_iteration b

ch is open living


street as if

u and would see complex should


_iteration c


_Transformation | 变形









_Rise up




_Elements | 元素


[tower] [skybridge]





[hardscape] [perdestrain]

hotel / 27% exhibition / 11%

_Function | 功能

recreation / 6% loft / 10%

soho / 11%

_Floor-space Index | 建筑面积指标


education / 10%


office / 9%

retail / 12%

leisure/ 4%

Site Area : Floor Area : Volume Ratio : Building Density : Greening Rate :

68000m2 183600m2 2.7 45.6% 39.4%

N Scale : 1:4000





_Colored glass



The feature of building skin in this project has a close link with organization of natrual lighting. Such ar

daylight ,are surrounded with trasnparent materials. Other areas including openning space are closed with s the bulding is organized and not random as what it apparently looks.


strong medium weak

_Light intensity

reas as residence and office ,which needs

shuuter and translucent glass. The order of



_Outdoor Ba


bridge| 空中连廊

_Detail rendering | 细部渲染

alcony | 室外露台



_[afterwords] A commercial building is a building that is used for commercial use. Types can include office buildings, warehouses, or retail (i.e. convenience stores, 'big box' stores, shopping malls, etc.). The bottom line for a commercial complex is to make profits. However, many mordern complex over-focus on how to make profits, rather than making complex a inhabitat for making life, for leisure, for having fun with the architecture.

_Axonometrical | 轴侧视角




形体 设计 Formation & Form

Parametric Design

Form-to-Formation High-rise Form Research Individual work Subject Focus : Form & Transformation Dec, 2011

Since 1936, when modernism began to thriving, mordern architecture have more focus on such words as standardized design, manufacturing process. Buildings become more likely to cater clients by effiency and reason while architecture itself began to decline. Until 1964 Career Expo, the architecture show differntiality rather than "concrete and steel box" and architecture itself were back to the right track. Now, architecture diversify into different track and parametric is one of popular research methodology.




_[Layout] This research project aims to see how a simple form can transform into different iterations. My intention is to divide a standard circle into even numbers of small ones, which can form a balance between each sub-division. Then I tried different composition of four small circles where four or three of them are tangent to each others and to see what can be shaped. Each sub-circle can represent a specific program and the volume can vary in different height to meet functional demands and to mix multiple programs.











_[Rotation] In most high-rise building, the floor plan are more likely to be the same layout : same boundry. While, what if making each floor vary. What if rotating them to make something different? If we rotate a balanced shape like a circle or square, there are no any difference. But if we rotate a nonbalanced shape like a ellipse, we can create "more space" from same floor area.








_Line | 线



_Volume | 体






_[Diversity] Rotation can lead to transformation, which makes architecture diversified. At the beginning of architecture study, we are tought to use 2D elements like point, line and surface to create 3D space, like volume. Different elements composition shape the space which in turn makes architecture interesting.








水螅 塔 Energy conservation & Habitation

Green Design

H y d r a To w e r High-rise Building Design Individual work Subject Focus : Ecological Building Sep, 2012

In a world where population is ever-incresing,the supply-demand relationship has been breoken. which would incur globalzational crisis of resources. It would inevitably results in some environmental problems due to the huge “metabolism” of skyscrapers. The waste water and carbon dioxide from high-density population bring formidable burden for city even the whole world. So, testing the idea that if environmental self-balance in small-scale district can be realized seems important in order to cut down the burden of city.




_[why eco?] The goal of this skyscraperis to create a ecological cycle system.People and plants lives there could be coexistent and harmonious.Plants provide people with oxygen and organics and the excrement from people could be exploited by those plants. Building outside hosts solar panel,which is able to absorb energy and the reservior could be used for drinable water for people and plants. This building can be a living mechine,which lead a different life mode and that is self-sufficient. We need more farms like this to meet demand of people in future.



_Site | �罎 This project is located at the west of Huangpu River of Shanghai and next to clubs and culture buildings. The east front of site is residence district. This is a various function area. The goal of design is to create a regional system which contains farm,office,business,dwellings and entertainment.


_Program | 功能 This mix-used development contains different programs for different use, dwelling,office,public use, commercial, vertical farm, retail as people’s activities. This skycraper can be a “kaleidoscope” where many things happen here.

