2 minute read
by a.guinan
On Wednesday the 08th of February, 4th years took the DATS or Differential Aptitude Tests. DATS are tests usually taken by Transition Year students. They are used to help them make their subject choices for Senior Cycle and to guide them towards possible career paths. There were many different sections and I have added in one of each type of question below.
• Verbal Reasoning
The first test we took was a test on Verbal Reasoning. This test measures the ability of a student to see relationships among words. The test took about 20 minutes. Students with well-developed Verbal Reasoning skills are usually suited and perform well in subjects like English, Irish and History, where a lot of reading is involved.
• Numerical Ability
The second test we took was Numerical Ability. This test measured our math's skills. This test is important for success in courses such as Math's, Physics, Accounting and Chemistry and is useful for careers like banking, carpentry, and electricians. This was another of the longer tests and took 25 minutes.
• Spelling
The last test we took before our lunch break was another English based test, a spelling test. This test measures how well a student can spell common English words. The test was presented in a format of three correctly spelled words and one misspelled word where the student must pick the word spelled incorrectly. The ability to spell is a basic skill necessary in everyday life.
• Space Relations
Next, we took a spatial ability test. This test measured our ability to visualize, to think in three dimensions or to picture mentally the size, shape and position of objects when shown only two-dimensional pictures of patterns. Spatial ability tests are often used as part of the recruitment process of engineers, architects, mechanics, graphic designers and more.
• Mechanical Reasoning
After that, we took the mechanical reasoning test. What this measured, was our ability to understand the basic mechanical principles of machinery, tools, motion, and the laws of everyday physics. Students who performed well in this section will often do well in the following jobs: electricians, mechanics, aircraft engineers, maintenance workers, machinery engineers and much more.
• Abstract Reasoning
The next test we completed was one that worked with patterns and sequences in a way that tested our ability to see the relationship among objects or design. Students who done well in this section may enjoy subjects like art, applied math's and chemistry. They may also do well in careers like architecture, construction and design.
• Language Usage
The last English based test we took was on Language Usage. This test measured our ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation and capitalization. The test consisted of sentences divided into four parts where the student must decide if there is an error and if so, which of the four sections the error occurs. Well-developed language skills are required in most jobs. Careers in writing, law and teaching require a high level of ability in this area.
• Perceptual Speed and Accuracy
The Perceptual Speed and Accuracy test was the last to be completed. It measured speed and accuracy in perceiving and marking simple letter and number combinations in a very limited amount of time. This skill is very useful when managing time in exams and is applicable to all subjects. Students who performed well on this test could do well in carers like coding, analysis of data and quality control.
The D.A.T.s will help individuals to
1) understand why they do well or poorly in certain subjects.
2) It can suggest new career options not previously considered and
3), it can change or raise educational and career aspirations.
The D.A.T.s was a great opportunity for all Transition Year students and will be of great help to individuals when choosing their subjects for senior cycle.
By Aimee Foley