6 minute read
Βυζάντιο / Byzantine History
Lot. 8106 Starting Price: 500 € LE BEAU Charles, “HISTOIRE DU BAS-EMPIRE, en commencant a Constantin le Grand / 15 vols”, Paris: Desaint & Saillant, 17571768. FIRST EDITION, 15 out 27 volumes, in 12mo, p. Vol. I: 627; Vol. II: 555; Vol. III: 440; Vol. IV: 474; Vol. V: 509; Vol. VI: 559; Vol. VII: 511; Vol. VIII: 584; Vol. IX: 514; Vol. X: 536; Vol. XI: 522; Vol. XIII: 501; Vol. XIV: 512; Vol. XVII: 602; Vol. XVIII: 480. Finely bound copy of Le Beau’s history of the Byzantine empire, with distinguished provenance. e author was professor of Latin eloquence at the Collège de France and perpetual secretary of the Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. His work reissued several times and it was esteemed because of the faithful resume it provided of the major Byzantine historians. Full leather with raised bands, gilt trim, burgundy spine labels (titles and numbers), oral decoration in gilt. Red text block edges, marbled endpapers. Corners slightly bumped, a few spine ends chipped. Occasional light spotting and toning. Good copy overall.
Lot. 8107 Starting Price: 250 € ΚΑΤΑΚΟΥΖΗΝΟΣΙωάννης, SCHOPEN Ludwig (ed.), “Ioannis Cantacuzeni Eximperatoris Historiarum Libri IV”, Volume I & II, 1828, 1831, including the books I, II & III of the history written by the Byzantine Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos / Ιωάννης Κατακουζηνός. From the famous series of “Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae”, the monumental series of primary sources for the study of Byzantine history, published in Bonn between 1828 and 1897. e project, conceived by the historian Barthold Georg Niebuhr and rst based at the University of Bonn. e two volumes are edited by Ludwig Schopen (1799-1867), German Byzantinist that worked closely with Bonn professor Barthold Georg Niebuhr. e Byzantine emperor John VI Kantakouzenos wrote his “History” a er his retirement to a monastery, o ering a remarkable account of the incidents of the years 1320-1356. 8vo, pp. xxxvi, 560 + viii, 615. Original text in Greek and translation with comments in Latin. Contemporary leather spines with decorations in gilt. Rubbed externally, spotting inside. Rare. Lot. 8108 Starting Price: 300 € ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑΣ Νικηφόρος, SCHOPEN Ludwig (ed.), “Nicephori Gregorae byzantina historia : Graece et latine cum annotationibus Hier. Wol i, Car. Ducangii, Io. Boivini et Cl. Capperonnerii”, Volume I & II, 1829, 1830. COMPLETE the history of Nicephorus Gregoras, from the famous series of “Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae”, the monumental series of primary sources for the study of Byzantine history, published in Bonn between 1828 and 1897. e project, conceived by the historian Barthold Georg Niebuhr and rst based at the University of Bonn. e two volumes are edited by Ludwig Schopen (1799-1867), German Byzantinist that worked closely with Bonn professor Barthold Georg Niebuhr. e astronomer and historian, Nicephorus Gregoras, became the archivist of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos and was involved in the fruitless negotiations of 1333 to unite the Greek and Latin Churches. His history begins with the capture of Constantinople by the Franks in 1204 and goes through the 14th century, with the events following the death of Andronikos III, ending in 1351, during the troubled reign of John VI Cantacuzene. 8vo, pp. c, 568 + 569-1385. Original text in Greek and translation with comments in Latin. Contemporary leather spines with decorations in gilt. Rubbed externally, spotting inside. Rare.