_Retail _Solar energy

_Vertical Farm _Reservior


_Dwelling _Growing


machanical 6%

dewelling 24%

Grow area 37% office 14%

commercial 13% retail 6%


_Solar energy


_Section | 剖面 :1


_[bionis] The prototype of design is originated from “hydra�, which is the earliest enterozoa. One of the earliest format that starts from unicellular creature to multicellular one is enterozoa. Its metabolism system has milestone significance during the transition of organic revolution. It can be a great reference for such buildings like skyscrapers, which functions by multi-functional unit assembly. [mouth] - roof : collecting sloar energy and rainwater [tentacle] - skin : absorbing sunlight and air [composite wall] - core : transportation of resource [digestive cavity] - open space : exchange of air [metabolism cells] - growing area : foodstuff supply [flagella] - balcony : access to a high spot

_Reservior _Solar panel _Excrement





_Floor plan | 平面图




5 1


3 2

_Business floor plan | 1:1000

1 Core 2 Shops 3 Closed office 4 Open office 5 Rest area 6 Balcony 7 Growing area



_Office floor plan | 1:1000



1 6

3 7

_Growing floor plan | 1:1000


_Process | 过程






_Public space





模数 生长 City Public Space & Artist Village

Graduation Design

Growingofmodule Complex Design Individual work Subject Focus : Space Experience Jan, 2013

Street art is known as the work of different knids of artists who use public spaces for performance involving graffiti and other art style. These forms of art use elements or perform actions in busy public spaces to surprise the predestrain. Street art has a flashy subversive message of social and political inviting to reflection. Being an element that creatively represents the feelings and thoug-hts of society, street art should have public spaces in the city that allow its practice.




This is a Chinese super traditional drawing called Qingming River", which reflect the thriving life i

You can tell different activities from this drawing : people walking on the main street with the

seeking trade; The shop can be easily access to people; Park on the back of commercial street pro

a relax and leisure place to enjoy with their family; Each family have their own courtyard, their space". So, what I want to try is to restore this grand life and crate a mini community.


in Qing Dynasty.

eir purchase are

ovide rich people

r private "public



I dream creating the largest [loft] headquarters and make it all over the world, always be, alway

can be our life where all kinds of things about us are happening, whether it is work, study or life

things could interweave with each other. Life is kind of a kaleidoscope, a all-embracing box or a e

I hope I can make this a alternative urban culture, opening with each individual who want to exp

I hope someday in future, I could move to this art village with my friends and the one who I love. enjoy the every moment in every single day with art and life.

_[Collage of Beijing]


ys will! I hope art

e. I hope all the

exquisite artwork.

press themselves.

. I hope I could


_[Li-fang] Li-fang system is the basic unit of residence in acient China. As a pure concept of dwellings, it has two principles : 1— to seperate people who are in different level into different places; 2— to divide a big area into different function areas, like market, residential area and commercial district.

_[Beijing Axis ] The construction of axis in the old town of Beijing is a seldom seen miracle in the world city construction history.the axis has great value in humanity and history studies. To protect the style and features of the old town of Beijing is in the place to protect this axis. the creation of the city development in Beijing is closely connected with the tradition axis. It can understand much beeter the greatness and profundity of the nation’s construction culture by studying the artistic layout and consruction aesthetic of the axis, and then we could gain new inspiration for the city planni-ng in future.


Beijing is a famous historical city due to its building layout that represents unique and typical oriental characteristics: most of constructions adopt axis symmetric structure. This is a strictly spatial sequence that buildings are orderly arranged along with the axis. The location of some important buildings like The Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square is just right on the axis. Master of building Liang sicheng has decribed: “ a line run throughs the whole city that it is 8km and is the longest and greatest south-north axis.” This project is located beside the axis of Beijing and nexts to Yong dingmen. This endows it with the context in three following aspects due to its special geographic location:


(1) Its characteristics,included name,position,space and landscape should be on the basis of the traditional formation of courtyard and symmetric strcture. this strategy retained the essence of traditional culture.Meanwhile, this encourages to create new forms and style of space. (2) Under the understanding of spirits of city planning of Beijing, the space that be created should be opened introversion. this concept inherits the urban fabric and street facade. (3) We should inherits and develop the traditional Chinese landscape space program by re-designing the secondary


fromation of courtyard.


_Scale | 尺度

_[ plaza ]

_[ shops ]

_[ predestrain mall ]

_[ garden ]

_[ residence ]


_D / K < 1 : When the porpotion of the width to height of road is less than 1, people would feel agitated. And the view Behavior would be limited. But if both sides are vegetation and next to a wider road, this is a transition space. People would feel pleased.

_D / K > 1 : n some places, width of street has to be narrow due to limited land. And this become a symbol of big citie _D / K = 1 : When width of road is equal to height, sight of people would become free and sense of boundary is inte socializing.

