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Οριενταλισμός / Orientalism
Lot. 8908 Starting Price: 50 € ΠΟΥΛΙΔΗΣ Πέτρος, 1952. Δελτίο ταυτότητας του σημαντικού έλληνα φωτορεπόρτερ, από την Ένωση Φωτορεπόρτερ Αθηνών. Διαστ. 13 x 8.5εκ. Lot. 8909 Starting Price: 50 € ΜΠΟΥΚΑΣ Γ. / GEO BOUCAS, καλλιτεχνικό/ θεατρικό πορτρέτο της ΚΑΤΙΝΑΣ ΠΑΞΙΝΟΥ 10x14,5cm, τυπωμένη σε χαρτόνι 13,5x18cm, π.1925. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Lot. 8910 Starting Price: 50 € Μαρία ΚΑΛΛΑΣ – Maria CALLAS. Maria Callas wearing a costume by painter Salvatore Fiume for Luigi Cherubini’s “Medea”. Teatro alla Scala, 1953. O cial unsigned la Scala photo of Callas with cachet “Ente Autonomo / Teatro Alla Scala” on verso.


Lot. 8911 Starting Price: 500 € Lehnert & Landrock, photographic portrait of Tunisian boy, c.1920. With cachet on verso “Copyright by Lehnert & Landrock, Cairo, P.O.B. 1013”. Dim. 30.5 x 40.5 cm. Lehnert & Landrock were German-Bohemian photographers, famous mostly for their romantic and eroticized images from the Arab world. eir work is considered pioneering and enriches photographic collections of museums throughout the world. Creased corners and light edge-wear.

Lot. 8912 Starting Price: 80 € Orientalism, c. 1880. Albumen photograph 22x28cm, portrait of a woman in traditional out t with a hookah. In excellent condition. Lot. 8913 Starting Price: 70 € Orientalism, c. 1880. Albumen photograph 22x28cm, portrait of a woman in traditional out t. Numbered on bottom right, in excellent condition.

Lot. 8914 Starting Price: 70 € Orientalism, woman on the couch, holding a fan, next to the narguileh table, c.1890. Albumen photo 27x21cm. Very good condition. Lot. 8915 Starting Price: 25 € Lady of the Turkish Harem, smoking a narguileh and reclining on an armchair, circa 1870. Albumen photo, dim.: 13,5x10cm.

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com