Lot. 8109 Starting Price: 1800 € TEXIER Charles, PULLAN Popplewell, “ L’Architecture byzantine, ou recueil de monuments des premiers temps du christianisme en orient précédé de recherches historiques et archéologiques “, Day & ls, London 1864. First edition in French, the edition in English was printed the same year in London. Large Folio (30 x 44cm), pp. x, 250. Chromolithographed title page and 70 tinted lithographed or chromolithographed plates (2 double-paged), original gilt-stamped brown cloth, later leather spine, edges gilt. is monumental work of Texier & Pullan re ects a thorough research in Byzantine architecture conducted by the two exceptional researchers. Most of the plates are a er drawings of Texier, with Pullan editing the work of Texier, at his request, incorporating also his own work and accounts. is work is actually the result of the two scientists researches and journeys in various periods as Texier explored Asia Minor between 1833 and 1837, while Pullan surveyed the area on behalf of the Society of Dilettanti between 1857 to 1862. is study still acts as a main reference for most relating studies, o ering comprehensive descriptions & unique depictions of Byzantine monuments. Internal part of spine detached, external rubbing and bumped corners, last sheet (pp.249-250) detached, light spotting / dampstaining. Atabey 1213, Blackmer 1647 (for the English edition).
Lot. 8110 Starting Price: 50 € IORGA Nicolae, “Notes et extraits pour servir à l’histoire des croisades au XVe siècle”, 1915, 1916. ree (3) Volumes: Quatrieme Serie (1453-1476), Cinquieme Serie (1476-1500), Sixieme Serie (1501-1547). Original paper binding,lightly soiled and worn along edges. Complete the three volumes.
Lot. 8111 Starting Price: 80 € DIEHL Charles, «Manuel d’Art Byzantin», Paris, A. Picard , 1925-1926. 2nd edition. COMPLETE in two (2) volumes. 8vo, pp. xv, [1], 946 with a total of 448 illustrations. Half cloth binding with corners. Very Fine set.
Lot. 8112 Starting Price: 80 € MURATOFF Paul, “LA PEINTURE BYZANTINE / avec 256 reproductions hors texte / Traduction de Jean Chuzeville”, Les éditions G. Crès & Cie, Paris, 1928. Σε 4ο, σελ. 174 [2] + CCLVI, [2]. Ιδιωτική βιβλιοδεσία (απομίμηση δέρματος). Έχουν διατηρηθεί τα αρχικά εξώφυλλα. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση.
Lot. 8113 Starting Price: 40 € ΚΥΡΟΥ Αχιλεύς, «Οι Έλληνες της Αναγεννήσεως και ο Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος» / Οι Έλληνες διανοούμενοι εις την Ιταλίαν από της εποχής του Πετράρχου μέχρι της εποχής του Γκρέκο / Η τέχνη της Αναγεννήσεως και η Βυζαντινή τέχνη / Καταγωγή, γέννησις και πρώτη νεότης του Γκρέκο / Το πνευματικόν περιβάλλον του εις την Κρήτην, την Ιταλίαν, την Ισπανίαν / Ο Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος και η Κρητική Βυζαντινή Σχολή, Εκδόσεις “Δ. Δημητράκος”, Αθήναι, 1938. Σε 8ο, σελ. 467, [5], 32 σ. με πίνακες στό τέλος, [4]. Πανί με δέρμα στη ράχη και χρυσότυπο τίτλο. Πολύ καλό αντίτυπο.

Lot. 8114 Starting Price: 120 € DEMANGEL R., “Contribution A La Topographie L’HEBDOMON / Recherches Francaises en Turkuie”, ed. De Boccard, Paris, 1945. Folio, p. 54+[8]+VIII Plates. A very rare study on the ancient settlement of Hebdomon (Makriköy) - Bakırköy and its surrounding settlements. e Hebdomon (Ἕβδομον, “seventh”) was a coastal suburb of Constantinople which played an important ceremonial role, since many Roman and Byzantine emperors were proclaimed or began their triumphal processions there (Arcadius, eodosius II, Nikephoros Phocas et.al.). Richly illustrated (inside text) and 16 plans at the end. Original bounding, clothed spine, hardcover, clean and tight inside, slight wear. Rare and Good Copy.
Lot. 8115 Starting Price: 70 € ΚΥΡΟΥ Αχιλλεύς, «Βησσαρίων ο Έλλην», ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ, “Αετός”, Αθήνα, 1947. Σε 8ο, δύο Τόμοι (Α και Β), σελ. 239, [5] + 272, [4]. Με εικόνες εκτός κειμένου, αρχικά γράμματα σχεδιασμένα από τον Γιάννη Μόραλη. Αρχικά εξώφυλλα με το περικάλυμμα. Άκοπα αντίτυπα, σε πολύ καλή κατάσταση.