_D / K 》 1 : Somerset Avenue,the proportion of width to height of road is larger than 1, sense of boundary would be les among people would not be interfered. Some streets has very tremendous scale due to its special function. Such political events as sacrifice or parade.


courtyard ]

_D / K < 1

_D / K > 1

_D / K = 1

_D / K 》 1

w would be blocked.

es. nse. It is suitable for

ssened and behavior



The concept of this project is originated from the limitation of site location. And then I define it as p most representative factors in traditional Chinese architecture—— ”square” and then use superp “big building box”. Superposition, which is considered as the simplest technique, makes artwork mor and interesting. It places an emphasis on simplicity, rhythm, variation and dynamic. With constant building would show different view, which represents a unfettered spirit. It can arises sympathy with em of people by buildings themselves.


prototype that is the position and create a re visually appealing t change of sight, the motion and thoughts


_Model | 模型



_[Module] Functions of use in this project contains exhibition, studio,office, performance, plaza and openning space. And then according to the requirment of human body dimension, we could compulate the least using area that meets the basic demand of one person, including work,living,entertainment and so on. That is the basic factors in my design work——a cube of 9m*9m*9m.





_Ground floor plan | 1:1000



_A-A section | 1:600



_B-B section | 1:600


_[Art Space]

Art is hard in Beijing to inherit because we lack of a “city space”—— an all-embracing box that is fu stories. And most things happen here anytime,anywhere,everyday: in a huge shadow,artists are showin stage. A long gallery with famous artworks is filled with people; “unoccupied people” are walking a b walunt, chit-chat......


ull of all kinds of ng in a openning bird,playing with


_[Collage of Nagasaki]





Afterword | 2 Years

2 Years /

In retrospect, this last 2 years as a student in UIUC can be the best time during my life. "Best", I gained more than I can imagine since the first here, I tried to seize everyday studying here and cherish every words professors said to me. I love this two years and I will keep it in mind at rest of my life. "Best", compared to what I gained, I appreciated what this two years endow with me. I learned how to deal with silence. I know how touched when I saw the first sunlight through the window because I know I am still alive. I know why I am here and what I should stick to. I appreciate this two years tought me how to be independent, be tolerant, be patient, be critical thinking, be professional...... Anyway, I love this two years.



后 话 Afterword

_[ 2 Years ] [ 时间 ]:2016 年 3 月 24 日,[ 地点 ]: Lincoln Avenue, Urbana. 在 UIUC 上学的两年,并不是学 到了陌生的东西,更多地是懂得了如何与孤独“沉默 “, 这个早已被人滥用到极致的词语。如果说”穷“是 大多数留学生的 label, 那么”silence" 姑且算是那个 invisible 的 signature. 沉默,沉默是因为没有交集,与本就“nonmainstream”的意识形态不相为谋。却往往想起以前的 "2B" 时候最纯粹的快乐。 夜晚往往会比白天更加的敏 感,醒来时才牟然发觉竟是梦里的欢愉。有时候最怕清 晨透过玻璃的阳光,因为竟照不到前进的方向。无助, 最可怕的无助。 2 年的光景或许改变了一些人,一些事儿,却也可以 塑造一种态度 "silence", 以此祭奠过去,再无天真。

张少鹏,于香槟,2016 年 3 月




First, I want thank my parents, who give me life and foster to live in this world. I appreciate all the most slefless support that they gave me, which raise me up in my "life down". I appreicate their invaluable assistance, which support and survive my roughest two years. Then, I want to thank my wife, who accompanied me in my "worst time" with pleasure and sincere love. I appreicate her tolerance and understanding, which sustains me through the pain and the hopelessness. Moreover, I want to thank my best friends. It is only you who say the most genuine words to me, whether it sounds good or bad. Finally, I want to thank my acquaintance, whether it is adversary or friend, it is you who taught me grow up and endue me with the powerful mind.



_[ 致


首先,我要谢谢我的父母,是他们把我带到了这个世上 并养育了现在的我。 我要感激他们在我最需要帮助的时 候给予我的最无私的支持与鼓励,让我找到前行的方向, 教我如何成长。我感激他们对我毫无保留的鼓励,支撑 着我渡过了我人生迄今最难的两年。其次,我要感谢我 的妻子,她在我人生一无所有的阶段给予了我最真挚的 感情,让我体会到最温暖的爱。我要感激她的宽容与理解, 伴我挺过了那些悲伤与绝望的日子。然后,我想谢谢我 最好的朋友们,只有你们才会对我说最真诚并毫无掩饰 的话,无论中听与否,都是对我最诚恳的忠告。最后我 想要谢谢那些我人生中碰到的人,无论你们是敌人还是 朋友,是你们教会了我如何变得更好,并给予了我强大 的意志力继续生存下去。






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